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What would

you give? Is it
a C or a D?
Prepared by:
Bakil . Jubail . Sahiol . Wee
Case Scenario
You have a student who is from a single-parent family.
The student must work to attend college. However, the
job is interfering with the student’s performance and
several assignments have not been turned in. You have
determined that a “D” is all the student can make when a
counselor informs you that the student needs a “C” to
qualify for an academic scholarship. What do you do?
What is the issue all about?
The moral dilemma is whether to give a grade of
“D” based on the student’s actual academic
to give a grade of “C” considering that the
student is experiencing difficulty in
accomplishing school works as he or she works
just to afford college education and is in need
of a scholarship.
What are the relevant facts?
The student is from a single-parent
To attend college, the student must work.
However, the student’s performance is being
affected by his work. In consequence, he was only
given a grade of “D.”
However, the student needs a grade of “C”
to be eligible for an academic
Who is/are involved in the

c e nt ER
n e


What are the options?
I will tweak my student’s grade so that he
earns a “C.”

JUStice as fairness
I will give my student his actual grade,
which is “D.”
The act of tweaking a grade is against The counselor will not be put on the line of being
the school policy, thus, it is clear that reprimanded by the upper levels in such a way that
I should give my students the grades its co-teachers may be subjected to favoritism and
they deserve regardless of their unfair treatment because they change their students'
socioeconomic status. grades even when it is against school policy

Apply Justice as Fairness

and give my student his
actual grade, which is “D."
The student will understand that even if his It will allow me to make decisions
situation is difficult and he desperately needs a objectively. I will be able to perform the
grade of "C" to earn a scholarship and continue basics of my profession while also doing
his studies, the teacher must still follow school what is right as a teacher. Thus, I will be
policy at the end of the day and he may still be able to observe situations in hindsight
able to regain his scholarship if he focuses more and avoid committing violations in the
and works harder the next time. future.
Thank you for
Bakil . Jubail . sahiol . wee

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