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I've just finished it

Present perfect simple (1); just, already, yet

Mr and Mrs Bell are out. Jenny and Nick
are cooking dinner to surprise them. Grammar lesson
JENNY I've washed the lettuce and I've Present perfect simple (1)
chopped the tomatoes . I can make
the salad now. have or has + past participle
NICK No you can 't. You haven 't sliced the I have OR I've
cucumber yet. you have OR you 've
JE NNY Oh yes, I have. Look! I've already he has OR he's
done it. And what have you done? she has OR she's
Have you finished the washing-up yet? finished
it has OR it's
NICK Yes, I've just finished it. we have OR we 've
you have OR you 've
they have OR they've
I have not OR haven't
you have not OR haven 't
he has not OR hasn't
she has not OR hasn 't
it has not OR hasn 't
we have not OR haven't
you have not OR haven't
they have not OR haven't
Questions and short answers
Have you finished? No, I haven't.
Has he finished? Yes, he has.
The past participle for regular verbs is the
same as the past simple.
Base form Past simple Present perfect
wash washed have OR has
finish finished have OR has
The past participle for irregular verbs is
often different.
do did have OR has done
And I've just finished be was have OR has be~n
the chocolate pudding.
Look at page 111 for a list of some
irregular verbs and their past participles.
We use the present perfect simple for a
completed action which has an effect or
result in the present.
I've sliced the cucumber. - Look! Here it is.

Chapter 12
" st, already, yet
o Irregular verbs
Here are ten simple past forms and ten past
_- e j ust for a very recent action (a few particip les of irregular verbs. Which is which?
~~ onds/minutes ago).
Make two lists.
- 'g has just finished the chocolate pudding.
ate ,/ seen saw drank
_se already in positive sentences.
given wrote took forgotten
8 already done it.
written went drove gave
_se yet in negative sentences and in did eaten ,/ taken drunk
: ... est ions. It goes at the end of the sentence. done driven forgot gone
- haven't sliced the cucumber yet. Have
: finished the washing-up yet? past simple past participle

~ ..~t~ ........ ....... ~ ..~~~~r! .. ......... .

Words to learn
:;l uce salad slice pudding
:3 nta n comb set (the table)

\ at's happened?
~=ch and say the sentences.
Trig's taken my pencils. I can'tjind them.
Tr ig's taken my penci ls. He can 't go out.
_ I've bought you a hat. He's got a suntan.
- To m's been on holiday. I can ' t get into the house.
~ I haven't eaten anything today. She 's very happ y
ick hasn't done h is homework yet. It looks untid y
- Jenny's cut her finger. I've got a temperature.
- You haven' t combed your hair. I'm very hungry.
- : 've caught a cold. It 's bleeding .
- .-\ manda's passed her exam. Try it on.
- He hasn't washed his hands. I can 't find them .
- I've lost my key. They ' re dirty.

Chapter 12
e What have they just done?
Write eight sentences. Use the present perfect
of the verbs and just.
break wash co mb cut eat
finish'/ have make write

4 She ••• •• •• • ••• •• •••• • • •• •••• 0 .0 • •• 0 ••••••• ••••••• • • ,

~ He . h~? ..ll:l?~ .. fi.t:l!?he?4 . ,the? . ~hC?~9!~~e? .. 5 He •• •• ••••••••••••• • 0 • • • • • • ••• • • ••• • •••• •• • •• • •• • • 0 •

.p.1:l.4~! n.g: ...................................... ... . • ••••••• ••• • " \ ' " , ' ••• • e • • e • •• • ••••••• • •••••• 0 • ••••• ••••

0' ,
'----""' .

1 He .... . .... .. . . . . .. ....... . .. . ... . . ... . ..... ... .. .. . 6 He •••••••••• • ••• • •• ••• • •• •• • ••••••• 0 ••••• 0.0.0 •• • 0 ••

2 She ..................... . .... . . .. ..... .... . .. ...... . 7 She . ....... . ... . ...... . .... . . . ... . ........ . .. ...... .

3 They ... . .. . ..... . . ... ..... ... . ... . .. . ........... . . . 8 He ... ... .. . ..... . ............ . ... ... ... ... ..... . ....

Chapter 12
::-ta t have they already done? What haven't c> Jenny . h~~...~Jr~~~~ ~I.i~~.q .. ~b~ ............ .
-2Y done yet? Write ten sentences.
.~~c;.~m~~r ~ ... .. .... ....... ....... ...... ... .... ...
=-:l ny's jobs c> ..~~nr1~ .. h~~~.':t. ..~C?p~~~ . ..f!~h ...... ...
. ~~:t. . .... ..... .. .... .... ..... .... .... .. ........ .. ....

the- wwmbe-r ./
I 1 .... ......... ... ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. . ... ..... ... ... .
cook the- fi~h X 2 .... ... . ... .... ..... ...... .. .. ......... . ... .. .. .... ... .
wa~h the- Ie-ttuce- ./_ 3 ........ ..... ... .. .... ...... . .. . .. .. ... .. . .. .... ... ... .
chop the- tomatoe-~ ./
4 .... ..... ....... .. .... ... .. .. ... .... ... .... ..... ... .. . .
make- the- ~alad X .
make- the- chocolate- puddin...9.. '/
- .- - 5 Nick . . ..... .. . . . . . ..... . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .
6 ...... .. .... ....... ... ...... .... .. .. .. ... . .. ... ... ... . .
:::k's jobs
7 .... .. .. ... .... ....... . .. ...... . ..... . ... . ...... . .... . .
do t:he washin9-Lip ./ 9 ....... . ... ..... . ................. . ............ .. .. .. . .
I dr)l t:he dishes X 10 ... ..... ... ..... . ...... . .......... . .... .. .... .. .. . .... .
t:igy t:he kit:chen X
et: t:he t:able X
It:ake Chip -For a walk X
le NPV t:he rLibbish bin ./

-J day e Word square

-.::·e you done these things today? Answer with Find the past participles. Be careful! Some
- :eady or yet. words are past simple forms of irregular ve rbs.

Have you had breakfast? D R A N K X D Y Glo N E

Yes, I've already had breakfast.
Have you had lunch?
\/0, 1 haven't had lunch yet. G I V E N L U Z W E N T
B Y D S D Y N D 0 N E 0
• Have you made your bed?
- Have you had a bath? R J R E R P K N E W L 0
- Have you done your homework? 0 G A E E X G R 0 W N K
- Have you brushed your teeth?
K M W N W T A K E N Q p
= Have you had dinner?
- :.-1 ave you seen your best friend? E H N D R 0 V E Z W A S
- :-I ave you cleaned your shoes? N W R I T T E N W E R E
- :- -f ave you phoned your friends?
- :-I ave you had a drink of water? How many past participles have you found?
- :-I ave you combed your hair?

Chapter 12
Have you been to China?
Present perfect simple (2); would ~lik~e=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _I

MR SLAKE Today we 're going to talk

about China. Has anyone
been to China?
TOM I've never been to China,
but I'd like to go there.
NICK I've never been to China,
but I've walked through
Chinatown. I've eaten
Chinese food at the
'China Palace' restaurant
lots of times! Have you
ever been there, Mr Blake?

Grammar lesson Words to learn

Present perfect simple (2) snake snail coconut
We use the present perfect simple for a ghost helicopter spider
finished action when we don't know the
time of the action, or when the time of the
action isn't important.
She's been to China.
o Have you ever ... ?
With a partner, ask and answer these
I've often eaten Chinese food.
(We don't know when. The fact is questions. Give short answers.
important, not the time.) ~ YOU Have you ever driven a tractor?
We often use ever and never with the PARTNER Yes, I have. OR No, I haven 't.
present perfect simple to ask or talk about 1 Have you ever seen a snake?
past events and situations.
2 Have you ever eaten snails?
Have you ever been to China?
3 Have you ever drunk coconut milk?
Nick has never been to China.
4 Have you ever seen a ghost?
would like 5 Have you ever forgotten a friend's
would like means 'want', but it is more birthday?
polite. We usually use the short forms: 6 Have you ever swum in a lake?
I'd/you'd/he'd/she'd/we'd/they'd like; 7 Have you ever had a bad dream?
I wouldn't like, etc. 8 Have you ever ridden a camel?
I'd like to go there. 9 Have you ever gone to bed after midnight?
Would you like milk in your tea? 10 Have you ever caught a fish?
I wouldn't like milk but I'd like lemon. 11 Have you ever seen a Disney film?
When a verb follows would like, use 12 Have you ever read an English comic?
to + base form.
I'd like to go to Egypt.
Would you like to see the Pyramids?

Chapter 13
tries and places

Anna and Maria Tom and Jack

~-- Oimitris

The Eiffel Tower The Taj Mahal


The Great Wall of China The Pyramids Th e Statue of Libe rty

- :::.: he pictures. Who has been w here? Write se ntences like thi s:

- - gela . .h~~
.. p'~~t}.. J~ .. ~S~p.~~ ........ .............. ....... .. ........... ... ..... .
-:~ an d Jack . .h~Y~ .. p.~.~t:1. ..t.P ..Am~r:-J~~.· ........ ............ ............... ... .
_ - -;la and Maria .... . . . ...... . .. .......... . ... . ..................... . . ............... . .
~?.X . .. .. ....... . ..... . ........ .. ....... . .......................... . ....... . ...... . .. . ... .

_ -=-:::.:;m a and Layla ... . .... . .... ............ . . . .... . ...... .. ........ . ................... .
- --:l1 ed . . ........ ....... . . . .......... . .. . .... . ........ ................. . .. ...... . ... . .. . .
= =.. i[ri s ......... , ........... . . . ... . ....... . ........ ... .. . . . . . ....................... . .. .

- -a. see n what? Make sentences like this:

.!. '-'Je la has seen the Pyramids.

-- -. :[h a partner. Ask and answer fi ve questions like this:

Has Angela been to Egypt?

=_T ER Yes, she has.
Has Max seen the Pyramids?
=-=- 'ER No, he hasn't.

Chapter 13
e Before and after

Nick's room yesterday Nick's room today

Nick has tidied his room. What has he done?
Write about: ~ his books
1 his trousers 6 the drawers
2 the bin 7 his desk
3 his bed 8 his shoes
4 his coat 9 the plant
5 his school bag 10 his guitar
Use some of these verbs more than once:
close empty hang make put tidy water
~ .Ht!!.. .b~~ .. p~l ..hl!? ..~PC?k? . pr) .. ~b~ ..?h~!f·.. .... .... .... ..... .... ........... .
1 . ... ... ....... .... .. .. .... .. .. . ....... ... . .. .. .... .... . ... . .... .... .. .. . ... .. ... . .. ... .. .. . .
2 .. .. . .. .... .. ... .... . .. .. . ... .. .... ... ..... . .. ...... . . ... .. . .. ... .... .. . .. . . .. .. .. .... .. .. . .
4 .. . ... ...... ... ... ... .. .. ............. .... ... .. ..... . ..... .. . ... ..... .. ... .... .. . .... .. .... .
5 .. ...... ........ ... .. .. ..... ... ..... ..... ......... ... .... ........ ....... ... ... ..... ........ .
6 ....... .. ......... ... ..... .... ....... ....... . .. ... . .... . .. .... ... .. . .... .. ... . .......... . .. .
7 .. .. .. . . .... .. .. .... ... . ... . .. .. ... .. . . .. .. .. .. ............... . .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .. ... . .. ..... .
8 ...... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... ... . ........ .. ... ...... .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... . .. .
9 .. .... .... .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... ... . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ....... .... . .. .. ... ... .. ... . .. .. ... ... . .
10 .. .. ... .. . .. ....... ... .. .. ... .. ..... . .. . ... .. .. ... .. ...... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... . .. .. ... .. .

Chapter 13
, e never .. .
- ',:hich of these things you've never done,
=- " 'hich you 've done once, twice or a lot of
- ::s,
j een late for school
,"ve never been late for school.
seen a spaceship
," ve seen a spaceship lots of times,

- :net a film star 6 ridden a camel 11 climbed a mountain

- seen a snake 7 played football 12 been to Australia
-- eaten with chopsticks 8 broken an arm or a leg 13 fall en off a bicycle
- 'l own in a helicopter 9 walked ten kilometres 14 used a calculator
von a lot of money 10 used a computer 15 been fis h ing

, at would you like to do? e What would you like?

; =-~ j the list and w rite down five things that Say which of these things you would or
_ vould li ke to do , Then try to guess what wouldn't like.
_: partner wrote. Sco re one point for a 'Yes '.
-: - ~ i n ue unti l the answer is ' No '. The first
c:> a piece of chocolate cake
I'd like a piece of chocolate cake.
::- -so n with five points is the winner.
c:> more homework
ou Would you like to ride an elephant? 1 wouldn't like more homework .
PARTNER Yes, I would. (One pOint.)
1 a pet spider
ou Would you like to see a ghost?
2 a motorbike
PARTNER No, I wouldn 't.
3 a new computer
(No point, so now it's your partner 's turn .)
4 a co ld
PARTNER Wou ld you like to ... ?
5 a ticket to the North Pole
=:: an elepha nt 6 an onion sandwich
: :' a ghost 7 a dancing lesson
~o the moon 8 a mobile phone
- ::- '= [ a pop star 9 a horse
-::- ::m te levision 10 a cold drink
-,: a book
-~':el ro und the world
:,.::.:n judo or karate
- :::. e a n Engli sh penfriend
::-'::'::1 Chinese
-;::2 a pet mo nkey
;::: : 0 Disney World
: ::-<. in a circus
:::::- an astronaut
.::. - '= [WO months off sch ool

Chapter 13

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