G10 Nat English

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Choose the correct meaning of the italicized word in each sentence below.

1. The ardent gaze he gives to his girlfriend speaks of the intensity of his love.
A. passionate C. scornful
B. pensive D. searching
2. Earl’s friends deride his being head-over-heels in love with Rose.
A. envy C. praise
B. mourn D. ridicule
3. The church authorities declared the apparition of the Virgin Mary in Bacolod a hoax.
A. abuse C. imposture
B. credible D. true
4. The panel door is mortised to its jamb.
A. attached loosely C. joined closely
B. fastened securely D. nailed firmly
5. Angeline seemed to have a premonition of the fatal accident because she did not join the
group outing.
A. forewarning C. knowledge
B. general idea D. sorcery

(for nos. 6-10)

Choose the word most opposite in meaning from the four suggested answers.
6. artificial
A. fake C. red
B. natural D. truthful
7. enormous
A. average C. tiny
B. soft D. weak
8. gregarious
A. antisocial C. horrendous
B. friendly D. similar
9. quiescent
A. active C. sluggish
B. dormant D. weak
10. relinquish
A. abdicate C. possess
B. dry D. renounce
(for nos. 11-25)
Read the following selections then answer the questions that follow.

To the wedding of the King Peleus, ruler of Myrmidons, and Thetis, most famous of
the Nereids, all the gods and goddesses of Olympus were invited expect Eris, the goddesses of
discord. Eris was angry that she was slighted. She plotted revenge.
In the midst of the feast, Eris suddenly appeared and threw a golden apple among
the merry makers.
“For the fairest!” she shouted. Among those at the table were Hera, wife of Zeus
and queen of Olympus, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and Athena, goddess of wisdom. The three
goddesses rushed toward the golden apple, each thinking she was the fairest.
Commotion ensued as the three goddesses tried to grab the apple. They
quarrelled before the other guests, who started to disperse. The wedding party broke up sadly.
The three goddesses asked King Zeus, ruler of Mount Olympus, to settle their
dispute. But Zeus did not want to offend anyone of them, so he referred them to Paris, handsome
prince of Troy.
Hera promised to give Paris power and riches, Athena, great wisdom, and
Aphrodite, the most beautiful woman on earth. Paris abducted Helen from her husband, which
started the Trojan War.
The most beautiful woman then was Helen, wife of King Menelaus of Sparta.
Paris abducted the Trojan War.

11. Who was the king of the Myrmidons?

A. King Menelaus C. Peleus
B. Paris D. Zeus
12. Who was not invited to the wedding feast?
A. Aphrodite C. Eris
B. Athena D. Hera
13. What is the meaning of discord?
A. conflict C. peace
B. love D. purity
14. What did each of the three goddesses who quarrelled over the apple think about herself?
A. that she was the most admired C. that she was the most influential
B. that she was the most beautiful D. that she was the wisest
15. Zeus did not settle the disputed among the three goddesses for his reason.
A. He did not want to offend Hera, Athena and C. He wanted the golden apple.
Aphrodite. D. He was very busy talking to other gods and
B. He started to devise the Trojan War. goddesses.
16. What did Hera promise to Paris?
A. beauty C. power
B. love D. wisdom
17. Paris’ choice of the goddesses to whom he awarded the apple shows that
A. he preferred beauty more than wisdom or power. C. he was not careful to offend Aphrodite.
B. he preferred power more than beauty or wisdom. D. he was still innocent about the ways of woman.
Gabriel, a professional man who had worked in an office for many years, had a fearful
dream. In it, he found himself in a land where small slug-like animals with slimy tentacles lived on
people’s bodies. The people tolerated the loath some creatures because after many years they grew
into elephants which then become the nation’s system of transport, carrying everyone wherever he
wanted to go. Gabriel suddenly realized that he himself was covered with these things, and he woke
up screaming. In a vivid sequence of pictures this dream dramatized for Gabriel what he had never
been able to put in to words; he saw himself as letting society feed on his body in his early years so
that it would carry him when he retired. He later threw off the “security bug “and took up freelance
18. In his dream Gabriel found the loath some creatures.
A. in a different land C. in his own house
B. in his office village D. in his village
19. Which one of the following phrases best helps to brings out the precise meaning of ‘loath some
A. fearful dream and slug-like animals C. slimy tentacles and slug-like animals
B. security bug and slimy tentacles D. slug-like animals and security
20. The statement that ‘he later threw off the security bug’ means that
A. Gabriel killed all the bugs troubled him C. Gabriel stopped giving much importance to
B. Gabriel started tolerating social dreams
D. Gabriel succeeded in overcoming the need for security
21. Gabriel’s dream was fearful because.
A. he saw huge elephant in it. C. it brought him face to face with reality
B. in it he saw slimy creatures feeding on D. it was full of vivid pictures of snakes.
people’s bodies.

Law of nature are not commands but statements of acts. The use of the word “law”
in this context is rather unfortunate. It would be better to speak of uniformities in nature. This would
do away with the elementary fallacy that a law implies a law giver. If a piece of matter does not obey
a law of nature it is punished. On the contrary, we say that the law has been in correctly started.

22. If a piece of matter violates nature’s law, it is not punished because

A. it cannot be punished
B. it is not binding to obey it.
C. it simply means that the facts have not been correctly stared by law.
D. there is no superior being to enforce the law of nature.
23. Laws of nature differ from man-made laws because
A. the former state facts of nature C. they must be obeyed.
B. they are natural D. unlike human laws, they are systematic
24. The laws of nature based on observation are
A. conclusions about the nature of the C. subject to change in the light of new facts.
universe D. true
B. figments of the observer imagination
25. The author is not happy with word ‘law’ because
A. it connotes rigidity and harshness D. it implies an agency that has made them
B. it does not convey the sense of nature’s uniformity
C. it gives rise to false beliefs
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