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Mandarin I Berkeley Extension - Class 4

425 Market Street San Francisco, CA Professor: Virginia Mau Notes taken and commentary (marked byNote:) by Jennifer Ball (because of the typeface which I must use to render the Chinese characters correctly, extra spaces are occasionally seen before and after apostrophes and quotes). Next class: Test on words in the book up to what weve studied. Homework: Page 3-4 in work book. page = ye4 fied version.)

Sept. 27, 2011

(With the first incidence of a character, I will give the traditional/simpli-

di4 liu4 ye4 Bathroom (euphemism):

= page 6

xiao3 bian4 = small convenience = pond; reservoir


xiao3bian4 chi2

da4 bian4 = big convenience (wed better learn to say this well, because by the time we write might be too late...)

, it

Culture: Individual men put notices in the toilet stall about their new baby crying and everyone reads about the baby, so that makes the baby stop crying. Other issues are put up as well. Pee: 1

yi1 hao3 cry.

This character, besides meaning pee, also means day, number, roar,

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

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wash hands room

2 er4 hao3 Other words for pee and poop: Pee =


= between; among; space; (measure word)

According to Ms. Mau: They make woman pay for public toilets but not guys. Government-owned toilets. Even if you bring your own tissue, women still have to pay. I could not find any info on this.

Poop =

l s

pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen let go, to scatter

la1 du4zi (literally to pull stomach) du4 zi = stomach; belly; abdomen; tummy

fang4 pi4 = fart, talk nonsense fang4 = to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out pi4 = to break wind; to fart

fu4 xie4 abdominal whoosh (Ms. Mau)


hao3 bu4 hao3

xie4 = to flow (out) swiftly; diarrhea A reminder that a common Chinese construction is ABA, for example, Good not good? which means Are things good or not? (For more examples, see Mandarin Uncensored Class 3, pages 8-9.):

shei2 fang4 pi4 = who farted?

p hu (pi4 hua4) = shit, nonsense (literally fart words)

Today good?:

? (Note: I had this wrong before.)

jin1 tian1 hao3 ma3? Long time, no see:

ce4 suo3 = toilet (hole in the the ground) Ms. Mau says, dont say this. Better to say this:

Page 2

hen3 jiu3 bu4 jian1 very long no see

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

xi3 shou3 jian1 (pronunciation: she show gee-en)

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball.

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Forever good-bye:

.) zui4 most

yong3 bie2 = phrase from the movies or poem or sarcastic; literally: forever separate (Note that separate includes a knife character on the right:

= action is completed le (no tone) How are you these days/recently?:

China, HongKong, prohibited to swear, nevertheless, low class or Mafia still do, but lately not even the Mafia does. (Ms. Mau)

jin4 close. nearby

luan3 diao3 = penis, pronounced lung diao (Note: there is appears to be a sex association with words that rhyme with diao, such as

miao2, which is at the root of

and liao2: penis. Ticket/bank note is piao4. When one considers that prostitution is the worlds oldest profession, this association with ticket or money makes sense. Piao1 is a chrysalis, the product of sperm and egg. )

zui4 jin4 zen3 me yang4 (Recall zen3 me yang4 from Mandarin Uncensored Class 2, Page 3. N in zen not pronounced.)

mao3: pretty girl,

= egg; ovum; roe; spawn; this is a depiction of Fallopian tubes with an egg in each.

= hatch, sit on eggs = pretty; charming girl (note that her Fallopian tubes are empty; this word is also mao3, like pretty girl above.)

sen1 lin2 forest If this seems redundant, it is. Clarifying is a big part of all languages. Over-clarifying might seem the more appropriate word. We do it as well: lactate is made up of lac (think lake: pool of fluid; lacrimate, lacquer, and shellac seem related; lick is very close, as is liquor and liquid; leche, milk in Spanish, and lecher both come from to lick) and tate which is a form of teat or tit. Gala, which is Greek for milk, is where we get the word galaxy (think Milky Way.) Gala and laga are both words for vagina in Sumerian. In the early days, things were less specific. Words signifying for womens attributes also signified for women. More over-clarifying: Friend FriendThe word friend depicted in two different ways:

Above is an Egyptian hieroglyph depicting Fallopian tubes which resembles the Chinese depictions of Fallopian tubes. As you see on the right, it means vulva, cow. We dont much think of a cow having a vulva, but early cultures clearly did.

Peng2 you3 in order to mean friend

= penis (even without the luan3; I guess luan3 clarifies that its a penis with functioning sperm)

you3 = and, also, again, in addition

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wan2 le = finished (sound of cop car) Recall that wan3 means night so theres a slight association here between night and finished, even though the tones and characters are different. (Mandarin Uncensored Class 2, Page 9.)
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

nan2 peng2 you3 = boyfriend

n3 peng2 you3 = girlfriend

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

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= also Beulah is a girl, Tomasina is also a girl. This sentence takes

women when they were starving before they ate their dogs because the women were less important than their dogs. (My husband says its only because the dogs could run faster.) According to Jun Da (,1 is the most frequent Chinese character, so even though it means of, its an important concept. Below is a sample sentence with the pinyin first, meaning second. I have highlighted de in order to show how often it occurs compared with all other words in a random sentence: wo3 - I/me yao - want/will bian4cheng2 - become zhong1wen2 - Chinese language lao3shi1 - teacher ke3shi4 - but wo3 de* - my zhong1wen2 - Chinese language bu2 - not gou4 - enough hao3 - good suo3yi3 - so wo3 de* - my zhu3yi4 - idea shi4 - is chuang4zao4 - create THE PINYIN PROJECT bu4luo4ge2 - blog hai2 - also you3 - have chuang4zao4 - create YOUTUBE ying3pian4 - video wo3 - I hui4 - will pai1she4 - film mei3li4 - beautiful de* - grammar particle dong1xi1 - things lu4 xia4 - record jiang3 - speak mu3yu3 - native speaker de* - grammar particle ren2 - person de* - grammar particle 1

= all, both dou1. Beulah and Tomasina are both girls. This sentence takes

de (no tone) = of (possessive), target wo3de = mine wo3mende = ours

ni3de = yours ta1de = hers shei2de = whose?

bu4shi4 wo3de = not mine

Not only does de mean possessive in Latin as well as Chinese, the character on the right is historically a spoon or a frying pan with something in it, or a wrap around something of value. Anything that one possesses is of value, thats why one possesses it. Possession was huge to early man, so this is a basic concept. When white is added

to the left side of this character, it changes from spoon to ownership and bulls eye (page 77, Reading and writing Chinese: a guide to the Chinese writing system, the students 1,020 list, the official 2,000 list by William McNaughton and Li Ying. Ruttland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle, 1999). Consider that an eye is a kind of target, and this de character is all about getting what you wantin your frying pan! And sometimes in your bed. The hard part of this theory is that sometimes it was both. People had to learn not to be cannibals, especially to spouses. Darwin says that in Terra del Fuego, the indigenous people claimed they ate their older Page 6
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM Page 7

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

sheng1yin1 - voice

If you put the radical found in cat in front of , you get leopard. Now, a leopard aims for its target, it gets what it wants, and its coat has spots on it similar to the dot in the wrap. And leopard bao1 rhymes with cat mao1, another predator. Its easy to write these off as coincidences, but when there are thousands of coincidences in early language all in the vein of ownership, control, sex, and women, one asks are they coincidences or are human beings really simple? Im going with humans are simple. We want what we want, and we emulate animals that are predatory. Recall in class when Ms. Mau said that miao2 tiao2 means attractive, and someone male went Mrrrrow. Human males are fairly predictable in this regard. They resemble leopards and cats and anything that thinks it is king of the jungle. The Mayans also cared about possessions, and Michael C. Coe devotes more than two pages on the Mayans love of name-tagging, as he calls it, in Breaking the Maya Code, pages 245-246. When I mentioned in class the universality of de to mean possession, that all Latin-based languages use of form of de, the teacher said, No. A classmate said derisively, Well, if we knew Latin... but of course, living in California, we all are exposed to Latin in the form of Spanish on a daily basis. Avenida de las Pulgas in San Mateo is Road of the Fleas. Even the fleas have possessions. Theres Cinco de Mayo, the fifth of May, Mexicos Independence Day, which we associate with drinking margaritas. Theres San Franciscos Mission de Assisi. Theres De Soto and De Haro streets, and Galera de la Raza

in the heart de la Misin. Ms. Mau equated my theory with a student who found a business mans face in the Chinese character for business man (see next character below).

shang1 ren = business man I dont see a face. I could make a better case for what business men typically sold 4,000 years ago. You see, this is not simply about whether a character looks like something, but comparing historical roots with what was important to early humans across all cultures that had writing. When one suggests that one has figured something out, people are threatened. When one suggests that humans are simple, humans are not happy. We used to kill people who threatened us, now we are just derisive and suggest that those threatening people are insane. Its a preferable stance (not being killed for ones beliefs), but I feel there is even a better way. Truth comes from a variety of sources. Its important to question all authority, even if its written. The written word has been our God for sometime, but even gods need to be questioned. If someone asks, Has she eaten? you can answer Geng3 wo3 du2***dont know what this is yet follow read aloud

ta1 mei2 you3 (she hasnt).

wo3 yao3 ni3 = I want you Notice that the bottom character of is the character for woman, because women are at the base of mans needs and desires. Above is an eye, which sees what it wants. Above that is the sky? Heaven? What everyone theoretically wants. Ticket, piao4

bu4 xie4 = welcome

, gives one admittance to something they want.

bu4 yao4 xie4xie = no thank you

qing3 = please (the right-hand phonetic in this is also in the word for

semen, jing1, and it makes sense: the bottom is the moon stand-in for flesh and the top looks like an explosionflesh exploding would describe semen. And no wonder it means please. The character on the left of semen is rice. Think about what rice pudding looks like and youll have a clue

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Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

Page 9

to this character. It also means essence and spirit. Poison du2 also has that exploding top, and semen is a kind of neurotoxin. You introduce it into the vagina, and it starts a nine-month process that is very difficult to stop. )

ni3 yao3 chi1 ma? You want to eat?

qian2 = money (gold + I characters) Another example of the simplification process making the radical on the left less clear. The radical of the traditional character on the left of the slash looks like a mountain with gold or metal ore reflecting inside

mountain and no clear reflection . It has two less lines and much less visual imagery. The simplified version is clearly a choice of something other than clarity.

yao3 bu4 yao3? Want not want? ABA construction again. Do you want? Phoenetic spelling of coffee:

. The simplified gold/metal character retains a side of the

ka1 fei1

chi1 = eat he1 = drink

= beer
pi2 jiu3

chi1 he1 chi1 he1 = eat and drink. (There appears to be a love of repeated syllables. Gng gng q ch

is another example, which means bus.)

(Both eat and drink have an orifice/mouth radical on the left. This sounds like her without the r.)

jiu3 is wine, etc. anything with alcohol jiu3 same word as for 9, and look at that: nine and wine are very close in our language as well. Another amazing coincidence. Both of them share the legs of er2 as well, which means son/child. Recall that alcohol was the first date rape drug. Rape often ends in pregnancy. Other characters which share the same right-side phonetic component as beer spleen, pancreas, disposition a small round piece of yeast oval

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ke3 = thirsty (On the phonetic right side, both drink and thirsty have the sun above, a wrap on

the bottom with a personren inside. Could this depict a pregnant woman? Who is the thirstiest? A baby. You would use a depiction of the thirstiest individual in order, almost charades-like, to communicate the salient point most quickly. The water radical on the left helps convey the need for water as well. The use of the wrap, as seen on page 6, implies that this is a possession. A baby is one of the first kinds of possessions.


Pancreatitis is a result of alcoholism, and ones disposition may be as well. Yeast is required in fermentation; beer is made by fermentation. Yeast and eggs are oval or roundish. A grain is like an egg. Page 11

polished rice
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

millet a tick or mite a sheath


grape wine

The hand radical on left means you remove a weed. Mites are like small eggs or pieces of yeast. Insect radical on left. For a penis perhaps, that disperses something which creates eggs. Bull radical on left. Baby trees Adding, like multiplying, produces more. New growth is more.

yellow = huang2 huang2 jiu3 = cooking or Sangria (leave fruit in it for a few months) yellow wine/alcohol

small trees; saplings cuttings of trees for planting

add, increase, attach low fence

mao2 tai jiu3 Thatch platform drink doesnt make a lot of sense, but when you look at the other meanings of mao2, which are only 11, the sense of a mai tai being an aphrodisiac seems clear: its a tail (euphemism for sex), a spear; lance; pike, and Spanish fly: the most famous aphrodisiac. An animals tail, or a tuft of hair, is like a notch on a belt, proof that one had conquest and won.

The relationship of all these characters with the one for beer is that beer is made from yeast, and yeast expands like a pregnant woman. Yeast multiplies. Beer is also made from malt, which is a grain that has started to sprout. To add or increase is to have more, like yeast rising or grain sprouting. In a pragmatic sense, this could mean a fence to encircle property. Your fence, your defence. Your barrier, your bar to intruders in order to keep them from taking your stuff. Theres that possession factor again. All cultures like to claim things. All early cultures wanted a way to have more. When they figured this out, they needed to account for it. Thats when writing started. Color of wines:

red = hong2 (Silk is on the left, which was used in binding the feet, and work is on the right. Could this be a reference to the 1,300 years of bound feet, which were often bloody and broken, and hence they stained the silk red? Not sure.) white =


Another quick association:

nai3 is milk, which is white: bai2 . Mothers give milk to babies whom they love: ai4 /. Mrs. is tai4tai, a woman who would have a lot of milk in a time before birth
control. All of these words share ai, a sound that resembles identity, and is a homonym with eye, which, again, is a target like a breast. It is also the window to our soul: our I.

bing1 = ice

Bing1 almost sounds like the sound ice makes when it hits together.

On the right is the official water character which is also seen on

pu2tao2 = grapes Another example of over-clarification. Both of these characters mean grapes, but more commonly they are used together to mean grapes.

pu2tao2 jiu3 Page 12

jiu3 alcohol. Perhaps its only a piece of the water radical in order to show that it is not moving but frozen? Frost is shuang1 . Widow is also shuang1 because
theoretically she should be frozen as well (in the eyes of men). In the Egyptian hieroglyphs, a widow
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

shui3; on the left is 2/3s of the water radical ,

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

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is depicted by the Oxyrhynchus fish, which was famous for biting the penis of the god Osiris. To the ancient Egyptians, a widow was a woman without a penis.

= green tea
l4 cha2

er4 kuai4 bing1 2 cubes ice

Ms. Mau says there is no cold green tea. (tree with something on it that a human would target, like fruit)

= fruit, result
Ling g bng kui two ge-marker ice block

Google translate says:


/= apple
ping3 zhi1

ji1 wei3 jiu cock tail

= juice, liquor, fluid, sap, gravy, sauce (note the water radical on the left side of the zhi1 character) = apple juice
ping3guo3 zhi1

/ = fowl/rooster/cock

= tail (Note that the left character is corpse or bottom; the right is hair or tail.) = water

or = milk = human milk

niu2 nai3 nai3 ren nai3 Yes, that nai3 character is a depiction of female breasts even though it means to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon, and it looks like our B. To be is to suckle. Long ago, you didnt live if you didnt have breast milk in the beginning of life. We say our B comes from house because Western culture is in denial concerning how much we like breasts. House is where man imprisoned the breasts (and vaginas) for at least 5,000 documented years. For more info, see Breasts, Vaginas, and Tools, the roots of our Alphabet,

= ice water
bing1 shui3 qi4 shui3 qi4

= soda (gas water) / = gas; air; smell; weather; vital breath; to make sb. angry; to get angry; to be enraged
bing1 hong2 cha2 iced tea (black tea is considered red tea in China, says Ms. Mau)

/ = bean, peas

= broth; serum; to starch


soy milk (really bean broth)

dou4 jiang1

cha2 has sprouts on the top to clue one into the fact that this is a plant; it has modified small
on the bottom, to clue one as to the size of the plant. Possibly because tea leaves were often used as a way to foretell the future, investigate, examine is also pronounced cha2

= clear; distinct; complete; pure = sake (clear wine)

/ = green
l4 Page 14

qing1 Here is that jism character again, and this time it is with the water radical. In many cultures, once a male ejaculates, there is the belief that he is now pure.

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

Page 15

qing1 jiu3

bubble tea.

wo3 yao4 bing1 pi2 jiu3 I want cold beer


= waves, breakers; undulations

= milk coffee, only in Hong Kong (even though word is tea)

nai3 cha2 bo1 boa4 nai3 cha2 Classic boba nai cha with extra boba


= rule by might rather than right

(One commenter called boba a dominatrix, so one can see that argument with the above character. Could this be ruling by large breast size?)


= precious, valuable, rare

zhu1 precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl Amy Yip or Yip Zi Mei is name of porn star w/bobas, say Ms. Mau. Wikipedia says she was one of the leading sex symbols of Hong Kong cinema in the late 1980s and early 1990s.


Urban dictionary says: In Taiwan, BOBA is a slang term used for big breast or big-breasted female. Only in the U.S., did the word take on the new meaning of tapioca ball, probably due to its spherical resemblence. Back in Taiwan, the origin of boba, they use the word zen zu, which literally means pearl, to refer to the tasty tapioca ball. Regardless, both bobas are good. On the Cantonese Sheik forum (,50139,50396): Living in Los Angeles, we have variety of names that it is referred to. The most common is

Y Zmi

= leaf; page

boba we also use . In English, we refer to it as boba milk tea or just boba most commonly, but its also referred to as tapioca milk tea and some Americans have been calling it but this ugly name, Page 16
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

Note: vs. juice/sap vs. leaf/page: all are products of a tree. = a file of ten solidiers, so is the product of ten fruits, and is the product of ten leaves.
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

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I think this character can be used as a euphemism for Lotta Balcony.Lotta Balcony was a womans name that the comedy group Riot Act would call an unsuspecting female in their audience who sported a large set of bobas, circa mid-1980s. Balcony, crossbeam, lintel, boobs: they often jut out and require cabling. Ms. Lin has the final word here on Bobas: While its true the word bo ba came from the time when she [Ye Zi Mei ] was an iconic figure for women with big breasts in Hong Kong cinema, bo ba is a Cantonese word. Bo is a euphemism for breasts. Because people are embarrassed to say the word breast in public, so they use the word bo, which sounds the same as ball. If you think of volleyball and women with breasts the size of two volleyballs in front. Thats big! b feudal chief; rule by force; tyrant; lord; master; hegemon; usurp is a word to describe power. In this case, it means Ye Zi Mei has the biggest breasts. Its almost like saying shes the queen of big breasts.
For more about color in Chinese, go to Chinese characters and definitions from: Page 18
Mandarin I Berkeley Extension: Class 4, Sept. 27, 2011, Virginia Mau, instructor. Notes and irritating commentary by Jennifer Ball. Mandarin Uncensored 9/9/2011: avail. at rev. 17 October 2011 9:21 AM

= crossbeam above or under gate, lintel

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