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TYPE OF EQUIPMENT FOR CAPILLARY • Routine blood film/smear preparation is a
COLLECTION blood test that is used to check abnormalities
The following are the equipment used for capillary in the blood cells.
collection: • A small drop of blood is placed near the frosted
• Lancet/Incision Devices end of the glass side. Another slide is used to
• Laser Lancet spread the blood in a thin film over the slide. It
• Micro collection Containers is then air-dried and stained.
• Microhematocrit Tubes and Sealants • Thick blood smear preparation is used to
• Microscope Slides determine if the patient has malaria which is
• Warming devices diagnosed by its presence in the peripheral
• Capillary Blood Gas Equipment (CBG) blood smear.
1. The Capillary blood specimen ITS CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE
2. Arterial Blood • Capillary blood gas specimen by heel puncture
3. Venous Blood which is recommended for infants and small
4. Capillary Blood children. The blood samples are collected on
INDICATIONSO F PERFORMING the same site as routine capillary puncture
• Neonatal bilirubin collection is used to help
determine any liver disorder in infants. This is
1. Veins are fragile and not accessible
collected with a heel stick.
because of scars, burns, etc.;
2. Veins are reserved for another procedure • Newborn/neonatal screening is done as part of
such as chemotherapy; the routine check for infants to determine
3. Clotting tendencies, inborn disorders.
4. Extreme fear of needles and • Newborn screening blood spot collection is
5. Veins will be used for POCT such as done 24 to 48 hours after the baby is born,
glucose monitoring. where a few drops of blood are collected
This is also the preferred method for infants and through heel stick to determine disorders that
young children because of the following reasons: are not apparent at birth that could lead to
1. Health risks such as anemia, and cardiac arrest; disability or even death.
2. Requires only a small volume of blood;
3. Venipuncture could damage veins and tissues PERFORMING A CAPILLARY PUNCTURE
surrounding the site; A. INDICATION
4. Puncturing could result to hemorrhage, 1. METHOD CHOICE FOR:
thrombosis, gangrene, and infection; a. Children under 1 year of age (foot)
5. Risk of injury because of the restraint needed in b. Adults with inaccessible of veins (finger)
venipuncture; and 2. USED FOR ADULTS PATIENTS:
6. Capillary blood is the preferred specimen. a. Who are severely burned
ORDER OF DRAW FOR COLLECTING b. With cancer and whose veins are reserved for
CAPILLARY SPECIMEN the therapeutic purposes
Order of Draw refers to the specific sequence with c. Who are obese and whose veins are too deep
which blood must be drawn and collected in tubes to locate
to avoid cross contamination of additives between d. Who are geriatric and whose veins are very
the tubes. The Order of Draw should be Blood gas fragile
specimens (CBGs), EDTA specimens, other e. who performs test on themselves
additive specimen and serum specimen. • e.g. Point of care testing (POCT) for
glucose monitoring
a. Procedure that requires capillary blood (e.g.,
malarial smears)

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1. The last phalanx of the 3rd (great/middle) and
4th (ring) finger (note: cut across the finger
print line)
2. Outer area of the plantar surface of the foot
(heel stick)
3. Fleshy portion of the earlobe (e.g. burn patien)
a. Clean finger with 70% isopropyl alcohol
b. Do not use povidone-iodine (↑ Potassium
,phosphorus, uric acid)
a. Retractable puncture device (e.g. guillotine-
type or half-moon type cut) with controlled
i. The blade is pushed into the skin
ii. Pressed against the skin
b. The puncture of choice for infants is the heel
c. Optimal Depth without injury
i. 0.85 mm for premature infants
ii. 2 mm for full term infants
a. Enlarge capillaries
b. By wrapping a washcloth
i. Ideal temp. is 42oC
ii. Wrapped for 3-5 mins.
5. Micro collection Tubes
a. Do not scrape of the blood from the surface of
b. Rotate the tube after every drop
c. Anticoagulated tube should be mixed 8-10
1. Blood Gases (Heparin)
3. Sodium Heparin
4. Other additive
5. Nonadditive


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REQUIRED FOR BLOOD BANK TESTS • A blood culture is a test that checks the blood
for pathogens for patients who have a fever of
unknown origin (FUO).
• The test determines the presence of bacteria in
the blood that causes bacteremia or presence
of microorganism and toxins in the blood that
causes septicemia.
• Aseptic Technique
• The physician orders this test only if there is a
The following information must be included: probability of bloodstream invasion.
1. Full name including middle initial • For optimum results, the collection should have
2. Hospital ID Number 2-4 blood culture sets placed in special bottles,
3. Social Security Number for outpatients one aerobic (with air) and one anaerobic
4. Date of Birth (without air), that were drawn 30 to 60 minutes
5. Date & time of collection apart.
6. Initials of the phlebotomist. • Skin antisepsis is crucial in the blood collection
Note: Room number and bed number is procedure because it prevents the
optional. contamination by microbial flora in the skin
• Blood banks can use special identification which can be introduced in blood culture
systems such as ID bracelet (self-carbon bottles and affect the results.
adhesive for specimen), Blood ID band (linear MEDIA INOCULATION METHODS
bar-code), and Siemens Patient Identification There are three ways to inoculate the medium:
check-blood administration. 1. Directly into the bottle (during collection),
• ü Screening includes typing the blood for 2. Collected in a syringe(after collection),and
transfusion and screening for infectious 3. Through an intermediate collection tube (in the
diseases. The blood type (ABO) and Rh factor laboratory).
(+ or -) are determined. • When using the syringe method, blood is transferred to the
• ü There are cases when there is a need toculture bottles after completing the draw using a safety
conduct a cross- match test to eliminate bloodtransfer device which is activated as soon as the needle is
related compatibility issues that may ariseremoved from the site.
between the patient and the donor. • Intermediate Collection Tube is performed in the laboratory
PROPER DONOR IDENTIFICATION, rather than the patient's bedside.
• Blood donor collection is done mainly for the • A physician requests coagulation tests to
purposes of blood transfusion. assess the blood clotting functions especially if
• Blood donors should be 17 to 66 years of age, the patient has an unexplained bleeding.
with a minimum weight of 110 lbs. They must • This test could be prothrombin time (PT),
have completed the physical exam and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT),
declared their medical history. and thrombin time (TT) which is a close
• The unit of blood can be separated into RBCs, approximation of the hemostatic system.
plasma and platelets but these should still be • The integrity of the blood specimen during
traceable to the donor. collection and transportation has a direct effect
• There are also cases when there is an on the test result, thus, special care should be
autologous donation where the patient donates taken to ensure that it is done properly.
blood for his use especially for elective • If only the coagulation specimen is drawn, draw
surgeries. a "clear" tube with 1-2 mL which is discarded
• Another special scenario is cell salvaging prior to collection. The blood specimen is then
where the blood of the patient is salvaged collected using a light blue top with 3.2% citrate
(during surgical procedure), washed and re- tube with the correct (9:1) blood to coagulant
infused after testing for residual free ratio.

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• To ensure proper mixing, invert the tubes 1. Begin with the normal identification protocol.
gently 3 to 4 times immediately after collection. Explain the procedure and advise the patient
• Coagulation sample is collected second when that only water is allowed during the whole test
an evacuated tube system is used. period.
• For draws using indwelling catheter, the line 2. The fasting specimen is drawn and the glucose
should be flushed with 5 mL of saline. The 5 mL level is checked and should be over 200 mg/dL
which is equivalent to six dead space volumes for the test to proceed.
of catheter is discarded. 3. The patient should collect a fasting urine
• The concentration of the sodium citrate should specimen if ordered.
be adjusted for patients with above 55% 4. The patient is given the glucose beverage
hematocrit values. dose. Adult dose is 75g while children are given
• The collected specimen should be transported 1g per kilogram of weight. For gestational
to the laboratory immediately. Should the diabetes the dose should be between 50 to
specimen be unable to reach the laboratory 75g.
within four hours, it should be centrifuged and 5. The beverage should be ingested within 5
the plasma frozen. minutes.
2-hour Postprandrial Glucose 6. Record the time when the drink was finished
This blood test is done to check if the patient is then start timing the test which is collected
suffering from diabetes and other metabolic within 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours and so forth.
problems. The 2-hour PP test is also used to 7. A copy of the collection time is provided to the
monitor insulin therapy. The principles of 2- patient.
hour PP specimen collection are: 8. If applicable the collection time for other
1. A high-carbohydrate diet was introduced 2 to 3 specimen such as urine should coincide with
earlier. the computed collection time.
2. The patient should fast at least 10 hours prior 9. The exact time collected and the time interval
to the test. should be written in the label along with patient
3. Fasting glucose specimen maybe be collected identification information.
before the start of the procedure. 10. Transport the specimen immediately or within
4. A special breakfast containing an equivalent of 2 hours for accurate results.
100g glucose or a glucose beverage will be Lactose Tolerance Test
given on the day of the test. A lactose tolerance test measures the ability
5. Blood glucose specimen will then be collected of the body to process lactose and determines
2 hours after the meal. if the patient lacks mucosal lactase which is an
Glucose Tolerance Test enzyme that converts lactose into glucose or
• A patient who could be suffering from galactose. Gastrointestinal distress and
carbohydrate metabolism problems is diarrhea follows after ingestion of milk or food
subjected to the glucose tolerance test (GTT) containing lactose for those who lack the
which is also called oral glucose tolerance test lactase enzyme.
(OGTT) to evaluate the ability of the body to The principles for the lactose tolerance testing
metabolize glucose by measuring the include:
tolerance level to high glucose level. 1. It is recommended that a 2-hour GTT test be
• Insulin response to a measured dose of administered at least a day before the lactose
glucose is recorded by specimen collection at tolerance test.
given intervals. 2. Equal amount of lactose is substituted to
• The GTT length is 1 hour for gestational glucose but the test will be performed following
diabetes while it is 3 hours for other the manner of GTT.
evaluations. 3. Glucose specimen is drawn at the same time
• The method of collection should also be as the previous GTT procedure.
consistent be it venipuncture or skin puncture. 4. The GTT curve and the glucose curve will be
GTT Procedure similar if the patient has mucosal lactase.
Before the procedure the patient must eat 5. If the patient is lactose intolerant, the result will
balanced meal containing approximately 150 yield a "flat" curve where glucose levels just
grams of carbohydrates for 3 days and must slightly rise over the fasting level.
fast for 12 to 16 hours before the scheduled 6. Patients with slow gastric emptying, Crohn's
test. Drinking water is allowed to avoid disease and cystic fibrosis could show false-
dehydration and because urine specimen is positive results.
also collected as part of the test. The steps in
the GTT procedure are as follows:

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Paternity/Parentage Testing TIMING, ROLE OF DRUG HALF-LIFE,
Parentage testing or paternity testing is NAMES OF DRUGS, ITS PEAK, TROUGH,
performed to exclude the possibility of paternity AND THERAPEUTIC LEVELS IN DRUG
of a particular child. MONITORING
Should the result does not exclude alleged Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
parent further test is performed which include • The Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)
extended red cell antigens, red cell enzymes, measures drug levels at designated intervals
serum proteins testing, white cell enzymes, so that the appropriate dosage can be
white cells antigen, and human leukocyte established and maintained for the patient thus
antigen (HLA). avoiding toxicity.
DNA paternity testing is the most advanced
• TDM begins with prescription of the initial
technology to date.
dosage appropriate for the patient's clinical
The test uses the genetic fingerprinting or DNA
condition. The amount in the bloodstream is
profiling to establish parentage by providing
expected to rise, eventually reach peak
genetic proof.
(maximum) which screens drug toxicity, and
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and
gradually fall to a trough or minimum level
restriction fragment length polymorphism
which ensures that the levels within therapeutic
(RFLP) are two other methods used today
although the older techniques still exist.
• The timing of collection is important for
The principles of DNA paternity testing are: aminoglycoside drugs (amikacin,
1. All involved parties need to submit a gentamicin, and tobramycin) which have short
government issued photo identification along half-lives but it is not critical for phenobarbital
with the completed Chain of Custody form. and digoxin.
The photos of all tested parties are also taken. • Appropriate concentrations should be given to
2. The Buccal samples as collected by using a optimize the clinical outcomes while
swab that was rubbed inside the cheek and the considering the drug dosage, history of dosage
loose cheek cells adhere to the swab. given, the recorded response of the patient and
3. Sealed and tamper-evident package are used desired outcome.
to hold the specimen during transportation to Therapeutic Phlebotomy
the laboratory. • Therapeutic phlebotomy is performed by
4. The test results are ready after 48 hours which drawing a large volume of blood from the
are usually sent via mail. patient about 500 mL as part of the treatment
CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROCEDURES IN procedure for polycythemia and
DRUG TESTING hemochromatosis.
Toxicology Specimens • Polycythemia is the overproduction of red
A phlebotomist plays a role in both clinical blood cells which is harmful to the patient. A
toxicology (detection of toxins and treatment) hematocrit test is used to check the RBC level
and removal of blood is done when level
and forensic toxicology (legal consequences of
toxin exposure) because toxicology test exceeds a certain level with the goal of
involves collection of blood, hair, urine, and returning the levels to normal range.
other substances from the body for the purpose • Hemochromatosis is characterized by excess
of determining the presence of toxins which iron deposits in the tissues which could be due
could be in very small amounts. to problems with iron metabolism because of
multiple blood transfusions or excessive intake
Forensics Specimens
of iron.
Toxicology specimens are ordered by the law
enforcement department for legal or forensic Blood Alcohol (Ethanol) Specimens
purposes. • Blood alcohol (ethanol [ETOH]) tests are
The most common specimen are breath and usually ordered for purposes related to
blood for alcohol. treatment but could also be for industrial or job-
Others request urine for drug screening, blood related purposes such as insurance claims or
specimen for drugs and DNA analysis. programs and employee drug screening.
For forensic specimen, there is a need to track the • The law enforcement department orders blood
specimen from the time of collection until the alcohol concentration (BAC) for individuals
time that the results are released using a involved in traffic related accidents.
special protocol called chain of custody. • The ETOH test for treatment purposes do not
require the chain of custody to be
accomplished but the results of such tests can
become evidence in court. However, BAC for

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industrial and legal samples should follow the • The type of additive, if any, is indicated in the
chain-of- custody protocol. label. (red - no additive, lavender - EDTA, and
• The ETOH specimen collection uses aqueous green-heparin). To avoid contamination,
povidone-iodine and aqueous benzalkonium change the transfer device before filing the
chloride (BZK). tube.
• Avoid using isopropyl alcohol and tincture of Coagulation Monitoring by POCT
iodine as antiseptic because these might affect • Warfarin and heparin therapy can be
the results. evaluated using a Coagulation POCT
• Use gray-top sodium fluoride glass tubes analyzer.
for specimen collection. These tubes could be • The common coagulation tests checked are
with anticoagulant, but it depends on the need Prothrombin time (PT) & international
of the required specimen for a specific test. normalized ratio (INR), Activated partial
• The tubes are filled until the vacuum is thromboplastin time (APTT or PTT), Activated
exhausted. The tube stopper should always clotting time (ACT), and Platelet function.
remain in place because alcohol could • Listed are the available POCT instruments
evaporate. available:
Drug Screening o Cascade POC —ACT, APTT, PT/INR
• Companies, healthcare organizations and o CoaguChek XS Plus —PT/INR
sports associations subject their potential o GEM Premier 4000 —ACT, APTT,
employee to drug screening as part of their pre- PT/INR
employment requirement. o i-STAT —ACT, PT/INR
• The company or organization could also run a o Verify Now —platelet function
random screening without prior notice. Bleeding Time
• The specimen used is urine instead of blood. • Bleeding time (BT) test is a non-
The chain of custody protocol is strictly instrumented test ordered by the physician to
implemented since legal implications are evaluate the capillaries for platelet plug
involved. formation which is indicative of disorder in the
Patient preparation requirements platelet function or problems in capillary
1. The purpose and procedure should be integrity.
explained to the patient. • This test is also used for pre-surgical screening
2. The patient should be advised about his legal and detection of problems involving
rights. hemostasis. Although platelet function assays
3. There should be a witness present when the (coagulation test) have been mostly ordered in
form is signed. place of BT, it is still requested on some
Specimen collection requirements occasion.
1. A special area should be designated for the • Execution of the proper technique is important
purpose of urine collection. to get an accurate result.
2. During the collection, a proctor is present to • The site should be in the volar lateral of the
ensure that the specimen came from the forearm and 5 cm distal to the antecubital
correct person. area.
3. Split sample may be used for parallel testing. • The bleeding time is recorded and rounded to
4. Proper labeling should be followed to establish the nearest 30 seconds. Normal results are
a chain of custody. between 2 to 8 minutes.
5. Protect the specimen from tampering. After Arterial Blood Gases
collection it should be sealed in a lock • The arterial blood gas (ABG) test measures
container and sent to the laboratory the level of oxygen, carbon dioxide and acid-
immediately. Documentation should be base (pH) in the patient's blood which gives the
handled carefully. physician an idea about the status of the
Trace Elements function of your lungs, heart and kidneys.
• Trace elements tests for presence of • ABGs measured by POCT methods include
aluminum, arsenic, copper , lead, iron, and potential hydrogen (pH), partial pressure of
zinc. carbon dioxide (PCO2), partial pressure of
• They are collected in small amounts and must oxygen (PO2), and oxygen saturation (SO2).
use special element-free tubes colored royal • pH refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions
blue, since traces of these elements in the in a solution. The arterial pH test checks the
glass, plastic or stopper could trickle into the balance of the acid- base level which shows
specimen will affect the accuracy of the result. the metabolic and respiratory status of the

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• Normal range is from 7.35 to 7.45 only.
• The PCO2 is an indicator on how well air is
exchanged between the blood and lungs. The
test shows the measure of pressure exerted by
dissolved CO2 in the blood plasma in
proportion to the PO2 in the alveoli.
• Hypoventilation is when the PCO2 level
increased to an abnormal level while
hyperventilation is when it decreases.
• PO2 is representative of the pressure exerted
by the dissolved O2 and the ability of the lungs
to diffuse oxygen through the alveoli which is
usually used to measure the effectiveness of
an oxygen therapy. A normal person exhibits
98% oxygen saturation.
• The electrolytes in the body mainly aid in
moving nutrients in the body and removes
wastes in the cells of the body.
• The POCT uses electrolyte panels to
determine the blood level of sodium (Na+),
potassium (K+, chloride (Cl- ), bicarbonate
ion (HCO3), and ionized calcium (iCa2+).
• Sodium helps keep the normal balance of fluids
in the body and plays a role in transmitting
nerve impulses. An elevated level of sodium is
called Hypernatremia while reduced level is
known as hyponatremia.

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STEPS INVOLVED IN PROCESSING AND Light-sensitive specimens

HANDLING DIFFERENT TYPES OF • There are cases when exposure to light could
SPECIMENS affect the result of a specimen, like bilirubin.
• The result of a test is compromised when the The phlebotomist should wrap the tube with
proper collection procedures, storage, aluminum foil or use light-blocking amber-
processing, and transporting protocol were not colored container.
followed in the preanalytical phase. Examples: Bilirubin, Carotene, Red cell folate,
• Studies show that approximately 48% to 68% serum folate, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12,
of laboratory result failures are due to prior to Vitamin C, urine porphyrins, and urine
analysis phase mishandling or error. porphobilinogen
Phlebotomist should adhere to time limits set for The collected specimen is transported to the
delivery of specimen to the laboratory except for central processing or triage for screening and
cases such as emergency specimen or other prioritizing. The specimen are:
conditions. 1. identified,
• Mixing tubes by inversion - usually between 3 2. logged or accessioned,
to 10 inversions. 3. sorted by department and type of
• Transporting specimens - should be processing, and
transported with the stopper to (1) avoid 4. evaluated for specimen suitability which is
contact between contents and the stopper, (2) necessary for accurate reasons.
minimize agitation of the specimen, and (3) The specimen is rejected if it did not meet a
aid clot formation for serum tubes. specific criterion such as:
Special Handling • Specimen is not identified properly.
Body temperature • It has inadequate volume to complete the test.
1. Specimen that precipitate or agglutinate if • Hemolysis
allowed to cool below body temperature • The use of wrong tube for collection.
should be transported at near body • Outdated tube
temperature which is 37 ̊C. • Improper handling (improper mixing)
2. The tubes should also be pre-warmed at 37 ̊C • Contaminated specimen
and portable heat blocks are used during • Insufficient specimen or "Quality Not Sufficient"
transport which could hold the temperature (QNS)
for 15 minutes from removal from the • Incorrect collection time
incubator. • Exposure to light
3. A heel warmer can be used for specimen that • Did not follow testing time limits
can withstand a temperature slightly higher • Delay or error in processing
Examples: Cold agglutinin, cyrofibrinogen, and FOR DELIVERY AND PROCESSING OF
cyroglobulins SPECIMENS
Chilled specimens Delivery time limits
• Chilling slows the metabolic process which • The specimen should be transported to the
could affect the results for some specimen. It laboratory immediately after collection. Routine
should be completely submerged in crushed blood specimen is expected to reach the
ice and water slurry during transport and laboratory within 45 minutes.
immediately tested or refrigerated if needed.
• For specimen that needs centrifugation, it
Examples: Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
should be done in 1 hour.
acetone, Angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE),
• Hematology specimen with EDTA which are
ammonia, catecholamines, free fatty acids, gastrin,
glucagon, homocysteine, lactic acid, parathyroid placed in tubes with lavender or purple stopper
hormone (PTH), ph/blood gas (if indicated), should not be centrifuged.
pyruvate, renin Time Limit Exceptions
The delivery time limit has some exception such as
specimen that are marked as "STAT" or
"emergency", it takes priority over all other
specimen in terms of transportation, processing

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and testing. Other exceptions to the time limit rule • The preparation is done by transferring a
are as follows: portion of the specimen into one or more tubes
1. Blood smear from EDTA specimen that are labeled with the same information as
2. EDTA specimen for CBC the original specimen tube using a disposable
3. EDTA specimen for erythrocyte transfer pipettes.
sedimentation rate (ESR) determination • Do not put specimen with different
4. EDTA specimen for reticulocyte counts anticoagulants in the same aliquot tube.
5. Glucose test drawn in sodium fluoride tubes • Make sure to cover the tube as soon as it is
6. Prothrombin time (PT) filled.
SPECIMEN • A phlebotomist maybe involved in collection
When processing specimen in the laboratory, the and handling of specimen other than blood, or
health worker is exposed to blood and other non-blood specimen such as urine, amniotic
potentially infectious materials. For this reason, fluid, saliva, semen, sputum, etc.
health care institutions should comply with the • To avoid delays in testing, he should check and
appropriate protective equipment required by the verify information on the label of the specimen
Occupational Safety and Health Administration before receiving them.
(OSHA) which includes wearing gloves to prevent
contact with blood, laboratory gown, laboratory TESTS PERFORMED, COLLECTION AND
• A centrifuge is a apparatus that is used to The non-body fluid specimens are substances
separate cells, plasma or serum of blood produced by the body which can be in liquid or
specimen which is achieved by spinning the semi liquid form. These are found within body
blood tubes inside the vessel at a high speed organs such as the bladder and spaces such as
such that the centrifugal force will cause the the joints.
separation of specimens. Urine
• It is important to leave the stoppers on the tube • The procedure for collection should be
before and during centrifugation to avoid explained properly to the patient since the type
contamination, evaporation, aerosol formation, of urine collection and the method of collection
and pH changes which will affect the accuracy depends on the type of test ordered by the
of the results. physician.
• Take note that the tubes should be balanced in • ü The urine analysis also helps in (1)
a centrifuge, meaning tubes of the same size monitoring wellness, (2) determination and
and volume of specimen should be placed treatment of urinary tract infections, (3)
opposite one another. A centrifuge should not detection and monitoring progress of treatment
be repeated. in metabolic diseases, and (4) determines the
• The plasma specimen collected in tubes with effectiveness of an administered therapy as
anticoagulants should be centrifuged well as checking if the patients exhibited any
immediately and without any delay. On the therapy-related complications.
other hand, serum specimen needs to be The accuracy of urine analysis results will largely
completely clotted prior to centrifugation. depend on several factors such as:
Normally, complete clotting takes around 30 to o the collection method,
60 minutes at room temperature. o container use,
• Most of the test needs the stopper to be o transportation and handling of specimen
removed to obtain the serum or plasma. and
• A gauze or tissue is used to cover the stopper o he timeliness of the testing.
to catch drops of blood that may leak or to Common Urine Test
catch aerosol that maybe released during the
Routine urinalysis (UA)
• This frequently ordered urine test screens the
• The tube stoppers should be removed by
patient for any urinary or systematic disorders.
pulling it straight up and off the tube.
• This can be ordered during hospitalization and
also form part of the physical examination
• An aliquot of specimen refers to a portion of a
sample specimen taken for chemical analysis
or testing. • The analysis is not limited to physical analysis
• This is prepared when multiple tests are (color, clarity and odor) but also covers the
ordered on a single specimen. chemical (ph, specific gravity, detection of
bacteria, etc.) and microscopic analysis (urine

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components such as cells, crystals and Urine glucose and ketone testing
microorganisms) of the specimen. • The urine glucose and ketone testing is
• Although random specimen is acceptable, performed to screen diabetes and determine
midstream collection is recommended and the glucose level for patients who are already
ideal to ensure that there is no contamination diabetics.
caused by genital secretions, pubic hair or • The urine ketone level test is used to determine
bacteria surrounding the urinary opening. if the patient is suffering from diabetic
• The specimen container used for collection ketoacidosis.
should be clear and dry with tight-fitting lids and • The color changes in the test strip are
they should be chemically cleaned. compared to a color chart to interpret the result
• After collection, the specimen should be of the test.
transported to the laboratory immediately but it Urine pregnancy testing
could be held at room temperature for 2 hours • The urine pregnancy test is used to confirm
or it could be refrigerated if transport will take pregnancy which can be detected 8 to 10 days
longer than prescribed. from conception.
• Make sure that the specimen is protected from • The first morning urine specimen is preferred
light. because it has the highest concentration of
Culture & sensitivity (C&S) human gonadotropin (HCG).
• The Culture & sensitivity (C&S) urine test is Types of Urine Specimens
requested if the patient has symptoms of a 1. Random: collected at any time
urinary tract infection (UTI). 2. First morning/8-hour urine specimen: collected
• The urine specimen used should be midstream immediately upon waking up from an 8 hours
clean-catch collection which is placed in a of sleep
sterile container. 3. Fasting: second specimen voided after fasting
• A measured portion of urine is cultured on a (glucose monitoring)
special nutrient medium for 18 to 24 hours. 4. Timed: collected at specific times or pooled
• If a microorganism is present and identified, a throughout a specific time period.
sensitivity or antibiotic susceptibility test is a. Tolerance test (glucose) - fasting, 1/2
performed to determine the most effective hour, 1 hour, etc.
antibiotic that should be prescribed for b. 2-hour postprandial - 2 hours after a
treatment. meal
Urine cytology studies c. 24-hour - collection & pooling of all
• The urine cytology study on urine is requested urine which is voided in 24 hours
by the physician to detect cancer, d. Double-voided - wait for specific time
cytomegalovirus, & other viral and (30 minutes) after emptying the bladder
inflammatory diseases in the urinary system. 24-Hour Urine Collection Procedure
• A fresh clean-catch specimen is required. 1. Empty the bladder upon waking up.
• A smear from the cells of the lining of the 2. Affix the label in the container and write down
urinary tract is stained using the Papanicolaou the time and date of the specimen collection.
(PAP) method and examined under the Start timing.
microscope for abnormal cells. 3. Collect all the urine that has been passed for
• The collected specimen should be examined the next 24 hours
immediately but if delays could not be avoided, 4. If instructed, refrigerate the specimen collected
the specimen is preserved by adding an equal all throughout the collection period.
volume of 50% alcohol. 5. The urine is collected prior to bowel movement.
Urine drug testing 6. Drink fluid as needed to avoid dehydration.
• Drug screening is performed using urine since 7. Take one last void at the end of the 24 hour
many drugs are detected in the urine but not in collection period
the blood. This test is performed to detect: 8. Make sure to seal the container before placing
1. illicit use of recreational drugs, in the cooler. Arrange to transport the
2. use of anabolic steroids to enhance specimen to the laboratory at the soonest
performance in sports, and possible time.
3. unwarranted use of prescription drugs. It Urine Collection Methods
also monitors therapeutic drug use to 1. Regular voided
minimize the symptoms associated with the 2. Midstream
withdrawal and also confirm drug overdose. 3. Midstream clean-catch
4. Catheterized
5. Suprapubic aspiration
6. Pediatric

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Amniotic Fluid • The specimen needs to be frozen to ensure
• The amniotic fluid is a clear and slightly stability prior to the delivery to the clinical
yellowish liquid contained in the amniotic sac laboratory.
that is surrounding and cushioning the fetus Semen
during pregnancy. • The seminal fluid is a thick yellowish-white fluid
• The specimen is collected by the physician that contains sperm release during the male
using transabdominal amniocentesis ejaculation.
preferably 15 weeks after gestation. • Analysis is done to evaluate the fertility and
• The procedure is guided by the ultrasound assess the effectiveness of sterilization after a
machine and about 10 mL of fluid is aspirated vasectomy procedure but it is also ordered for
from the amniotic sac thru the needle inserted forensic or legal reasons such as criminal
in the mother's abdominal wall into the uterus. investigations involving sexual assault.
• The test is done to detect any genetic disorder, • The collected specimen is placed in sterile
check any problem in fetal development and container, kept warm and protected from light.
verify the gestational age. Serous Fluid
Cerebrospinal Fluid • The serous fluid is found between the
• The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) refers the liquid membrane that encloses that pleural,
that surrounds brain & spinal cord. pericardial, & peritoneal cavities.
• The testing is used to diagnose meningitis and • The fluid is collected by the physician by
other disorders such as brain abscess, CNS aspiration and placed in tubes depending on
cancer and multiple sclerosis. the type of test.
• The CSF is collected in 3 special sterile tubes: • EDTA tubes are used for cell counts and
first tube - chemistry and immunology test, smears, herapin or sodium fluoride tubes for
second tube - microbiology studies, and the chemistry tests, non- anticoagulant tubes for
third tube for cell counts. biochemical tests, and for cultures the
Gastric Fluid/Gastric Analysis heparinized should be used.
• The gastric analysis is performed to check the Sputum
contents of the stomach for abnormal • Sputum (mucous or phlegm) specimen are
substances and evaluate the production of acid used to diagnose and/or monitor lower
by evaluating the gastric acid concentration. respiratory tract infections like tuberculosis.
• The sample is aspirated to determine acidity • It is recommended that the collection be done
before the stimulation. A gastric stimulant is first thing in the morning since larger volume
administered intravenously after the specimen have accumulated overnight and at least 1
collection. hour after meal to avoid gagging.
• A series of collection will follow with timed • The patient should gargle with water and
intervals. remove dentures (if any). The patient should:
Nasopharyngeal Secretions 1. take takes 3 or 4 deep breaths,
The Nasopharyngeal (NP) secretions specimen 2. inhale and exhale,
are collected and cultured to determine the 3. cough forcefully on the last breath, and
presence of bacteria that causes: 4. expectorate and expel sputum into the
1. diphtheria, sterile container.
2. meningitis, The procedure is repeated until adequate amount
3. pertussis (whooping cough), and is collected which is about 3 to 5 mL.
4. pneumonia. Sweat
• Collection is performed by gently inserting a • The sweat is used to analyze the chloride
dacron or sterile cotton-tipped flexible wire content of patients under the age of 20 with
swab into the nose into the nasopharynx (nasal symptoms of cystic fibrosis (exocrine gland
cavity & pharynx). disorder).
• The swab is rotated and gently removed then • During the sweat chlorides test, electrical
placed in a properly labeled sterile container stimulation in the forearm or thigh
containing transport medium for immediate (iontoporesis) is used to transport the
transport to the laboratory. pilocarpine (sweat-stimulating drug) into the
Saliva skin. The sweat is then collected, the weight is
• The saliva which is the fluid secreted by the recorded and the chloride content is analyzed.
glands inside the mouth is used to check the • The sweat specimen can also be used to
hormone levels and also determine alcohol determine illegal use of drug by placing
and drug or substance abuse. patches on the skin for an extended period of
• The collection of saliva is easy and non- time and which is further confirmed by
invasive because testing kits are available and subsequent drug testing.
many are point-of-care test (POCT).

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Synovial Fluid • Additional breath samples are taken every 30
The synovial fluid (viscous fluid that lubricates minutes for 3 hours and all are sent to the
movable joints) are tested to determine conditions laboratory for analysis.
such as arthritis, gout and other inflammatory Feces (Stool)
conditions since increase in volume is attributed to The fecal specimen (feces or stool) is collected to
inflammation. These are collected in 3 tubes: 1. determine gastrointestinal disorder,
• EDTA/heparin: for cell counts, ID of 2. analyze for presence of intestinal ova &
crystals, smear preparation parasites (O&P),
• Sterile: culture & sensitivity 3. cultured for the presence of pathogenic
• Non-additive: macroscopic appearance, bacteria and viruses,
chemistry, immunology tests and observing 4. check fat and urobilinogen content,
the clot formation 5. test for presence of occult blood. They are
Buccal (Cheek) Swabs collected in a clean and wide-mouth container
• Buccal swabs are used to obtain loose cells that are sealed and sent to the laboratory
inside the cheek for purposes of DNA analysis. after collection.
• This is less invasive and painless alternative to Hair
blood collection. Aside from using the hair sample for trace & heavy
• The phlebotomist collects sample by placing metal analysis, it is also used to detect chronic
the swab inside the cheek and gently drug abuse where hair is the preferred specimen
massages the area. because not only is it easy to obtain, but it is also
• After the collection the swab is sent to the not easy to alter or tamper.
laboratory where the DNA is extracted from the Throat swabs
cells in the swab. • Throat swabs are mostly collected to aid in
Bone Marrow streptococcal (strep) infection detection.
• The bone marrow is examined to identify blood • A special kit contains a sterile polyester-tipped
diseases. swab and a covered transport tube.
• The physician inserts a large-gauge needle • The tube contains transport medium.
into the sternum (breastbone) or iliac crest (hip The throat culture specimen collection procedures
bone) and aspirates 1.0 to 1.5 mL of specimen. are as follows:
• A hematology technologist makes special 1. Follow hand hygiene and PPE procedures
slides from the first marrow aspiration. 2. Open the container to remove the swab in
Breath Samples an aseptic manner.
• There are two types of testing for breath: C- 3. Stand to the side of the patient or stand back
urea breath test (C-UBT) and Hydrogen breath to avoid droplet contact when the patient
test. coughs.
• After the collection of the baseline breath 4. Ask the patient to tilt his head back and
sample, the patient is asked to drink a special open his mouth wide.
substance that has synthetic urea. 5. Examine the throat by directing a flashlight
• He is then asked to breath into a Mylar balloon to the back of the throat.
at specified intervals. The breath specimens 6. Use a tongue depressor to depress the
are analyzed for carbon-13 which confirms the tongue and ask the patient to say "Ah" to
presence of the H. pylori. raise the uvula and get it out of the way.
• The Hydrogen breath test, on the other hand, 7. Swab the tonsils, tonsilar crypts, back of the
helps in the detection of carbohydrate throat and any area that has ulceration and
digestion problems such as lactose (milk inflammation but avoid touching the lips,
sugar) and fructose (fruit sugar). tongue and uvula.
• This test can also detect bacterial overgrowth 8. Discard the tongue depressor only after the
in the small intestine and is thought as the most swab has been taken out of the mouth.
accurate tolerance test. 9. The swab is placed in the transport tube
• In preparation for the test, the patient must not (dipped in the medium) and the covered
take antibiotics 2 weeks prior to the scheduled carefully.
test. 10. Follow proper labeling procedure for the
• He should not eat certain food for 24 hours specimen.
before the test and should be on fasting on the 11. Remove the gloves properly & apply proper
day of the test. Smoking and exercise is also hand decontamination technique.
restricted 30 minutes before the test. 12. The collection tube is sent to the laboratory
• The baseline breath sample is taken by for immediate processing.
breathing into a special bag before the
introduction of a special drink.

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Tissue Specimen
• The tissue specimen is usually collected using
biopsy where the tissue sample is removed for
• The phlebotomist should check the proper
handling procedure if the specimen arrived not
immersed in solution.
• In the case of genetic analysis, the tissue
samples are not to be placed in formalin.
• Improper handling is costly, inconvenient and
cannot be easily repeated.

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