MODULE 8 - NCM105j J

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Divince O Ekstrom, RN MAN Prepared by: F. Baddong


Protein requirement is increased by PREGNANCY
20% for the pregnant woman To meet the nutritional requirements
Over 25 and by 25% for the pregnant of pregnancy, the woman should base
adolescent her diet on MyPyramid
Proteins -tissue building, and protein- Special care should be taken in the
rich foods are excellent sources of selection of food so that the
many other essential nutrients, necessary calories are provided by
especially iron, copper, zinc, and the nutrient-dense foods.
B vitamins.

Vitamin A - (more than 3,000 RE) has

been known to cause birth defects :
hydrocephaly , microcephaly , mental
retardation, ear and eye
abnormalities, cleft lip and palate,
and heart defects.
Vitamin K required is given as AI of 75
to 90 ųg depending upon age
Additional vitamin C - develop
collagen and to increase the
absorption of iron.
B vitamins - metabolism and
development of red blood cells Drinking additional milk -protein,
calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, and calcium, phosphorus, thiamine,
selenium are all increased during riboflavin, and niacin.
pregnancy. Fat-free milk - no fat & provides 90
–Calcium - infant’s bones and teeth as calories per 8-ounce serving = better
well as for blood clotting, muscle action choice
–Mother not consuming adequate Prenatal vitamin supplement in
calcium -baby will get its calcium from addition to an iron supplement.
her bones Not advisable - unprescribed nutrient
iron increases - increased blood supplement, as an excess of vitamins
volume, fetus increases its or minerals can be toxic to mother
hemoglobin level and infant
Unusual cravings for certain foods
during pregnancy do no harm unless
eating them interferes with the
normal balanced diet or causes
excessive weight gain
Divince O Ekstrom, RN MAN Prepared by: F. Baddong

Excessive Weight Gain

Eliminate foods that do not fit within

–candy, cookies, rich desserts, chips,
salad dressings (other than fat free),
sweetened beverages.
Drink fat-free milk- proteins, vitamins,
A bowl of clean, crisp, raw
vegetables such as broccoli or
cauliflower tips, carrots, celery,
cucumber, zucchini sticks, or radishes

Nausea - morning sickness

dipped in a fat-free salad dressing or
Eat dry crackers or dry toast before
Fruits and custards made with fat-free
Eat small, frequent meals
milk not high in calories.
Avoid foods with offensive odors
Broiling, baking, or boiling foods
Avoid liquids at mealtime.
instead of frying
Hyperemesis gravidarum = parenteral
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension

toxemia or preeclampsia - third

Constipation and hemorrhoids - eating
high-fiber foods, getting daily
high blood pressure, presence of
exercise, drinking at least 8 glasses
albumin in urine (proteinuria), edema
of liquid each day, and responding
edema = sudden increase in weight.
immediately to the urge to defecate.
eclamptic (convulsive) stage,
convulsions, coma, and death of
Heartburn - relaxation of the cardiac
mother and child may occur.
sphincter and smooth muscles related
cause of this = not known,
to progesterone.
Fetus grows, it pushes on the mother’s
–first-time pregnancies
–multifetal pregnancies
Eating small, frequent meals; avoiding
–morbid obesity
spicy, greasy foods; liquids with
–inadequate diets - protein-deficient
meals; waiting at least an hour after
eating before lying down; and waiting
–Pregnant adolescents have a higher
at least 2 hours before exercising.
rate of PIH
Divince O Ekstrom, RN MAN Prepared by: F. Baddong

As a nurse, what would you include in Alcohol, Caffeine, Drugs, and Tobacco
your health teaching, so that the patient

Alcohol consumption is associated

diagnosed with PIH will be able to with subnormal physical and mental
maintain a normal blood pressure? development of the fetus = fetal
alcohol syndrome (FAS).
Pica –premature and have a low birth weight

Craving for nonfood substances – small head, short eye slits that make

Most common among pregnant women eyes appear to be set far apart, a flat

Some believe it relieves nausea. midface, and a thin upper lip, growth

Others think the practice is based on deficiency

cultural heritage.
Consumption of soil should be highly
If any of the nonfood substances
replaces nutrient rich foods in the
diet, this will result in multiple
nutrient deficiencies.


insufficiency of red blood cells,

hemoglobin, or blood volume A woman who is 2 months pregnant, is experiencing

does not receive sufficient oxygen morning sickness often. As a nurse, how do you
intend to manage this case?
weak and tired, poor appetite, and

appears pale.
Iron deficiency - most common form-
F i r s t y e a r o f l i f e = d
o u b l e s b i r t h
daily iron supplement

weight by 6 months of age and triples

Folate deficiency can result in a form
it within the first year.
of megaloblastic anemia
infant’s energy, vitamin, mineral, and
Too few red blood cells and by large
protein requirements are higher per
immature red blood cells. The body’s
unit of body weight than those of
requirement for folic acid increases
older children or adults
dramatically when new red blood
98 to 108 calories per kilogram of
cells are being formed=folate
body weight/day
Low-birth-weight infants= more than
the normal number of calories per
kilogram of body weight.
Divince O Ekstrom, RN MAN Prepared by: F. Baddong

Breast milk or formula= proteins, fats, contains less protein and minerals
carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, =reduces the load on the infant’s
water kidneys
Up to 6 months of age = 2.2 grams of promotes oral motor development in
protein per kilogram of weight each infants and decreases the infant’s risk
day of obesity and diabetes
6 to 12 months = 1.56 grams of protein first several weeks of life the infant
per kilogram of weight each day will nurse approximately every 2–4
More water per pound of body weight hours. The frequency of nursing
than do adults sessions will decrease.
Essential vitamins and minerals can be recommended that an infant nurse at
supplied in breast milk, formula, and each breast for approximately 10 to 15
food. minutes each session.
Born with a 3- to 6-month supply of growth spurts occur at about 10 days,
iron 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 months.
6 months of age- iron-fortified cereal
Vitamin D supplement for infants who Sufficient Nutrients and Calories from
are nursed and who are not exposed

to sunlight on a regular basis. (1) there are six or more wet diapers a

Newborns lack intestinal bacteria to day

synthesize vitamin K, so they are (2) there is normal growth
routinely given a vitamin K (3) there are one or two mustard-colored
supplement shortly after birth bowel movements a day
Vitamin A can damage the liver and (4) the breast becomes less full during
cause bone abnormalities nursing
Vitamin D can damage the bonding
cardiovascular system and kidneys uterus return to normal size, controls
postpartum bleeding, return to pre-
BREASTFEEDING pregnancy weight
temporary immunity to many infectious
economical, nutritionally perfect
saves time
easy to digest
no gastrointestinal disturbances or
allergic reactions
fewer infections (especially ear
Divince O Ekstrom, RN MAN Prepared by: F. Baddong


Cuddled and held in a semi-upright Eating habits develop during childhood

position during ;less inclined to = difficult to change = irritability,

develop middle ear infections than depression, anxiety, fatigue, illness

those fed lying down learn partly by imitation
Burped to release gas in the Nutritious foods should be available at
stomach; regurgitation snack time as well as at mealtime
Formulas = based on cow’s milk but Appetites vary
must be modified because it has more Rate of growth is not
protein and mineral salts and less milk constant=children’s attention is
sugar (lactose) increasingly focused on their
Sensitive or allergic to infant formula environment rather than their stomach
=Synthetic milk from soybeans Appetites and interest in food
Too little water =too heavy a protein commonly decrease during the early
and mineral load for the infant’s years
kidneys. A 2-year-old child’s statement “No!” is
Too much water =dilute the nutrient his or her way of saying “Let me
and calorie value so that the infant decide!”
will not thrive = brain edema or New foods-introduced gradually, small
seizures amounts, as attractively as possible
Regular cow’s milk - protein is more Allowing to assist in purchasing and
difficult and slower to digest preparing a new food
*gastrointestinal blood loss Snacks - not fat-laden
*kidneys are challenged by its high Whole milk is recommended until the
protein and mineral content age of 2
Not salt their food at the table
Sensitive to and reject hot
What information would you give to a pregnant
(temperature) foods, but they like crisp
woman who is considering breastfeeding her infant
textures, mild flavors, and familiar
but isn't quite sure why she should?

Wary of foods covered by sauce or


Can have food jags
Choking in young children = peanuts,
grapes, hotdogs, raw carrots, hard
candy, or thick peanut butter
Snack every 2 to 3 hours for continued
energy finger foods for snacks. Cheese,
fruit, milk, unsweetened cereals
•Mealtime should be pleasant= chronic
Divince O Ekstrom, RN MAN Prepared by: F. Baddong

Food Habits: Adolescents

Mealtime should be pleasant= chronic
Boys - enormous appetites
overeating, anorexia nervosa, or
E a t i n g h a b i t s h a v e
b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d
d u r i n g c h i l d h o o d =
n o s e r i o u s p r o b l e m
Rate of growth diminishes = age 1 - 10
Adolescents are imitators = peers and
do what is popular
Ex. 6 months = needs about 54
Busy schedules, part-time jobs,
calories per pound of body weight
athletics, social activities, and the lack
10 years = 35 calories per pound of
of an available adult to prepare
body weight
nutritious food
6 months to 10 years= nutrient needs
Inform her or him of nutritional needs
actually increase due to increase in
and of the poor nutrition quality of the
body size
foods she or he is eating = desire for
A variety of foods = offered some
independence and may resent being
choices = psychosocial development
told what to do
Young child will need 2 to 3 cups of
Check her or his food choices for
low-fat or fat-free milk each day
nutrient content
Sweets should be minimized
Calorie requirements increase
Drink 1 ml of water for each calorie
Greater than girls’ because boys are
Fiber needs are calculated according
generally bigger, tend to be more
to age.
physically active, and have more lean
muscle mass than do girls.
Except for vitamin D, nutrient needs
menstruation = iron
The DRIs for vitamin D, vitamin C,
vitamin B12, calcium, phosphorus, and
iodine are the same for both sexes. The
DRIs for the remaining nutrients are
higher for boys than they are for girls


Adolescence is a stressful time for most young
A mother of a 2-year old is having difficulty people.
ensuring the nutrition of her child. The little boy is -numerous physical changes
very mobile and always says “NO” when being asked -an innate need for independence
to sit down and eat his food. What advice can you -increased work and extracurricular demands at
give to the mother? school

-social and sexual pressures

Divince O Ekstrom, RN MAN Prepared by: F. Baddong

Anorexia Nervosa Camille weighs 98 lb. Compute her protein

psychological disorder more common requirement following the format given on the

to women than men

previous slide.


drastically reduce calories, causing

altered metabolism, which results in 98 lb ÷ 2.2 = 44.54

hair loss, 44.54 x .08 = 35.63 grams of protein

low blood pressure, weakness,

amenorrhea, brain damage, and even CALORIE REQUIREMENTS

death Begin to diminish after the age of 25, as

has an inordinate fear of being fat. basal metabolism rates decrease.
demanding parents perceive this as After 25 years, a person will gain
their only means of control. weight if the total calories are not
resemble slim fashion models and reduced according to actual need,
have a distorted body image which will be determined by activity,
perfectionistic overachievers who BMI , and amount of lean muscle mass.
want to control their body-pleases Those who are more active will require
them to deny themselves food when more calories than those who are less
they are hungry active.
Late Adulthood
What are some of the factors that could affect
the nutritional health of an adolescent?
Good nutrition can
speed recovery from


i l l n e s s , s u r g e r y , o r
b r o k e n b o n e s a n d
G r o w t h i s u s u a l l y
c o m p l e t e b y t h e generally can improve the spirits and
age of 25
the quality and even the length of life

Iron requirement for women Protein requirement remains at the

(childbearing years) higher than for average 50 grams per day for women
men and 63 grams for men.
Protein needs for healthy adults are After age 65, it may be advisable to
thought to be 0.8 gram per kilogram increase one’s daily protein intake to
of body weight 1.0 gram per kilogram of body weight.
To determine the specific amount, Vitamin requirements do not change
one must divide the weight in after the age of 51, except for a slight
pounds by 2.2 to obtain the weight decrease in the DRIs for thiamine,
in kilograms and then multiply the riboflavin, and niacin.
weight in kilograms by 0.8. Calorie requirement is reduced after the
Calcium and vitamin D are essential age of 51
for strong bones, found in milk Calorie requirement decreases
Bone loss begins slowly, at about the approximately 1% to 2% because
age of 35 to 40 metabolism slows and activity is
3 glasses of milk a day reduced.
Divince O Ekstrom, RN MAN Prepared by: F. Baddong

Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Studies: senior citizens consume diets
deficient in protein; vitamins C, D, B6,
B12, and folate; and the minerals
calcium, zinc, iron, and sometimes
If the client consumes less that 1,500
calories a day, a multivitamin-mineral
supplement is recommended.
Elderly people who have long hospital
stays can develop PEM in the hospital.
Teeth can make eating protein foods
If overweight is a problem


Senior citizens spend money on

unnecessary vitamins, minerals, and
s p e c i a l h o n e y , m
o l a s s e s , b r e a d , m i l k ,
a n d o t h e r f o o d s t
h a t m a y b e
guaranteed by the salesperson to
prevent or cure various diseases.

Hot meals at noon in senior centers
across the country
Social clubs and are immensely
beneficial to the elderly
rovides transportation for those who are
otherwise unable to reach the senior
center for the meal.
When individuals are completely
homebound = Meals-on-Wheels projects
Participating people pay according to
ability. In addition, food stamps are
available and can sometimes be used
for the Meals-on-Wheels programs.

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