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Uncle Ibezim as you are fondly called by me, Chisimdi and Makuo my sisters. I chimdindu
is yet to come to terms with your death. Your death is like a mirage when it came to me. I
didn’t believe it, I had to run to my mom for confirmation but only saw mom crying
profusely , People started trouping to our house one after the other to commensurate with
mom, Dad rushed back that morning from Owerri at that point it was done on me that my
uncle is no more. I now remembered all the promises you made to me and the dream of my
younger sister Makuochi about a casket…….
Uncle Ibe you promised to give me dog and chicken, you said u will take care of me but now
you are no more, who will now do all these for me, who do I run to. It is well death! Death!
What did we do to deserve this? I believe everything happens for a reason, console us fight
for us, jeeijeginkeoma’
Dad, mom, chisimdi, Makuochi and I Chimdindu pray your soul rest in Gods bosom.


How do I start to write about a brother so dear to my heart, what really have we done to
deserve all this calamities, who will provide the answers to my questions, Our father is not
there for us, the same with our mom, now Ibezim you have joined them at your early stage of
life again. I prayed, I fasted what is it that I didn’t do to see that you never left us Ibe but all
is history. I believe that your death will put an end to all this sudden death in the family of
LOIUS OGBUABOR. Ibe as you go fight your fight, if it is how GOD wants it so be it but if
otherwise do the needful. Laanudookparannem as I pray for the resurrection morning where
we will meet to part no more
Chinasa Florence Agbo (Nee Ogbuabor)


On the 18th day of May 2023 was the day I received a distressed call from my younger
brother that you are sick, I didn’t waste time to put a call to sister Chinasa to find out what
the problem was. All these was as if it was film, we never envisaged that it will all boil down
to death. I have been so heartbroken since the day I got hint of your demise. Dear brother
writing this now is a big task as my eyes is filled with tears, it is still like dream and nrrded
someone to wake me up and assure me that it is not true.Since then I have been battling with
a lot in my mind, brother you were too young, gentle and kindhearted to leave so soon.May
you find peace before your creator we your sisters and brothers will miss you, it is indeed
very difficult to say goodbye but then reality is dawn on us, Good night my brother. We shall
meet to part no more
Sister Chioma

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