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ws. THIRD TRIMESTER , CHAPTER 3: patterns in space. LESSON 1: What is sun? VOCABULARY MEANINGS: Sun - is the star that is nearest to Earth. r PRACTICE VOCABULARY: Star Bright Hot gas Warm Hurt Sunscreen Careful Sunglasses Earth Telescope Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESTER Choose the correct answer: 1- Sun is a type of a) Storm b) Star 2- is very hot and bright. a) Sun b) — Moon 3- ban ea and can protect your skin on a sunny day. a) Swimming suit& slippers b) Sunscreen & a hat 4- Plant needs. from the sun to grow. a) Light b) Water 5- People have made many discoveries in space using. a) Hand lens b) Telescope B) Fill in the blanks: - 1- A star is a big ball of hot 2- The sun is the nearest to 3- The sun is bigger than 4- Scientists use to observe the night sky. 5- Living things need from the sun. 3 Page “GRADET Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESTER ©) Write (True) or (False): - 1- Sun is smaller than Earth. (os) 2- You can see the sun in the day sky. (______ 3- Heat on Earth comes from the water. (—_—__ =) 4- We should never look at the sun. D) Explain how the sun helps us to live on Earth. &) Explain why the sun looks smaller than Earth. 4 Page Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESTER \ F) scl the objects that can help us to be protected from the sun: i> Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESp, CHAPTER 3: patterns in space. LESSON 2: What causes day and night? DAY ang NIGHT ~The Rotation of the Eacthe Scanned with CamScanner a Ze VOCABULARY: \ Rotation: Earth's spin around itself. .CTICE VOCAB! Clouds Day sky wa THIRD TRIMESTER | Night sky Moon Sunrise | Sunset Rotation Spin Faces away Faces towards Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESTER Choose the correct answer: 1- The sun makes the day sky a) Bright b) Dark 2- The moon looks aa same pal about every ___days PAB AC a) 19 b) 29 3- The sun seems to move across the during the day. a) Ground b) Sky 4- Earth makes every day. a) One rotation b) Two rotations 5- You can only see the part of the moon lit by a) The Earth b) The sun B) Write (True) or (False): - 1- Sometimes you can see the moon in the . day sky. (ctor HOES) 2- The moon looks a little different each night. (eee), 3- Earth is always spinning. > (Sey) 4-In the night sky, you cannot see the moon and stars. (a Scanned with CamScanner Petey (a) THIRD TRIMESTER wo" ) Answer the following questions: T- what causes day and night? cee ee II- Tell how the sky change from day to night. miei MeaN a ———— ee ees D) Draw an arrow to show when we have day and when we have night:- 1- When your part of earth facing away from the sun. 2- When your part of earth facing towards the sun. Write under each diagram whether the sun rises or sun sets : v4 we Scanned with CamScanner a i THIRD TRIMEST: E) Look at the following diagram: OOOCAOC Draw to show the different ways the moon looks:- OOOOOOK | T2 Page “GRADE! Scanned with CamScanner THIRD ines LESSON 3: What are the four seasons? VOCAB! Y: & SEASON: is a time of year, the four seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter. Spring Fall Winter Summer Seasons Thick fur Daylight A: - Choose the correct answer: 1- Spring comes after a) Summer b)Winter 2- Alligators lay their eggs in the a) Fall b) Spring 3. keeps the rabbit in winter. a) Thick fur b) Fins Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMES, i) Zs 4- Summer can be very . a) Dry b) Cold 5- Daylight starts to shorten in... vee a) Fall b) Spring B) Fill in the blanks: - COLDEST | DAYLIGHT | WINTER SPRING ‘| SUMMER | COLORS 1- Some plants die in... 2- Some leaves change their .. .season. 3- Winter can be the ... 4 lasts longest in summer. 5- Many animals have babies in..... 6-.. warmer than spring. ©) Write (True) or (False):- ]- The seasons in the south half of the world are the ( opposite the seasons in the north half. 2- Fall comes after winter. ( 3- Some animals store food for winter. Cae) 4- In spring the sun rises earlier than in winter. (cise) 5- Days might be rainy and very cold in summer. co T6 Page a Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESTER S D) WRITE THE FOLLOWING SEASONS:- Scanned with CamScanner GS THIRD TRIMES, Se. How do animals and plants live in land environment? Environments An environment is all living and non-living things in one place. An environment has food and water. An environment has air. Land is one kind of environment. Land has rocks and soil. Many plants and animals live on land. Forest Environment A forest is a land environment. A forest is land that has many trees and other plants. Black bears live in some forests. Black bears have sharp claws. Bears use their claws to dig for food. Sharp claws help bears climb trees. - Big leaves help forest plants take ina lot of sunlight. Scanned with CamScanner vs A prairie environment Aprairie is a land environment. Aprairie is flat land that is covered with grasses. Prairie dogs live in some prairies. Prairie dogs have sharp teeth. Sharp teeth help them chew the prairie grass. Prairie dogs have sharp claws. Sharp claws help them dig holes in the ground. They use the holes for shelter. Desert Environment A desert is a land environment. A desert is a land that is very dry. A desert gets very little rain or snow. Some deserts are very cold. Plants grow in deserts, This deset ight-colored skin helps this lizard eep COO! wn wne ene i THIRD TRIMESTER Scanned wi ith CamScanner Some bighorn sheep live in deserts. They eat cactus. A cactus has sharp spines! The sheep use their big horns to scrape off the spines. Summary Sheet Environment: all living and non-living things in one place. - Environment can be land or water environment. THIRD TRIMES), -_ There are three kinds of land environments (Forest, Prairie and Desert) Environment's image Environment Plants Animals 1-Black Forest isaland | Trees: seers that has many Plants with big trees and other | leaves to take in | 5 || plants. a lot of sun | light. Prairie is a wide land that covered Grass Prairie dogs with grass. Big horn Cactus has tee Desert is adry eu see. | 2-Rabbit land that has Desert plonte | S7cizard little amount of hae Plants | Animals get water or snow. ithapser food and wate) leaves tohold | For the plat eae they eat. — GRADE a Scanned with CamScanner he & J THIRD TRIMESTER parts that may help animals and plants to live ir ent: ‘Animal or Plant Part Job 1-Black Bear Help Black Bear to Sharp Claws Climb the trees and Find food. 2-Prairie Dogs = 1-Sharp teeth 2-Sharp Claws 1-Sharp teeth to chew grass. 2-Sharp claws to dig holes for shelter. 3-Big Horn Sheep ERS Big horns To remove spines from Cactus plants they eat. Big ears Heat goes out from Rabbits body through its big ears to keep cool. Light colored skin To keep cool. Sharp spines 1-To Keep animals away 2-It holds water. Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMEy Living things and their Environment LESSON: How do plants and animals live in land environment? Environment Forest Prairie Desert Claws Cactus Sharp Spines Big Horn Grass Ta Page BRACE: Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESTER we A; ~ Choose the correct answer: 4- Raccoon lives in the : as a) Forest b) Desert rf) J 2- Rabbits have big_____ to keep them cool. a) Claws b) Ears 3- Big Horn sheep eat a) Grass b) Cactus 4- Black Bears use their to climb trees. a) Claws b) Horn 5- environment is a flat land covered with grasses. a) prairie b) desert 6- Plants in can hold water. a) Desert b) Forest 7- The Prairie dogs dig_____ for shelter. a) Holes b) Kennel 8- A desert land gets a very ____ rain or snow. a) Little b) a lot ¥. help the desert plant to hold water. a) Soft leaves b) Waxy leaves 10- Prairie dogs have sharp ___ to chew grass. a) Teeth b) Claws Brags GRADET Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMEs. B) Fill in the blanks: - Desert | Environment | Big leaves | Forest Prairie | Spines help forest plants take in a lot of sun light. i= mca 2- An is all Living and Non-Living things in one place, 3- A Cactus has sharp 4-A is a land that has many trees and other plants. 5- Prairie dogs live in environment. 6-A is a very dry land. ©) Write (True) or (False): - 1- Big Horn Sheep lives ina dry environment. (ESS) 2- Black Bears use sharp claws to dig holes for ) shelter. ( 3- Lizard has light-colored skin to keep hot. (ees) 4- Land environment has rocks and soil. (ee) 5- Desert can be cold or hot. fose a) 6- Forest, Prairie and desert are water environments. (sata) Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESTER nswer the following questions: - DA! 1- How do sharp claws help Black Bears to live in forest? 3- How do desert animals get water in their environment? 4- What does help the Lizard to keep them cool in desert? peceeeeeeenneeeeennneeennnnennnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnennn nan ag Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRING Wwe 5- How is it easy for Big Horn Sheep to eat Cactus? A x E) Write the environment for these different plants and animals: - Scanned with CamScanner THIRD TRIMESTER F) Circle the correct part:- oe EN 1- The part that helps Prairie Dog to dig for shelter. 2- The part that helps Rabbit to keep it cool. 3- The part of the forest plant that gets a lot of sunlight. Scanned with CamScanner

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