Physics G8 2021-22 3RD Term Revision Sheet

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‫مـدرســة االمــتـــيـــاز الـعالــمـيـــــة‬

Excellence International Schools

Academic Year 2021-2022
Revision Sheet – 3rd Term Subject: Physics Grade: 8


‫مـدرســة االمــتـــيـــاز الـعالــمـيـــــة‬
Excellence International Schools
Academic Year 2021-2022
Revision Sheet – 3rd Term Subject: Physics Grade: 8
Name ________________________ Class:-______


1) Sound waves of frequency 2.0kHz travel through a substance at a speed of 800m/s.
What is the wavelength of the waves?
A. 0.40m
B. 2.5m
C. 400m
D. 1600m

2) The frequency of a wave is doubled. The speed of the wave does not change. What
happens to the wavelength of the wave?
A. It becomes four times as large.
B. It does not change.
C. It doubles.
D. It halves.

3) A water wave passes into a region where the wave travels more slowly. As it passes
into the slow region, what happens to the frequency and what happens to the
wavelength of the wave?

4) Which row shows the natures of light waves, sound waves and X-rays?

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 1|Page

5) The diagrams show water waves that move more slowly after passing into shallow
water. Which diagram shows what happens to the waves?

6) What is the number of wavefronts per second that pass a fixed point?
A. the amplitude of the wave
B. the frequency of the wave
C. the speed of the wave
D. the wavelength of the wave.

7) The diagrams show two water waves P and Q that are travelling at the same speed on
the surface of a pond. The diagrams are to the same scale.

Which wave has the greater amplitude and which wave has the greater frequency?

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 2|Page

8) The diagrams represent water waves in a tank. Which diagram represents a wave
that changes speed?

9) A small boat in a harbour is protected from waves on the sea by harbour walls. Some
waves can curve round the harbour walls and reach the boat. What is the name of
this effect?

A. diffraction
B. dispersion
C. reflection
D. refraction

10) A boy throws a small stone into a pond. Waves spread out from where the stone hits
the water and travel to the side of the pond. The boy notices that eight waves reach
the side of the pond in a time of 5.0s. What is the frequency of the waves?
A. 0.20Hz
B. 0.63Hz
C. 1.6Hz
D. 40Hz

11) A sound wave travels through air as a series of compressions and rarefactions.
Which row correctly compares the air pressure in a compression and the air
pressure in a rarefaction to the air pressure nearby where there is no sound wave?

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 3|Page

12) Which range of wave frequencies includes only sounds that can be heard by a human
with normal hearing?
A. 3.0Hz to 300Hz
B. 30Hz to 3000Hz
C. 300Hz to 30000Hz
D. 3000Hz to 300000Hz

13) An echo-sounder on a ship produces a pulse of sound. The echo is received by the
echo-sounder after two seconds. The speed of sound in sea-water is 1500m/s. What
is the depth of the sea-water below the ship?

A. 750m
B. 1500m
C. 3000m
D. 6000m

14) A man holding a starting pistol stands 640 m away from a spectator. The spectator
hears the sound of the starting pistol 2.0 s after seeing the flash from the pistol.
Using this information, what is the speed of sound in air?

A. 160m/ s
B. 320m/ s
C. 640m/s
D. 1280m/s

15) Two sounds X and Y are produced by loudspeakers. The amplitude and frequency of
each sound wave is given in the table. How does sound Y compare with sound X?

A. Y is louder and has a higher pitch.

B. Y is louder and has a lower pitch.
C. Y is quieter and has a higher pitch.
D. Y is quieter and has a lower pitch.
Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 4|Page
16) A quiet sound is produced by a loudspeaker. The loudness of the sound is increased.
Which property of the sound wave is increased?
A. amplitude
B. frequency
C. speed
D. wavelength

17) The frequency of a musical note is increased. A student hearing the sound detects
an increase in which property?
A. loudness of the sound
B. pitch of the sound
C. speed of the sound wave
D. wavelength of the sound wave

18) Sounds are produced by vibrating objects. A certain object vibrates but a person
nearby cannot hear any sound. Which statement could explain why nothing is heard?
A. The amplitude of the sound waves is too large.
B. The frequency of the vibration is too high.
C. The sound waves are transverse.
D. The speed of the sound waves is too high.

19) A fire alarm is not loud enough and the pitch is too low. An engineer adjusts the
alarm so that it produces a louder note of a higher pitch.
What effect does this have on the amplitude and on the frequency of the sound?

20) The diagrams show the wave shapes of two different sounds. The scales are the
same in each diagram. sound 1 sound 2 time time How does sound 2 compare with
sound 1?

A. Sound 2 is louder than sound 1.

B. Sound 2 is quieter than sound 1.
C. Sound 2 has a higher pitch than sound 1.
D. Sound 2 has a lower pitch than sound 1.

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 5|Page

21) The diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum, in order of increasing wavelength.
Three types of radiation, P, Q and R, are missing from the spectrum diagram.

Which types of electromagnetic radiation are represented by P, by Q and by R?

22) The diagram represents the electromagnetic spectrum.

Some regions have been labelled, and some labels are missing.
Which region should be labelled as infra-red waves?

23) Which group contains only electromagnetic waves?

A. light waves, radio waves, γ-rays
B. light waves, radio waves, sound waves
C. light waves, sound waves, γ-rays
D. radio waves, sound waves, γ-rays

24) The diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum.

A word is missing from the label below the spectrum. Which word is missing?
A. amplitude
B. frequency
C. speed
D. wavelength

25) How do infra-red waves differ from ultraviolet waves?

A. Infra-red waves are longitudinal.
B. Infra-red waves have a lower speed in vacuo (in a vacuum).
C. Infra-red waves have lower frequencies.
D. Infra-red waves have smaller wavelengths.

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 6|Page

26) Which diagram shows what happens when a ray of white light passes through a

27) Which type of electromagnetic wave is used in airport security scanners?

A. infra-red
B. microwaves
C. radio waves
D. X-rays

28) An intruder alarm sensor detects that a human is warmer than his surroundings.
Which type of electromagnetic wave does the sensor detect?
A. infra-red
B. radio
C. ultraviolet
D. visible light

29) Which statement is correct about the speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?
A. Ultra-violet waves have the greatest speed.
B. Visible light waves have the greatest speed.
C. Infra-red waves have the greatest speed.
D. All electromagnetic waves have the same speed.

30) Which diagram shows the correct order of the waves in the electromagnetic

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 7|Page

(a) Two types of seismic waves are produced by earthquakes. They are called P-waves
and S-waves. P-waves are longitudinal and S-waves are transverse.

(i) Explain what is meant by the terms longitudinal and transverse.

longitudinal ........................................................................................................................
transverse . .........................................................................................................................

(ii) State another example of

1. a longitudinal wave, ....................................................................................................
2. a transverse wave. .....................................................................................................

(iii) A seismic wave has a speed of 7.2 km / s and a frequency of 30 Hz.

Calculate its wavelength.

wavelength = .................................................

(b) Fig. 5.1 shows an electric bell ringing in a sealed glass chamber containing air.

A student hears the bell ringing. The air is then removed from the chamber.
State and explain any change in the sound heard by the student.

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 8|Page

2) Fig. 9.1 represents a wave in a water tank. Five distances are shown, labelled A, B,
C, D and E.

(i) 1. Which property of the wave is represented by distance C?


2. Which of the labelled distances represents the wavelength of the wave?


(ii) Water waves are transverse waves.

State another example of a transverse wave.

(iii) The speed of the wavefronts is 7.5 cm / s.

Calculate the distance moved by a wavefront in 4.0 s.

distance = .......................................... cm

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 9|Page

3) Fig. 8.1 shows a loudspeaker cone oscillating to produce sound waves.

(a) As the sound wave passes a point, it produces regions of higher and lower pressure.
State the names of these regions.

higher pressure ..........................................................

lower pressure ..........................................................

(b) Describe how the movement of the loudspeaker cone produces these regions of
different pressure.

higher pressure .........................................................................................................................

lower pressure ..........................................................................................................................

(c) State the effect on the loudness and pitch of the sound from the loudspeaker when

(i) the amplitude increases but the frequency of the sound stays the same,
loudness ............................................................................................................................
pitch ...................................................................................................................................

(ii) the amplitude stays the same but the frequency increases.
loudness ............................................................................................................................
pitch ...................................................................................................................................

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 10 | P a g e

(a) A sound wave in air consists of alternate compressions and rarefactions along its
(i) Explain how a compression differs from a rarefaction.

(ii) Explain, in terms of compressions, what is meant by

1. the wavelength of the sound,

2. the frequency of the sound.


(b) At night, bats emit pulses of sound to detect obstacles and prey. The speed of
sound in air is
340 m / s.
(i) A bat emits a pulse of sound of wavelength 0.0085 m.
Calculate the frequency of the sound.

frequency = ...........................................................

(ii) State why this sound cannot be heard by human beings.


(iii) The pulse of sound hits a stationary object and is reflected back to the bat. The
pulse is received by the bat 0.12 s after it was emitted.
Calculate the distance travelled by the pulse of sound during this time.

distance = ...........................................................

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 11 | P a g e

5) Fig. 7.1 shows some parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a) (i) In Fig. 7.1, one part of the electromagnetic spectrum is not labelled.
State the name of this part.
(ii) The speed of visible light waves in a vacuum is 3.0 × 108 m / s.
Suggest a value for the speed of infra-red waves in a vacuum.

speed = .................................................. m / s

(iii) Some parts of the electromagnetic spectrum have a wavelength shorter than that
of visible light. State one example.

(iv) State the radiation that has the greatest frequency.


(b) (i) X-rays and γ-rays are used in hospitals.

Describe one medical use for X-rays and one use for γ-rays.
X-rays ................................................................................................................................
γ-rays .................................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain why γ-rays are dangerous to living things.
(iii) State a precaution take by those who work with X-rays.

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 12 | P a g e

6) Fig. 7.1 shows an incomplete diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a) (i) In Fig. 7.1, section A and section B of the electromagnetic spectrum are not
State the names of these parts.
A ........................................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) An electromagnetic wave has a wavelength of 1.0 × 10–9 m. Use Fig. 7.1 to identify
the type of electromagnetic wave.

(b) All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum.

State one other property that is the same for all electromagnetic waves.

(c) For each purpose, state one type of electromagnetic radiation that can be used.
(i) remote controllers for televisions
(ii) killing bacterial cells

Revision Sheet Physics G8 Third Term 13 | P a g e

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