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A Science Investigatory Project

Presented to the Faculty of the Junior High School Department

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in Science 7


Mr. Clifford Rodriguez Serrano

Science Teacher


ANDA, Mhaia Franchesca

MIRAVITE, Alyssa Margarette

MENDIOLA, Alyanna Monique

SANTOS, Dylan Aush

JUTA, Jwan Lucas Sealtiel


June 2023

The Use of Bottle and Filter as Wastewater Treatment

Anda, Mhaia Franchesca

Miravite, Alyssa Margarette

Mendiola, Alyanna Monique

Santos, Dylan Aush

Juta, Jwan Lucas

Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila School

Phase 1 Vista Verde Executive Village, Cainta, Rizal

Like many of the natural resources we have, water is getting polluted. Many

individuals can disregard the importance of purified water, but waste water can hold

dangerous contaminants. Wastewater is water that has been used. Businesses and

industries also provide their fair share of dirty water.

This experiment will not only use polluted water, but also up-cycle the plastics,

which is one of the main pollutions in the ocean. The filtration process involves

gravel and sand. After the experiment, the filtration system was tested with pond

water and soil water. We realized that even though the gravel and sand was put in

the correct order and the right amount, if the thickness of the cheese cloth were to be

imprecise, then the water would be a yellowish colour.

In short, having clean water is vital to our individual health, our collective

agricultural needs, and the needs of our environment. Water is one of the most

important aspects of our everyday existence. Water is required for healthy digestion,
circulation, and temperature control within our bodies, in addition to relieving our



First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to Our Almighty God for his

protection and direction throughout this effort. We are grateful to our teachers for

their support, encouragement, and instruction as they guided us through our science

investigation project.

Also, many thanks to the members of our group who took part in the

experiment and research. We are grateful to our family, who supported and inspired

us as we worked on this project.

Finally, we would want to express our gratitude to our friends and classmates

who have assisted us in better understanding how to do research.


Figure Number Title Page

Figure 1 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study Page 9

Figure 2 Flowchart on Making the Filtration System Page



Figure Number Title Page

Table 1 Materials Page


Table 2 Trial Results Page



Plate Number Title Page

Plate 1 Preparation Page 24

Plate 2 Cutting Procedure Page 24

Plate 3 Wrapping Procedure Page 24

Plate 4 Stacking Procedure Page 25

Plate 5 Trial 1 Page 25

Plate 6 Trial 2 Page 25


Title Page……………………………………………………………………………………i



List of Figures, Tables, and Plates………………………………………………………..iv



Background of the Study………………………………………………………….1-


Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………3-


Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………5

Scope and Limitation………………………………………………………...………



Related Literature………………………………………………………………....7-8

Conceptual Framework……………………………..………………………………8


Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………..9



Methodology Flow Chart…………………………………………………………..11

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION………………………………………………………..12-









Curriculum Vitae………………….…………………………………………….20-24

Background of the Study

Water is a local resource in many ways since the local ecology and

inhabitants are immediately affected if ever the water quantity or quality changes.

However, water overall is a universal resource that all people and species

everywhere have to share. Physically and culturally, water connects continents and

travels between nations.

We chose this topic because we wanted to construct a convenient project that

can solve common problems individuals have from all around the world, and so that

is why we thought about contaminated water and how it can contain germs that

cause diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and polio. With clean and purified water,

we can use it for our everyday needs, such as cooking, cleaning, showering, and

flushing. We found that

Water is an essential element that touches every aspect of our lives, from

public health to safety and our economy’s foundation. It is also the key component

for human use, such as energy, industry, agriculture, and livestock (Hoff, 2009; Abd-
Elaty et al., 2022a). Over three-quarters of Earth is water, but less than 3% is fresh

water. In the last century, the population of the Earth has more than tripled,

accompanied by a large increase in water demands, which has led to a large gap

between the available and required quantities (Abd-Elaty et al., 2022b; Salehi, 2022).

According to UNICEF, at least two and half billion people lack adequate sanitation,

and more than a billion live without a potable water supply (Andrés et al., 2021).

The RBF technology has been utilized in Europe for decades, beginning in the

1870s in Germany to supply drinking water to cities along the Rhine, Elbe, Danube,

and Seine rivers. In addition, the RBF remained one of the most efficient ways of

providing high-quality drinking water following World War II, when rivers were

extensively polluted (Ray et al., 2003; Ray, 2008; Abd-Elaty et al., 2021d; Poojitha et

al., 2022). Many authorities worldwide have just begun assessing RBF’s water

treatment potential, especially in some developing countries like India, Jordan, and

China (Abdalla and Shamrukh, 2010). It is a low-cost water treatment process that

involves filtering the drinking water obtained from abstraction wells located near

rivers, lakes, or ponds using existing geologic formations around rivers, lakes, or

ponds. The bed and bank sediments filter the water bodies, eliminating pollutants.

The procedure could produce potable water or serve as a reasonably basic pre-

treatment for water to be further purified later. The obtained water is often of much

higher quality than the raw surface water (Ray, 2011). The bank filtration is affected

by geohydrologic conditions where the permeability of the sediment affects seepage

velocity. Often, internal clogging is connected with sediments having low hydraulic

conductivity and small vertical gradients. However, sediments with high conductivity
will not be efficient in removing contaminants. There is an increasing interest in

applying RBF because it can remove contaminants from surface water in low-cost

processing technology as carried out in Upper Egypt, particularly in Assiut

Governorate since 2004, Sodfa city for 60 thousand inhabitants (Abdel-Lah and

Shamrukh, 2006).

Statement of the Problem

Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to the transmission of

diseases such as cholera, Diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio.

Absent, inadequate, or inappropriately managed water and sanitation services

expose individuals to preventable health risks.

Inadequate management of urban, industrial and agricultural wastewater

means the drinking-water of hundreds of millions of people is dangerously

contaminated or chemically polluted. Natural presence of chemicals, particularly in

groundwater, can also be of health significance, including arsenic and fluoride, while

other chemicals, such as lead, may be elevated in drinking-water as a result of

leaching from water supply components in contact with drinking-water. In many parts

of the world, insects that live or breed in water carry and transmit diseases such as

dengue fever. Some of these insects, known as vectors, breed in clean, rather than

dirty water, and household drinking water containers can serve as breeding grounds.
The simple intervention of covering water storage containers can reduce vector

breeding and may also reduce faecal contamination of water at the household level.

Water and sanitation related diseases remain among the major causes of

death in children under five; more than 800 children die every day from diarrhoeal

diseases linked to poor hygiene. Proper water and sanitation is a key foundation for

achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including good health and gender

equality. By managing our water sustainably, we are also able to better manage our

production of food and energy and contribute to decent work and economic growth.

Moreover, we can preserve our water ecosystems, their biodiversity, and take action

on climate change. The water crisis is a health crisis. Nearly 1 million people die

each year from water, sanitation and hygiene-related diseases which could be

reduced with access to safe water or sanitation. Every 2 minutes a child dies from a

water-related disease. Access to safe water and sanitation contributes to improved

health and helps prevent the spread of infectious disease. It means reduced child

and maternal mortality rates. It means reduced physical injury from constant lifting

and carrying heavy loads of water. As we face the COVID-19 pandemic, now more

than ever access to safe water is critical to the health of families around the world.

By 2030, the world would need to treble its historical rates of development in

order to provide everyone with access to basic drinking water services. Rates would

have to treble for universal safely managed services to become a reality. Water

delivery systems are already faced with pressures from urbanization, population

expansion, demographic shifts, and climate change. More than 2 billion people

reside in nations with water shortages, which are predicted to get worse in some

areas due to population expansion and climate change. Reusing wastewater to

recover water, minerals, or energy is an approach that is becoming more and more


Wastewater is being used for irrigation in more and more countries; in

developing nations, this accounts for 7% of the area that is irrigated. Safe

wastewater management can have a number of advantages, including higher

productivity, even if this activity can be harmful to your health if done improperly.

Specific Questions to be addressed:

 Will it work more than once?

 Does it work on different types of waste water?

 How long will the filtration process take?

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is the importance of purified water and how

water purification works. It is vital for individuals to attain clean water to know how to

purify water because it helps remove harmful organisms in the water you might drink.

This product can improve the taste, smell, and visual appearance of your water. It

may also remove the bacteria and viruses or everything else harmful in the water.

Life cannot exist without clean drinking water. 60% of the human body is

made up of water. Water supports numerous vital daily processes that our bodies

carry out. Water needs to be pure and devoid of contaminants like disease, metals,

and human and animal wastes because it passes through our organs and tissues.

Drinking unclean or unfiltered water that can be contaminated can make you sick.

Diarrhea is among the most typical negative outcomes of ingesting contaminated

water. If appropriately managed, this adverse effect alone has the potential to claim
lives. Learning a secure method for water filtration might provide you some tools that

may help you provide your own safe water in the event of a natural disaster. After

filtering, water needs to be properly kept.

Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study will be transforming dirty water into clean water using

minerals and a recycled bottle. We picked clean water because we wanted to

address a problem that affects everyone and is essential to daily life. The subject of

our study will be waste water, including the problems it can cause, the illnesses it

can spread, the necessity for clean water and recycling, as well as a straightforward

project on how to purify water.

Although we considered employing a variety of minerals for our project, we

ultimately opted for the most efficient type.


Our water filter system is a homemade device. For this water purification, we

have ingredients such as small stones or gravel, clean sand, cheese cloth, and

gardening dirt. As we have these ingredients, we can now make our water filter

system. (Michaud, 2022). In each layer, the filter works, such as gravel, because

gravel can remove the bacteria and dirt from the water and it will just stay in the

gravel. (Sanders, 2022) .Clean sand, this can also help to remove the dirt and

bacteria, and the dirt particles will stay in the sand. (Water Filters Australia, 2022).

We cannot drink it because it will harm our health. And lastly, the cheese cloth can

help remove the large particles from the water that we are filtering. (Rob Hanus July

8, 2014) And that is how we make our water filter system.

The other method of water purification is the inline water filter system, which is

a device that can help us access our tap water as fresh, filtered water. This is also a

device that is attached beneath the sink, and all the water is coming from our tap

water and will pass through the filter. This filter takes out the dirt and bacteria in the

tap water so we can drink it. (Water Filters Australia, 2022)

Water purification helps us to remove the chemicals, viruses, dirt, bacteria

and more. As we live every day we need to drink water to be hydrated and use the

water from the other things that we needed. But the only way to get a clean water is

to use the method of water purification. The resources we can get a water is from the

river, ocean, lake, creeks, and more. (Ambulkar, 2022). Doing water purification can

protect our health because if we drink dirty water this can lead to serious health

issues and diseases. This can also improve the taste and the odour of your water

and it will be refreshing and no unpleasant odour. (Aquaporin, 2022)

Nowadays, communities struggle to have clean water because almost all of

the water on the planet is wastewater, and the water here is slowly drying out due to

global warming. Water is very important to us because it is an essential part of our

daily lives. If we do not have any clean water, it is very hard to live, and the people

here will now drink dirty water because of the shortage of clean water. That’s why

water purification is especially important to us because having clean water is healthy

for our body, and if we drink dirty water, we might get a serious disease. Having

homemade water filtration is good because some people do not have the money to

buy water filtration systems.

Conceptual Framework
Fig. 1 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study


Null: When unclean water goes through a filter system, the resulting water will have

a yellowish colour with bits of dirt. The efficiency of the filtration system relies on

factors like the flow rate, type of filter used, and initial levels of contamination.

Alternative: When unclean water goes through a filter system, the resulting water will

have less pollutants like viruses, bacteria, sediments, and substances dissolved in it.

If the filtration system is correctly designed and operating properly, the purified water

should be more suitable and more beneficial for drinking, and it should have a better

taste, appearance, and odour than the untreated water.

Definition of Terms

 Geohydrologic - The Study of groundwater interactions, geologic principles,

and environmental aspects.

 Hydraulic - A technology and applied science using engineering, chemistry,

and other sciences involving the mechanical properties and use of liquids.

 Seepage velocity - The average velocity of flowing groundwater within pores

of a porous medium

 Urbanization - The increase in the proportion of people living in towns and


 Vectors - A vector is an insect or animal that transmits a disease to other

animals or humans.


Table 1: Materials

A. Preparation
The Cheese cloth is first measured, and the Plastic Bottle is initially drawn on
a guide.
B. Cutting Procedure
The Plastic Bottle and Cheese cloth was then cut.
C. Wrapping Procedure
The cheese cloth (5x5”) was wrapped around the bottle's tip before being
secured with a rubber band.
D. Stacking Procedure
The Fine Sand, Coarse Sand, Fine Gravel, and Coarse Gravel were then
placed in that order.


Cutting Procedure

Wrapping Procedure

Stacking Procedure

Evaluation of data

Fig. 2 Flowchart on Making the Filtration System


The Filtration system has been constructed, and that leaves us testing it. The

filtration process took 26.31 minutes for 500ml of dirt water, and chunks of dirt could
be seen, which was stopped by the coarse gravel as the water flowed. During the

experimentation, we found that the 500ml pond water, in contrast to the 500ml dirt

water, takes longer to process. Ultimately, the experiment was accomplished twice,

and both were a success. Both systems, when tested, resulted in filtered water at the


With this experiment, we created clean water. It is very difficult to survive if we

do not have clean water, and the people here will now drink contaminated water due

to a lack of clean water. That is why water filtration is, therefore, vital to humans;

having clean water is good for our bodies, and drinking polluted water may lead to

serious illness. Because some individuals cannot afford to buy water filtration

equipment, having handmade water filtration is beneficial. Throughout the

experiment, we were able to analyse that we could not see the filtration process

transpiring from the central portions of the filtration system since they are stacked

together. Other than the view blockage from the centre portion, the process was

slow, taking around half an hour at best. We recorded that the filtration of the pond

water took 29.53 minutes, while the dirt water took 26.31 minutes. It is proposed that

instead of spilling half the bottle of wastewater, which was approximately 250 ml, it

be poured in all at once.



Water management and contaminated water has contributed to putting

millions of people's health at risk and the spread of an assortment of diseases, in this

investigatory paper will be creating contaminated water into clean and drinkable

water using minerals and a recycled bottle. Our project was dedicated to take a topic

that is important and needed for the people on our planet, we have chosen the topic

of cleaning water because contaminated water has caused many harms towards our


The water filter system is a home-made device that purifies filthy water using

items such as tiny stones or gravel, clean sand, cheesecloth, and gardening earth.

The filtering procedure took 26.31 minutes for 500ml of dirt water and longer for

500ml of pond water. The experiment was repeated again, with both systems

producing filtered water at the bottom. It is essential to have clean water since it is

beneficial to our health, and drinking filthy water can result in significant sickness. It

is advised that instead of spilling half of the 250 ml container of wastewater, it be put

in all at once.

As a result of global warming, communities are struggling to obtain safe

drinking water. Water filtration is particularly essential since it is beneficial to our

health and may help avoid major infections. Homemade water filtration is beneficial
for individuals who cannot afford to purchase water filtration devices. Water is a

crucial aspect of our everyday life, and it is impossible to survive without it.


Our water purification process eliminates all bacteria and viruses from the

water, making it safe to consume. Purified water is beneficial to the community,

including cattle, and it is also beneficial to animals to drink purified water, since it

cannot damage humans. It is important to try and find the cleanest water available.


1. Put two or more thick rubber bands to make sure the cloth does not fall.

2. Measure the amount of minerals first hand so that they can fit in the bottle.

3. Pour the waste water all at once.

4. Make sure to use 4 or more sheets of Cheese cloth.


•Urs Von Guten, Paul K. Westerhoff, Jun ma, Marc A. Edwards. "Water treatment"
March 2, 2003.

•Mikko Nikinmaa. "Water Purification"
April 17, 2014.

•Archis Ambulkar. "Water Purification"
April 8, 2022.

•MiniScience. "Water Filtration"
January 12, 2017

•World health organization. "Drinking-water”
March 21, 2022.

•Aquaporin. "Five reasons why you should purify drinking water"
June 20, 2022.
• WaterFilters Australia "How does charcoal purify water?"
November 17, 2022

•Jesie Sanders. "What to Know About Undergravel Filters"
May 5, 2022

• Katelyn Michaud. "Homemade Water Filter Science Project"
November 17, 2022

• Joshua Reijen. "How does sand filter work”
August 17, 2022

Plate 1: Preparation
Plate 2: Cutting Procedure
Plate 3: Wrapping Procedure

Plate 4: Stacking Procedure

Plate 5: Trial 1
Plate 6: Trial 2


Name: Mhaia Franchesca Anda

Address: (redacted)

Age: Gender:

Birthday: Birth Place:

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Father’s Name:

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Educational Background:


Grade School:

High School:

Name: Alyssa Margarette Miravite

Address: (redacted)

Age: Gender:

Birthday: Birth Place:

Mother’s Name:

Father’s Name:

Email Address:

Contact Number

Educational Background:


Grade School:
High School:

Name: Alyanna Monique Mendiola

Address: (redacted)

Age: Gender:

Birthday: Birth Place:

Mother’s Name:

Father’s Name:

Email Address:

Contact Number

Educational Background:

Grade School:

High School:

Name: Dylan Aush Santos

Address: (redacted)

Age: Gender:

Birthday: Birth Place:

Mother’s Name:

Father’s Name:

Email Address:

Contact Number

Educational Background:


Grade School:

High School:

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