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Noisy pollution

The word 'Noise' is derived from the Latin word 'nausea' which means feeling of
sickness at the stomach with an urge to vomit. Disturbing or excessive noise that may harm
the activity or balance of human or animal life. According to Odum, noise pollution is the
unwanted sound dumped into environment without regard to the adverse effect it may have.
Noise pollution may be defined as any unwanted electromagnetic signal (sound) that
produces a jarring or displeasing effect and which interferes with human communication,
comfort and health. Noise pollution also caused when the loudness of the sound becomes
irritating or unbearable. Noise pollution also refers to perturbations which interfere in the
communication systems. The unit of sound intensity is decibel (dB). The sound intensity from
0 to 100 dB is pleasant but when the sound intensity exceeds 120 dB, it causes noise.
Sound intensity of 130 dB is the upper limit of the threshold of hearing and beyond this, is
the threshold of pain which may cause damage to car and leading to hearing impairment.
So, sound of more than 130 dB causes noise pollution.

Sound levels less than 70 dB are not damaging to living organisms, regardless of
how long or consistent the exposure. Exposure for more than 8 hours to constant noise
beyond 85 dB may be hazardous. If we work for 8 hours daily in close proximity to a busy
road or highway, we are very likely exposed to traffic noise pollution around 85 dB according
to the World Health Organization.

As we know that human ear can detect sound pressures ranging from 2 x 10- 5 N/m2
(pascals), the threshold of hearing, to over 200 N/m2, the threshold of pain. This wide range
has prompted the use of a logarithmic scale to express sound pressures. The decibel
(abbreviated dB), a dimensionless unit is used to express sound pressure level; the term
level is used to emphasize the fact that a logarithm of a ratio is being expressed. . A sound
of 125dB can gives the sensation of pain in the ear and 150dB might kill a human being. If a
noise of 90dB in the mid-frequency range reaches the ear for more than few minutes, then
the sensitivity of the ear is reduced.

There are many source of noise pollution such as by natural processes or by human
activities which is transport noise, industrial noise and neighbourhood noise. Nowadays,
transportation is important to us. But, we do not notice that are the main source of noise
pollution. Transport noise can be divided to three categories, those are road traffic noise, rail
traffic noise and aircraft noise. For example, larger and faster aircrafts produce high noise
intermittently during take-off, landing and during flight.
Next source is industrial noise. Today, there are lot of industries, factories and mills
produce a lot of high intensity sound that cause noise pollution. For example, the workers
near the heavy industrial blowers in steel industry and also the worker that work near the
neighbourhood (labor) are exposed sound of 112dB for 8 hours and hence suffer for
occupation pollution. Lastly, is neighbourhood noise. This type of noise can produce from
loud TV, stereo, radio sets, jaz music, barking of dogs, washing machines, fan and coolers..

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