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*Fundamentals of Visual Arts*

Primary rule or Principals on which visual arts are based. Mind of a
visual artist has a special ability to perceive objects differently using acute
visual awareness, which includes dimensions of space, color, shades and
textures, harmony, unity, perspective etc., Which is unseen by normal
people. So If you want to visualize or create a beautiful art work, you should
have the proper knowledge of fundamentals of visual arts. Fundamentals of
visual arts include two things. 1st is Elements and 2nd is Principles.
(01) Elements of Visual Arts/Painting
The building blocks or ingredients of art. They are combined with the
principles of visual arts in the production of art.

The elements of visual arts/Painting include: (i) Point (ii) Line

(iii) Shape (iv) Form (v) Colour (vi) Texture (vii) Tone and (viii) Space.

(1)- Point
A Point marks a position in space in pure geometric terms. It has no mass
at all. Point and plane are the building blocks of design. From these
elements designers create images, icons, textures, patterns etc.
(2) Line


Lines are marks moving in a space between two points whereby viewer can
visualize the stroke movement, direction and intention based on how the
line is oriented. Lines describe an outline, capable of producing texture
according to their length and curve. Line an element of visual arts defined
by a point moving in space. Lines may be Horizontal, Vertical, diagonal etc.

Types of lines and some important effects of lines:
There are uncountable types of lines. Line in an art work can be used in
many different ways. It can be to suggest Shape, Pattern, Form, Growth,
Depth, Distance, Rhythm, Movement and range of emotions. We have
psychological response to different types of lines e.g.

Vertical line:
It shows height, aspiration, dignity, strength and permanency etc.

Horizontal line:
It shows repose, calmness, quietness, peace, balance etc.

Diagonal line:
It shows calmness, depth, dramatics, movement, excitement and
restlessness etc.

Conical line:

It shows confusion, agitation, dash and stiffness etc.

Radii line:

It shows freedom, ambitions, glory, devotion, attraction and expression etc.

Spiral line:

It shows power, excitement, motion, mystery, and suspense etc.

Rhythmic line:

It shows Rhythm, sound, thin and thick etc.

Sometimes a line plays the most important and unexpected tricks. The
tricks are known as optical illusion. If two lines are of same size but on ends
of these lines opposite arrows are marked, then looks smaller than other.
Lines also give the scientific effect. If we have two rectangles of equal size,
in one rectangle vertical line is drawn and another a horizontal line is
drawn, then the rectangle with vertical line seems to be bigger.

(3) Shape
A “Shape” is two dimensional, an area defined by an outline.
In the study of visual art, a shape is an enclosed space, a bounded two
dimensional form that has both length and width; shapes are one of the
eight elements of Visual art. The building blocks that artists use to create
images on canvas and in our minds.
In visual arts shape is a flat enclosed area of an art work created through
lines, textures, colors etc. There are two types of shapes
1. Geometric

2. Organic/ Biomorphic / Free hand / Rhythmic

(4) Form
F – First
O – Organic
R- Revolution
M- Matter
A “Form” is a shape that has the illusion of being three dimensional (3-D)
art work with depth, width and height. By the use of shading and/ or
perspective drawing. Beauty of form depends upon the relationship of the
part of the whole. Form must have beauty as well as use. It means more
intensive character than central appearance.
*Shape and Form can be two types*
1. Geometrical –
Geometric shapes and forms are precise and regular, like squares,
rectangles and triangles etc. Geometric shape and form can be draw by the
help of tools only like scale, Compass, protector, divider and set square etc.
2. Organic/ Biomorphic / Free hand / Rhythmic
Shapes and forms are found in nature. These shapes may look like leaves,
flowers, clouds, - things that grow, flow and move. It can be also defined by
other elements of visual art such as line, value, color and texture etc.
*Difference between Shape and Form*
A shape is two dimensional (2-D) an area defined by an outline. A Form is a
shape that has the illusion of being three dimensional (3-D) by the use of
shading and/or perspective drawing.
Shape has only Length and height.
Form has Length, height and Breadth also.

*Effects of Shapes and Forms*
All the forms and shapes have different effects on different place. Some
important effects of shapes and forms.
1. Rectangular- It shows strength, Unity and Stimulity etc.
2. Triangle - It shows Permanency, Security and Development etc.
3. Oval - It shows Grace, Charm and Creativity etc.
4. Circular - It shows Fullness, Motion, Equality and Completeness etc.
(5) Color
*Definition of color*
Colors are the property of light rather than bodies. It is not an entity but a
sensation conveyed to the mind through media of the eyes.
*Color has three properties*
1. Hue 2. Value 3. Intensity
1. HUE- Means the name we give to color like Red, Yellow, Blue and Green.
2. Value – Means how light or Dark a color is.
3. Intensity – Intensity refers to the vividness of the color like an intense
blue color can be bright, rich and vibrant or dull, subtle and grayed.
Color plays very important role, everything can be seen only because of its
color. Color has great influence on us, and also has psychological effect.
Types of Colors: On the basis of purity and mixture of colors, we can
divide colors into several types, but colors can’t have divided into several
types due to the reflection of light. Here we will study only some most
important types of colors.
*Types of Colors*
1. Primary Colors: Primary colors are those which cannot be obtained by
mixing any two colors. They are pure and are found in nature as it is; they
are also known as natural colors.
The primary colors are:
1. Red 2. Yellow 3. Blue

2. Secondary Colors: The colors obtained by mixing two primary colors are
secondary colors.
Example: Red + Blue = Violet (1)
Blue + Yellow = Green (2)
Red + Yellow = Orange (3)
It means the Secondary Colors are also three.
3. Tertiary Colors: When we will mix one primary and one secondary color,
we will get tertiary color.
Example: Violet + Blue = Indigo (1)
Orange + Yellow = Deep Yellow (2)
Orange + Red = Saffron (3)
Blue + Green = Dark Green (4)
Green + Yellow = Light Green (5)
Purple + Red = Light Purple (6)
Note: The Tertiary colors in no. are Six.
4. Analogous Colors:
Colors that sit next to each other on the color wheel. They are closely
related by a single hue. e.g. Red, Red Orange, Orange and Red Violet.
Make the Colors Wheel

*Complimentary or Opposite Colors*
Colors which are located opposite one another on the color wheel. (E.g. Red
and green. Yellow and Purple/ Indigo / Violet, Blue and Orange)
*Hot Colors*
The colors which give heat or have maximum wavelength are called hot
colors. E.g. Red and Yellow.
*Cold/Cool Colors*
The colors which give the effect of coolness or have minimum wavelength
are called cold colors. E.g. Blue and Green.
*Neutral Colors*
Black, White, Gray and Brown are considered to be “Neutral” colors
because they are (theoretically) neither warm nor cool colors. Some neutral
colors may be achieved by mixing a complementary color pair, which
“neutralized” them.
*Effect of Colors*
All colors have psychological effect which depends on our feelings. Some
important colors have the follow effect.
Red- It shows Excitement, Festivity, Revolution, Patriotism, War, Danger,
Anarchy, Anger, Heat, Fire, Love etc.
Yellow- It shows Cheerfulness, Gaiety, Sunshine, and Warmness without
heat, Light, Brilliancy and Glowing wisdom etc.
Blue- It shows Coolness, Royal, Truth, Pleaser, Night and Sky, Sadness,
Distance and Mental depression etc.
Green- It shows Relaxation, Soft, Pleasantness, Sprig, Festivity, Fertility &
growth, Abundance, Jealousy and Weakness etc.
Orange- It shows Knowledge, Bravery, Flame, Stimulation and Spirituality
White- It shows Peace, Unity, Purity, Light etc.
Black- It shows Depression, Darkness, Fear, Ego, Evils and Sadness etc.

*Wavelength of different Colors*
All the colors have their wavelength which differs from one another and it
can be measured in mill micron. The white light has seven colors which
have different wavelengths. The colors with the maximum wavelength can
be seen quickly and the colors having minimum wavelength can be seen
Color Wavelength (Mil micron) Wavelength
Red 670 – 800 800
Orange 480- 800 700
Yellow 580 600
Blue 476 480 – 500
Green 467 – 580 550
Violet 400 – 467 400 – 500
Indigo 400 400
Note: These are the rainbow colors.

(6) Tone
Tone is the effect of color from lighter shade to darker shade. If we will mix
more of dark color and less light color, we will get a dark tone and vice
versa. We will get a medium tone if both the color is mixed in equal
(7) Texture
Texture is the surface quality of materials, either visual or tactile.
*There are two types of Textures*
1. Natural Texture – A wealth of natural textures is observed on natural
objects such as those on wood, plants, natural materials and skin etc.
2. Artificial Texture - The artificial textures are observed on artificial objects
such as line texture, wall and manmade things. Artificial textures are
created and designed by human beings for a specific purpose to give a
sense of volume. Tactile texture has relief, 3-D characteristics that you can
feel. We perceive it by touching an object. Tactile would be a 3-D version, A
texture that you could actually feel.

8. Space
Space is an area which is used for Painting, Drawing and visual
representation such as Design, Decoration etc. Space includes the
background, foreground and middle ground.
There are two types of space.
1. Positive space – Refers to the main focus of a picture, while negative
space refers to the back ground.
2. Negative space – In visual art is the space around and between the
subjects of an image. The space is around an object.
*Is positive space white or black*
If you are seeing a vase, then you are seeing the white area as the positive
space. The black areas become the negative space.
If you are seeing the figures, then you are seeing the black areas as the
positive space and the white area as the negative space.

The End


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