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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will utilize genetic counselors for patients who have a personal or family
CREDIT history of a hereditary condition
Certified Genetic Counselor, Genomic Certified Genetic Counselor, Genomic Medicine Genomic Medicine Institute and Pediatric
Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic Institute, Cleveland Clinic Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Genetic counselors:
Your partners in clinical practice
As our understanding of the human genome has grown,
S uppose a new patient walks into your of-
fice for a routine physical examination. As
part of your discussion, you ask about her fam-
so too has the need for health care providers who can ily history. She relates that her grandmother
help patients and families understand the implications and uncle had colon cancer.
of these new discoveries for their health care. Increas- You know that colon cancer can be heredi-
ingly, genetic counselors are working in partnership tary, but you are unsure whether this patient’s
with physicians to provide a continuum of care from risk family history is significant. You know genetic
testing can be ordered, but you only have 15
assessment to diagnosis. In this article, we explain the minutes with the patient and you are unsure
process of genetic counseling and its value for patients which test is appropriate and how it can be or-
who have a personal or family history of a hereditary dered. What should you do next?
condition. • • •
■ ■KEY POINTS With advances in genetics and genomics
have come expectations that health care pro-
The sequencing of the human genome has provided valu- viders understand and apply these discoveries
able information about the genetic causes of many condi- to patient care. Identification of a genetic di-
tions, but it has also uncovered tremendous complexities. agnosis can lead to personalized treatment and
intensive screening, which can reduce the pa-
tient’s risk of contracting the disease in ques-
Genetic counselors are master’s-trained allied health care tion or dying of it.1,2 But genetic testing may
professionals with specific expertise in identifying and also take patients on an emotional journey as
educating patients at risk for inherited conditions. they adjust to learning new information about
themselves and the health care implications
Genetic testing should not be ordered without informed such a diagnosis may have for themselves and
consent and without appropriate counseling before and their family members.
after the test. Genetic counseling is an important com-
ponent of risk assessment and testing. With
increasing demands and shorter appointment
Huntington disease, which is inherited in an autosomal times, physicians are finding it harder to pro-
dominant manner, illustrates the need for genetic coun- vide comprehensive risk assessment and ge-
seling before predictive testing. netic counseling.3–5 Just as “physician extend-
ers” have helped streamline various aspects of
The National Society of Genetic Counselors (www.nsgc. health care, genetic counselors can serve as
org) and the American Board of Genetic Counseling partners to physicians, from helping determine
( provide searchable databases of genetic which testing to consider to helping guide fol-
counselors. low-up care after test results are received.
Genetic counselors can help not only pa-
doi:10.3949/ccjm.79a.11091 tients who have a personal or family history
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of a hereditary condition, but also their phy- TABLE 1

sicians and family members. This article will
explain the process of genetic counseling and Goals and outcomes of a successful
testing, highlight complexities through case genetic counseling session
examples, and provide a brief review outlining
which patients should be referred for genetic Collect family history in a detailed format
counseling. Educate the patient about the condition and patterns of inheritance
Provide immediate and long-term psychosocial support
Provide guidance about what the diagnosis means for the future
The National Society of Genetic Counselors Facilitate family communication
defines genetic counseling as “the process of
helping people understand and adapt to the Aid in decision-making
medical, psychological, and familial implica- BASED ON INFORMATION IN Bernhardt BA, Biesecker BB, Mastromarino CL. Goals, Benefits,
tions of genetic contributions to disease.”6 and outcomes of genetic counseling: client and genetic counselor assessment.
Am J Med Genet 2000; 94:189–197.
The process includes:
• Interpretation of family and medical histo-
ries to assess the chance of disease occur-
rence or recurrence and education for patients, such as disease-
• Education about inheritance, testing, man- specific support groups
agement, prevention, resources, and research • Making sure the patient understands the
• Counseling to promote informed choices information provided
and adaptation to the risk or condition.6 • Monitoring the patient’s emotional and
psychological reactions and responding
■■ WHAT HAPPENS durINg appropriately.
A COUNSELING SESSION? Before the visit, which may last from 30
minutes to several hours, the genetic coun-
The goals and outcomes of a successful genetic selor reviews the patient’s available medical Visits may last
counseling session (TABLE 1) reflect the need for information, performs a literature search cov- from 30 minutes
genetic counselors to not only give patients ering relevant topics, and prepares supporting
enough information to understand what is be- educational resources such as visual aids. After to several hours
ing discussed, but also to monitor their emo- the visit, the genetic counselor contacts the
tional responses and respond to their needs for patient to discuss the results of any tests or-
support.7 The components of a typical genetic dered, makes sure the follow-up plan is clear,
counseling session include: and arranges return visits if these are indicat-
• Contracting (reviewing why the patient is ed. Studies have shown that these nonbillable
here) patient-related activities take at least as much
• Reviewing the patient’s personal medical time as the actual patient visit.8,9
• Documenting relevant diagnoses in the ■■ EVIDENCE THAT GENETIC COUNSELING
family history IS BENEFICIAL
• Educating about the condition in question
and relevant basic information about ge- Although genetic counseling may be time-
netics consuming, its benefits to patients have been
• If testing is indicated, educating about proven in a number of studies.
what the test will and will not tell the pa- Improved patient knowledge. Three con-
tient trolled trials found a significant increase in
• If test results are being discussed, discuss- knowledge about cancer genetics in patients
ing the implications of the results for the who received genetic counseling as part of
patient’s management and the utility of their clinical services.10–12 Additionally, a
testing for relatives large prospective multicenter study found a
• Identifying additional sources of support continued significant increase in cancer ge-
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netics knowledge in women who had received colon cancer; I want that test today so I can
genetic counseling for inherited breast cancer know if I’m at risk.” You get the sense that the
risk 1 year earlier.13 patient is anxious and determined to get this
More accurate perception of risk. A me- testing done today. Which of the following
ta-analysis of three studies found a significant would you do?
increase in the accuracy of breast cancer risk
perceptions among women who had received □□ Say “OK,” enter “colon cancer gene” in
genetic counseling.14 your hospital’s laboratory ordering system,
Improved psychosocial outcomes. Anxi- and pray that the results are normal.
ety was reduced in 82% of parents who re- □□ Remember that a representative from a
ceived genetic counseling after screening of genetic testing company came by your
their newborn was positive for hemoglobin- office and left sample collection kits. Say
opathy trait.15 And 1 year after genetic coun- “OK,” draw the patient’s blood in the
seling, parents of patients with psychotic dis- tubes provided, check off testing for
orders reported reduced anxiety as a result of “comprehensive colorectal genetics
an increased understanding of accurate recur- panel,” and pray the results are
rence risks.16 normal.
Improved risk-reducing behaviors. In- □□ Tell the patient: “Most colon cancers are
creased genetic counseling support led to im- not necessarily caused by an inherited
proved communication and increased contact syndrome. However, a detailed analysis
with genetics services for at-risk family mem- of your family history seems warranted.
bers.17 Genetic counseling also led to higher There are many genes that can play a role
rates of mammography, clinical breast exami- in inherited colon cancer risk, and I
nation, and breast self-examination.18 want to make sure the right test is done
for the right person in your family.
■■ WHO ARE GENETIC COUNSELORS? I’m going to refer you to a genetic
counselor who can take a detailed
Although Genetic counselors are allied health profes- family history and discuss the risks and
genetic sionals with a master’s degree and with specific benefits of genetic testing with you.” You
expertise in identifying and educating patients make the referral and within 1 or 2 weeks,
counseling at risk for inherited conditions. They are certi- your patient is seen for genetic counseling.
may be time- fied through the American Board of Genetic
Counseling. Genetic counseling is a licensed If you chose ‘colon cancer gene’ testing
consuming, profession in many states,19 and licensure leg- The phlebotomy and laboratory personnel at
it has shown islation is pending in several others. your facility are likely unsure what kind of
benefit sample to draw and where it should be sent.
■■ HOW GENETIC COUNSELORS As of this writing, at least 14 genes have been
FACILITATE DIFFICULT COMPONENTS associated with a risk of colorectal cancer, and
OF GENETIC TESTING testing for these genes is available through
dozens of laboratories across the country.
Genetic counselors can serve as complemen- In this scenario, your hospital does not
tary practitioners who possess the time and have sufficient information to follow through
expertise to discuss some of the more complex on your orders, and someone pages you to
components of the genetic testing process, discuss it. However, you are in the midst of a
further discussed here. busy clinic and are not able to return the page
promptly, so the laboratory informs the patient
Making sure that testing is appropriate that it cannot draw her blood for testing today.
and that the right test is ordered The patient leaves feeling angry and upset.
Let us revisit our introductory scenario—a pa-
tient presents to your office and relates a fam- If you chose commercial genetic testing
ily history of colon cancer. What would you You may have just ordered testing for four of
do if she then says, “I know there’s a gene for the genes known to cause Lynch syndrome,
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an inherited condition predisposing to colon, which the genetic counselor is able to get cov-
uterine, and a few other cancer types. While ered by the patient’s insurance through a letter
testing like this may be labeled as “compre- of medical necessity, reveals that your patient
hensive,” it may not include all disorders as- shares her uncle’s mutation. As indicated by
sociated with colon cancer. Such shotgun national guidelines, you refer the patient to a
approaches to patient care without consider- gastroenterologist for medical management,
ation of family history can often lead to order- which will significantly reduce her chances of
ing genetic testing that may be not only medi- developing and dying of colorectal cancer.
cally unnecessary, but also not reimbursable by It is preferable to see the family member at
insurance companies. highest risk for an inherited condition—usu-
Continuing with the case above, the pa- ally, but not always the affected relative—for
tient’s insurance company determines that genetic consultation first. During the con-
testing is not medically necessary, and she is sultation the genetic counselor would decide
billed for the entire cost of more than $4,400. which syndrome, if any, is the best fit for the
Her results are normal, and she feels reassured family.
that she is not at increased risk of colon cancer. If the affected relative tests positive, tar-
A year later, the patient phones you to geted and less costly testing for the specific mu-
say that her uncle had genetic testing with tation identified (ie, site-specific testing) can
positive results. She sends you the letter she then be offered to family members to provide a
received along with the genetic counselor’s yes-or-no answer as to their risk status.
clinic note—the uncle’s mutation is in a com- If the relative most likely to be gene-pos-
pletely different gene from the ones you tested. itive tests negative, no genetic testing would
While she was previously told she was at low be recommended for family members, as the
risk, the appropriate site-specific genetic test genetic cause of the cancer in the family is un-
(average cost range $185–$450) to target the known. In this situation, family members may
specific mutation is positive, and she is at in- be advised to pursue the same screening mea-
creased risk of colon cancer, but is now able to sures as those with a positive gene test due to
pursue increased screening to reduce her risks their strong family history. Genetic testing
of developing and dying from this disease. consists of
If the patient had not been made aware of ■■ INFORMED CONSENT FOR GENETIC  TESTING
her uncle’s results, she may not have received much more
this screening. If she were diagnosed with lat- Genetic testing consists of much more than a than a simple
er-stage colon cancer after developing symp- simple blood draw. Obtaining informed con-
toms, she may feel you are liable for this diag- sent for genetic testing is a crucial step in the blood draw
nosis based on her perception that she was not testing process, as the results can be complex
at risk according to the previously negative and often affect multiple family members.
genetic testing results ordered by you. After When predictive genetic testing is being dis-
learning about her family history and that the cussed, special conversations need to take
right test was not ordered for her, the patient place to make sure that decisions are well
pursues legal action. informed. Genetic counselors can facilitate
these discussions and guide patients and fami-
If you chose genetic counseling lies through the decision-making process.
If you chose to refer the patient for genetic coun-
seling, congratulations! Your patient is seen for Example: Huntington disease
risk assessment and genetic counseling. The need for genetic counseling before pre-
As part of the genetic counseling session, dictive testing is best illustrated by Hunting-
a comprehensive family history identifies the ton disease, a progressive neurodegenerative
patient’s uncle who was diagnosed with colon disorder with typical onset in the third or
cancer. He was previously seen for genetics as- fourth decade of life. Over the disease course,
sessment and was found to have a mutation patients experience decreases in motor con-
in the APC gene, predisposing him to familial trol (leading to the aptly named “Huntington
adenomatous polyposis. Site-specific testing, chorea”), cognitive decline, and changes in
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psychiatric state. Ultimately, most patients counseling protocol is directly related to a

die 15 to 20 years after the onset of symptoms. possible decrease in suicide risk has yet to be
Treatment is palliative and symptom-based. established, but its successful use in patients
Huntington disease is inherited in an au- undergoing predictive Huntington disease
tosomal dominant manner, meaning that each testing has led to its adoption in other neuro-
child of an affected person has a 50% risk of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer dis-
inheriting the gene change responsible for this ease and Parkinson disease.
condition and of eventually developing the
disease. It is caused by an expansion within ■■ EXPLAINING POSITIVE
the HD gene; this expansion may grow with GENETIC TESTING RESULTS
successive generations, leading to earlier onset
of symptoms.20 If genetic testing identifies a mutation, ge-
The availability of predictive testing— netic counselors can help patients understand
which enables people who are at risk but who the implications of the results for themselves
are without symptoms to find out their genetic and for their relatives. Some patients become
status—ultimately leads each at-risk person quite inquisitive, and the genetic counseling
to ask herself or himself, Do I want to know? session morphs into a graduate-level discus-
Studies have found that only 15% to 67% sion of genes, DNA, disease pathways, genet-
of offspring of parents with Huntington dis- ic-environmental interactions, availability of
ease (offspring are at 50% risk of the disease) gene therapy, and clinical trials. The genetic
elected to be tested, and in one longitudinal counselor also makes the patient aware of oth-
study, this rate of “uptake” decreased over er resources, such as disease-specific support
time.21,22 However, any estimates of uptake groups, which may be developed by patients
may be falsely elevated, given the likelihood and families to provide support and practical
that those not wishing to consider testing may knowledge.
not feel the need for a clinical visit focused on In some cases, attention turns to at-risk
this subject. relatives, and the genetic counselor may role-
Predictive After predictive testing became available, play with the patient to rehearse ways to share
testing an increased risk of suicide in persons at risk information with them. Genetic counselors
of Huntington disease was documented.23,24 may give patients a letter to distribute to fam-
guidelines In view of this risk and the careful decision- ily members with a copy of the patient’s test
for Huntington making support that people at risk need, pre- results, briefly explaining the condition identi-
dictive testing guidelines were developed by a fied and how relatives may find a genetic coun-
disease have committee of medical experts and members of selor in their area for their own risk assessment.
been developed Huntington disease family organizations.25 As
by medical part of the guidelines, a multivisit pretesting ■■ WHAT ABOUT
process was established that includes exten- GENETIC DISCRIMINATION?
experts and sive education and counseling. Delay of test-
members ing is recommended when contraindications Genetic discrimination is addressed in many
are identified, such as evidence of coercion or genetic counseling sessions.
of HD family a serious psychiatric condition. Most genetic As defined by the National Human Ge-
organizations testing companies offering predictive testing nome Research Institute, genetic discrimina-
require a signature from the ordering clinician tion is “prejudice directed against people who
verifying that pretest counseling has been have or may have a genetic disease.”27
completed; some also include a provision that In May 2008, the Genetic Information
the ordering clinician will relay results to the Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) was signed
patient in person. into law, providing some legal protections
More than 15 years after these guidelines against genetic discrimination for patients un-
were adopted, a study of suicide risk in at-risk dergoing predictive genetic testing. The law
persons continued to find rates higher than applies to most employers and health insurers
in the general population, but lower than in but does not protect against discrimination
earlier studies.26 Whether this careful pretest by life or disability insurers. When discussing
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genetic testing, genetic counselors ensure that not identify a mutation in every at-risk family.
patients are aware of their rights and protec- Patients who have a family history of certain
tions. conditions may still face a higher risk despite
GINA would not be relevant for a patient normal test results. In these situations it is im-
who has a medical condition that may affect perative that the family continue to adhere to
his or her insurability. For example, someone follow-up recommendations even with nor-
with thyroid cancer who is found to have an mal test results.
underlying gene mutation may still be denied
any type of insurance coverage on the basis of Example: Marfan syndrome
his or her personal cancer diagnosis. However, Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant
should that person’s son who has not been connective tissue disorder that, if unrecog-
diagnosed with cancer opt to undergo predic- nized, is associated with significant morbidity
tive testing, GINA would provide protection and mortality. People with Marfan syndrome
against employment and health insurance dis- are at increased risk of aortic aneurysms,
crimination, as described above. which can rupture spontaneously, leading to
sudden death.
■■ DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER GENETIC TESTING Although at least 70% of patients with
Marfan syndrome have a mutation in FBN1,
As DNA technology has become increasingly other patients meeting the clinical diagnostic
complex, so has the task of understanding new criteria do not. Despite a normal genetic test
tests and their clinical relevance to patients. result, they should adhere to the same screen-
In the last several years, more companies ing guidelines as a person who tests positive.29
have begun to offer direct-to-consumer ge- This concept—that screening should still
netic testing, which may be ordered without be done despite a normal “Marfan test”—may
the involvement of a health care professional. be difficult for patients to grasp without a dis-
While some companies hire or work closely cussion of the imperfect sensitivity of genetic
with genetic counselors to conduct pretest testing and of their real ongoing risks. Even
and posttest genetic counseling, others do more difficult to understand is the idea that Sometimes, a
not, and preliminary research has found that the patient’s family members should also be ‘normal’ result
only a minority of primary care physicians feel screened as though they have the disease, giv-
prepared to answer patients’ questions about en that the family’s mutation is unknown and does not mean
direct-to-consumer genetic testing.28 predictive testing cannot be conducted. the patient

Genetic counselors stay abreast of emerg- Further complicating matters, other disor-
ing technologies and are prepared to answer ders such as Loeys-Dietz and vascular Ehlers-
is not at risk
questions from patients who are considering Danlos syndrome can mimic Marfan syndrome for the disease
or have already undergone such testing and by causing aortic aneurysms, but management
from physicians who may wonder if a patient’s recommendations for them are very different.30,31
direct-to-consumer genetic testing results The appropriate genetic diagnosis for pa-
should affect his or her management. tients with aortic aneurysms can be facilitated
Direct-to-consumer genetic testing will be by referring them to genetic counselors, who
discussed in depth in a future article in this series. can identify appropriate testing. In this way,
physicians can personalize medical manage-
■■ EXPLAINING ‘NORMAL’ (NEGATIVE) ment and give screening recommendations
GENETIC TEST RESULTS specific to the genetic disorder present.

When testing results are normal, patients are ■■ EXPLAINING UNCERTAIN RESULTS
educated about the meaning of “normal” re-
sults, the residual risk, and screening that There are three possible results for most ge-
might be appropriate in each person’s situation. netic tests—positive (a pathogenic or disease-
Sometimes a normal result does not mean causing mutation was found), negative (nor-
the patient is not at risk for disease—for most mal), and the frustrating “variant of uncertain
diseases, genetic testing is not perfect and can- significance” (VUS).
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TABLE 2 function and cause disease, a VUS that is

clearly unknown poses a challenge not only to
Common reasons for referrals patient management, but also to family mem-
for genetic counseling bers seeking personal risk assessments.
Knowledge of how or if specific vari-
Adults ants relate to disease is emerging. In time,
Diagnosed adult-onset genetic conditions, such as Huntington
disease, myotonic dystrophy, polycystic kidney disease
some variants become reclassified as either
Family history of a genetic condition disease-causing mutations or benign poly-
Abnormal genetic test results morphisms. However, careful consideration
needs to be given to how to explain the ab-
Cardiovascular normal result to the patient and to at-risk
ardiomyopathy family members, as well as to how to explain
Thoracic aortic aneurysm at a young age
Two or more family members with the same cardiovascular condition
the clinical implications of the VUS.
Family history of sudden cardiac death
Known genetic mutation in the family Example: Hereditary breast and ovarian
cancer syndrome
Cancer People with hereditary breast and ovarian
Early age at cancer diagnosis cancer syndrome face a lifetime risk of breast
Multiple generations affected by cancer
Multiple primary cancers in an individual
cancer of up to 87% and a risk of ovarian
Clustering of genetically related cancers (eg, colon and uterine cancer of up to 44%. Most families with this
cancers) syndrome have an inherited change in either
Rare cancers (eg, male with breast cancer) the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene.32,33 Given these
Known genetic mutation the family risks, prophylactic mastectomy and oopho-
rectomy are among the management options
Previous child with a genetic condition, birth defect, or mental retardation
for mutation-positive patients. In the absence
Family history of a genetic condition of clear genetic counseling, a patient with a
E thnicity-based screening VUS might see the “abnormal” test result and
Multiple pregnancy losses believe herself to be mutation-positive and
C onsanguinity thus at very high cancer risk.
An important role for the genetic counsel-
Abnormal maternal serum screen
or is to clarify the pathogenicity of a particular
Anomalies on ultrasonography VUS. When a VUS is found, genetic counsel-
Advanced maternal age ors search for information about the variant
Exposure to teratogenic infections, drugs, or potentially mutagenic by reviewing the medical literature, discuss-
agents during pregnancy ing it with the testing laboratory, arranging
One or both partners with abnormal carrier screening for family studies when appropriate, and con-
tacting researchers whose work focuses on the
Congenital anomaly (birth defect) gene in question.
D ysmorphic features Failure to properly research a particular
Developmental delay, intellectual disability, autism VUS can lead to unnecessary and risky surgi-
Abnormal genetic test result cal procedures, as well as to falsely labelling
Families concerned about recurrence risk relatives as being at risk. Until a VUS is re-
classified as a disease-causing mutation, test-
ing for it should not be offered to family mem-
A VUS result means that an abnormality bers (unless through a research study), nor
was detected in the gene, but that there are should medical management be based solely
insufficient data about whether the abnormal- on the results of a particular VUS. In time,
ity alters the function of the gene in question a VUS may be reclassified as either a benign
and, thus, leads to disease. Since some gene polymorphism or a disease-causing mutation,
variants are known to be common in the gen- and the genetic counselor will recontact the
eral population and not linked to disease and patient and physician with updated informa-
others are known to definitely alter a gene’s tion and recommendations.
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■■ WHOM SHOULD I REFER? netic Counseling ( both pro-

vide searchable databases of registered genetic
Genetic counseling is available for patients counselors.
and families in diverse settings within health
systems. The six primary areas of practice are ■■ KNOWLEDGE CONTINUES TO EXPAND
general, cardiovascular, cancer, preconcep-
tion, prenatal, and pediatrics. Genetic knowledge continues to expand, and
Patients with a personal or family history of testing is becoming available for a growing
a hereditary condition can benefit from genetic number of medical conditions. Appropriate
counseling regardless of whether they would be identification of individuals with and at risk
considered appropriate for genetic testing.34 for genetic disorders through the use of genetic
At current count, there are 4,424 genetic testing and screening is a cornerstone of per-
disorders for which the underlying cause has sonalized medicine, with the ultimate goal of
been identified.35 Individually, each disorder is improving patient outcomes. However, in this
rare, but when they are considered as a whole, era of value-based medicine and fewer health
they affect a significant minority of the general care dollars, genetic testing must be used in a
population. It is estimated that before age 25 way that maximizes its clinical impact with a
years, 53 (5.3%) of every 1,000 people will be careful fiscal approach.
diagnosed with a disease that has an important Genetic counselors are specially trained
genetic component.36 From 20% to 30% of in- health care professionals with expertise in ge-
fant deaths are related to a genetic disorder,37,38 netic and genomic medicine who work in col-
and 22% of unaffected adults have a family his- laboration with physicians to guide patients
tory of cancer significant enough to warrant a through the complexities of heritable condi-
genetics referral.39 See TABLE 2 for a list of com- tions and emerging technologies. They are
mon indications for referral. trained to personalize, interpret, and commu-
nicate complex science into data that will as-
■■ HOW CAN I FIND sure best outcomes for patients and their fami-
GENETIC COUNSELING SERVICES? lies. Developing a partnership with the genetic
counselors in your area can provide multiple
The National Society of Genetic Counselors benefits to your patients as well as to your own
( and American Board of Ge- practice. ■

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