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Technical Brief

Upgrading OmniVox3D®
from any to any version
Upgrading OmniVox3D


ding-omnivox3d-from-any-to-any-version B
These instructions apply ONLY if you need to upgrade OmniVox3D and APEX MSP/SDP
products, this type of upgrade involves replacing the managers (executables) only for
your version 5 or 6 APEX MSP/SDP.

The steps to perform this upgrade are described below:

Download the new release of APEX Service Delivery Platform (SDP) from:
(Our latest upgrade distribution package is

Note: Before you install version or later verify that you have the OmniVox3D
license files (with extension .lic) for all the APEX SDP modules you have purchased. If
you have not loaded the .lic files on a previous release you will need to do it after the
upgrade. You can request your license files by sending an email to and provide your OmniVox3D serial number and screen
shot of the OmniView License Manager.

Steps for APEX SDP Backup

1. Backup the APEX MSP/SDP database from OmniView.

2. Stop all the managers and OmniView sessions from the old version running.
Note: Traffic will be affected during this task, it is always recommend that this be
done during non-peak hours or during a maintenance window.

3. If your SQL Server configuration database is hosted on the default (C:\Program Files
(x86)\APEX\SDP\Omnview\Configuration\Data or C:\Program Files
(x86)\APEX\MSP5\Omniview\Configuration\Data), then you will execute the
following command to stop SQL Server, if you have the configuration
OmniVox3D database in a separate server then you can go to step 4.

- NET Stop MSSQL$SQLEXPRES (if you are running SQL Server Express)
- NET Stop MSSQLSERVER (if you are running MSDE or SQL Server Standard)

You can also stop it using the Windows Services window. Find the “SQL Server (x)”
name service; x is the name of the database instance where the APEX SDP database
is located. If you installed Microsoft SQL using the installation default settings then
the instance name is SQLEXPRESS, if the APEX SDP database was manually attached
to a different instance then that instance service needs to be stopped.
Also, if you are familiar with the SQL Server Management Studio tool, you can stop
the SQL Server service.

4. Make a copy (do not move or rename the old one) of the
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP or, C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\MSP5 or,
C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5 folder on your server, if you have a Telephony Server
(only TM service runs in the server) backup only:

Technical Brief 2 ........

Upgrading OmniVox3D

C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\TM or,

C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5\OmniVoXML\TM
If you have a SS7 Signaling Gateway backup the directory where Septel drivers and T
SG executables are installed, it could be the
C:\Septel or, B
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\SG or,
C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5\OmniVoXML\SG directory.

Steps for APEX SDP Upgrade

1. Unpack the target version with unzip choosing replace all.

Remember to copy the full directories of TM to the Telephony Server from:
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\TM, and also the binaries from the
Signaling Gateway from: C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\SG

C:\Septel or,
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\SG or,
C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5\OmniVoXML\SG on the target system.

2. If you use OmniVox3D TM Configurations files from:

C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\TM\Configuration or,
C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5\OmniVoXML\TM\Configuration copy the xml files
from your backup to the TM configuration directory that is either:
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\TM\Configuration or,
C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5\OmniVoXML\TM\Configuration

NOTE: If you only use the TM_IPInterfaceConfiguration.xml we suggest copying the

file content (that is an XML document) into the parameters area of the “Interface”
type and “VOIP” subtype device under TM. Verify there is no leading space at the
beginning of the XML configuration, the first character should be the diamond
bracket '<'.
The XML VOIP configuration document will replace the path where the
TM_IPInterfaceConfiguration.xml is located. This way in future upgrades you can
skip this step.

3. If you have the OmniVox3D configuration database in a separate server then you can
go to step 8. Restart your SQL Server:

- Net Start MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS (if you are running SQL Server Express)
- Net Start MSSQLServer (if you are running MSDE or SQL Server Standard)

Or start your “SQL Server (instance name)” service from the Windows Services
window, or by using the SQL Server Management Studio tool.

4. If you are upgrading from a version later than then you can go to step 5.
Copy from your "windows" folder distribution package the file dbghelp.dll
to %Systemroot%\system32, which typically is at C:\windows\system32
If you already have this dll in your server, back up or rename the old dll version.

5. If upgrading from a version older than you need to update the APEX
MSP5/SDP database to install the Web Services module by executing the script
MSPConfigurationUpdate_Build3562_WSInfo.sql Then execute step 6.

Technical Brief 3 ........

Upgrading OmniVox3D

You might need to edit the script to use the database you have installed, the
database name could be MSPConfiguration or SDPConfiguration. Execute the T
following command:
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniView\CFM\Update Scripts>sqlcmd -E -S
localhost\SQLEXPRESS -i MSPConfigurationUpdate_Build3562_WSInfo.sql
(if using MSDE use osql command instead of sqlcmd:
osql -E –i MSPConfigurationUpdate_Build3562_WSInfo.sql)

6. If upgrading from a version between and you need to update
the APEX MSP/SDP database to install DB version table by executing the script
CreateDBVersionTable_Build3632.sql You might need to edit the script to use the
database you have installed, the database name could be MSPConfiguration or

Uncomment USE [database] and GO lines to have:

USE [SDPConfiguration]

Instead of:

USE [SDPConfiguration]

Execute the following command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniView\CFM\Update Scripts>sqlcmd -E -S

localhost\SQLEXPRESS -i CreateDBVersionTable_Build3632.sql
(if using MSDE use osql command instead of sqlcmd:
osql -E –i CreateDBVersionTable_Build3632.sql)

7. Change the “Log On” for “SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)” service, or the instance service
where the APEX SDP database is installed.
Open Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services
Browse to SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS), right-click and select Properties
Select the "Log On" tab
Select "Local System Account"
Click OK
Restart the service

8. Execute the vcredist_x86.exe under the SDP_Distribution\windows folder, if the

package was already installed you can cancel the package installation.

Execute vcredist_2010_x86.exe under SDP_Distribution\windows folder, if the

package was already installed you can cancel the package installation.

9. If using web services you need to unregister and register back the OmniVox3D Web
Services Client Module. Open a command prompt window and run:

C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\WebServiceUtils>regasm /unregister

Technical Brief 4 ........

Upgrading OmniVox3D

C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\WebServiceUtils>regasm /register /codebase T
10. Restart the managers (CFM, DM, CM, AM, TM) and additional managers needed like
SS7 Signaling Gateway or the SIP Session Manager.

NOTE: CFM might take a few minutes to start up and show up or log the message
"Configuration Manager (CFM) is ready to accept requests". If you are upgrading
from version CFM will update the SDP database automatically, and before
CFM performs an update it does a full backup of the SDP database to ..\CFM\Backup.
Verify you have the \CFM\Backup folder and all group or user names to have “Full
control” of the folder (Right-click on the Backup folder, select Properties and go the
Security Tab).

Steps for APEX SDP Rollback

1. Stop all the managers and close any OmniView sessions from the new version running.

2. Verify the access to sqlcmd SQL Server utility

Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005, or 2008, or 2012 >
Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager
In SQL Server Configuration Manager go to SQL Server 2005, or 2008, or 2012
Network Configuration > Protocols. Verify that TCP/IP is “Enabled” and double click
to go to properties. Go to IP Addresses > IPAll. Write down the port indicated in TCP
Ports (Typically is port 1469).
SQL Native Client Configuration > Client Protocols. Verify TCP/IP is “Enabled”. Open
TCP/IP, in Default Port type the port configured in TCP Dynamic Ports (port 1469).
If TCP/IP was not enabled restart the SQL Server service (SQLEXPRESS).

3. Detach current OmniVox3D database

In a command prompt window:
C:\sqlcmd -E -S localhost\SQLEXPRESS
>sp_detach_db SDPConfiguration
If your database is called MSPConfiguration then execute:
>sp_detach_db MSPConfiguration

As well you can use the SQL Server Management Studio tool to detach the
OmniVox3D database.

4. Copy from the backup the MSP5/SDP folder and subfolders. Overwrite all files of the
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP or,
C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5
folder on your server, if you have a Telephony Server (only TM service runs in the
server) overwrite:
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\TM or,
C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5\OmniVoXML\TM
If you have a SS7 Signaling Gateway overwrite the directory where Septel drivers and
SG executables are installed, it could be the
C:\Septel or,

Technical Brief 5 ........

Upgrading OmniVox3D

C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniVoXML\SG or,

C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5\OmniVoXML\SG directory.
5. Attach new OmniVox3D database
Same session where sqlcmd is running: B
>sp_attach_db SDPConfiguration,”C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files

Important: The above considers the database is called SDPConfiguration and is

located under the:
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX\SDP\OmniView\CFM\Configuration\Data\ folder.

If your database is called MSPConfiguration and is located under:

C:\Program Files\APEX\MSP5\OmniView\CFM\Configuration\Data\ then execute the
sp_attach_db MSPConfiguration,”C:\Program

The SQL Server Management Studio tool can also be used to attach the old
OmniVox3D database.

6. Restart the managers (CFM, DM, CM, AM, TM) and additional managers needed like
SS7 Signaling Gateway or the SIP Session Manager.

Technical Brief 6 ........

Upgrading OmniVox3D

B | | +1 818.379.8400

Document Name: Upgrading OmniVox3D

Document Type: Technical Brief
Document Number: Upgrade-TB–073014
Document Revision Number: 3.0
Document Revision Date: July 30th, 2014

© Copyright 2014 APEX Communications, Inc. All rights are reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, translated, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the express prior written permission
of APEX Communications, Inc.

The content of this publication is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on
the part of APEX Communications, Inc. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication.
However, due to ongoing improvements and revisions, APEX Communications, Inc. cannot guarantee the
accuracy of printed material after date of publication nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions.
APEX Communications, Inc. will publish updates and revisions to this publication as needed.

OmniVox3D®, OmniVox®, OmniView®, OmniVoXML®, OmniFlow®, OmniScript®, OmniNet® and OmniSIP® are
registered trademarks and APEX SDP™ is a trademark of APEX Communications, Inc. Other trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies.

Technical Brief 7 ........

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