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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

I. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

● define renewable and nonrenewable resources

● illustrate ways of using Earth’s resources wisely

● illustrate how some human activities affect the Philippine environment and its resources

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: The Philippine Environment and It’s Resources

Textbook: You and the Natural World by Teresita F. Religioso,, pages 232-246

References: Textbook, online resources






Materials: Laptop, Power point Presentation, VGA,

Core Values: Involvement, Care

Strategies Used: Question and Answer, Discussion Method

III. Procedure

Teacher ‘s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preliminaries

(Teacher enters the room) (All students will stand up)

“Good morning, Class!” “Good Morning, Ma’am”

“Let us start our day with a prayer.” “Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive

(Sign of the Cross) In the name of the Father, and
those who trespass against us,
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. .
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver
“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy
us from evil. Amen.”
name. Thy kingdom comes. Thy will be done on
(Sign of the Cross) In the name of the
earth as it is in heaven.”
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Spirit, Amen.

“Before you take your seats, please pick up the

(The students will pick up the pieces of
pieces of paper and candy wrappers under your
paper and candy wrappers)

“I’ll check the attendance. Who is absent for


“Last time, I gave you an assignment. Kindly pass (The students will pass their assignment)
them forward.”

B. Review

“Okay. Before we proceed to our next lesson, let

us first recall our lesson last meeting. Anyone?”

“Yes, Joseph” (Joseph will answer)

“Ma’am, last meeting we tackle about the

“Very good.”
earth’s atmosphere and the five layers of the
“Anyone? Who can give the five layers of the
Earth’s atmosphere?”

“Yes, Angel” (Angel will answer)

“Ma’am, the five layers of the earth include

“Very good.”
Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere,
“I also discussed that some of the human activities
Stratosphere and Troposphere.”
may result in the depletion of the ozone layer and

global warming.”

“Again, what is the meaning of the depletion of

the ozone layer? (Josh will answer)

“Ma’am, ozone depletion is simply the

“Yes, Josh”
wearing out or reduction of the amount of
“Very good.”
ozone in the stratosphere.”

“Ozone depletion, so when we say depletion, it is

the reduction of something or the act of reducing

it. Therefore, ozone depletion is the gradual

thinning of Earth’s ozone layer in the

upper atmosphere caused by the release of

chemical compounds containing

gaseous chlorine or bromine from industry and

other human activities.”

“Will you please give an example of human

activities that cause ozone depletion?”

(Eljohn will answer)

“Yes, Eljohn” “Ma’am, example of this is the use of cars.

“Very good. That’s correct.” Cars are used and powered up by fossil

fuels. This can cause extreme damage to our

“Other examples, we have, chlorofluorocarbons
ozone layer because nowadays the main
(CFCs), once used in almost all refrigeration and
transportation is by car. Thousands of
air conditioning systems, eventually reach the
people use cars all around the world and this
stratosphere, where they are broken apart to
causes the ozone layer to deplete very
release ozone-depleting chlorine atoms.”
“Next is global warming. What is global

warming? This is just a recall of our previous

lesson. Anyone?”
(Ynahh will answer)
“Yes, Ynnah?”
“Ma’am, global warming is a gradual

increase in the overall temperature of the

earth's atmosphere generally attributed to

the greenhouse effect caused by increased

levels of carbon dioxide,

“Very good.” chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.”

“Will you please give example of human

activities that that cause global warming?”

(Althea will answer)

“Yes, Althea”

“Ma’am, example of this are mining,

deforestation, burning of garbage such as

“Very good.”
plastics, and industrial revolution.”

C. Unlocking Difficulties

“You already know now class the ozone depletion

and global warming and the human activities that

causes this to happened. Since, you already know

that, do something to preserve our earth. Our

(The students will answer)
“Is there any question so far class regarding on
“None, Ma’am!
our previous lesson?”

“Okay, if there are no questions, let us proceed

now to our new lesson.”

D. Motivation

“Before I introduce our lesson, let us first have

(The students will answer)
our activity. Are you familiar with the game four

pics and one word? “Yes, Ma’am!”

“That’s good. So, we will play four pics one

word. I will flash the picture and tell me what is (The students will answer)

that on picture. If you know the answer, just raise

“Yes, Ma’am!”
your hand. Is that clear?”

“Okay, let’s begin.”

(Students who know the answer will raise
(The teacher will start presenting the pictures)
their hand)

The answers:

1. Earth

2. Philippines

3. Environment

4. Resources

5. Water

6. Air

7. Land

8. Minerals

9. Light

10. Noise

(After the motivation.)

Announcing the winner

E. Introduction

“So, class base on the activity that we did, I’m

pretty sure that you already have an idea what is

our lesson. Anyone? Any volunteer?” (Daryll will answer)

“Ma’am, our lesson for today is the

“Yes, Daryll.”
Philippine environment and its resources.”
“Very good. That is correct.”

F. Discussion

“Earth, is the third planet from the Sun and the

only astronomical object known to harbor life.

Life is found at the lithosphere, where lithosphere

is belonging to the five layers of the earth and it is

the uppermost mantle together with the crust. Of

course, life depends on the atmosphere and the

hydrosphere for respiratory gases and water.”

“We have seven continents of the world. What are

(Olivette will answer)
they? Will you please give them?”
“Ma’am, the seven continents are the North
“Yes, Olivette”
America, South America, Antarctica,

“Exactly! Very good.” Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

“We have North and South America, Antarctica,

Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Base on the

aforementioned 7 continents, what continent does

the Philippines belong to?

(Lea Joy will answer)
“Yes, Lea Joy”
“Ma’am, the Philippines is located in Asia.”
“Very good. That’s correct.”

“So, the Philippines has resources. Even other

countries also have resources. And these

resources are classified into two. What are these

two resources?”

(Prince will answer)

“Yes, Prince”

“Ma’am, these resources are the renewable

“Very good. That is correct.”
resources and the nonrenewable resources.”
“We have the renewable resources and the

nonrenewable resources. When do we say that a

resource is renewable?” (Isla will answer)

“Yes, Isla” “Ma’am, it is renewable if it can be replaced

in a short time span.”

“Very good.”

“Renewable resources, is a resource which can be

used repeatedly and replaced naturally in a short

period of time or can be replenished and

reproduced easily.”

“Will you give an example of renewable


“Yes, Jace” (Jace will answer)

“Ma’am, example of renewable resources is

“Very good. Anything else?”
the solar energy coming from the sun.”

(Carl will answer)

“Yes, Carl” “Ma’am, other examples of renewable

resources are the woods, water and air.”

“Very good.”

“Remember class that renewable resources can

easily be replace. Examples, as you

mentioned, we have wood, air, solar radiation

and water.

Water can be considered renewable when

carefully controlled usage, treatment, and release

are followed.”

“Next, how about nonrenewable resources? What

(Jayson will answer)
are nonrenewable resources?”
“Ma’am, nonrenewable resources are
“Yes, Jayson”
resources that cannot easily replace.”

“Very good.”

“Nonrenewable resources on the other hand, do

not replenish and cannot be renewed. It took

thousands and billions of years of time to form the

non-renewable resources. Will you please give an

example of nonrenewable resources?” (Andrea will answer)

“Ma’am, examples of nonrenewable

“Yes, Andrea”
resources are oil, soil, minerals, coal, and
“Very good.”
natural gas.”

“Soil is a nonrenewable resource and must be

conserved because it is difficult to replace. Soil is

a finite resource, meaning its loss and degradation

is not recoverable within a human lifespan.”

“Due to the importance of soil resources to

humans, certain conservation measures must be

taken to protect soil. In many areas, topsoil is

being lost because of erosion. Erosion is the

carrying off of rock and soil by water or wind.

How does erosion occur?” (Justin will answer)

“Yes, Justin”
“Ma’am, erosion occurs during heavy

“That’s correct.” rainfall.”

“It depends on the amount and frequency of

rainfall. Strong force of water carries more soil


“Always remember class that natural

resources whether renewable or nonrenewable

(Miguel Luis will answer)
have to be conserved. What is conserved?

Anyone?” “Ma’am, conserve means protect from harm

and destruction.”
“Yes, Miguel Luis”

“Very good.”

(The students will answer)

“We need to protect the natural resources, because

it supports our life and our needs.” “None, Ma’am!”

“Any questions so far class?”

“Okay, let proceed. Next is pollution. What is (Hannah will answer)

pollution? Anyone?”
“Ma’am, pollution is the presence in or

“Yes, Hannah”

“Very good.” introduction into the environment of a

substance or thing that has harmful or

“Pollution, is the introduction of harmful
poisonous effects.”
materials into the environment.”

“We have 5 types of pollution. Will you please

give one?”
(Czarina will answer)
“Yes, Czarina”
“Ma’am, Land pollution.”
“Very good. What else?”
(Chauncy will answer)
“Yes, Chauncy”
“Ma’am, Air pollution.”
“Very good. What else?”
(Crizel will answer)
“Yes, Crizel”
“Ma’am, Water pollution.”
“Very good. We have 2 more.”
(Kenji will answer)
“Yes, Kenji”

“Ma’am, Noise pollution.”

“Very good. And the last one?”

(Raphael will answer)

“Yes, Raphael”

“Ma’am, Light pollution.”

“Very good.”

“The five types of pollution are land, air, water,

light and noise pollution. But we will be focusing

more on the three main parts. The land, air, and

water pollution.”

“Land pollution is the contamination of land

surfaces which may be a direct or indirect cause

of improper disposal of domestic, industrial, or

agricultural waste. As we continue to dump

garbage on land every day, land pollution

worsens. It is important that we know how to

recycle. That’s why our waste is classified as

biodegradable (nabubulok), and nonbiodegradable

(hindi-nabubulok). There will come a time when

there will be no more available site where we can

bury our solid wastes if we will never learn how

to recycle. Remember the 3R’s? what are the

3R’s?” (Alyanna will answer)

“Yes, Alyanna” “Ma’am, 3R’s stands for Reduce, Reuse,

“Very good.” and Recycle.”

“Next is air pollution. I’m sure your familiar with

air pollution. This is changes in the physical and

chemical composition of the earth’s atmosphere.

(Sabrina will answer)
What are the two major sources of air pollution?”

“Ma’am, sources of air pollution are exhaust

“Yes, Sabrina”
from vehicles and burning of fossil fuels.”
“Very good.”

“Lastly, we have water pollution. Water

pollution is defined as the presence in

groundwater of toxic chemicals and biological

agents that exceed what is naturally found in the

(Ashley will answer)
“Ma’am, we need to conserve water because
“Why do we need to conserve water?”
water is used by both plants and animals.
“Yes, Ashley”
We use water for things like bathing,

cooking, drinking, and cleaning.”

“Very good. That is right.”

“Water is our most precious resource. We cannot

live without water. Saving water helps to preserve

our environment. It reduces the energy required

to process and deliver water, which helps in

reducing pollution and in conserving fuel


G. Valuing

“You see class how important it is to know and

recognizes the value of natural resources. We

should have an adequate knowledge on how these

resources can be take care. Always remember

class that conservation is the wise use of natural

resources. These resources are used for our

survival or it supports our lives that is why we

need to protect and preserve them.”

H. Application

“Okay, let’s see if you understand the lesson.

(Crishka will answer)
Again, what are the 3 major types of pollution?”
“Ma’am, these are the land, air, and water
“Yes, Crishka

“Very good.”

“Now, I will give an example and tell me if its

renewable or nonrenewable resources. Wind

energy? Is it renewable or nonrenewable

resources?” (Jay Anne will answer)

“Yes, Jay Anne” “Ma’am, it is renewable resources.”

“Very good.”

“How about oil and natural gas?” (Therese will answer)

“Yes, Therese” “Ma’am, those are nonrenewable

“Very good.”

I. Generalization

(The students will answer)

“Do you understand now the lesson class?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”
“Keep in mind, class, that natural resources are

used to provide food, fuel, and raw materials for

manufacturing items. People consume all of their

nourishment from plants or animals. Heat, light,

and power are provided by natural resources such

as coal, natural gas, and oil. We must use them

appropriately and take proper care of them.”

“Are there any questions?”

(The students will answer)

“None, Ma’am!”

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Choose a partner. Make a slogan about on how, as a student you will conserve

natural resources.

Rubrics for performance

Criteria for Judging Points Score

Craftmanship 35
• The slogan is exceptionally
attractive in terms of neatness.
• Well-constructed and not

Creativity 35
• Slogan is exceptionally
• A lot of thought and effort
was used to make the banner.
Originality 20
• Exceptional use of new ideas
and originality to create
Grammar 10
• There are no grammatical
mistakes on the poster.

Rating Scale
95-100 = Outstanding
85-94 = Very Satisfactory
75-84= Satisfactory
65-74= Needs Improvements

V. Assignment

On a one whole sheet of paper, search 5 examples of the environmental problems that we face

nowadays. Attached your sources or linked at the end of your paper where you got your answers.


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