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They are usually dioecious and oviparous with indirect

Examples: Pita (Apple snail), Pinctada (Pearl oyster), Sepia
(Cuttlefish), Lotigo (Squid), Octopus (Devil fish), Aptgsia(Sea-
hare), Dentatiiirri (Tusk shell) and Ciiaetopleura (Chiton).

4.2.9 Phylum — Echinodermata

These animals have an endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles (a)
and, hence, the name Echinodermata (Spiny bodied, Figure
4. 14). All are marine with organ-system level of organisation.
The adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical but larvae
are bilaterally symmetrical. They are triploblastic and
coelomate animals. Digestive system is complete with mouth
on the lower (ventral) side and anus on the upper (dors
side. The most distinctive feature of echinoderms i (b)
presence of water vascular system which s in
locomotion, capture and transport of food and r ir n. Figure 4. 1 les of
An excretory system is absent. Sexes a s ate. inodermata .
Reproduction is sexual. Fertilisation is u all xt al. a) Asteifias
b) O#hi//rcz
Development is indirect with free-swim 1 a.
Examples: Asterins (Star fish), Echirtiis ea urch’ ntectori
(Sea lily), Ciiciimorfn(Sea cucumber) d hiiir rittle star)

4.2.10 Phylum — Hemic

Hemichordata was earlier considere s a sub-phyl d
phylum Chordata. But is placed as a separ hy um Proboscis
under non-chordata. mic ordates have a rudi ntary
structure in the colla led stomo , a structure
similar to notochord.
This phylum consists of a u f worm-like
marine animals with organ-system 1 of ganisation. They
are bilaterally symmetrical, triplob ic and coelomate
animals. The body is cyli and is composed of an Collar
anterior proboscis, a o a nd long trunk (Figure 4.15).
Circulatory system is en pe. Respiration takes place
through gills. Excr tory o is proboscis gland. Sexes are
separate. Fertili ’on is external. Development is indirect.
Examples: g sus and Saccoglossus.

4. 2. 1 — Chordata
Anima elonging to phylum Chordata are fundamentally
Figure 4.15 Balanoglossus
character sed by the presence of a notoehord, a dorsal

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Nerve cord Notochord

hollow nerve cord arid paired pharyngeal
gill slits (Figure 4. 16). These are bilaterally
symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomate with
organ-system level of organisation. They
possess a post anal tail and a closed circulatory
Post-anal part system.
Gill slits Table 4. 1 presents a comparison of salient
features of chordates and non-chordates.
Figure 4. 16 Chordata characteristics

TABLE 4. 1 Comparison of Chordates and Non-chordates

S.No. Chordates Non-ehordates

1. Notochord present. Notochord absent.
2. Central nervous system is dorsal, Ce al nervous system is n , so d
hollow and single. double.
3. Pharynx perforated by gill slits. Gill are abse
4. Heart is ventral. is dorsal (if pr I . ost-
5. A post-anal part (tail) is preseri anal tai ab t.

ylum Cho t is divided into three

subphyl a. r ordat a or T uni cat a,
Ceph r a and Vertebrata.
S h a U rochord ata and
1 ordata are often referred to as
o h dates (Figure 4. 1 7) and
e ively marine. In Urochordata, notochord
present only in larval tail, while in
ephalochordata, it extends from head to
region and is persistent throughout their life.
Examples: Urochordata — Ascictia, Salpa,
Doliotiim; Cephalochordata — Brnrtchiostomn
(Amphioxus or Lancelet).
The members of subphylum Vertebrata
possess notochord during the embryonic
period. The notochord is replaced by a
cartilaginous or bony vertebral column in the
e 4.17 Asciciin adult. Thus all vertebrates are chordates but
all chordates are not vertebrates. Besides the
o basic chordate characters, vertebrates have a
ventral muscular heart with two, three or four
chambers, kidneys for excretion and
osmoregulation and paired appendages which
may be fins or limbs.

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The subphylum Vertebrata is further divided as follows:


Agriatha Griathostomata
(lacks jaw) (bears jaw)
Supe! Class

Pisces Tetrapoda
(bear fins) (bear limbs)
l Class
Class Class Amphibia
1. Cyclostomata 1. Chondrichthyes Reptilia
2. Osteichthyes Aves

4.!2. 1 1. 1 Class — Cyctostomata

All living members of the class Cyclostomata
ectoparasites on some fishes. They hav
elongated body bearing 6- 15 pairs of slits
for respiration. Cyclostomes have a sueg and
circular mouth without jaws (Fig. he’
body is devoid of scales a ai i s.
Cranium and vertebral are
cartilaginous. Circulation is of ed type.
Cyclostomes are ma but migrate for
spawning to fresh wa te pawning, within ure4.18 A jawless vertebrate Petroinyzon
a few days, they T r larvae,
metamorphosis, retu ocean.
Examples: Petromyzon (Lampre
4. 2. 1 1.!2 Clnss - Chondrichth¡Jes
They are marine arñ mals st tried body
and have cartila dos keleton (a) ’’’
(Figure 4. 19). Mont 1 cated ventrally.
Notochord is r ‘stent oughout life. Gill
slits are separa d without operculum (gill
cover). The i gh, containing minute
placoid se es. eeth are modified placoid
scales ackwardly directed. Their
jaws e v powerful. These animals are (b)
predac s. ue to the absence of air bladder,
they have o swim constantly to avoid sinking. rigure 4. 19 Example of Cartilaginous fishes
(a) Scoliodon (b) Pristis

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Heart is two-chambered (one auricle and one ventricle).

Some of them have electric organs (e.g., Torpedoe and
some possess poison sting (e.g. Trpport). They are cold-
blooded (poikilothermous) animals, i.e., they lack the
capacity to regulate their body temperature. Sexes are
separate. In males pelvic fins bear claspers. They have
internal fertilisation and many of them are iiparous.
Examples: Scoliodort (Dog fish), Pristis (Saw fis
COYCIiaYodon (Great white shark), Tr gon(Sting ray)
4. 2. 1 1. 3 Clnss — Osteichth¡Jes
It includes both marine and fresh water fish b y
endoskeleton. Their body is stream d. uth is
mostly term‘ (Figure 4.20). They v ur airs of
gills whic overed by an o rc n ach side.
Skin is red cycloid/ n sc . Air bladder
is pr en ich regulates b a . Heart is two-
c b d (o e auri entricle). They are
(a) (b)
Figure 4.20 Examples of Bony fishes : 1 Oo animals. S s ar separate. Fertilisation
(a) Hippocampus (b) Cat i su external. mostly oviparous and
dev ment is dir
mples: a e — Exocoet ii s (Flying fish),
ippocam u ea orse); Freshwater — Lctbeo (Rohu),
Catla ( , ins (Magur); Aquarium — Betta
(Figh teropliyllum(Angel fish).

4.!2. 1 Ctnss — Amphibin

the name indicates [GY., Amplii : dual, bios, life),
(a) hibians can live in aquatic as well as terrestrial
itats (Figure 4.21). Most of them have two pairs of
limbs. Body is divisible into head and trunk. Tail may
be present in some. The amphibian skin is moist
(without scales). The eyes have eyelids. A tympanum
represents the ear. Alimentary canal, urinary and
reproductive tracts open into a common chamber called
cloaca which opens to the exterior. Respiration is by
gills, lungs and through skin. The heart is three-
chambered (two auricles and one ventricle). These are

b cold-blooded animals. Sexes are separate. Fertilisation
is external. They are oviparous and development
ure 2 1 Examples of Amphibia : is indirect.
(a) Salamonclrn Examples: Bufo (Toad), Tann (Frog), Hyla (Tree frog),
(b) ROnO Salnmnndrn (Salamander), ichthyophis (Limbless

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(a) (b)

Figure 4.22 Reptiles: (a) Chameleon (b) Cro diliis (c) Chelone (d) N

4.!2. 1 1. IN Class — Reptilia

The class name refers to their creeping or cr in de loco i
(Lntiri, Yepere or reptiim, to creep or crawl) h re ostly terres I
animals and their body is covered by d rn’ d skin, epid a
scales or scutes (Fig. 4.22). They do ot have ernal ear in .
Tympanum represents ear. Limbs h res t, are two is
usually three-chambered, but f r-c in crocodil Re les are
poikilotherms. Snakes and liza eir scales n t. Sexes
are separate. Fertilisation is intern ey are ovip ev opment
is direct.
Examples: Chelorie ( le), stiido (Tortoi e), Cha eleori (Tree lizard),
Calotes (Garden liza , coctiliis (C c ile), AiligOtOY (Alligator).
Hemictnct{Jliis (Wall lizar , Poisonou n Naja (Cobra), Bnripariis
(Krait), Vipera (Viper).
4. 2. 1 1. O Class - Aces
The characteristic feature s (birds) are the presence of feathers and
most of them can c Hess birds (e.g., Ostrich). They possess beak
(Figure 4.23). Th 1’ s are modified into wings. The hindlimbs
generally have s and a modified for walking, swimming or clasping
the tree branch kin is dry without glands except the oil gland at the
base of the eleton is fully ossified (bony) and the long bones
are hollow a‘ cavities (pneumatic). The digestive tract of birds has
additi a ers, the crop and gizzard. Heart is completely four-
cham d. ey are warm-blooded (homoiothermous) animals, i.e.,
they are a le to maintain a constant body temperature. Respiration is by

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Figure 4.23 Some birds iithio (c) Psittaciila (d

lungs. Air
Inn ’r i. Sexes are
separate. Ft i
r elopment is
Examples : s ), crcufct (Parrot),
(Ostrich), I (Vulture).

The ’ mountains,
n £fV ited to fly or
forests) ss iq he presence
live in wa I young ones
ill proi
ourish They rig, running,
bing, bur swimming or flying (Figure 4.24). The skin of

Fig 4. 24 Some mammals : (a) Ornithorhpnchtis (b) Macropus (c) Pteropus (d) Balaenoptera

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mammals is unique in possessing hair. External ears or pinnae are

present. Different types of teeth are present in the jaw. Heart is four-
chambered. They are homoiothermous. Respiration is by lungs. Sexes
are separate and fertilisation is internal. They are viviparous with few
exceptions and development is direct.
Examples: Oviparous- O rri ithorhpnchus (Platypus) : Viviparous
Macropus (Kangaroo), Pteropus (Flying fox), Camelus (Camel), Macaca
(Monkey), Rattus (Rat), Cants (Dog), Felts (Cat), Etephas (Elephant),
Equus (Horse), Detpiiinus (Common dolphin), Balnertoptern(Blue whale),
Pnrithern tipris (Tiger), Pnnthern leo (Lion).
The salient distinguishing features of all phyla under animal kingdom
is comprehensively given in the Table 4.2.
TABLE 4. 2 Salient Features of Different Phyla in the Animal Kingdo

phjrlum Level of Symme- Coelom Segmen- Digestiv Circu- Respi- DE c

Organi- try tation Syste latory rato F t
sation stern Sys em

Porifera Cellular Various Absent Abse Ab t Absent o y with pores

d canals in walls.
Coelenterata Cnidoblasts
(Cnidaria) Tissue Radial Absent sent plete Ab ent bS t present.

ÎS sue Radial Abs

Ctenophora bsen Incomplète ri Absent Comb plates for
Organ & locomotion.
Platyhelm- Organ- Bilateral A t sent Inc p nt Absent Flat body, suckers.
inthes system
Organ- Pseud Often worm-
Aschehnin- ra Coelo- Absent lete Absent Absent shaped,
thes mate elongated.
Organ- Coelo— Body segment-
Annelida system mate nt Complete Present Absent ation lié e rings.
Organ- Bilateral C Exoskeleton of cu-
Arthropoda system mat esent Complete Present Present ticle, jointed ap-
Organ- Bilater oelo-
Mollusca system te Absent Complete Present Present External skeleton
of shell usually

EChino- Organ- Ra
Coelo- Water vas cular
dermata •yS Absent Complete Present Present
mate system, radial
O symmetry.
st teral Coelo-
Absent Complete Present Present
Worm -lié e with
mate proboscis, collar
and trunls.
Notochord, dorsal
Chord gan- Bilateral Coelo- Present complete Present Present hollow nerve cord,
system mate gill slits with
limbs or fins.

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