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Text 2: Can Art Heal a Broken Society?

When we lose our shared humanity, awful things can happen. A perfect example
for this is the Rwandan genocide in 1994.

The most effective way for healing must revolve around the shared culture.
Hope Azeda incepted the Ubumuntu Arts Festival to promote our shared humanity
through performances that empathize the importance of healing, human morality, peace-
building, etc. Among the pieces they offer is Africa´s hope, which represent the
genocide as seen by a child.

There are more than 50 additional works which teat global issues that have
triggered even studies. Not only the genocide is treated but it has a key importance. So
is it, that the physical and temporal location of the festival make references to it.

Between observer and participant, through art, a communication which protect

future generations from the anger is created, in general, they want to encourage
communities to fight against any behavior that precede the deadly violence, searching
for nothing similar to this happen again.

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