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spindle advances 1 mm when the screw is turned

SVthrough two revolutions. Ce tyoul

(i) What is the pitch of the screw gauge ?
(ii) What is the least count of the screw gauge?
Ans. (i) 0-5 mm (ii) 0-01 mm.
I1. The pitch of a screw gauge is 1 mm and its circular
scale has 100 divisions. In measurement of the
diameter of a wire, the main scale reads
2 mm and 45th mark on circular scale coincides with
the base line. Find:
ubS (i) the least count, a n d b s s e h
dhe (ii) the diameter of the wire.e (dod za oc
sobi s l9Nriz Ans. (i) 0-00lcm (ii) 0-245 cm.
12. When a screw gauge of least count 0-01 mmn is used
to measure the diameter of a wire, the reading on
the sleeve is found to be 1mm and the reading on
o the thimble is found to be 27 divisions. (i) What is
the diameter of the wire in cm ? (ii) If the zero
error is + 0-005 cm, what is the correct diameter ?

SToc iei Ans. () 0-127 cm (ii) 0-122 cm.

3. A screw gauge has 50divisions on its circular scale
and its screw moves by 1 mm on turning it by two
rotations. When the flat end of the screw is in
contact with the stud, the zero of circular scale lies
below the base line and 4th division of circular scale
is in line with the base line. Find : () the pitch, (ii)
the least count and (ii) the zero error, of the serew
Ans. (i)O0:5 mm (ii) 0-01 mm (ii) + 0-04 mm
4. Fig, 1.15 below shows the reading obtained while
measuring the diameter of a wire with a serew
gauge. The screw advances by l division on
scale when circular head is rotated or

its circular scale
13. A gauge has 50 divisions on
Screw byl mm on turning it by twO
ES SCrew moves screw is in
rotations. When tthe flat end ofcircular lies
zeroof of circular scale
Contact with the stud, the zero
below the base line and 4th division the
is in line with the base line, Find : (i)
of the screw
the least count and (iii) the zero error,
(i) 0-5 mm (ii) 0-01 mm (iii) + 0-04 mm
14. Fig. 1.15 below shows the reading obtained screw
measuring the diameter of a wire with a
screw advances by 1 division on main
gauge. The
scale when circular head is rotated once.


Fig 1.15
Find : (i)pitch of the screw gauge,
(ii) least count of the screw gauge, and
(ii) the diameter of the wire.
Ans. (i) 1mm (i)0-02 mm (iii) 4.94 mm.
1EA screw has a pitch equal to 05 mm. What should
be the number of divisions on its head so as
correct up to 0-001 mm with
with its to read
help ? Ans. 500
s Ans.
1 extreme?
to other the 1:55
m (b) s, 2-5 (a) Ans.
its extreme
of one from move take
ndulum seconds to
a of the does time much How length. its
ms,find g=9-8
0-s8 Ans. If(b) period? time its isWhat (a)
pendulum? oscillations
s. 5 in completes2 pendulum A 3
of time the isWhat end. one position
to 6.
mnean from move pendulum
tobob afor s0-2 takes 1:3
It length Ans. and9
m. 1m
of two periodsof time Compare
the 5.
14: Ans. lengths? 1-0142
mn Ans.
their ratio
of the bewill What 1.2: ratio the in Are (Take 10 =whereg
two periods
of time The 3-14). =n
place pendulums
a at simple place pendulum
a at seconds' of
alength the Find

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