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Q2) “Science and technology constitute the single most powerful instrument of development in

particularly every sphere of human activity.” Discuss.

Ans) The discovery of steam and oil and invention of electricity and internal combustion engine
as potent sources of power revolutionized the means of communication and transport.
Electricity was used in the telegraph and this helped in faster communication of messages,
decrease in crime and effective maintenance of law and order.

The discovery of oil in the Middle East countries and parts of the erstwhile Soviet Union were
providential windfall for these countries. Oil is considered as most useful source of energy
which is predominantly used for all means of conveyance and transport. It is also known as
liquid gold.

The technique of printing and the invention of printing press during the 14 th century proved to
be the most potent means of mass communications.

Science and technology are used for recovering and cultivating wastelands, in the greening of
deserts developing infrastructure and in the discovery of underground water, oil and other

They are also being progressively utilized for solving huge problems of hunger, poverty,
insanitation and illiteracy.

Q3) Amplify the statement- “Science has made our lives happier, safer and more comfortable.”

Ans) Science has brought complete transformation in the lives of the people. There is hardly
any sphere of our lives which has not been influenced by Science and technology. The
inventions in different fields have made our lives happier, safer and comfortable. Some of they

➢ Medical field- Deadly communicable diseases like small pox and plague was eradicated
from many parts of the world. There have been discoveries of new and effective means
of treatment and cure for diseases like cholera, diphtheria, tuberculosis and many other
deadly diseases.
The discoveries of antibiotics drugs, chemo therapy, physiotherapy, vaccinations, pain
killers and the amazing advances made by surgery have helped substantially to alleviate
human suffering and reduce the incidence of death. Improvements and advancements
in sanitation and health facilities has also considerably reduced infant mortality and
increased longevity. Many new techniques have developed for diagnosis of diseases
such as blood tests, X-rays, ultrasonography, C.T (Computed Tomography) Scan, M.R.I
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) etc.
➢ Transportation and Communication field- The discovery of railways, automobiles,
airplanes, ships, GPS, radio, electric power, satellites, internet, mobile phones etc. has
changed the world drastically.
Through internet, people sitting at home and in their office can participate in
discussions through conference call facility and this saves a lot of time, money and
energy. Satellites help in survey and management of natural resources, forecasting of
weather, phone and broadband service etc.
With the help of advanced transport system, we can reach any part of the world in no
The raw materials to industries and ready products to the markets reach easily due to
development in transportation system.
➢ Household Gadgets- It has proved to be a boon for the homemakers. The kitchen work
is accomplished in minutes what used to cost them hours of physical labour, and sweat.
The electric and microwave ovens, toasters, mixers and grinders, cooking gas, stove
have made cooking easier and faster. Refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machine,
vacuum cleaners, electric fans and lights have all helped to make their life more
➢ Knowledge and Entertainment- It added a lot to the enrichment and pleasures of life.
The personal computer, the television, the radio, the mobile phone, the cinema, books,
newspapers, journals and other printed materials, the modern games and sports,
musical instruments has given a new dimension to entertainment and techniques of

Q4) Explain the contributions that INSAT series have made to the development of activities in
the spheres of information, education and telecommunication.

Ans) From 1992-1999, India launched second generation series i.e., INSAT (The Indian National
Satellite) 2A to 2E to strengthen the Doordarshan services and provided mobile

In 2000, the 3rd generation series of communication, satellites were launched in the orbit
known as INSAT-3B. It gave a big boost to business and mobile communication, used in banks
and other financial institutions, stock market, the white good markets (electronic products)

In September 2007, the indigenous launch vehicle GSLV (Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch
Vehicle) successfully carried 2130 kg communication satellite INSAT-4, the largest domestic
communication system in Asia- Pacific.

Q5) How do IRS satellites help in weather forecasting and providing surveys for better
management of forest cover and cropping patterns?
Ans) Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) provides vital (important) inputs for the
management of vast land and ocean resources. In September 2009, India’s Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle (PSLV), placed ocean-2 in the designated orbit. It also carried six micro satellites
from European countries for placement in their prescribed orbits.

Oceans Sat-2 covers ocean temperature for weather prediction. It is able to track and anticipate
currents winds, intensity of tidal waves especially during monsoons which would enable the
scientists to forecast the weather with greater precision and is able to have better management
of forest cover and cropping patterns.

Q6) What is biotechnology? Discuss briefly applications of biotechnology in industry.

Ans) Biotechnology is the use of organisms, their parts or processes, for the production of
useful or commercial substances and for waste treatment.

The applications of biotechnology in various industries are-

➢ Forestry: Biotechnology can be applied in forests and especially plantations to improve

fiber productions and protect trees.
➢ Medicine: The recombinant DNA technological process have made immense impact in
the area of healthcare by enabling mass production of safe and more effective
therapeutic drugs.
➢ Food Industry: Micro-organisms are used in food processing industry like yeast extract
to make bread. Genetically improved lactic acid bacteria are used to make cheese.
Neutraceuticals are across between nutritional supplement and pharmaceuticals. It
includes antioxidant and oils or acids to reduce cancer risk.
➢ Environment: Environment biotechnology is a system of engineering knowledge related
to the use of micro-organisms and their products in the prevention of environmental
pollution. The advantage of biotechnological treatment of wastes is detoxication of a
wide spectrum of hazardous substances by natural microorganisms.
➢ Industry: Industrial biotechnology has been proven to make significant contributions
towards mitigating the impact of climate change in these and other sectors. It can also
improve industry’s performance and product value and, as the technology develops and
matures. It will yield more and more viable solutions for our environment. These
innovative solutions bring added benefits for both our climate and economy.

Q7) Explain the potential applications of nanotechnology briefly.

Ans) Nanotechnology simply means science of extremely small. Nano in Latin means dwarf and
deals with particles in the range of 1-100 nanometeres. Richard Feyman is considered as Father
of Nanotechnology. At nanoscale, material’s surface area increases and volume decreases.
The potential applications of nanotechnology are:

• Nanoparticles are small substances with properties like titanium dioxide particles which
are present on skin and can absorb and reflect ultraviolet rays and are used in suntan
and other cosmetics.
• Nanomechanical Factory Sensors (NOSE)- They detect characteristic odor like acetone
in blood and it helps in early detection of diabetes mellitus and other diseased
• Nanodrug and Nanocoat- They provide relief to asthma patients, migraine patients
within minutes with the help of miniscule quantity of drugs.
• Nanoscale Computers- They help in storing large amount of data for personal and
industrial use.
• Nanobatteries- These batteries have less possibility of catching fire and have a longer
shelf life. They increase power saving as it takes less time to recharge
• Nanosponges- it is used in burn dressing that is coated with nanocapsules containing
antibiotics and absorbs toxins and removes them from blood.

Q8) What do you understand by green sustainable living? Mention three examples.

Ans) Green sustainable living means to live a simple life and make the environment happier.
Three examples are:

• Avoid preserved or precooked from the market as its packing material is difficult to
recycle and harmful for environment
• It is important to reuse and recycle regularly
• Using of cloth, jute and paper bag as plastic bags are difficult to recycle and toxic to
our environment.

Q9) What is space technology? Explain its importance.

Ans) Space technology involves launching of rockets, satellites, space craft’s etc. for the
socio economic development.

It is important in:

• Developing mass communication and education. For example- zoom calling, video
conferencing etc.
• Survey and management of natural resources through remote sensing technology.
• Forecasting of weather and disasters
• Helping the Military/army to use radar system to detect the planes of the enemies
entering into the Indian territory
Q10) What are the uses of a computer in our daily life?

Ans) The uses of computers in our daily life are-

• It is useful in research work in many fields such as physics, chemistry, astronomy,

genetics, social sciences, humanities etc.

• It is a blessing for business and commerce for their administrative functions, financial
transactions, calculation of wages or salaries, maintaining of data etc.

• Booking of hotels, tickets and planning trips have become easier due to computers.

• It is a great source of information about various things such as books, articles, schemes
of government, music, consumable items etc. and we can purchase them through
website and pay online and get it delivered with ease.

Q11) What are the evil effects of development of science and technology on society.

Ans) Some of the evil effects of development of science and technology on society are:-

• The discovery of nuclear power using in making deadly weapons are dangerous for life
on earth. Eg; atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in japan on 6th
august, 1945 which caused instant death of thousands of people.
• One of the causes of unemployment as machines are replacing humans
• Increased dependence on modern tools has reduced our creativity and intelligence
• Social isolation is on the rise increasing loneliness
• Chemical fertilizers are causing air pollution and further destroying the Ozone layer.

Q12) What is a Hearing Aid?

Ans) Hearing aid is a small electronic device that a person wears in or behind the ear. It is
useful in improving the hearing and speech comprehension of people who have hearing loss
that results from damage to the small sensory cells in the inner ear, called hair cells. The
damage can occur as a result of disease, aging, injury, noise, certain medicines etc. The aid
makes sounds louder so that a person with hearing loss can listen, communicate and
participate in daily activities comfortably.

The two main types of hearing aids are-

• Analog aids
• Digital aids
A. HYBRID CARS- Hybrid cars are a cross between a gasoline-powered car and an electric
car. It has a gasoline engine which is smaller and uses superior technologies to decrease
emissions and increase efficiency. The electric motor in hybrid cars is very sophisticated
and it acts as motor as well as a generator. The batteries in these cars are the energy
storage device. Hybrid cars come in smaller size, work more competently and use a
breaking system that can produce electricity while the car is in movement. It is
commonly known as Hybrid electric cars.

B. Green washing machines- Green washing machines use less water and power in doing
laundry. They do less damage to the environment by washing laundry quickly and saving
a lot of energy. It has a unique electronic water control system that handles all the
calculations regarding the exact amount of water needed which avoids any wastage of
water. One is advised to use eco-friendly detergents and to look out of labels that point
out a readily bio degradable product which is phosphate free and made from plants.

C. Prosthesis- Prosthesis is an artificial limb, a well known product in special needs

community. Many a time, limb is lost because of accident, congenital defect which is
present at birth, illness or wartime injury. This technology is so advanced that one could
not make out that the person is using it. People with prosthetic leg can often climb
stairs, walk, swim and run as well as using natural limbs.

D. Waste Reduction- Increasing population has high demand of resources. It is the cause of
increased waste production which is harmful for our environment. Some of the basic
ways to reduce waste is reusing commodities, recycling, reduce paper and food waste
etc. The waste production adds to emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, leaking
dangerous materials into the soil and waterways.
a) CFC- Chlorofluorocarbon
b) IRS- Indian Remote Sensing Satellite
c) GSLV- Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
d) INSAT- Indian National Satellite
e) MRI- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
f) IPM- Integrated Pest Management
g) JAWS- Job Access With Speech
h) NVDA- Non-Visual Desktop Access

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