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An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of

Teacher Education, Laguna State Polytechnic University
Los Baños Campus Los Baños, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of

Secondary Education major in Social Studies



JUNE 2023


SOCIALSCIENCE STUDENTS” prepared and submitted by JESANNE
GARCIA PUA., in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor in Secondary Education major Social Studies, is hereby
recommended for acceptance and approval.


Thesis Adviser

Panel of Examiners

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of .


Member Member


Member Member


Research Coordinator

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Bachelor in Secondary Education major in Social


Associate Dean, CTE

Chairperson, Research and Development Date Signed


The researchers expressed their gratitude to the people who encouraged and

inspired to pursue this study. This research study would not have been made possible

without the help and support of the following persons:

Laguna State Polytechnic University, for being the home of many youth leaders,

globally competitive students, and instructors, that stands out in every way;

Dr. Mario R. Briones, University President, for giving his full support to all the

undergraduate students, especially in the thesis writing;

Engr. Emmanuel Ruiz R. Alvarez, Campus Director for supporting the

undergraduate program under the College of Teacher Education;

Dr. Karen A. Manaig, Associate Dean of the College, for her support and words of


Dr. Victoria E. Tamban, the researchers’ adviser, for giving her utmost support

that pursued the researchers in doing their research topic. The researcher appreciates

the patience and time that she exerted for them;

Prof. Kathleen Lorraine B. Gino-Gino, the researchers' consultant, for

supervising and guiding the researchers in making the paper works and for giving ideas

for the betterment of the study;

Prof. Monique E. Malabayabas, the researcher's consultant, for encouragement

and patiently guiding the researchers in their research study;


Prof. Jann Arlie P. Agawin, for insightful and constructive comments during the

planning and development of this research project. Her willingness to give so generously

of her time to check our manuscript has been greatly appreciated;

Dr. Marciana T. Torillos, thesis panel, for giving ideas and advice;

Grade 12 Senior High School Students, of the College of Teacher Education, the

researchers' participants, for their active participation, cooperation, and time during the

conduct of this research study. Without their help, this study wouldn't be possible.

Researchers' Parents, for providing endless support, and ensuring that there is

internet available while conducting this research study at home. Without their support, the

researchers could not finish the study on time; and

GOD ALMIGHTY, for making all these things possible, for giving the researchers

strength and patience in finishing this study, and for giving them courage.

Without the support of these people, it would be a hard time for the researchers to

accomplish the study. Thank you very much.

The Researchers


The authors dedicate this research to their devoted parents, who have

been an inspiration, a source of inspiration and strength. To the

consistent source of moral, spiritual, emotional, and monetary support.

To their parents, friends, mentor, and classmates who provided

encouragement and advice as they worked to finish

their studies. We must not forget to appreciate and

honor the Powerful God for giving us a long and

healthy life. He is our source of knowledge,

strength, defense, and willpower.

They give them everything they need.




This research intended to find out and establish the perceived effectiveness of online

distance learning on student engagement and the academic performance of Humanities

and Social Science students at Laguna State Polytechnic University- Los Baños Campus,

Los Baños, Laguna, using a survey questionnaire during academic year 2021-2022. This

research aspired to assist the administration and teachers in providing a much better

learning experience for the students and for the advancement of the institution. Quantitative

research design was designed to determine and describe the relationship between student

engagement and the academic performance of senior high school students at Laguna

State Polytechnic University-Los Baños Campus. Based on the findings that there was

significant relationship in the effectiveness of the following factors for mentioned above

except the student engagement wherein no significant relationship on online distance

learning. The result inferred that online distance learning affects the student engagement

and the academic performance of the student. As for the factors given by the researchers,

these can be used as guides to modify or adjust the curriculum to enhance and cater to

the needs of the learners. As shown by grade 12 HUMSS, the data obtained indicate that

there is virtually no relationship between students' academic performance when enrolled

in online distance learning. The most beneficial and essential component of a student's

academic performance is their participation.

Keywords: student engagement, academic performance, online distance

learning, participation

TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………. i
APPROVAL SHEET …………………………………………………………... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………….... iii
DEDICATION …………………………………………………………………... iv
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………...... v
TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………...... vi


Introduction…………………………………………………. 1
Background of the study…………………………………... 5
Theoretical Framework…………………………………… 10
Conceptual Framework…………………………………… 11
Statement of the Problem………………………………… 12
Null Hypothesis……………………………………………. 13
Significance of the Study…………………………………. 13
Scope and Limitation of the Study………………………... 14
Definition of Terms…………………………………………. 14


Related Literature………………………………………… 17


Research Design………………………………………… 31
Selection of Research Subjects……………………….. 32
Research Instrument……………………………………. 32
Research Procedure…………………………………….. 33
Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………. 33


OF DATA………………………………………………… 35


Summary of Findings……………………………………… 41
Conclusions………………………………………………… 41
Recommendations………………………………………… 42

BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………. 44
APPENDICES……………………………………………………………. 47
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH…………………………………................. 58
CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………………… 62

Table Page

1 Student Engagement ................................................................. 35

2 Participation ……………………...................................................... 36

3 Performance Activity .................................................................. 37

4 Completion of the Activity.…...................................................... 38

5 Result of effectiveness of online distance learning on student

engagement and the academic performances……………………… 39


Figure Page
1 Research Paradigm ……………………………………………………. 12

2 Demographic profile of student-respondents in terms of

General Average................................................................................. 39



Since the pandemic, there have been numerous disruptions to education systems

around the world. School closures were required as part of public health initiatives to slow

the spread of COVID-19 in most countries, which affected about 1.6 billion people, in

February 2020. At the height of the pandemic in 2020, there were students in more than 190

countries. In the face of extraordinary chaos and difficulties, most educational systems

worldwide made sure teaching and learning can provide a continuity of learning, yet there

have been significant concerns raised about the caliber of students. Most students felt that

the quality of teaching and learning was reduced during the global pandemic, according to

their learning experiences. Consequently, research into online education is crucial. a topic

that is worthwhile for educational study.

Over a very short period, the pandemic of COVID-19, which is caused by the new

coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has reemerged as the most pressing global problem of the

current day. Learners used to invest each day as half of their traditional learning

environment in the classroom, but the pandemic has brought about huge changes in the

lives of people, particularly in education. As a direct consequence of this, the educational

system has experienced occurs through a series, the most notable of which is the meteoric

ascent of e-learning, a model in


which instruction is delivered over the internet and through digital mediums. Modular

learning, blended learning, and online learning are just some of the alternatives that have

been tried in place of traditional classroom instruction.

Keeping K-12 classes going for pupils who have been told to stay home due to the

unanticipated crisis is one of the most critical issues that has arisen as a direct result of the

situation. The purpose of this research is to have evidence-informed understandings by

collecting the thoughts that instructors had about how they created online home-based

courses and their feelings of students' participation when the COVID-19 pandemic

lockdown was in effect. Learning may now take place over the Internet, which has

attracted the attention of many academics and teachers who are looking for ways to stand

improve student learning outcomes despite a general decrease in available resources,

especially in higher education.

"The situation of distance education is changing” (Eom, 20013, p.215) the more

Universities are now offering online courses, thus it's crucial for professors to take this into

account. Course design, learner interaction, and other elements of online learning

environments presence of the instructor (Allenand Seaman, 2015). One study offered a

framework for which we utilized to create and construct this investigation (Eom et al.,

20013), even though our study varied in methodology. To conduct this study, we

investigated how each of these factors affected perceptions of learning and satisfaction

among students. Richardson and Swan (2010) also concluded that pupils with high overall

Perceived learning and perceived social presence received excellent marks on

assessment of gratification.

They advised putting the encounter front and center that occurs between students

and teachers. Consequently, student involvement and active learning is essential for better

learning and, eventually, retention among students. Swan (2010) claims that design

simplicity, communication with professors, and engaged class participation greatly

affected how happy and learning-oriented children felt.

As distance learning was pursued and practiced in the Philippines for school or

academic year 2020-2021, flexible learning was adopted to provide the need of students

in accessing quality education as they are differently situated concerning with time, pace,

and resources. Therefore, schools or universities were obliged to customize delivery

modes responsive to students’ need for access to quality education. Flexible learning is a

pedagogical approach that focuses on the design and delivery of programs, courses, and

learning interventions that address learners’ unique needs in terms of pace, place,

process, and products of learning. Although it commonly uses delivery methods depending

on the levels of technology, availability of devices, internet connectivity, level of digital

literacy and approaches.

Based on the DepEd Learning Modalities for school year 2020-2021. Distance

Learning refers to a learning delivery modality where learning takes place between the

teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during

instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online

Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction.


Online Distance Learning features the teacher as facilitator, engaging learners’

active participation using various technologies accessed through the internet while they

are geographically remote from each other during instruction. The internet is used to

facilitate learner-teacher and peer to peer communication. Online learning allows live

synchronous instruction. It requires participants to have a good and stable internet

connection. It is more interactive than the other types of distance learning. The response

is real time.

Distance learning modality is most viable for independent learners, and learners

supported by periodic supervision of parents or guardians. The challenge will be in dealing

with learners not capable of independent learning. This is the subject of further discussion

within DepEd, and with partners and parents.

Online education is the form of distance learning that is expanding the fastest due

to the closing of schools; a new era began during the COVID-19 epidemic Many Terms

like "emergency remote instruction" has been embraced by institutions and scholars to

characterize online education initiatives during theCOVID-19 epidemic. In this study, we

refer to online learning because it has been a popular medium, description, and most

institutions employ this as their primary alternate teaching method in response to closings

of schools.

A broad concept called "learning environments." different definitions. Online

learning environments have a similarly complicated nature. Constructivist learning

environments are frequently used to describe online learning environments and the

structure for the community of inquiry. It is important that academics and educators analyze

the success of online learning compared to more conventional face-to-face formats, as well

as the elemenT

that affect the effectiveness of online courses.

To fill these knowledge gaps, we look at the structural relationships in this paper

between evaluations of the online learning environment and involvement among K–12

students, during the COVID-19 school closure period, teaching and learning were

conducted entirely online. The study's findings can be used to create entirely online

learning environments, online and during serious circumstances like the COVID-19

epidemic. After COVID-19, learning in mixed learning settings that are focused on positive

learning results.

The researcher conducted this study to gather information in this relatively new

teaching and learning practice that the academic community is experiencing and

implemented at Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños Campus Laguna. This

aims to help understand the perception of the student’s engagement and the academic

performance of Humanities and Social Sciences students.

In foresight, the researchers pursued to be able to use and utilize all the facts that

will be able to collect and learn from this study. These facts are intended to help improve

and upgrade the researcher’s future endeavors as educators.

Background of the study

In this paper, Mateo (2021), claimed that in the Philippines, government authorities

had promptly canceled the conventional face-to-face lessons when they realized there

was a significant risk of transmission among pupils during the early part of 2020.

Teaching is carried out remotely and using digital platforms as part of an alternative

learning modality that had been set up by the Department of Education (Briones, 2020).

The unpredictability brought on by the pandemic, one of the answers has been to

take advantage of the technology tools that are available to support online distance

learning (ODL). According to Javier (2020), shown in his article, a significant shift might

take place in the way that classroom education is delivered during the school year 2020-


Online distance learning has become a very popular alternative educational

platform in recent years. The global COVID-19 epidemic, which compelled educational

institutions to use online learning as their main delivery method for instruction, has

expedited this change even more. As a result, it is critical to look at how effective online

distance learning is as well as how it affects student involvement and academic

achievement, especially among students studying the arts and social sciences.

Humanities and social science disciplines primarily rely on involved student

participation to promote analytical and critical thinking. Therefore, it is crucial to

comprehend how online distance learning influences student involvement and academic

achievement in these areas. The unorganized and abrupt decision of the authorized and

responsible government agencies like DepEd and CHED, alongside private groups, about

the sudden transition from face-to-face classes to online distance learning. This resulted in

the now popular


issues like the mental health problems of the students and the teachers, as well as the lack

of funds and financial aid to help support struggling families with learners.

The efficacy of online distance learning in various educational environments has

been the subject of numerous research. There is, however, little research that is specifically

focused on humanities and social science fields. Furthermore, a significant component

influencing academic performance is student engagement, which includes participation,

contact, and drive. For educators and policymakers, examining the connection between

online distance learning and student participation might yield useful insights. By examining

the perceived value of online distance learning amongst students of humanities and social

sciences, this study seeks to fill this knowledge vacuum. It aims to investigate how student

participation in online distant learning affects performance in the classroom.

On the other hand, student engagement might not seem to be a problem for

students, but it can still have a negative impact on them. Student engagement and

academic performance is brought on by physical variations that take place during the

online class. According to Hart, Hodgkinson, (2013), during a learner's elementary

years, student engagement and academic performance becomes more involved and is

frequently tied to social relationships with peers, parents, and other adults. Although the

amount participation can improve performance, too much of it can lead to physical and

mental health issues as well as lower self-esteem, which could have an impact on a

student's performance.

Due to the pandemic nature of online distance learning, which was defined

by a bridge to physical distance between a student and a teacher, the researchers

undertook this study. Despite the benefits, this new learning scheme's sudden and difficult

transition, students' varied chosen learning styles, and a range of issues with physical,

cognitive, and social learning experiences may have an impact on their academic

performance and learning.

The results of the study will add to the body of knowledge and offer educators

useful suggestions for enhancing the online learning environment for students studying

humanities and social sciences. Educational institutions can improve their instructional

tactics, online course design, and student support by studying the perceived effectiveness

of online distance learning and its effects on student engagement and academic

performance. In the end, this project intends to support a more efficient and interesting

online learning environment for students studying the humanities and social science.

This study aims to put information about the advantages and disadvantages of

online learning environments by assessing the perceived effectiveness of online distance

learning on student engagement and academic achievement. The research results will

help educational institutions design ways to raise student engagement and improve

academic achievement in the setting of online learning. The study will also add to the body

of knowledge already available on online education by providing useful advice for teachers

and decision-makers who want to enhance students' overall online learning experiences.

The possibility of online distance learning rises in tandem with the development of new

technologies. The use of free online apps such as


Google Meet and Zoom for synchronous classroom sessions is becoming more common.

On the other hand, they use platforms like Facebook groups, Google classroom, Edmodo,

and others for asynchronous sessions. Nonetheless, online distance learning is not

without its drawbacks, the most notable of which being an unreliable internet connection

and inadequate digital skills had by pupils. There are certain advantages, such as flexibility,

that might also be seen as disadvantages, particularly for students who are working at the

same time. The circumstances and opportunities that are confronted by students who are

enrolled in ODL programs.

One of the issues that need to be addressed is the need to strengthen the practices

that are currently being used within the new learning setup to make it more sensitive to

the learning requirements of students. Although online distance learning has been around

for a long time, some people are still new to this mode of learning, especially Filipinos and

there is still little about online distance learning and its relationship or impact on students’


The researcher wants to know the effects of students on the use of Online Distance

Learning and its efficiency to help and enhance the performance especially of those

students in Senior High Schools. This study assessed the students’ perceived

effectiveness of online distance learning on the student’s engagement and the academic

performance in Humanities and Social Sciences in Laguna State Polytechnic University-

Los Baños Campus


Theoretical framework

This study was anchored on the Behaviorism theory of B. F. Skinner, Social

Cognitive theory of Albert Bandura, Constructivism theory of Jean Piaget.

(1) B.F. Skinner Behaviorism Learning Theory Behavior which focuses on

observable behaviors, thus discounting independent activities of the mind. Behaviorism

defines learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior based on

environmental conditions. According to behaviorists, if teachers show appreciation or

rewards whenever pupils show a desirable behavior, they will eventually learn to carry out

the action on their own. Punishments follow the same logic. Behaviorists believe that

individuals respond to sensory cues that are either inwardly or externally created. They

essentially believe that one's environment shapes who they are as people. When teachers

give their class or certain kids a party or special treat at the end of the week as a reward

for good behavior all week, it is an example of behaviorism in action. Punishments employ

a similar idea. A pupil misbehaves; the teacher may revoke some privileges.

(2) Albert Bandura Social Cognitive Theory in SCT, information is stored in

schema. As new information is internalized, it is compared with existing information and

knowledge. For the "Bobo doll “experiment, Bandura is perhaps best known. In this study,

while preschool-aged children were seen, researchers verbally and physically assaulted a

doll. Later, the kids imitated the researchers' actions, supporting Bandura's theory that

kids can pick up on adult conduct. In the 1960s, Bandura created what was first known as

the "social learning hypothesis" because of his observations.


(3) Jean Piaget Constructivism Theory learning focuses on interpreting the world

and constructing meaning. Learning is active and reflective which means there is doing,

then reflecting about the doing and then rethinking about the doing. Action and reflection

enable the student to integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge and experiences

so that complex mental models can form. According to his theory, infants are born with

fundamental cognitive abilities. These fundamental skills are then developed through

social contact and eventually develop into more complex brain processes. For instance, a

child is born with the fundamental ability for memory. The means of remembering change

as the child interacts with its surroundings and classmates. The child will employ

comparable techniques of repetition to enhance memory if the learning environment

places a strong emphasis on flashcards.

Learning theories for online education in general has no single learning theory that

emerged for instruction, the same for online education. Several theories have developed,

most recently from the major learning theories.

Conceptual Framework

The research paradigm used in this study was quantitative research paradigm

which determined the relationship between learning and learning development of the



Perceived Effectiveness Academic

of Online Distance Performance of Grade

Learning on the 11 HUMSS Students

student’s engagement School Year 2021-

and their academic 2022:

performance General Weighted

• Student Engagement Average

• Participation

• Completion of Activities

• Performance Activity

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Perceived Effectiveness of Online Distance

Learning on student engagement and the academic performance on the Humanities and

Social Science students in Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños Campus.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1.What are the students perceived level of effectiveness in online distance learning in

terms of:

1.1 Student Engagement;

1.2 Participation;

1.3 Performance Activity; and

1.4 Completion of Activities;


1. What is the level of academic performance of the students in terms of?

• General Weighted Average;

2. Is there a significant relationship between the perceived effectiveness of Online Distance

Learning on students’ engagement and academic performance?


There is no significant relationship between the Perceived Effectiveness of Online

Distance Learning on the student Engagement and the Academic Performance of

Humanities and Social Science.

Significance of the Study

The researcher believed that this study could benefit the following:

This will serve as a basis for the DepEd officials in enforcing the curriculum

program. This will be proper to the learning modality.

The Administration may benefit from this study since this may provide them with

added insight on how to further improve instruction in different subjects. Also, this study

can be continuously mapped to raise the quality of student education.

This will make the teacher more aware of the needs of the students to be more

attentive in their class. It may provide essential information on the aspects they should pay

attention to teach students more effectively and better improve the teaching-learning


This will help the students to realize the importance of Online Distance Learning

on their engagement and to face the challenges that will meet soon. In addition, the

knowledge gained by students with an education course can serve to give them an

understanding that they should consider when they become instructors in the future.

The parents will be informed on the important opportunity that they need to be

involved in the educational process of their children to improve academic performance.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was about the Perceived Effectiveness of Online Distance Learning on

student engagement and the academic performances among Humanities and Social

Science students in Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños Campus. The scope

and limitation of this research is bound for Grade 12 HUMSS students who are currently

enrolled in Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños Campus.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of this study the following terms were conceptually and

operationally defined.

Academic Performance. Academic performance/ achievement which refers to the

extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has reached their short or long-term

educational goals and is measured either by continuous assessment or cumulative grade

point average.

Completion of Activity. In this research, it refers to defined for course activities

and that may be applied toward your overall course completion requirements. This can be

very helpful for students because it uses checklists to represent.

Learning development. It refers to a function within an organization that handles

empowering employees' growth and developing their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to

drive better business performance.

New Normal. It refers to the emerging behaviors, situations and minimum public

health standards that will be institutionalized in common or routine and remain even after

the pandemic while the disease is not totally eradicated through means such as

widespread immunization.

Online Distance Learning. Refers to an educational process where students

receive instruction through online classes, video recordings, video conferencing, or any

other technology medium.

Participation. It refers to defined as students being active and engaged in the

classroom; students affecting curriculum design; and students' feeling of belonging to a


Perceived Effectiveness. It refers to another mechanism that promotes helping,

the individual likelihood that a communication will have an influential impact. To illustrate,

if a helping project generates a very limited amount of goods (minor benefits) it will be

perceived as having low impact.

Performance Activity. Refers learning activity or assessment that asks students to

perform to prove their knowledge, understanding and proficiency.


Student Engagement. This refers to learning or being taught, they are said to be

engaged if they are paying close attention, showing curiosity, passion, confidence, and

excitement. This increases how determined they are to study and progress in their

education used by the participants.



This section presents a comprehensive review of the related literature and studies that

supported the fulfillment of the conducted research.

COVID-19 has had an unexpected impact on education. One of the most difficult

challenges during this pandemic crisis is continuing K-12 education for students who have

been told to stay at home while their schools are closed. While various technologies in

higher education have been adopted to allow instructors and universities to extend

students' learning space for a limited time, K-12 educators did not have the time or

resources to prepare for this crisis, especially on such a large scale or for such a long

duration. During the first outbreak of the virus in Wuhan, China, community lockdowns

and completed schooling closings affected the entire Chinese K-12 student population. As

the pandemic has spread to more communities around the world, more schools are closing

or have already closed their doors.

According to UNESCO statistics 1, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the

suspension of classes for 1.57 billion students worldwide. This figure accounts for roughly

90% of the total number of students worldwide. Apart from usual emergency school

closings caused by factors such as bad weather, COVID-19-related closures can last for

an extended period. The Chinese school system responded to the COVID-19 crisis by

investing in developing its own vaccine production, and by trying to secure vaccines from

other countries. (HaoYang, 2020).


According to the official statement Department of Education (2020), “As we continue

to confront the issues brought about by the pandemic, we in the Department of Education

(DepEd) are addressing challenges in the basic education through the Learning Continuity

Plan (LCP), which will be in effect by the time of School Year 2020-2021 opens on August

24, 2020.

The LCP is our major response and our commitment in ensuring the health, safety,

and well- being of our learners, teachers, and personnel in the time of COVID-19 while

finding ways for education to continue amidst the crisis for the upcoming school year”.

Based on DepEd Order No. 012, S.2020, “Adoption of the Basic Education Learning

Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in the Light of the COVID-19 Public Health

Emergency”, in order to provide clear guidance to all officials, units, schools, and

community learning center (CLCs) of the Department of Education learners and their

parents, partners, and stakeholders, the Department develop a Basic Education Continuity

Plan (BE- LCP), a package of education intervention that will respond to basic education

challenges brought about by Covid-19.

Ensuring learning continuity through K-12 curriculum adjustments, alignment of

learning materials, deployment of multiple learning delivery modalities, provision of

corresponding training for teachers and school leaders, and proper orientation of parents

or guardians of learners of the agenda embodied under Sulong Edukalidad, a reform

program of Department of Education (2020).


The key to learning delivery in the incoming school year will be distance learning.

Technology solutions are very important in distance learning. It is regarded that online

platforms as the most platform because of their ability to facilitate various interactive and

remote activities and carry a broad range of content to a connected community. According

to Professor Emeritus Leonor Magtolis Briones, Secretary of Department of Education

(2020), DepEd already saw the increasing role of technology in education, even before

COVID-19 unleashed its fury on the international community and the country.

The method delivery in synchronous learning is usually interactive and includes

internet chat sessions, tele-courses, and web conferencing. It requires all students to

participate in the classes at the same time. Synchronous distance education in terms of

external workload, it is less flexible than asynchronous distance education because

synchronous distance education requires all enrolled students and the teacher to be

online at a specific time. On the other hand, asynchronous instructions do not require

simultaneous participation of all students in the class, so it is more flexible (Harrison,

2016). However, other student perceptions revealed that some of the technical issues that

can be experienced in online distance learning can have a negative impact on students’

overall experience and cause them to disengage from the class (Falloon, 2011).

Other students reported that the technical problems they experienced caused them

to feel that they had lost control, thus reducing their sense of autonomy (McBrien et al.,


To minimize students’ frustrations, it is imperative that academic institutions have

adequate technology and personnel to support the systems in place. When students

encounter technical issues, they need to be able to reach a live person to help them

troubleshoot problems. Moreover, some students feel that the lack of non-verbal

communication in an online setting versus a face-to- face setting does not support the

exchange of “social information”. Research has shown that the sharing personal stresses

and life events among students tend to foster cohesiveness and promote social and

cognitive engagement (Miers et al, 2013).

The shift to online learning was too sudden at very short notice but academic

institutions must strategize and accelerate new forms of teaching pedagogy. There are a

lot of technical tools that can be used to disseminate instructional materials or modules

towards students and aside from that, students can ably communicate with their teachers

with regards to the given activities. The question of how ready the schools are in terms of

technical infrastructure is still left unanswered. Reopening of the schools at this stage is

expensive (Felter et al. 2020). According to Keles, in 2016 in recent years, rapid

developments in technology and the web have led to many changes in education. One of

the most important changes in education is in the form of distance learning. Distance

learning, which is used to define education where educators and learners are physically

separated, is not a new concept; however, emerging technologies and the web allow web-

based distance learning and therefore increase its popularity.


According to Doolittle (2019) stresses is the importance of an active learning

environment for online students, built on these recommendations: Learning should take

place in authentic and real- world environments; Learning should involve social negotiation

and mediation; Content and skills should be made relevant to the learner; Teachers serve

primarily as guides and facilitators of learning, not instructors; Teachers should provide for

and encourage multiple perspectives and representations of content; Content and skills

should be understood within the framework of the learner's prior knowledge; Students

should be assessed formatively, serving to inform future learning experiences; Students

should be encouraged to become self-regulatory, self-mediated, and self-aware.

Doolittle added that at least half of these recommendations are readily

accomplished through online education, the last three are the most difficult to achieve. He

contends that one of the most difficult constructivist precepts to address in online

education is providing for the learner's pre-existing knowledge. Moreover, Teaching

strategies are used by instructors in teaching sessions. Practical teaching requires paying

attention to the application of all teaching strategies in the psychomotor domain.

Psychomotor domains that need to be emphasized in teaching and learning processes

should include seven elements, namely, perception, setup, controlled movement,

mechanism, specific movement, settlement, and originality (Kamen, 2018). Distance

learning modalities, digital skills of both student and teacher were enhanced.

Technological tools for education purposes have been popular now a day,

which includes Zoom, Goggle Classroom and Goggle meet. These digital applications have

been widely and commonly used by everybody. To continue education, developing skills

in using various types of technologies are necessary. According to Halaban (2014)

interaction in distance education, analyzing reconfiguration of habits and depleting of

interactions in present daily life of contemporary societies. This phenomenon is based on

the expansion of digital networks and the use of technology by individuals and can be used

to explain the fact that students have listed the lack of interaction the greatest disadvantage

of distance education, since social interactions are also reduced. There are students who

can learn effectively through interaction or in the normal school getting than through

distance education specifically asynchronous modality of teaching.

When it comes to teaching innovation, according to Bruce, learning occurs in the

interaction between the learner and the learning environment; when the appropriate

strategies and skills are applied to technology use, making it a favorable teaching, then

better teaching effectiveness can be developed. Wu (2014) pointed out that teaching

innovation (during the teaching process) is when teachers use multi-faceted and lively

teaching methods, and diversified, rich content to stimulate students’ inner interest in

learning, thus, developing positive student attitudes toward proactive learning and

enhancing students’ learning ability. Technology develops quickly, but empirical studies

can only investigate how past experiments in teaching methods and the use of new

technologies affect student achievement. Distance learning finds that there


is no clear-cut and generalizable answer to the question of how effective distance learning

is for student achievement. The evidence clearly suggests that increased use of digital and

online learning is not at all guaranteed for improving student achievement. (Westbrook et

al., 2013).

Omar (2013) Student engagement is a complex concept that refers to the extent to which

students are actively involved in their learning. It is often conceptualized as having three

dimensions: behavioral, emotional, and cognitive. People are looking for flexible learning

to accommodate their needs for improvements. One option is internet-based learning or

online learning. The Internet has provided people with unlimited access to information.

Online learning enables lifelong learning to become more accessible. The development of

online learning offers opportunities for teachers to create mentors online to support

student engagement in learning. Online learning provides multimedia and instructional


Student engagement has also been described as the level of interest

demonstrated by students, how they interact with others in the course, and their motivation

to learn about the topics (Briggs, 2015). Laurillard (2009) emphasizes the need to ensure

that multimedia products are interactive in that students are required to attend and discuss

information thereby generating a stimulating educational experience. The academic stress

of high school students is divided into the most essential element, which is known as the

learning process. Since academic works or activities are unavoidable in the school

environment, the performance of these constituents plays an important role in offsetting


academic accomplishments that are related to what people value (Sunstar, 2018).

Sleep lack is a widespread affliction in modern societies. Inadequate sleep has been

related to a slew of physical and mental health problems, including decreased attention

and memory, mood disorders, impaired motor skills, and a deterioration in general health

and the body's natural defense mechanisms. Pattern (Mishra, 2017).

Classroom Behavior and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students

Being may have a huge effect on a student's academic performance. Insufficient sleep can

be risky and sometimes severe. It is a fundamental condition of life and an essential aspect

of education. The aspects of students' existence were impacted by the new online learning

model that was imposed by the school closing. Studies indicate that child experienced

learning deficits relative to pre- pandemic years. In certain circumstances, online learning

proved beneficial to them. More precisely, the student's academic performance received

more attention. Younger students had more difficulty with online learning, but they had

more passion for the learning resources since they had either improved or done poorly.

Low-achievement pupils acquired more changes in performance. Overall, 34 percent of

younger students and 21 percent of older students said that they did not learn many new

things because of the repetitious and easy assignments (Savvidi, 2021).

Muijs and Reynolds (2010) distinguish interactive learning in terms of the nature and

efficacy of the interaction between the teacher and the students. They suggest that

interaction enables the teacher to confirm that the learner


understands the principles that have been taught. It helps the students to practice master

target skills and clearly highlights their think. The level of academic achievement a child

or adolescent achieves defines academic achievement. Even though they were never

indeed separate from one another, it is fundamental to distinguish all learning levels from

important intelligence. Academic success was based on the grade to which a person has

been able to follow all orders, while vital intelligence is the intellectual capacity with which

each person is instinctive to use their genetic intelligence to process information and thus

learn. Most people feel at ease when their academic performance levels are exactly equal

to their basic intelligence (Nancy Eros & Lauren Moss, 2021). In addition, Farooq et al.

(2011), as cited in the study of Anthony Abaido (2018), emphasize that the top priority of

all educators is the academic performance of the students. Academic performance is the

knowledge gained which is assessed by the marks set by a teacher or educational goals

set by students and teachers to be accomplished over a specific period. They added that

these goals are measured by using the continuous assessment or examination results of

the students. (Narada, 2016). According to Turel.Yalin Kilic (2022), in today’s learning

generation, the use of media and technology affects students at all educational levels.

However, adolescents, who are exposed to the negative effects of the excessive use of

media and technology, have been neglected. This kind of study is to investigate and

identify the connections among adolescents' use of media and technologies, academic

procrastination behavior, and academic achievement Hargreaves et al. (2010)


suggest that effective interactive teaching, which is distinguished by constant mutual

interaction between teacher and the learner, involves the exchange of thoughts and not

traditional methods of dictation, response, and feedback.

Yu (2022) the lockdown environment has greatly influenced students’ roles.

Students must receive online learning through online platforms where they receive less

supervision but can share opinions more freely with peers through various digital tools

such as social media and online platforms. This may exacerbate their learning

achievements. In some underdeveloped areas, the digital infrastructures and the digital

literacy of students are poor, which may dampen their online learning motivation, leading

to poor learning achievements. It is thus necessary for educators to figure out measures

to address these issues. This study will attempt to identify the changes in student roles and

online learning achievements, followed by the ways to improve digital literacy and online

learning motivation.

Using various technologies accessed through the internet while they are

geographically remote from each other during instruction, online distance learning

features the teacher as facilitator, engaging learners’ active participation. The internet

used to facilitate learner-teacher and peer-to-peer communication, that’s why it is known

as more interactive than the other types of distance learning and responses are in real

time. Online learning allows live synchronous instruction and requires participants to have

a good and stable internet connection.


The learners may download materials from the internet, complete and submit

assignments online, and attend webinars and virtual classes. Md Abdullah Almamun

(2020) Technology is ubiquitous in the modern world; to harness its educational potential

in the quest to introduce environments that are flexible and differentiated for individual

student learning needs, the strategic use of complex array of tools is required. Engagement

with this challenge has the potential to lead to the provision of interfaces that allow

students to access these resources and become independent learners.

The use of technology and academic performance largely generated mixed results,

with some studies finding that excessive technology use can compromise learning

(Jacobsen etal,2011). Hence, these varied results may be due to several methodological

boundaries found in the current body of research, including use of retrospective time

approximations of technology, subjective measures of academic influence, examination of

differing and limited for technology use, and reduce sampling of the student-body

population. Hence, students had used technology for a varied of reasons (i.e.,

entertainment, academics, communication with friends and family) initially from age and

ascertain that technology increased their learning (McCabe, 2011). Students of today

rise with visual machinery such as TV, video, computers, and the internet. It is not possible

to captivate the attention of these students through classical teaching methods of the

bygone anymore. Technological developments of the previous quarter of the 20th century

have ended a substantial gap between giving information to schools


and a way of acquiring information in society. It is also very hard to teach students with

lecture methods since students can now get into a large variety of information through

visual resources such as computers and TVs (Tekerek,2012) cited by Orhan, Bilenb

Bulut (2013). Shah and Khan (2015) concluded a significant difference in the achievement

score when multi-aided teaching was used and helped to enhance higher order cognitive

skills and appeal the student psyche towards learning. The effectiveness of E- learning

and the outcomes of students' online learning have become a source of concern for

universities and society in general.

In fact, research on factors influencing students' online learning outcomes

has increased significantly. Because social media is a valuable source of information and

communication, advanced communication technologies enable simple learning systems.

Online technology is regarded as an active component of the learning systems of both

students and lecturers. Several countries used television broadcasts and online sources

to promote distance education during the pandemic era (Doan Trang Do, 2021).

The academic performance of senior high school students is divided into the

most essential element, which is known as the learning process. Since academic works

or activities are unavoidable in the school environment, the performance of these

constituents plays an important role in offsetting academic accomplishments that are

related to what people value (Sunstar, 2018).

The aspects of students' existence were impacted by the new online learning

model that was imposed by the school closing.


Studies indicate that child experienced learning deficits relative to pre- pandemic

years. In certain circumstances, online learning proved beneficial to them. Student’s the

academic performance received more attention. Younger students had more difficulty with

online learning, but they had more passion for the learning resources since they had either

improved or done poorly. Low- achievement pupils acquired more changes in

performance. Overall, 34 percent of younger students and 21 percent of older students said

that they did not learn many new things because of the repetitious and easy assignments

(Savvidi, 2021).


Ensuring learning continuity through K-12 curriculum adjustments, alignment of

learning materials, deployment of multiple learning delivery modalities, provision of

corresponding training for teachers and school leaders, and proper orientation of parents

or guardians of learners of the agenda embodied under Sulong Edukalidad, a reform

program of Department of Education (2020).

Student engagement has also been described as the level of interest demonstrated

by students, how they interact with others in the course, and their motivation to learn about

the topics (Briggs, 2015). Asynchronous modality of teaching. When it comes to teaching

innovation, according to Bruce, learning occurs in the interaction between the learner and

the learning environment; when the appropriate strategies and skills are applied to

technology use, making it a favorable teaching, then better teaching effectiveness can be


They suggest that interaction enables the teacher to confirm that the learner

understands the principles that have been taught. It helps the students to practice master

target skills and clearly highlights their think. The level of academic achievement a child

or adolescent achieves defines academic achievement. Even though they were never

indeed separate from one another, it is fundamental to distinguish all learning levels from

important intelligence. Teachers and school officials will need to devote more resources to

technology and training if the current digital divide is to be bridged. Prior to the COVID-19

pandemic, schools' levels of technology inclusion varied greatly. He hopes that this shared

experience has helped to even out those differences.


In this chapter, the researchers discussed the research design, respondents of the

study, sampling technique, research instruments, research procedures and statistical

treatment of data used for accurate data analysis and interpretation.

Research Design

A descriptive-correlational research design was used in this study to answer

the research questions in which it determines and describes the variables and their

relationship to one another. According to Lappe, Joan M. (2000) Descriptive-correlational

methods can be used to explain the relationship between both conditions when the

researcher has no control over the independent variables thought to be responsible for the

dependent variable or its outcome. Quantitative research is concerned with collecting

numerical data and generalizing it across groups of individuals or explaining a specific

occurrence (Gray, 2017).

This study also utilized a quantitative method and is designed to determine

and describe the relationship between student engagement and the academic

performance of senior high school students at Laguna State Polytechnic University-Los

Baños Campus. This research design is appropriate for the study because the researchers

will collect data from senior high school students and generalize the findings to the entire


Selection of Research Subjects

The respondents' demographic profiles, such as age and general weight average will

be described. 48 (forty-eight) grade 12 seniors at Laguna State Polytechnic University-

Los Baños will be selected as respondents. There will be 48 (forty-eight) students in Grade

12 Humanities Social Sciences. They were chosen because of their experience with the

transition face- to- face to online distance learning classroom settings. Furthermore, their

peer group was evidently more dependent or reliant on technology.

Purposive sampling as a sampling technique was utilized. This type of sampling,

also known as the judgment sampling, involves the researcher using their expertise to

select a sample that is most useful to the purposes of the research. A typical random

technique is a simple random approach. To make statistical inferences about a population,

a simple random sampling is used. Using this sampling technique, there is an exactly

equal chance that every member of the population will be chosen. Because it helps to

assure high internal validity, randomization is the most effective strategy for minimizing the

impact of any confounding variables. (Lauren Thomas, 2020).

Research Instrument

The researchers prepared their own research questionnaire, which is divided into

four parts, the student engagement, participation, performance activity and completion

activities. The first part is designed to describe


the respondent's demographic profile, which includes the age, General Weight Average,

also it contains questions in the form of two parts of Likert Scale (4- Strongly Agree, 3-

Agree,2- Disagree and 1- Strongly Disagree) which is a well- organized scale from which

respondents select the option that most closely reflects their opinion.

Research Procedure

The researchers' first step in figuring out how student perceived the student

engagement to the academic performances in Senior High School Humanities and Social

Sciences students at Laguna State Polytechnic University's Los Baños Campus. First, the

researchers asked the advisers of the respondents through a letter to allow them to

conduct the data gathering. The questionnaires that the researchers used as their

research instrument and which they use to conduct their study. Prior to conducting the

face-to-face interviews and distributing the questionnaires as part of the data collection

procedure, In the process of data- gathering, researchers use their own research

questionnaire. After gathering all the necessary data, the quantitative values were implied

to enable quantification and statistical analysis.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers used Slovin’s Formula to determine the number of

respondents. They used Mean and Standard Deviation to identify if there was a similarity

or difference to the answers of the respondents.

The researchers also used Inferential Statistics particularly used.


Pearson r-test to know if there is a significant relationship between the student engagement

and academic performance of the student respondents. The questionnaires will be

handed out to the respondents personally by the researchers.

The data gathered will be examined by the researchers to determine the correlation

between student engagement and the academic performance of the Senior High School

students at Laguna State Polytechnic University - Los Baños Campus. Frequency

Count and Percentage keeping track of how frequently a variable occurs. This is used in

the study to conveniently view all the data. Mean, is the average and the sum of a set of

data divided by the amount of the data. The value of the entire data set is represented by

this in the study. While percentage is a relative value that represents how much is

contained in each hundred. This is used in the study to determine how many participants

provided a specific response. Standard variation, this is a measurement of how much a

set of values varies or are dispersed. Lastly, the Pearson-r test is the most popular

technique for determining a linear correlation. The strength and direction of the

relationship between two variables is expressed as a number between -1 and 1. This is

used in the study to determine there is a significant relationship between student

engagement and the academic performance of senior high school students at Laguna

State Polytechnic University- Los Baños Campus.




This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data. This study illustrated the

data gathered and collected from a face-to-face survey which was answered by the Grade

12 Humanities of Social Science.

The following results presented and interpreted below show levels of perceived

effectiveness of Online Distance Learning to HUMSS students in Laguna State

Polytechnic University Los Baños Campus. The researchers used indicative statements

to determine the objective of the study.

Table 1. Student Engagement

Indicative Statement Mean Std. Interpretation


1. Activates curiosity during the lesson. 2.73 0.92 Moderate

2. Triggers interest in different online
tools. 2.90 0.84 Moderate

3. Is easy and fun. 3.00 0.80 Moderate

4.Helps in managing time on doing
activities. 3.25 0.89 Moderate
5. Motivates to explore further skills and
knowledge. 2.32 0.87 Low

Composite Mean 2.76 0.49 Moderate

Note: 4.50-5.00= Very High, 3.50-4.49= High, 2.50-3.49= Moderate, 1.50-2.49= Low, 1.00-1.49= Very Low.

As shown in Table 1 above, most of the respondents perceived a moderate level in student

engagement particularly in helping them to manage time while doing activities. Some of

them need to be more motivated and explore their skills and knowledge. Generally, the

respondents show a moderate level in student engagement with an overall mean of 2.76.

Student engagement is a complex concept that refers to the extent to which

students are actively involved in their learning. It is often conceptualized as having three

dimensions: behavioral, emotional, and cognitive (Omar, N. D. 2013).

Table 2. Participation in Online Distance Learning

Indicative Statement Std.
Mean Interpretation
1. Is suitable for everyone. 2.47 0.94 Low
2.Is challenging in the way of
3.29 0.71 Moderate
3.Hinders social interactions by limiting my
access needed in physical contacts with 3.16 0.72 Moderate
4. Gives easy techniques to learn. 2.82 0.81 Moderate
5. Requires minimal performance work such
2.88 0.83 Moderate
as singing, dancing, and acting.
Composite Mean 2.92 0.48 Moderate
Note: 4.50-5.00= Very High, 3.50-4.49= High, 2.50-3.49= Moderate, 1.50-2.49= Low, 1.00-1.49= Very Low.

As shown in Table 2 above, most of the respondents have a moderate level in

participation particularly about challenges of communication during online learning. Some

of the respondents say that participation is not suitable for everyone. Generally, the

respondents present a moderate level of participation with an overall mean of 2.92.

Effective online learning requires correlation for a shared understanding of

learning goals in a learning community. Monitoring student participation and patterns of

participation closely can help instructors identify student needs and scaffold learning


Today, education is a society in which citizens are required to have a good

level of education and to constantly upgrade their skills through life-long learning

(Michinov, N., 2013).

Table 3. Performance Activity

Indicative Statement Std.

Mean Deviation Interpretation
1. Helps to expressed oneself
2.92 0.67 Moderate
2. Is difficult to collaborate with others due
3.27 0.70 Moderate
limited sources.
3. Gives wide range of knowledge and skills
3.16 0.85 Moderate
to make a satisfying outcome.
4. Affects performance due to lack of
2.96 0.87 Moderate
gadgets for studying.
5. Limited task due to lack of skills and
knowledge navigating the application 3.04 0.73 Moderate
and websites.
Composite Mean 3.07 0.52 Moderate
Note: 4.50-5.00= Very High, 3.50-4.49= High, 2.50-3.49= Moderate, 1.50-2.49= Low, 1.00-1.49=Very Low

As shown in Table 3 above, most of the respondents perceived a moderate level

in performance activity, specifically difficulties in collaboration with others due to limited

sources. Some of them needed help to express oneself confidently. Generally, the

respondents show a moderate level in performance activity with an overall mean of 3.07.

According to Youngnam Lee (2020), performance activity is a learning process in which

the user actively engages in all learning tasks while maintaining knowledge gained from

earlier tasks. A teacher should give a technique for students to have a defined to do a task

for them to study so that they can separate what they do in school from what they do daily.

Table 4. Completion of Activities

Indicative Statement Std.

Mean Deviation Interpretation
1. Allows the teacher to set completion criteria.
2.84 0.77 Moderate

2. Gives specific deadlines. 3.12 0.73 Moderate

3. Is dependent on the speed of the internet
3.00 0.76 Moderate
4. Gives comfortable time to finish a task.
3.14 0.91 Moderate
5. Always gets interrupted due to
3.14 0.76 Moderate
unrelated platforms.
Composite Mean 3.05 0.50 Moderate
Note: 4.50-5.00= Very High, 3.50-4.49= High, 2.50-3.49= Moderate, 1.50-2.49= Low, 1.00-1.49=Very Low

As shown in table 4 above, most of the respondents showed a moderate level in

completion of activities particularly in giving the chance to have a comfortable time to finish

a task as well as in getting interrupted due to unrelated platforms. Some of them need to

be more dependent on allowing the teacher to set completion criteria. Generally, the

respondents show a moderate level in completion of activities with an overall mean of


However, it was stated that, whenever students have a lot of work to do, they

sometimes struggle to assess their lectures, causing them to forget what they've already

reviewed. This may be for a reason that students, whenever presented with various

lessons to review, can feel drainage that causes lack of sleep which affects how they

review themselves. (Lisa Genzel.,2020).


0, 3,

18, 37%
28, 57%

0, 0%

Outstanding Fairly Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Did not meet expectation Satisfactory

Figure 2. General Weighted Average

Shows the student respondents in terms of their general weighted average. With a

total of n = 28 (57%) respondents, the majority of those who responded to the survey had

an outstanding general average. On the other hand, it can be noted that a very satisfactory

general average n = 18 (37%) has at least responses. The results indicate that many of the

students from Laguna State Polytechnic University- Los Baños Campus can acquire an

excellent general average.

Table 5: Result of effectiveness of online distance learning on student

engagement and the academic performance of Humanities and Social Science

Level Rs p-value Decision on Ho Interpretation

1. Student engagement -0.29 0.04 Reject null Very low

hypothesis negative relationship
2. Participation 0.024 0.872 Accept null Very low
hypothesis positive relationship
3. Performance Activity 0.20 0.16 Accept null Very low
hypothesis positive relationship
4. Completion of Activity 0.24 0.09 Accept null Very low
hypothesis positive relationship

Note: 4.50-5.00= Very High, 3.50-4.49= High, 2.50-3.49= Moderate, 1.50-2.49= Low, 1.00-1.49=Very Low

There is significant relationship between the perceived effectiveness of online

distance learning on student engagement and their academic performance wherein

student engagement got very low negative relationship and the decision on Ho is reject

null hypothesis.

In participation the interpreted result was very low positive relationship the null

hypothesis was accepted. In performance activity there is very low positive relationship,

and the null hypothesis is accepted and lastly, completion of activity got a very low positive

relationship, and the null hypothesis is accepted.



This chapter contains the study of findings, conclusions, and recommendations

about the perceived effectiveness of student engagement on the academic performance of

Senior High School Students.

Summary of Findings

The purpose of this research was to determine whether senior high school students

at Laguna State Polytechnic University's Los Baños Campus' student engagement to their

academic performance (LSPU-LB). The study, which included senior high school students

from Laguna State Polytechnic University - Los Baños Campus, was found to contain 48

grade 12 students using the descriptive-correlational research methodology. 48 students,

primarily from the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). In terms of

General Average, 48 respondents, it was shown that most of the students had averaged

between 85 and 94 in the Academic year 2021-2022. Furthermore, it appears from the

results that have been examined in the previous chapter that if a student doesn't carry out

his or her student engagement, it will affect their academic performances in school



Based on the result gathered and analyzed from respondents, the researchers

concluded that there is significant relationship in the effectiveness of the following factors:

participation, performance activity and completion of activity except the student

engagement wherein no significant relationship on academic performance in online

distance learning.
43 42


According to the findings of the study, researchers hereby recommend the following:

1. Students may be encouraged to embrace online distance learning as one of the types of

modalities in learning. Based on this research, students’ engagement has been

significantly influenced by academic performance.

2. The future researcher may consider re-evaluating the problem and conduct further similar

studies using wider respondents.

3. The teacher may recommend what modality of class is effective group of students.

Engaging and collaborative activities can be one of the tools the teacher may recommend

creating or effective teaching learning process. In line with the forementioned activity,

online distance learning can greatly affect the student's academic performance.

4. The researchers may encourage the parents to consider guidance and advice on what

modality school can offer. Providing a conducive learning environment can be an effective

way to study online distance learning. Good behaviors can be reinforced at home by

assisting their youngsters in scheduling time to do such as homework, and other school

activities that leads to an excellent performance of their children in terms of academic.

5. Community may provide the basic needs of the students, and some program opportunities

that help the students to boost and enhance their engagement in their studies or lesson

studying. To maintain consistency and smoothness in their academic performance.




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Appendix A
44 48
Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D


Appendix E


On April 04, 2001, Jesanne Galula Aguilar was born in Maahas, Los Banos, Laguna.

She is the eldest daughter of Mr. Jessie A. Aguilar and Ms. Jo Ann G. Aguilar. She

completed her elementary years at Maahas Elementary School, she completed her

secondary years at Los Banos National High School- Batong Malake Campus and her

senior high school at Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Banos Campus, where she

graduated with the strand Humanities and Social Sciences. She is now a 3rd year of

college, studying Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies at Laguna

State Polytechnic University- Los Banos. When she was elementary, she wanted to be a

doctor because of my father I saw how he suffered in her illness, he died because of heart

attack when we were in Zambales. After many years, she wants to be a flight attendant

and lawyer. When she was in grade 6 her adviser inspired her to be a teacher, she teaches

her classmates and sometimes she experiences being a teacher in front of many students.

And now, she took a Secondary Education Major in Social Studies.

While the researcher did this research, she inspired more to be a good teacher and

give her best to teach her future student. She learned a lot about how student engagement

is important to all students, and now she is happy and enjoying the course she chooses.

The researcher, Angelique G. Pua, was born on October 21, 2001, at Los Banos

Laguna and is now currently living in Bambang, Los Banos, Laguna. She is the eldest

among the two children of Mr. Sherwin O. Pua and Mrs. Jonah Angeli G. Pua.

She attained her Kindergarten years and elementary years at Central Elementary

School. Graduated Junior Highschool at Los Banos National Highschool Poblacion with

academic excellence and took his Senior Highschool years at Laguna State Polytechnic

University Los Banos Campus. She is now pursuing her college years with the course of

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies at Laguna State Polytechnic

University Los Banos Campus.

While she was still young, she was aspiring to be a teacher and now she is pursuing

it with all his heart. Now she is a content creator and that is the way she is earning money.

She sees his passion for content creating such as making videos and sharing information

about products she is endorsing. She is motivated to become a licensed professional

teacher in the future.


The researcher, Geneli E. Herradura was, born on November 10, 2001, at Malinta,

Los Banos, Laguna. He is the only son of Mr. Genaro C. Herradura and Ma. Lisa E.

Herradura. He attained his Kindergarten years at Mayondon Day Care Center and

Graduated with academic excellence.

The researcher took his elementary years at Mayondon Elementary School. He

took his Junior Highschool years at Los Banos National Highschool Batong Malake. He

took his Senior Highschool years at Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Banos

Campus and pursuing his college years at the same school.

While he was still young, He was aspiring to be a licensed professional teacher.

While he was in elementary school, he always watched how his mother taught students.

He idolized the way of teaching his mother done. In his senior high school years, he

visualized that he wanted to be a teacher in the future.



Address: Brgy Bayog, Los Baños, Laguna
Contact Number: 0935-284-44158

• To acquire a challenging position that will enhance and utilize my skills for
the growth of promotion.

Personal Data
Age: 21 years old
Date of Birth: November 10, 2001
Place of Birth: Malinta, Los Baños, Laguna
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Height: 5’9
Weight: 69 kg.

Educational Background

• 2020- present
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies
Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños
Brgy. Malinta, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2018-2020
Humanities and Social Science
Senior High School Graduate
Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños
Brgy. Malinta, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2014-2017
Junior High School Graduate
Los Baños National High School
Brgy. Batong Malake, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2008-2014
Elementary Graduate
Mayondon Elementary School
Brgy. Mayondon, Los Baños, Laguna


• Active Listening Skills

• Computer Skills
• Communication Skills
• Management Skills
• Time-Management Skills

Seminar/Training Attended
• Theme: Work Immersion in Municipal of Bay Laguna
Speaker: Hon. Jose Padrid
Where: Mayor’s Office
When: March 06, 2020

Work Experience
• Family Business
Kitchen works
Brgy Bayog, Los Baños, Laguna
November 10, 2022- Present

Angelique G Pua
Address: Brgy Bambang, Los Banos Laguna
Contact Number: 0935-820-6897

• To acquire a challenging position that will enhance and utilize my skills for the growth of

Personal Data
Age: 21 years old
Date of Birth: October 21, 2001
Place of Birth: JP Rizal Hospital Calamba Laguna
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Height: 5’2
Weight: 45 kg. ‘

Educational Background

• 2020- present
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies
Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños
Brgy. Malinta, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2018-2020
Humanities and Social Science
Senior High School Graduate
Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños
Brgy. Malinta, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2014-2017
Junior High School Graduate
Los Baños National High School (POBLACION)
Brgy. Timugan, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2008-2014
Elementary Graduate
Los Banos Central Elementary School
Brgy. Timugan, Los Baños, Laguna


• Collaboration / Teamwork
• Active Listening Skills
• Communication Skills
• Hard working

Seminar/Training Attended
• Theme: Work Immersion in MSWD at Municipal of Bay
Where: Bay Laguna
When: March 06, 2020
Speaker: Loida Quiatzon

Work Experience
• Content Creator

Address: Brgy Maahas, Los Baños, Laguna
Contact Number: 0965-463-2259

• To acquire a challenging position that will enhance and utilize my skills for the growth of

Personal Data
Age: 21 years old
Date of Birth: April 04, 2001
Place of Birth: Maahas, Los Baños, Laguna
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Height: 5’3
Weight: 46 kg.

Educational Background

• 2020- present
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies
Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños
Brgy. Malinta, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2018-2020
Humanities and Social Science
Senior High School Graduate
Laguna State Polytechnic University Los Baños
Brgy. Malinta, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2014-2017
Junior High School Graduate
Los Baños National High School
Brgy. Batong Malake, Los Baños, Laguna

• 2008-2014
Elementary Graduate
Maahas Elementary School
Brgy. Maahas, Los Baños, Laguna


• Microsoft literate
• Athletic
• Communication Skills
• Hard working

Seminar/Training Attended
• Theme: Work Immersion in Land Transportation Office in Calamba
Speaker: Mr. Raoul Bautista
Where: Land Transportation Office in Calamba
When: March 06, 2020

Work Experience
• South winds Resort
National Highway Pansol, Calamba City, Laguna
April 12, 2022- May 31,

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