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Stepper driver EEV EKE 1P, SW 2.

With application of AK-CC55 SC as main controller

For commercial air conditioning and refrigeration applications

The Document is intended to be used for Field software
upgradation of EKE 1P 080G0325
from SW version 2.10 to 2.14.

This document is only relevant for the setup of Stepper driver

module connected with AK-CC55 SC.

General Information (Read before start)

This document contains instructions on how to upgrade software of EKE 1P in field from SW version 2.1x to 2.14.

The below tools are required to do the upgrade process.

1. MMIMYK, 080G0073
2. Mini USB cable to connect laptop and MMIMYK
3. MMIGRS2, 080G0294
4. ACCCBI CAN RJ cable. 080G0075
5. “MYK manager” software tool

To identify the programmed product for future a remarkable sign should be added on each EKE 1P.
Read existing settings from EKE 1P with MMIGRS2 display

To connect to the EKE 1P you need the MMIGRS2 display (Code No. 080G0294) and the RJ11 cable (Code
No. 080G0075).
Remember to close wire on the display in between R-H terminals (picture top right).

The settings shown here and marked as red are very important to remember for re-config after upgrade:

 Press “Enter” to activate display.

 Press “Enter” and hold “Enter” a couple of seconds to activate “Setup&Service” (the access code is 300)
 Go to menu:
– Main switch is already ON (by default with Application 1) so it has to be switched OFF to allow
changes to Application Mode. (only for reprograming the controller after upgrade)
 “Device config”
“Mode settings”: AI HP/Rec., HP exp, Rec. exp., AI valve
– Mode set should be: AI valve (obligatory)
“AI valve in...”
– AI valve input scale should be: 0 – 10 V (obligatory)
 “I/O”
– Output/ Relay control: Auto
– Configure:
– DI1 Active: ON (example only and must be verified on existing settings)
– DI2 Active: ON (example only and must be verified on existing settings)
 “Alarm config.”
– Battery Alarm options: NO, EKE 2U, Bat.
– Battery alarm: EKE2U (example only and must be verified on controller)
 “Valve config.”
– Valve configuration: e.g. CCMT 4 (example only and must be verified on controller)

Make a note of all above settings for re-config EKE 1P after upgrade of the unit.
Mentioned above parameters are mandatory for Stepper Drive Application.
Also check your system manual and design if you have other settings by referring to document
BC320219567793en-000301 (pages 8-10)

Follow the same procedure steps after flashing the EKE 1P, but now you have to select manually all the
parameters you noted before the update.
Verify carefully if everything is correct with settings.
At the end remember to turn on Main switch - ON

1C 2.04 to 2.06
Upgrade process with MMIMyk module (pre-configured with latest software for EKE 1P)
1. Connect EKE 1P and MMIMYK using CAN RJ cable (080G0075) and CAN ports. See RED marked below.

The need of having the R-H connection made also on side of MYK if the RJ cable is used (at screwed CAN connectors, picture on right

2. Scroll down in MMIMYK to reach CAN options, press enter and SET CAN baud rate to 50K. (EKE by default comes with 50K unless
altered after purchase)

3. Select option in MMIMYK “Program” -> “Download” -> “Directory” -> “ALL”

Download will begin. A status bar will appear showing progress of download. Do not remove or press any buttons till FINISH is
visible on MMIMYK screen.

Once “Finished” sign appears, Unplug MMIMYK from EKE 1P.

Connect MMIGRS2 display, from controller home page in MMIGRS2 press the right arrow in MMIGRS2 until controller
details tab appears. Check software version of EKE if its 2.14

Now EKE 1P can be configured using MMIGRS2 display.

Return to the previous page and re-setup the controller EKE 1P

Only if you have empty MMIMyk (without files for EKE 1P upgrade on board)

Appendix 1: Uploading software into MMIMYK

To flash EKE 1P the software program should be first uploaded into MMIMyk tool.

The below are the steps to be followed,

1. Install MYK manager in PC.
2. Connect MMIMYK to PC using mini usb cable.
3. Open MYK manager and connect MMIMYK, under connect to MYK tab in MYK manager. Should be
detected automatically
4. Right click on the flash disk directory 0:/ and press import files
5. Select the and mmimyk.cfg as files to be imported. Note: it is important that the files
names are not changed or content inside files are altered in any manner.

6. Upload will begin automatically and can be seen in the lower left corner of MYK Manager.

7. Unplug MMIMYK from laptop once all files are uploaded completely.

Note: It is important that no other files other than and mmimyk.cfg should be present in MMIMYK device, kindly
make sure to delete them using MYK Manager before plugging MMIMYK to EKE.

Appendix2: MMIGRS2 searching UI error

If the below screen appears in MMIGRS2

Hold the Enter key and the X key down for 5 seconds, until the Bios menu appears.

Go to CAN -> active nodes and check if the EKE is detected in the list.

Number 1 in the list detonates EKE which is connected to MMIGRS2.

Go to MCX selection and press auto detect.

Press the X key to return to the Bios menu.

Select the “Application” menu and press Enter. The display will once again retrieve data from the controller. This process will take
about 5 minutes
You can see the data extraction in the screen
Appendix3: MMIGRS2 Error on display

ERR31 or ERR30 Alarm on the external display - MMIGRS2

If the communication to the display is not carried out correctly, it will send an “ERR31” error notification.
This may be caused by the displayed wires H to R not being installed, or that there have been
interruptions in data communication during the time when the display retrieves the basic information
from the controller.
Once the terminations have been inspected, you should then check the software version of the external
display. This is done by holding down the Enter key and the X key for 5 seconds, until the Bios menu
Next, press the X key and read off the software version in the bottom right corner.
Once the display’s software version has been checked, check the display’s settings as follows:
1. Hold the Enter key and the X key down for 5 seconds, until the Bios menu appears.
2. Select the “MCX selection” menu
- Select the “Clear UI” line and press Enter
- Select the “Autodetect” line and press Enter
3. Press the X key to return to the Bios menu
4. Select the “COM selection” menu
- Select the “CAN” line and press Enter
5. Press the X key to return to the Bios menu
6. Select the “Start up mode” menu
- Select the “Remote application” line and press Enter
7. Press the X key to return to the Bios menu
8. Select the “CAN” menu
- Select the “Baudrate” line and check that it is 50K
- Select the “Node ID” line and check that it is 126
9. Press the X key to return to the Bios menu
10. Select the “Application” menu and press Enter.

The display will once again retrieve data from the controller. This process will take about 5 minutes.

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