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Thorax - has got 2 elastic struchures Between 2Loyers of pleura we hove got fluld colled
pleurat fluid whlch acts as a ubricant.
Parletal pleura is pulled out and viscera. pleura is
Lungs Chest walL pulled in.
Oppostte movement of pleural membranes wll make
pleural cavity to have negative pressure.
Incudes ribs, muscles, cortilages,
sternum, vertebra body
Tend to recoil inward Normal Intrapleural pressure=>-5 cm H,0
Lungs-inherenty elostic and natural tendency of :28
Lung is to shrink inside.
Chest wal -inherentty elostic and naturd tendency
is toboss out.
chest all
Tend to recoil outward. Ajal! 35L

If lungs act independently ,volume of lungs is going

to be 500Om.
Chest wall If chest wallacts independently, it wil boss out to
Aveoli {lug 3.5 Litres.
These 2 structures are connected toqetther in middle :04|
by a membrane called pleura.
2 Layers of pleura.
> Viscerat layer of pleura is inherenty associated
with alveoi.
Visceral. Layer of pleuro is connected to parietal
pleura which in turn is connected to chest wa!l

eGurukul 3.0/ 2022 184

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