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When these 2 structures are connected, The moment knlfe/rods enters the pleural space,
there is going to be disconnectlon between thoracie
The net voLume - 2.5 LFunctiondl resldual capacity
wall and lungs.

Happens when Thismakes chest wall to look more inflated.

1. Elasticty of lung Is compensated by elastlictty of Lungs go for collapse.
chest wal.
2. These In no net force acting on thorax. Separation of chest wall and ungs
VNo 0nward recoiling
No outward recoiling.
Connection of lung and chest Chest wall Lungs collapse in
Expands out CAtelectasis]
Pleural Membranes Parieta.

Visceral Signitksbsplkad5A 4dlaag24c8ad33

Both layer s moves in opposite direction. |18:04|

-ve intrapleural pressure


Also facilitated by sucking eftect of lymphatics

Stab injury to thorax

Penetrates al. the way to pleural cavity

’Pectoralis fascia
Disorder that decreases lung elasticity
’P.major 1. Emphysema Chest wa expansion
Serratus arterior
Intercostal musdes
2. Old age
Normal thoracic shape - transversely elliptical


eGurukul 3.0/2022 185


Tronsverse dia.
AP dometer duoys less than transverse diameter.

Chest wdll expansion

Normal 22:36

AP BeralShaped Chest

Barrel shaped chest

Decreased lung elasticity


Disorder tht decreases chest wd elasticity:

2 Severe ancemia
2 Neuromuscular disorders.
3. Kyphosis | Scoliosis
When lung loses its elastiity, the chest udll. pulled
when chest uall loses elasticity, chest uoll is pulled in
by lungs.

eGurukul 3.0/ 2022 186

oficial Notes Partner:


Pulreras Vertilatie - Respinatey luscles,

hesswnes atmosphere. Again this leads to inflation of
a Sution Rmp balloon.
9176579g&5 3. If we pul. the thread of membrane downwards
again going to create a negative pressure and
Prestuve air is sucked in.

Pussove Balloon can be inflated by 2 methods.

1. By administering positive pressure.
2. By creating negative pressure around the
Alung which has got natural tendency to stay
collapsed to inflate it. I need to use a huge
degree of force -’ elther Ineed to push air into
The gas jar is going to be connected to a ungs with agreater pressure -called as positive
There is a thread to pull. the membrane. If ladnlnister more pressure than auready
These are 2 openings in the glass chamber. present in the lung ->the lung isgoing to get
< expanded -This is positive pressure ventilation.
Through opening 1-connect a balloon. On the otther hand, if l create negative pressure
Through an other opening ’inserta tube
around the ungs using suction purmps or pulling
Possibilities to inflate the balloon the membrane down. If I use a negative pressure
Open up the space over the balloon-’mouth around the lung. negative pressure is going to be
exposed to air. So these are 2 methods of expanding a ung
1. Take air pump and push air into the balloon
with high pressure ,so that balloon gets 1. Positive pressure ventilation (breathing)
expanded. 2. Negative pressure ventilation
2. Use asuction pump and suck air out of Whatever pressure we are going to use- it is
second tube creating avaccum(negative golng to be active process.
pressure around the balloon. By artificially
creating a negative pressure around the
bdloon. I would be able to suck air from

eGurukul 3.0/ 2022 187


Inspiration Explratlon o Prlme muscle : Dlaphragm ’0nnervated by

During normal Passive Process. phrenie (C, CG)
physiologlcd. GCi, G, is Inturn Innervated by resp.
process, Inspiratlon Centres In braln.
happens by
creating a negative When diaphragm is pulled down, ventricular diameter
of thorax is increased.
pressure around
the lungs, not by By using external intercostal muscles, we can be able
pushing air into to Lift the lateral wall out->Increases transverse
lungs. |diameter.
When negative
pressure normal Without even voluntary Input, dlaphragm contracts
and relaxes facilitating breathing making air getting
breathing fols, we
wll. be Intubating into lung, Insplration happens uhich is exactly why
the dlaphragm is called prime muscle of inspiration.
patient,connecting Accessory muscles of inspiration
the patient to 1. External intercostals
2. Serratus anterior.
ventilator,machine 3. Scalene musces.
is going to push air ALL 3musdes are involved in fting up the
into ungscalled ribs.
as positive 4. Sternomastoid -involved in ifting sternum
Positive pressure ventilation occurs by Passive process
No need of active input
’Mechanical ventilator Can be read in 2 aspects
’Bag and mask ventilation. 1. Spontaneous subconscious expiration
(passive process)
inspiration 63b79aba4554da6d24c8ad33 When Iexpire, lcontrol my expiration so that
1. Negative pressure breathlng the air exit happens n a very gradual manner.
2. Active process This air coming out of my Larynx is being to set
(Neural 2 chemlcal mechanlsm) to get vibrated by vocal cords. The vibration,
the vocal cords sets 0n over the air molecuies
3. Muscdes of Insplration

eGurukul 3.0/ 2022 188


makes the air molecule to resonate wlth that Ventrice diameter decreased,so that the air in the
vibration as the air molecule comes to pharynx thorax is going to be pushed out.
oral activity, it is going to come out as speech. 3. Internal intercostal muscle
The prime resonant factor glven to the air
molecule is by vocal cords. This air molecule
comes to the vocal cord during expiration. Going to bring doun the rib coges.
Based on tthe speed Im talking, based on Ribs are pulled out by external intercostals
phonetics Im talking, if Im Ribs are pulled down by Internal intercostals
respiratory effort has to be different.
Based on my demand, the need to produce aword,
the need with which word has to be spell out-l PRESSURES INRESPIRATORY SYSTEM 20:54
control my expiration so that the air exist is
1. Transmural pressure
going to happen in atargeted manner, the
vibration sets in, speech comes out.
During special conditions like continucus
speaking, continuous singing, exercises where you Tramaa Resure
have to consciously breath out carbon dioxide
more -expiration becomes active process. Epend
Muscles of expiration:
1. Rectus abdominis(most important.)
Pitde Potside
When it squeezes abdominal cavity it is going to
exert aforce on the visceral orqans of abdomen. This
force exerted by rectus abdominis is supportedby
2. Externa. oblique abdominis
Internd. oblique abdominis
By this method, both these muscdes are going to Membrane is a part of hollow viscous.
squeeze or push abdominadl organs up If this hollow viscous need to expand
Elevates the diaphragm Pressure inside Pressure outside
Viscous Viscous
Toinflate, the pressure inside viscera should be
more and Less pressure outside viscous so that


eGurukul 3.0/2022 189


the structure gets expanded from region of Low Intra alveolar presure - Intra pleural pressure
pressure to aregion of high pressure.
So, any pressure which is used to inflate in the
transmura. pressure (word mural stad for Transpulmonary Pressure
If insplration has to take place, ue need positive
pressure in the dlveoll less negative pressure.
Intrapleural pressure 5cm H,0
Pressure across the organ or hollow viscous
This pressure is facilitating expansion of Intra dlveolar pressure ’lcm H0
Alveoli are kept in expanded manner.
Calculated using pressure inside viscous
pressure outside Alveoliis astructure which is naturdiy designed
to collapse.
And this value should be more positive. In order to pull the structure going to collapsing
o Trans ventricular pressure =Pressure inside
stage, needa much much negative pressure
Ventricle outside that is getting contributed by intrapleura.
pressure which is Scm H20.
Pressure outside ventrice
Blood vessel Transvascular pressure
If the subject needs to inspire,
o Stomach -+Transgastric pressure Intra alveoLar pressure becomes - cm H¿0
o Bladder Trans ventricular pressure Intra pleural pressure becomes - tcm H,0
Inspiration of lungs
Respiratory muscdes -diaphragm, external
Happens becuse of the gradient transpulmonary intercostals scaleini, serratous arterior,
pressure. sternomastoid, dll.these muscles comes into play,
Here the tissue is lung, alveoli. the ribs are pulled outwards and upwards, sternum
Transpu.monary pressure is the pressure acting is pulled outwards and upuards, Diaphragm is
inside the dveoli and outside the alveoli. pushed downwards these by vertical diameter
increases, transverse diameter increases, antero
Traspuimonay Ressue posterior diameter increases, when there is going
63b79aba4554d6a~a&8ad33 A,the sides of pleural
CavITY, Intrapleural pressure becomes more
lahapeal Re negative (from -5 to - cm H,0)
When the intrapleural pressure is going to be
Presure more negative, naturally from high pressure
region, alveoli will expand.


eGurukul 3.0/ 2022 190


Once the alveoli expands pressure inside alveoli

drops from 1cm H,0 to -1 cm H,0
Air from atrmosphere is going to go from ahigh
pressure to Lower pressure of intra alveolar
While expiration takes place, because of
compression of chest wall, compression of organs
over diaphragm, the diaphragm is pushed up, all
diameters will reduce.
Intrapleural pressure comes to -5cm H,0.
Intraalveolar pressure comes to +1 cm H,0
Because high pressure in dlvecli, air from high
pressure region of alveoli qets out back into
mmHg means equivalent to atmospheric pressure
When asubject is not breathing, but he has
opened his glottis

Air from atmosphere enters into oral cavity

Pressure in respiratory is going to be equd. to

atmospheric pressure


eGurukul 3.0/ 2022 191

Offic1al Notes Partner


lulorerany Vertidatier - Ceryliace ard Sunlace

Tersier Part 1
Compliance :Easiness of expansion Alveoli:

Type 2 Preumocybes
Corresponds directly to thinness of wall
Type pneumozybe
InverselyA volume
relation to elasticity
Compliance - Apressure
Ifa structure is very thin, no elasticity or very
very less elastic with application of ImmHg
pressure itself,you can inflate the structure
massively. So for asmall change in pressure, Alveoli is immediately attached to pulmonary
volume change is going to be high. capillary.
2 classes of cells in alveoli.
Pulmonary compliance:
Change in volume AV
Change in pressure AP

Alung volume
Type 1 Type 2
ATranspulmonary Pressure
Alveolar pneunocyte Alveclar pneurmocyte
Type 1:very flat cells
Lines 95% of alveoli
lnapaien Forms 95% of gas exchange membrane
Do not have reqenerative property
Secrete afluid named as alveolar fuid.
Iype 2: Big globular cells
63b79aba4554da6d24c8ad33ines 5% of qas exchange membrane
For the same transpulmonary pressure, the
volume of air during inspiration is different from Tremendous regenerative property (stem
expiration. cells)
The difference between inspiration and expiration
is called hysteresis.

Darmage to type Ipneumocytes Breaker with water molecules arranged layer by

One water molecule will be attracted equdlly by
Gas exchange compromised all the sides.
The net force Is going to be equa.
So, the molecule is equally attracted by 360° that
Type 2pneumocyte from the point of attachment Jt particular molecule is going to hold its postion
comes down to the place where type 1pneumocyte was conslstent.
originally present. If you consider molecule on superficial surface
dfference between molecule inside and
superficial surface is on the superficial surface
Convert themselves to stem cells and multiply. there is air there is qoing to be formation of air,
When they multiply and divide, they turn water interface -’air water interface molecule.
themselves to type 1pneumocytes. Again this molecule is attracted by sides and is
Type 2 pneumocytes secretes surfactants. going to acquire position.
Every single molecule over superficial layer
SURFACTANTS 16:30 wOuld collide with each other. This collision will
Synthesis: starts from 24-26 weeks of gestation. convert superficial Layer of molecules into a
Fully functional by 32-34 weeks of gestation membrane kind of consistency and going to act as
Composition : predominantty alipid molecule
1. Dipalmitoyl phosphotidyl choline (lecithin)
2. Sphingomyelin
3. Surfactant protein A
4. Surfactant protein B Becquse of collision force, there is qoing to be
" Functional component of surfactant is measured tenslon between them called as surface tension .
by ratio between lecithin and sphingomyelin Presence of surface tension makes water
lecithin:Sphinomyelin ratio molecules toclub togetther.
>2 ’Normal Value Surface tension happens at aparticular site
where there is going to be air water interface.
Surfactant is effective in its.function Because of air-water interface ’ surface tenslon
Surface tension comes in and because of surface tenslon water
molecule tries to club to each other and this leads
to formation of water droplets.


when a baby is in uterus, the whole lung is going Surfactant is placed between the water molecule.
to be filled with amniotic fuid.
Surfactant is alipid and you have a water
> In uterine life ’whole alveolus is filled with molecule beside.
amniotic fluid. If you add drop of oil to water, water gets
scattered awoy, exactty uhat is going to happen in
ALong with amniotic fluid, there is Because of the presence of surfactants in the
going to be some amount of alveolar alveoli, the intermolecular attractive force is cut
fuid (secreted by Type 1pneumocyte) .So, the presence of surfactant is going to
Oxygen demand of foetus is taken care by reduce or abolish attractive force between water
placenta. molecules.
The moment the baby comes out of birth When surfactants are absent.
canal and takes first breath,amniotic fuid
from lungs will. be spitted out.
For the first time, dlveoli is going to have Delivery happens before complete maturation
emptiness only alveolar fluid present. (preterm labour) ’Infant respiratory
distress syndrome.

iterface 917657904175 Neonatal


Administer gucocorticoids to mother ateast t days

Alveolar fluid gets collided with each other to
before delivery
form a droplet of alveolar fluid. Enhances foetal lung maturity
Alveoli is a non bony structure 1. TNo of type l pneumocytes
Content of the bag is ging to determine 2. 1Secretary vesicles which are filled with
diameter of bag surfactant.
If the droplet is formed membrane also will.
take the size of droplet and the whole alveoli will
go for collapse-> Atelectasis-’ collapse of lung.
In the same alveolus, whenever alveolar fluid is Inside type Ilpneumocytes
present, we dlso have lipidiceous material called
surfactant. > These secretary vesicles are called Lamellar
Rx: Administration of intra nasal. surfactant.
Official Notes Partner:


Pulreray lertilatier -Cenyliarce ard Sunlace

Teryier Part 2
Laplace law: Volume ttVolume
Collapsing pressure inside
ttSurface tension JUSurface tension
2xSurface tension
an dvedli a
Radius of the alveoli
ttCollapsing pressure tCompliance
When alveolar volume increased
lin complGt79 aba4554da6d24c8ad33

Trigger for li pneurnocytes In order to preventcollapse,you need to apply

greater transpulmonary pressure.
Hagnitude of transpulrnonary pressure to keep
Secrete more surfactants the alvedliopen is going to be very high.
" Smaller alveoli difficult to expand
An alveoli with aopen position has got better
ISurface tension compliance than with closed position.

End of Expiration
End of Inspiration
Fuids are placed
dosed together Alveolar fuid are widely located,
placed in adistant manner
leading to very
high inter This distance itself is going to reduce RV
moleaular the attractive force of alveolar fluid.
attractive force.
This wide Location od alveolar Transpumonay Pressue
fuid is going to have impact witth " When an alveollor lunq is in residual volume,
interalveolar fuid, attraction there is qoing to be increase surfoce tension
forces coming down. This itself becouse of less size.
will reduce surface tension In order to combat surface tension, there is more
conferring stability of alveoli. transpulmonary pressure need and there is going
Bigger alveoli are more stable to be decreased compliance.
because of Less surfactant.

RVcharacterized by 1tSurface tension 2. Radius of alveoli.

3. Laplace aw.
LCompliance. 4. Transpulmonary pressures.
Compliance is change in volume with change in > If the ung is filled with air, there is going to be
pressure. striking difference between inspiration and
When the dlveoli reaches the maximum volume, it expiration.
cannot be inflated any further because if we Instead of air, If we will the lung with saline, the
apply too much transpulmonary pressure, dlveoli difference between inspiratory curve and
may get ruptured but not going for expansion. expiratory curve is not very much.
At total ungcapacity, because alveoli has
reachedmaximum size-»this alveoli cannot saline
expand anymore. filled
Even though there is very much reduced surface lung Ar fled
tension, because of alveolar limit has reached, lung
there is going to be reduced compliance in lung
which is completely filled with air.
> During expiratory phase, uhen there is still.
availability of expansion-lungs will show
maximum compliance. Saline filled lung:
Cause for hysteresis 1. No greater transpulmonary pressure
Ina lung that is cbout to go for inspiration, when 2. The difference between inspiration and
asubject expires, lung will be in residual volumes, expiration is much less.
so there isqoing to be too much of surface Saline lungs can be to fetal
tension.So, when this subject is going to take up lung where the whole lung wil. be filled with
his breath ,the need of transpulmonary pressure amniotic fuid also caled foetal Lung.
is very high because surface tension is going to
be very hiqh. At the same time, when he has
Curve is going to be different.
reached maximum position, inspiration is going to
be very easy, so surfoce tension is less. Because Only when there isalr fluid interphase, there
of this reason, the aurve differs. going to be surface tension.Becauseof surface
Reason for hysteresis: tension, there is going to be hysteresis.
917657904175 Saline/Amniotic fuid filled lung
1. Surfoce tension differs between inspiration o No air fluid interfoce.
and expiration. o No surface tension

o No hysteresis
Changes in compliance:
Increased: Decreased:
1. Emphysema 1. Fibrosls
2. Old age 2. Amyloidosis
3. Sarcoidosis
4. Asbestosis
5. Silicosis
6. Chest wall disorders
(Scoliosis, kyphosis,
. Pleural effusion.

When there is accumulation of fuid in pleural

space, the expansion of alveoli is going to be
> Norml value of compliance
1mm Hg


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