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Weird Trip


There are two friends, named Az which is me, and my friend Eve. We stayed at the
Hotel named "Hoshi Ryokan", which is a big traditional Japanese house/mansion.
The hotel is very old, but the hotel is very clean. There we were both greeted by the
owner’s daughter there. She was very friendly, we were both given warm towels
because it was still winter. She led us to our room, we shared one room because
we’re saving up money. The room was very clean, and like any traditional Japanese
rooms, it’s made out of paper walls/doors, with bamboo string-type floor, with two
warm, heated floor mattresses (Futon) and a warm soothing light that won’t hurt the

Me and Eve stared at each other in happiness as we rushed to pick who’s futon is
whose. “Here’s your towels, there’s a mini hot spring here too if you’d like.” The
owner’s daughter said. We said thank you at the same time. We asked about the
dinner time, she said it was at 19:00 PM, and right now it is 18:23 PM. We got ready,
went to take a bath, but not together of course, it was a great bath, the water was
warm, the room was warm. The walls are made out of wood, the floors too. It was
the best bath that I’ve had in my whole entire life. The both of us then went to the
dining table, there were only a few other guests with us at this ryokan. The food? Oh
don’t get me started, it was wonderful, very delicious, there’s miso soup, fried
tempura, mixed with shrimp, onions, and other vegetables. There’s a small roasted
river fish that they caught. It tasted very delicious, the meat was soft, crispy skin, and
there’s not many bones. There’s a bowl of rice too. The rice was very soft, very
delicious. So far, we’ll rate this dish a high score. We thanked the family that runs
the business and cooked the food for us. They would ask us how Japan has been so
far. “It was great! The views are amazing! Especially Mount Fuji.” Eve answered.
They were glad, and so on, we continued to talk about a lot of things, “Oh, it’s getting
late Az. Other people here already went to their rooms.” I nodded my head, said
thank you, and greeted them, then we both went to our room.
As we already went to sleep, a couple hours later (3 or so), I woke up to the sound
of thudding, as if someone/something fell.. Repeatedly. I sat down and tried to listen
to it, trying to know what could have made that sound. I listened, as the sound of a
clock ticking repeatedly, and the sound of my heartbeat racing rapidly. But then, I
thought to myself “ I should go back to sleep, it’s just a fuss”. The next morning, we
ate breakfast with the other guests. The breakfast was very delicious; Soft white rice,
hot miso soup, boiled vegetables, and a tiny piece of well-cooked grilled fish. Me
and Eve finished the food very quickly, I almost choked on my food, but that’s alright.
We then finished up, took a bath, and took a trip around the village. The locals were
very nice, since it was winter, there was a lot of snow, the snowflakes are very
beautiful. There’s not many kids outside, only a few. Some of them are making a tiny
snowman, and some of them are throwing snowballs at each other. We saw a shop
beside the street which is very common all around japan. They sell all sorts of foods.
There’s two things that attracted me and Eve, they sell Japanese wagyu beef
skewers, and dango. The shop owner was very nice and kind, he asked us where
we stayed. We said that we stayed at “Hoshi Ryokan”. The shop owner wasn’t
surprised we’d stay there, it was a famous hotel in the area anyway. But, he asked if
we heard any thudding sounds in the hotel. “I don’t think so.” Eve replied, as I
thought to myself that Eve would never hear it because they’re a heavy sleeper, I
chuckled. He ten told us that there once was someone who suicided in there, on the
2nd floor, they hanged themselves. Eve and I were shocked. I thought that it was
just an object that fell, or someone who's made a ruckus around the place, but it

Eve whispered to me “Thank god that we’ll only be staying there only for one more
day.” I smiled in discomfort. The owner then said that we won’t need to worry about
that, and that we just need to enjoy our snacks, he said that they were very
delicious. We said thank you to him and that we need to return back to the hotel
since it’s getting late. We ate dinner, took a bath, and we’re ready to go to sleep.
Suddenly though, Eve said that they need to go to the toilet and that they’re scared
to go alone. Of course, I will company them since I’m such a good friend, when Eve
had already reached the toilet, the sound started “Thud, thud, thud.” I was shocked
and sprinted back to our room, I left Eve behind in the toilet.
As Eve came to the room, their face was very angry, because I didn’t stay with
them. I chuckled while hiding under the blanket.

The next day arrived, we packed our stuffs, greeted the family who runned the
business. Our next stop is Tokyo.

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