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Portals of Every Shape and Size

Author Christopher Baldi Carol Baldi Artists Free Public Domain Sources We thank the artists for posting their art for use. Editor Carol Baldi

Copyright Information
Two Bit Tables: Portals of Every Shape and Size Copyright 2009 Healing Fireball Publications All Rights Reserved. The Healing Fireball logo is Copyright 2007. Two Bit Tables Logo is Copyright 2008.

James Moran (order #1768100)

Portals of Every Shape and Size

Magic portals occur in most fantasy worlds, used as a method of quick transport, as a way to move large numbers of people or to open doors to other realms. Unfortunately, all too often these wonders of magic have a cookie-cutter appearance - oval-shaped openings of blue or purple energy. But shouldn't a portals appearance vary depending on who cast it, whether its permanent, where its located and where it goes? Well never fear - Healing Fireball Publications is here with a set of tables that will give all your portals a unique feel and appearance.

Table I: Magical Portals D20 Shape 2D Circle 1 2D Oval 2 2D Rectangle 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2D Star 2D Square Cube Cuboid (3D Rectangle) Cylinder Deltohedron (d10-Shaped) Dodecahedron (d12-Shaped) Fissure or Crack in Space Icosahedron (d20-Shaped) Octahedron (d8-Shaped) Ovoid (3D Oval) Pyramid Ring Continuous Sphere Spiral Ring Made Up of Other Shapes (Roll Again) Stilted Dodecahedron (12-Sided Star Shape)

D20 Appearance Black 1 Blood Red 2 Bright White 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Clear (Slight ripple effect) Dark Blue Dark Purple Gold Green Image of Destination Iridescent Light Blue Light Purple Mirrored Orange Rainbow or Constantly Changing Red Silver Yellow Swirling Colors (Roll Twice) Changing Colors (Roll Twice)

D20 Description Beating With Audible Thud 1 Bobbing Up and Down 2 Bubbling 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Contracting Crackling Dampens All Sound Around it Dripping Into a Puddle of Energy Droning Expanding Fading In and Out Flipping on Long Axis Humming Laying on the Ground Moving Along a Set Path Pulsing Releasing Sparks of Energy that Float up Slowly Releasing Beams of Energy at Odd Angles Rooted to Ground by Energy Tendrils Spinning on Short Axis Changing Shape (Roll twice on shape column)

How to Use Table I: Magical Portals

This table is designed to allow a game master to generate a unique magical portal that is solely made of magical energy. To generate a portal with this table, just roll once on each of the above columns to get your portals shape, the color of the magical energy, and a short descriptive quality. Combine these three traits in a logical way such as a sphere of pulsing red energy. As a last note, if you roll a result of Roll Twice, ignore any further results of roll twice.

Two Bit Tables: Portals of Every Shape and Size Copyright 2009 Healing Fireball Publications All Rights Reserved. The Healing Fireball logo is Copyright 2007. Two Bit Tables Logo is Copyright 2008.
James Moran (order #1768100)

Table II: Physical Portals

D20 1-7 8-14 15-20 Portal Type Arch (Roll on Table: III) Circle (Roll on Table: IV) Other Design (Roll on Table: V)

Table III: Arch Portals

D20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Structure None Arch of Fire Arch of Magic Energy (Roll on Color Table) Bone Clay Clear Stone (Roll on Color Table) Coral Glowing Magma Granite Blocks Growing Ivy Marble (Roll on Marble Color Table) Polished Wood Pure Gold Pure Silver Red Bricks Rough Ice Smoke Smooth Ice Smooth Onyx Volcanic Basalt D20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Decoration None Arch Filled with Energy (Roll on Color Table) Constant Glowing (Roll on Color Table) Crackling with Electricity Dripping Blood Dripping Cold Water Flaming Runes on Face Frozen in Ice/Covered in Frost Glowing Runes on Surface (Roll on Color Table) Gold Runes Inlayed in Surface Large Ruby Imbedded in Center Live Ivy/Vines Circling It Precious Gems Inlayed in Frame Pulsing With Energy (Roll on Color Table) Runes Carved In Surface Runes of Ice On Front Runes Scribed in Blood Silver Runes Inlayed in Surface Wreathed in Black/White Smoke Wreathed in Flame/Hot Steam

Table IV: Magic Circle Portals

D20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Structure None A Fairy Ring of Colored Mushrooms A Ring of Multicolored Flowers/Vines Carved into the Stone/Dirt Colored Smoke (Roll on Color Table) Crackling Electricity Drawn on Surface in Chalk Glowing Energy (Roll on Color Table) Inlayed in Silver/Gold Inlayed Wood Made of Fire Made of Quicksilver Made of Holy/Unholy Water Made of Ice Made of Inlayed Marble (Roll on Marble Color Table) Made of Loose Stones/Gravel Made of Powdered Bone/Ash Painted in Blood Painted on Surface (Roll on Color Table) Ring of Standing Stones D20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Decoration None Center Filled with Column of Light (Roll on Color Table) Circle Filled with a Column of Darkness Circle Filled with Energy (Roll on Color Table) Column of Fire/Steam in Center Geyser/Column of Water in Center Glowing Runes Around Inside (Roll on Color Table) Gold/Silver Runes Inlayed Around Inside Ice/Frost Covered Inside Incense/Herbs Smolder in Holders in the Circle Large Crystals Float Around Circle (Roll on Color Table) Lightning Streaks Down, Striking the Inside Lush Grass/Flowers Fill Circle Precious Gems Inlayed in Circle Releasing Magic Sparks (Roll on Color Table) Ring Glows Steady (Roll on Color Table) Runes of Fire/Ice Inside Runes Painted Around Inside (Roll on Color Table) Runes Painted in Blood on Inside Runes Scribed on Surface in Chalk

Two Bit Tables: Portals of Every Shape and Size Copyright 2009 Healing Fireball Publications All Rights Reserved. The Healing Fireball logo is Copyright 2007. Two Bit Tables Logo is Copyright 2008.
James Moran (order #1768100)

Notes on Unusual portals: The below table contains a collection of strange, nontraditional options for portals. To uses these portals, people usually must touch the object, stand on it, stand in it, or whatever seems most appropriate. These are not your usual portals and may confuse players who might not expect them to be an exit or entrance to an area.

Table V: Other Portals

D20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Structure Column of Marble (Roll on Marble Color Table) Free Standing Door, No Arch Giant Floating Standing Crystal (Roll on Color Table) Large Crystal Ball on Black Iron Stand (Roll on Color Table) Large Gold Brazier on Pedestal Large Tree/Mushroom Marble Slab (Roll on Marble Color Table) Obsidian Platform Onyx/Marble Font (Roll on Marble Color Table) Pyramid of Skulls Skull on a Large Spear Surrounded by Stones Silver Full Body Mirror Small Frozen Pond Small Reflecting Pool Statue Standing Stone Stone Altar Stone Font Stone Fountain Wooden Dais Trimmed in Silver D20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Decoration None Containing a Man-Sized Opening or Hole in Object Covered in Runes Written in Blood Covered/Filled with Ice/Frost Covered/Filled/Encircled with Smoke (Roll on Color Table) Filled with/Covered with/Dripping Energy (Roll on Color Table) Filled with/Splattered with/Dripping Blood Filled/Covered with/Dripping Oil Filled/Covered/Dripping with Cold Water Giving off Magical Sparks (Roll on Color Table) Glowing Magic Circle on/in Object (Roll on Color Table) Glowing Runes on Surface (Roll on Color Table) Glowing with Light (Roll on Color Table) Runes and Magic Circles are Carved in the Surface Runes Inlayed in Gold/Silver on Surface Runes on Fire/Ice on Surface Runes Painted on Surface (Roll on Color Table) Runes Scribed on Surface in Chalk Surrounded by/Covered with Candles (Roll on Color Table) Surrounded by/Covered with Smoldering Incense

Table VI: Color

D20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Color Black Dark Blue Dark Green Dark Purple Dark Red Dark Yellow Gray Light Blue Light Green Light Purple D20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Color Light Red Mirrored Orange Pale Yellow Pink Tan Turquoise White Multi-Colored (Roll 1d4+1 times) Changing Color (Roll 1d4+1 times)

Table VII: Marble Color

D20 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 Marble Color Bluish-Gray With White Veins Brown With White Veins Gray Green With Black Veins Green With White Veins D20 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 Marble Color Pure White Red With White Veins White With Gray Veins White With Pink Veins Yellow-tinted White

Two Bit Tables: Portals of Every Shape and Size Copyright 2009 Healing Fireball Publications All Rights Reserved. The Healing Fireball logo is Copyright 2007. Two Bit Tables Logo is Copyright 2008.
James Moran (order #1768100)

Table VIII: Example Physical Portals

D100 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-44 45-46 47-48 49-50 Portal Description A Black Circle Painted on the Wall and Surrounded by Glowing Runes A Black Stone Arch with Red Runes A Circle Made of Quicksilver A Circle of \Crackling Electricity A Circle of Ice Runes A Circle of Runes Carved in Stone and Filled with Animal Blood A Circle of Runes Painted in Blood on the Floor A Circle of White Runes Painted on the Floor A Fairy Ring of Colored Mushrooms A Floating Unconnected Door A Frozen Pool With Glowing Runes Floating in it A Human-sized Hollow in a Tree Surrounded by Green Runes A Reflecting Pool Covered in Runes A Ring of Crackling Blue Smoke A Ring of Gray Ash that Cant be Scattered A Ring of Multicolored Flowers A Rune Circle Drawn on the Wall A Seamless Arch Made of Black Onyx A Silver Arch Decorated With Sapphires A Silver Mirror with Blue Glowing Runes around the Edge A Standing Stone Circle A Standing Stone Scribed with Runes A Stone Arch With Glowing Yellow Runes A Stone Arch with Glowing Blue Runes A Stone Arch with Glowing Purple Runes D100 51-52 53-54 55-56 57-58 59-60 61-62 63-64 65-66 67-68 69-70 71-72 73-74 75-76 77-78 79-80 81-82 83-84 85-86 87-88 89-90 91-92 93-94 95-96 97-98 99-100 Portal Description An Arch of Ice With Silver Runes Frozen in it A Tree Carved with Runes and Circles A Wooden Archway with Runes carved in it An Arch Crackling with Lines of Energy An Arch Made of Clear Ice An Arch made of Solid Gold Inlayed with Silver Runes An Arch Made of Solid Silver with Inlayed Gold Runes An Arch Made of Pure Coral An Arch Made of Glowing Magma An Arch Made of Growing Ivy An Onyx Arch Decorated With Large Rubies Black Marble Slab With Carved Runes Filled With Quicksilver An Arch of Clear Faceted Red Stone An Arch of Flaming Runes An Arch of Floating Blue Runes A Stone Font of Glowing Energy An Arch of Pure Crystal An Arch of Pure Fire An Arch of Pure Magical Energy An Obsidian Platform with a Circle of Red Energy on it An Arch made of Volcanic Basalt An Onyx Font filled with Blood An Arch of Bone Green Marble Arch With Ivy Crawling Up It Onyx Arch with Inlayed Silver Runes

How to Make a Physical Portal

To generate portals of a more permanent nature, either just roll on Table VIII and drop the result into your campaign or create a unique portal by first rolling on Table II: Physical Portal to determine the type of physical portal. Then create the portal by rolling on each of the columns for that portal type and combine the results to get a portal. Arch portals look like empty door frames and can be of any style, from rounded tops to pointed gothic designs or simple square frames. Magic Circles refer to any magically empowered design and may in fact be squares, star shapes or combination designs such as a circle with a triangle in it. Circles do not need to be placed on the floor - they could be on a wall or ceiling. People passing though an arch or standing in or touching the circle will be transported (possibly one way). To generate an even larger number of options, you could also roll on Table I and put the result in the center of the arch/circle generated. This approach will not work for all of the possible portals so, when using it, reroll any inappropriate options.

A Note for Players

Players of wizards or magic-wielding characters may wish to roll on the above Table I to generate a unique appearance for their portals and teleportation spells.

Two Bit Tables: Portals of Every Shape and Size Copyright 2009 Healing Fireball Publications All Rights Reserved. The Healing Fireball logo is Copyright 2007. Two Bit Tables Logo is Copyright 2008.
James Moran (order #1768100)

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