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Challenges Encountered by the Respondents while Using the Application

1. The words are complicated.

“The questions are difficult. A lot of words have deep meanings which
is hard to understand especially because we are only in grade 7. My advice is
to use simple words that align with the students capacity. It’s not helpful to use
highfalutin words if the students can’t understand.”

Audio-visual materials help learners enrich their vocabularies and

enhance comprehension through encountering complex words that they never
get to encounter in their learning. It also offers information that students may
not be able to experience in traditional teaching approaches.
After the pilot testing, most of the students’ answers are the used of
advanced vocabularies which most of the students are not familiar with. Their
encounter of the new words is one of the reasons why most of them got low
scores since they do not know the definition even with their spelling. It denotes
that the words presented are not suitable to the level of knowledge of the grade
7 students which backed by the study of Sadeq Ali Saad (2013) on his study
“Using Audio-Visual Aids and Computer-Assisted Language Instruction
(CALI) to Overcome Learning Difficulties of Vocabulary in Students of
Special Needs” which examines the capability of young children to
comprehend language vocabularies and says that learners’ performance on
reading comprehension depends upon what vocabulary they could understand
in the texts they read.
Some of the students suggested using simple words for them to be able
to understand the presented quizzes and stories. With this, the audio-visual is
effective since students had already came across to new words and they were
able to hear its pronunciation and understand its definition after the quizzes
give to them.

2. The words and sounds are not simultaneous

“The words projected is not simultaneous with the audio playing. The latter would sometimes behind,
and vice versa.”

Students’ observation was the non-simultaneous presentation of the sounds and

words which affected their understanding. It causes them total confusion since students
are baffled whether to just listen to the sounds or to read the words projected on the
screen. In consequence, students barely followed the given activities and yielded
unsatisfied results from the pilot testing.
Students’ observation was the non-simultaneous presentation of the sounds and
words, which affected their understanding. Choi, Greer, and Keohane (2015) emphasized
the relevance of an application's simultaneous flow of words and sounds in order for the
audience to respond to the instruction. Asynchronous sound is the dominant form of
educational computer-mediated communication (CMC) (Johnson & Aragon, Citation
2013). It occurs in a delayed manner without simultaneous access to educational
outcomes. It causes students total confusion since they are baffled about whether to just
listen to the sounds or read the words projected on the screen. In consequence, students
barely followed the given activities and yielded unsatisfactory results. It is now safe to
say that they were attentive all throughout since they observed the technical issues which
is a good sign that their attention was fixated. If it was done like the traditional way, I
doubt students would even lay their eyes on us and listen but since it is an audio-visual
aid, this easily got their attention and interest.

3. The words and letters are not readable.

The problem is the words is difficult to read because of the background and also the font
size of the words and letters are small.
Font size and backdrop color are vital in any presentation to allow the audience to
read and understand the content. Font size, blank space, text line spacing, paragraph styles,
line length, and word length are all elements that can impair or increase the ability to read
text on an application or computer screen (Ferrari & Short, 2018). This shows how
effectively the text is aesthetically arranged and how easily the text can be understood. Text
should be exceedingly clear in order for a wide range of readers to understand it. During the
pilot testing, the words and letters displayed were unintelligible due to the font size used and
the extremely bright background, which clashed with the text itself. According to (Ambrose
& Harris, 2015), text readability on displays is required to guarantee successful engagement
in learning. Furthermore, readability is related to text elements and arrangement, which
influence meaning interpretation. Students then proposed raising the text size as well as the
background to assist them focus on the information and participate in the various activities.

4. The sound is inaudible

“The application is okay, the presentation is well organized however, the sounds and
music is not loud enough. It’s hard to understand what does it mean. Amplify the sounds.”

Sounds give students with additional enjoyment while also supporting them in learning
the correct pronunciation of words. Sounds are also crucial, especially when playing a song or
telling a tale, and during the pilot testing, students noticed that the sound of the given activities
was not loud enough for them, despite the fact that they were 35 in the class. Some of them
suggested utilizing larger and louder speakers so that they could enjoy listening to the songs, and
stories, and, most importantly, know the right pronunciation of the vocabulary, which would
greatly aid them in learning.

Thus, if the application's audio is of poor quality, learners may struggle to understand and
improve their pronunciation, which can ultimately lead to the rejection of the application. As
what stated in DolphinAttack: Inaudible Voice Commands (Guoming Zhang, et al., 2017) due to
the miniature package sizes and low power consumption of a portable mini speaker, the sound
generated for attacks are inaudible to a large number of people. So to avoid this problem,
researchers may use larger speaker that can emit good quality of sound.

Sadeq Ali Saad Al- Yaari (2013, December 12).

Using Audio-Visual Aids and Computer-Assisted Language Instruction (CALI) to
Overcome Learning Difficulties of Vocabulary in Students of Special Needs.
Retrieved from

Saima Rasul (2011) A study to analyze the effectiveness of audio visual aids in teaching
learning process at uvniversity level. Retrived from

V28, P78-81

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