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and Livelihood
Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Management of
Family Resources

(Grade 6)
Subject Area - TLE Grade 6 HOME ECONOMICS
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 2 – Module 1: Management of Family Resources
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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over them.

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Merlita M. Calawod
Editors: Annaliza M. Mortiz
Reviewers: Amalia C. Caballes and Sally A. Palomo
Layout Artist: Emelinda F. Pono
Cover Art Designer: Arvel G. Campollo
Management Team: Allan G. Farnazo, CESO IV – Regional Director
Fiel Y. Almendra, CESO V – Assistant Regional Director
Romelito G. Flores, CESO V - Schools Division Superintendent
Mario M. Bermudez, CESO VI -Assist. Schools Division Superintendent
Gilbert B. Barrera – Chief, CLMD
Arturo D. Tingson Jr. – REPS, LRMS
Peter Van C. Ang-ug – REPS, ADM
Gilda A. Orendain – REPS, TLE
Juliet F. Lastimosa - CID Chief
Sally A. Palomo - Division EPS In- Charge of LRMS
Gregorio O. Ruales - Division ADM Coordinator
Amalia C. Caballes, EPS TLE

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Office Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

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Introductory Message
This Self Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,

can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-test are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module, or
if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post -test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also
provided to the facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. Read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering
the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or
Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master Management of Family Resources. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

✓ Identifies family resources and needs (human, material and nonmaterial

• list of family resources
• list of basic and social needs
✓ Enumerates sources of family income (TLE6HE-Oa-2)
✓ Allocates budget for basic and social need such as:
• food and clothing
• shelter and education
• Social needs, social and moral obligations (birthday, baptism, etc.)
• family activities, school affairs
• savings/ emergency budget ( health, house repair) (TLE6HE-0b-3)

What I Know

Before you proceed, let us check your prior knowledge about management of
family resources.

Activity 1

A. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer
in your TLE notebook.
1. These are those which the family possesses and makes use of in order to achieve
family goals.
A. family resources
B. human resources
C. material resources
D. environmental resources
2. These are things and elements which are available to the family and to everyone.
A. family resources
B. human resources
C. environmental resources
D. non-human or material resources
3. These includes ideas, opinions, inclinations, biases and feelings towards
A. time
B. energy
C. attitude
D. community facilities
4. This is the purchasing power that helps one to acquire needed goods and services.
The Peso, our Philippine currency, is used as an exchange medium
of goods and services.
A. time
B. money
C. community facilities
D. environmental resources
5. It is the amount of money set aside for planned expenses. It is a plan specifying
how much money will be spent or allocated during a particular period.
A. budget
B. clothing
C. health needs
D. shelter and other related needs
6. It is the total income earned by all the members of the household.
A. money
B. profit
C. pension
D. family income
7. The money given as addition to a regular income as the recognition for number
of years of service in a company is called _________.

A. bonus
B. profit
C. pension
D. commission
8. What do we call the money earned from working employees of a commercial/
industrial service companies?
A. bonus
B. profit
C. pension
D. salary/ wages
9. This is a need that has become only secondary to food or other needs, like
education, more so if the budget is limited.
A. food
B. clothing

C. Health needs
D. Shelter and other related needs
10. This component is the priority in the household budget. Approximately 50%-
60% of the budget goes to it
A. food
B. cloth
C. health needs
D. shelter and other related needs

Management of Family
1 Resources
Home management is a part of family life. It is all about managing the family
resources so that the needs and wants of each member is met and satisfied. Parents
are not the only ones with the responsibility for managing the home. Everyone must
be aware of their duties and responsibility to achieve the goal.

What’s In

Let us now proceed with the other parts of this module.

Before we start our lesson, what do you know about family resources? Can
you identify the types of family resources? Can you give the list of family resources
and list of basic and social needs? Can you enumerate the sources of family income?
Do you know how to allocate budget for your basic and social needs. Let us see.

Activity 1.2 – Guess Me!

A. Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters below to reveal the words which you
will be learning by using the picture as clues.



B. Directions: List down at least five (5) examples of basic and social needs in
the Venn Diagram.

Basic Social


C. Directions: Write the sources of family income on the petals of the flower.

of Family

What’s New

Before we proceed to our new lesson, let me know if you have an idea about
it. Do the activity below.
Activity 1.3

A. Directions: Put a check / to the things you need to survive in this world
and X if it is not on the space before the number.

_______ 1. House _______ 6. water

_______ 2. Car _______ 7. dress
_______ 3. Food _______ 8. desk
_______ 4. love and care _______ 9. paper and pencil
_______ 5. Jewelry _______10. good health
B. Directions: Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions below.

What is the man in the picture doing? Why is he working?


C. Directions: Study the table below and find out how many percent is allocated
for each item.

Monthly Income: Php25, 000
Family Members: 4

Item % of Budget Allotted Amount

Food 40% 10,000.00
Education 16% 4,000.00
Shelter 15% 3,750.00
Utilities 12% 3,000.00
Household Operation 6% 1,500.00
Clothing 3% 750.00
Recreation 3% 750.00
Savings 5% 1,250.00
Total 100% 25,000.00

1. If you are to allocate the budget for food, how many percent is allotted? ___
2. For savings? _________________
3. How about the education of your children? How many percent? ______________
4. In recreation, how many percent is spent? ________________
5. In clothing, how much do you spend? _________________

What is It

Information Sheet #1

Family resources- are those which the family possesses and makes use of in order
to achieve family goals. It can be classified into three types: human, material and
non-material resources.

Types of Family resources

A. Human Resources- a family’s resources include anything tangible or intangible
that helps provide for the needs of its members. Like any other resources, these
are limited and family members need to work to sustain them.
• Abilities and skills- both native and acquired. The ability to solve mathematical
problems and the skill for example to bake are cake important resources of this
• Attitudes- which includes ideas, opinions, inclinations, biases and feelings
towards something. A positive toward work is important for one to succeed in any

undertaking. With a positive attitude, satisfaction is easy to achieve. Less effort
is exerted, less time is spent and one is happy in his/ her work.
• Knowledge- include facts and information. Success in doing an activity requires
knowledge of what the activity is and how it is to be done.
Example: Baking cakes requires knowledge of baking terms for one to
understand and carry out instruction.
• Interest- the state of wanting to know of something or someone.

B. Material Resources - are tangible assets such as house and lot, furniture and
appliances, jewelry, automobiles and cash are referred to as the family’s material
• Material goods like food, clothing, furniture, car, scooter, house farm, rugs and
everything available in our house.
• Money - is the purchasing power that helps one to acquire needed goods and
services. The Peso, our Philippine currency, I used as an exchange medium of
goods and services.
➢ cash, in the form of wages, salary, yearly income, savings,
• Community Facilities - available to the family include police station, park
roads, public schools and library, health centers, government hospitals, etc.
➢ like schools, training centers, tutorials colleges, garden, park
musical concerts, library.
C. Non- human or Material Resources- are things and elements which are available
to the family and to everyone.
• Time - is precious but it is a part of good home management to share with family
members by helping out with their tasks and making their schedule lighter.
• Energy or the capacity to do work- members of the family must be in good
health, of sound mind and body to be able to do their assigned work effectively.
• Health- The health of the family members is important. When family members
are in good health, they can do their duties without delay. Furthermore, other
resources are not used up to pay for medicines and hospitalization. Health
indeed is wealth.

Needs are basic or essential to living. There two components:

1. Basic needs are necessary for everyone to survive.
2. Social needs (as the love and belonging stage) which include interpersonal
relationships like in family, school, church, and community.

Information Sheet # 2
Income – is a money that an individual or business receives in exchange for
providing goods or services.
Family Income – is the total income earned by all the members of the

Sources of Family Income

1. Salary- earned for services rendered. This is the money paid to the father,
mother, or children who work.

2. Profit from business and investments- are dividends from the shares of
stocks and bonds that add income for the family. These also include profits
made from operating a business.
3. Lease of property- are proceeds from rental of family owned real estate
4. Pension- is the income of a retired member of the family
5. Commission and bonus- are additional income that is over and above the
regular salary wage received as a reward or incentive.
6. Royalty and copyright- are considered additional income for a family
member who has written a book composed a song or invented a thing.

Information Sheet #3
Budget is the amount of money set aside for planned expenses. It is a plan
specifying how much money will be spent or allocated during a particular period.

Budgetting is a related to the wise use of family resources. Salaries or wages

received are to be spent by itemizing the needs of the family and how much money
needed to meet such needs.

Importance of budget

1. Balance your income and your expenditure. If your expenditure is greater than
your income, you end up in debt. If your income is greater than your
expenditure, then you have savings.
2. It gives a feeling of comfort and satisfaction knowing that your income is
enough for the expenses of the family.
3. In enables the family to list down its needs and wants and to prioritize the
needs more than the wants.
4. It gives the family a full and better life knowing that the needs are satisfied
first before the wants.
5. It is a constant reminder that you are in control of the family finances, thus
reducing worries, tension, and stress.

Components of Family Budget

1. Food - This component is the priority in the household budget. Approximately
50% - 60% of the budget goes to food - groceries, raw and cooked food, staples,
condiments and spices.
2. Shelter and other related needs- These include rentals and electric bill such
as electricity, water, telephone, and other services that contribute to the
physical comfort for one’s home - if not renting, includes taxes, repair and
3. Education-This components includes tuition fees, books, school supplies,
school projects, textbook and allowances - tuition fees, books, daily food, and
transportation allowance of children.
4. Health needs- This considered one of the most important items that need to
be prioritized. Health needs of the family member or the individual in term of
periodic medical and dental examination, hospitalization and medicines
should always be set aside whether this is spent or not within a given period
- medicine, check-up.

5. Clothing- Today’s clothing needs become only secondary to food or other
needs, like education and health, more so if the budget is limited - uniforms,
clothes and accessories.
6. Transportation and other miscellaneous expenses- Cost of transportation
today has become expensive, more so when the family commutes every day
from house to school or place of work. Miscellaneous expenses are those which
are not include in other needs. These includes taxes, insurance, appliances
and other related needs - electric, water and telephone bills, gas, salaries of
7. Social and recreational needs- Provisions for social and recreational needs
serve to balance work and play. A family that enjoys together stays together.
Weekly outings, strolling in parks, picnics, going to movies, dinners, visit to
relatives, attending parties and other social occasion are instances of keeping
family members together through sharing and enjoying each other company -
family outings, outside dining, watching movies.
8. Contingency funds- A small percent of the family income has to be set aside
for the needs that may unexpectedly arise. To some families, savings that are
deposited in banks can meet contingency needs - the amount set aside or
deposited in the bank.

What’s More

Activity 1.4
A. Directions: Read and identify the resources below as Human Resources,
Material or Non-Material and place it in the correct box.

Human Resources Material Non-Material

car love table wisdom

shelter talent care
behavior food cooking skills

B. Directions: Name the different sources of family income by arranging the

scrambled letters.
1. RALAYS -_____________ earned for services rendered.
2. NEOPSIN -_____________ is the income of a retired member of the family
3. TROPIF -_____________ dividends from the shares of stocks and bonds
that add income for the family.
4. MSIMSONIC-_____________ additional income that is over and above the

regular salary wage received as a reward or
5. YARTOYL -_____________ additional income for a family member who has
written a book composed a song or invented a

C. Directions: Using a Pie Graph, allocate a budget for basic and social needs
such as food and clothing, shelter and education, social needs: social and moral
obligations (birthdays, baptisms, etc.) family activities, school affairs and
savings/ emergency budget, house repair based on your family income.

What I Have Learned

You are now nearing the end of this module. If you are ready, write a summary
of what you have learned from the previous activities. If you need to learn more, go
back and review the activities that you have done.

Activity 1.5 – Sum It Up!

A. Why is it necessary that we have to identify our family resources and needs?

B. Directions: Answer the following questions in a paragraph form.

1. Who works for your family?

2. What work do they do?

3. Would their income be enough for your family’s needs?
4. What other sources of family income could you think of to sustain your

C. Directions: Make your own family budget allocation.

What I Can Do

Activity 1.7
A. Directions: Write letter T if the statement is true, and letter F if it is false.

_____1. Basic needs are things required by people to be able to survive.

_____2. Social needs are those that help us feel loneliness and an unaccepted.
_____3. Needs and wants are not so important in attaining family goals.
_____4. Our needs and wants motivate us to work hard.
_____5. Effective management of family resources are very important in
attaining family goals.

B. Directions: Name the different sources of family income by arranging the

scrambled letters.

1. TROPIF _____________
2. RALAYS _____________
3. NEOPSIN _____________
4. YARTOYL _____________
5. MSIMSONIC _____________


Activity 1.8

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it in your TLE notebook.

1. These human resources include facts and information

A. money
B. attitude
C. interest
D. knowledge
2. Resources that is available to the family that includes roads, parks, schools,
markets, hospitals
A. time
B. health
C. capacity to do work
D. community facilities

3. It is precious but still a part of a good home management to share with family
A. time
B. attitude
C. interest
D. knowledge
4. The total income earned by all the members of the household is ________.
A. money
B. profit
C. pension
D. family income
5. What do we call the additional income of a family member who has
written a book, composed a song or invented a thing?
A. money
B. pension
C. commission
D. royalty and copyright
6. The proceeds from rental of family owned real estate properties are
A. royalty
B. commission
C. family income
D. lease of property
7. These include rentals and electric bill such as electricity, water, telephone,
and other services that contribute to the physical comfort for one’s home.
A. food
B. contingency
C. shelter and other miscellaneous

D. transportation and other miscellaneous expenses
8. This is the amount of money set aside for planned expenses.
A. needs
B. budget
C. expenses
D. schedule
9. This component is the priority in the household budget.
Approximately 50%- 60% of the budget goes to it
A. food
B. cloth
C. health needs
D. shelter and other related needs
10. This is a small percent of the family income that has to be set aside for the
needs that may unexpectedly arise.
A. food
B. contingency funds
C. shelter and other related needs
D. transportation and other miscellaneous expenses

Additional Activities

Congratulations! You’ve come so far to our lesson. I hope you’ve learned a lot
about our lesson and you are now aware how to manage family resources.

A. Directions: List ten (10) household chores that you do at home. Prepare a work
schedule for one week. Write it in your TLE notebook.

B. Directions: Write the name of your family members inside the box. Below their
names, enumerate their sources of income.

C. Directions: Prepare a monthly family budget using the total income of the family
for one month.

https; •
Technology and Livelihood Education MELC •
What I Can Do What’s In
A. A.
B. 1. PROFIT B. Answer may vary
3. PENSION C. salary
4. ROYALTY pension
5. COMMISSION commission
lease of property
What’s New What's More
A. A.
1. / What I Know Assessment
Human Resources
2. X education
1. A 1. D
3. / 2. D behavior 2. D
4. / 3. C talent 3. A
5. X 4. B cooking skills 4. D
6. / 5. A Material 5. D
7. / 6. D table 6. D
8. X 7. A car 7. C
9.X 8. D shelter 8. B
10./ 9. B food 9. A
10. A Non-Human 10. B
B. Answer may vary care
C. 1. 40% wisdom
2. 5%
3. 16%
4. 3%
5. 3%
Answer may vary
Answer Key
This Self-learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd
SOCCSKSARGEN with the primary objective of preparing for and addressing
the new normal. Contents of this module were based on DepEd’s Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). This is a supplementary material
to be used by all learners of Region XII in all public schools beginning SY
2020-2021. The process of LR development was observed in the production
of this module. This is version 1.0. We highly encourage feedback, comments,
and recommendations.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN

Learning Resource Management System (LRMS)

Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893

Email Address:


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