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Did your school comply with R.A.1425?

How effectively is the Rizal Law instilling

patriotism and nationalism among secondary school students?

Yes. When I was in secondary school. We studied Noli Me Tangere and El

Filibusterismo which  is Rizal’s one of his most significant contributions to Filipinos. It

awaken the sense of nationalism among Filipino which made them question the

injustice and corruption of colonial rule in the Philippines. His work unite us Filipinos

to fight for our rights and independence. He  aimed to foster a sense of solidarity

among Filipinos in spite of their varied ethnic and geographic origins. He urged

Filipinos to put aside their differences and cooperate with one another in order to

achieve their shared objective of independence and self-determination.

Rizal's life and deeds served as examples of patriotism and sacrifice in addition to

his writings. His martyrdom also encouraged future generations of Filipinos to carry

on the fight for independence since he was prepared to risk his own safety and well-

being for the cause of Philippine independence.

Jose Rizal was a key figure in helping the Filipino people develop their sense of

patriotism and nationalism. He instilled a sense of pride, cohesion, and resolve that

still has an impact on contemporary Philippine society through his writings,

speeches, and deeds.

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