Avila Reflection

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Avila, Justine Jean V,

BSED III- Social Studies

THEO 2- Christian Faith

What can you say the about the time you facilitate an event?

During the event, it made me realize more about life, behavior and attitude
towards other people, how we able to approached or helped them whenever they want
or need it.The event run so smoothly, all prepared and the members well oriented, we
have collaboration, so the event will be successful. Unity, not uniformity, must be our
aim. We attain unity only through variety. Differences must be integrated, not
annihilated, not absorbed. We have a clear desire to grow our self-understanding to
bring more impact into the groups and systems you work within. Honestly, I’m not a
type of girl that is showy about the emotions I have in my heart even it is pain,as long
as I can manage I wouldn't show or tell to all because at the end, people will gossip
you talking about your life, make it use as your weakness. As facilitator during that
event, I saw my colleague very emotional, they can cry in front of many people, share
their problems, it's okay to let out all the hatred in you heart so you can feel be better,
I feel their pain whenever they talk, and seeing their eyes they have many problems.
I’ve learned on this journey is that facilitation is not something you perfect and all of
a sudden have nothing to work on. Similar to writing, you can continue to learn and
always improve. It’s an evolution and something I believe is key to what makes
successful communicators and leaders.

Part of the program we tackled or readings about a helping hand, and that what
is the most essential aspect in life that you can change others live and also helping you
to do good more and mold as a god person. Wherever you turn, you can find someone
who needs you. Becoming a facilitator is showing a help to all the colleague for them
to provide needs, isn’t easy but if you have a dedication and you love helping,
probably all the tiredness will be vanished. Even if it is a little thing, do something for
which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in the
world all of your own. Seeing them relieve all the suffering they have,in a simple way
we conduct the activity, we feel grateful as facilitator that we able them to make
happy.I believe in helping others. Whether it is something big or small, I think that
one simple act of kindness can make a huge impact. We all should be kind and helpful
and being helpful means we should be ready for lending a helping hand to anyone
who needs it. Even if they are strangers, we should help in times of need we should
help in times of need. The more you help others the more blessings you receive.

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