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Trident University International

MGT302 Organization Behavior and Teamwork

Organizational Culture and Diversity

The working population of an organization is not a singularity. Organizational diversity is

a phrase associated with the concept that personnel are distinctive in ways that influence their

experiences and interactions inside the organization. Additionally, it indicates that the business is

cognizant of these distinctions. Diversity is widely recognized as a vital and expanding aspect of

the workplace (Lakshminarayanan, 2021). This variety does not diminish the dependence of

organizations on their personnel to fulfill their responsibilities and collaborate with others.

A person's cultural identity might be based on their ethnicity, gender, nationality, race or

religion among other cultural criteria. Aesthetics, language, legacy, norms, practices and

traditions are all important parts of a culture's identity and are kept alive through the process of

teaching and learning them by the larger group (Chen, 2014). I, as a member of society, am often

identified to groups based on characteristics like my gender, religion, and race. Race is a

substance of the historical and current social, economic, educational, and political environments.

Although both racial and ethnic identities are acknowledged to be products of social

construction, the former is more frequently linked to people's reactions to experiences of racism

and discrimination, whereas the latter involves a sense of having a common history, culture, and

language with other members of the group (Charmaranan et al., 2010). The aforementioned

factors affect the way I communicate with my workmates, acquiring peers with different cultural

identifier such as gender, religion and race. Consequently, it opens an opportunity for myself to

broaden my perspective and understand differences between people.

Diversity in the workplace is bound to happen in the modern era, due to migration

and inclusion of the global unit. Acquiring a diverse workplace creates both challenge and

opportunity for its management and employees (Fassinger, 2008). By working with individuals

of various cultural identity, I have expanded my repertoire of interpersonal skills. Furthermore, I

have seen varying perspectives on culturally sensitive issues from peers of different religion. In

terms of communicating with other race, I've picked up new traditions from their native land. I

have also become aware of how my communication approach alters when I'm speaking with

someone of the opposing gender. It is noted that influences in employee participation changes

within the workplace might influence how individuals act towards one another

(Lakshminarayanan, 2021).

Amongst the aforementioned cultural identifier, I have mentioned, I find race best

identifier among all. Collaborating with different ethnicity fascinates me discovering their own

set of customs and traditions. On the other hand, the least identifier I find is gender. Since,

modern era have been identifying various gender, I find different gender identity equal and

equating it into today’s norm.

Consequently, among communicating towards peers, I have experienced having

stereotypes that affects my cultural identity. As a woman, I have been expected to do a lot of

feminine things, from which is contrary to my field of work. Hence, in that kind of situation,

prejudice made a way to spark my motivation to destabilize femininity and masculinity.

To conclude, I find cultural identity and its diversity in the workforce beneficial to the

society. Exposure to different ethnicity, gender, nationality, race and religion in the workplace is

an opportunity for deeper understanding amongst each other. Increasingly, businesses are

investing more than ever before in efforts that promote and honor workplace diversity

(Scarborough et al., 2019).


Charmaraman, L., & Grossman, J. M. (2010). Importance of race and ethnicity: an exploration of

Asian, Black, Latino, and multiracial adolescent identity. Cultural diversity & ethnic

minority psychology, 16(2), 144–151.

Chen, V. (2014). Cultural Identity. [PDF]. Center for Intercultural Dialogue.


Fassinger, R. E. (2008). Workplace diversity and public policy: Challenges and opportunities for

psychology. The American Psychologist, 63(4), 252.


Lakshminarayanan, S. (2021). Organizational Diversity and Culture. [PDF]. Asian Women in

Corporate America: Emerging Research and Opportunities. 10.4018/978-1-7998-4384-


Scarborough, W. J., Lambouths, D., & Holbrook, A. L. (2019). Support of Workplace Diversity

Policies: The Role of Race, Gender, and Beliefs about Inequality. Social Science


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