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Ampere’s Law

Ampere’s Law is a mathematical relationship between magnetic fields and electric currents; it can be used to determine the
magnetic fields produced by currents in wires of any shape.

Suppose we choose an arbitrary path around a wire that

contains a current and cut that path up into infinitesimal
⃗⃗⃗ that contain a magnetic field 𝐵
sections 𝑑𝑙 ⃗.

Ampere’s Law

Sample Problem 4: Use Ampere’s Law to determine the magnetic field produced by a long straight wire with current I. HINT:
Choose a circular closed path.

We cut the circular path into infinitesimal

⃗⃗⃗ .
lengths 𝑑𝑙

By Ampere’s Law:
Magnetic field due to current I in a long straight
wire a perpendicular distance r from wire

Using Ampere’s Law


1.) Choose a closed pathway that satisfies the conditions of the problem. That is, the
pathway is symmetrical so that the magnetic field is constant along the entire
pathway. Also make sure pathway contains the point at which you are trying to
determine the 𝐵⃗.

2.) Make sure to choose a path such that the magnetic field is parallel with respect to
the pathway of integration.

3.) Determine the enclosed current that flows through the surface bounded by the chosen path of integration.
⃗ / I.
a. Use RHR#1 to determine direction of 𝐵
b. If chosen pathway does not enclose the total current, then you can use the current density (I/A) to calculate the current

Sample Problem 5:
Use Ampere’s Law to determine the magnetic field inside and outside the wire.
a. Outside: We choose a circular pathway with radius r outside of wire.

<- magnetic field outside wire

b. Inside:
By Ampere’s Law:
Choose circular closed path
inside wire with radius r that is
smaller than R.

The electric current enclosed in

this section is smaller than total

<-magnetic field inside wire

carrying a current I

Assessment 3:

1. A cylindrical wire with radius R carries an electric current I. Let I=60A and R=2.0mm.

a. Calculate the magnetic field at the surface of wire.

b. Calculate the magnetic field outside the wire at a distance of 5.00mm above
c. Calculate the Magnetic field inside the wire at a distance of 0.4mm below
the surface.

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