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It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives.

Do you
think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages.

Hard situations are inevitable for human life. As a result, to take risks is crucial for individuals in both
careers and private lifes. Although there are several disatvantages, but I am pretty sure that, its positive
sides overweight its negative sides. From my perspective taking risks making strong personality and
character and as a result who to take risks they achieve their goals however, it has some drawbacks
which I will extend both approach objectively.

First of all, in terms of making strong character and powerful leadership abilities taking risks are vital. It
is fact that, our future life depends on our decisions particularly high-risky decisions. It means that
people only who can leave their comfort zone they can achieve their goals. On the other hands, taking
risks helps people to improve critical thinking, problem solving as well as physical strength and
endurance skills in the critical times For example, among the requires skills for working in a high
positions particularly in government management, the one of the most important request skill from
candidates is “ the risk taking” ability.

However, risky decisions' have some drawbacks. The major difficulty is that some times you can lose
everything if you are not calculate your steps appropriately. Most of the time, without detail
investigation to take risks is failed particularly if people are inexperienced it is very difficult for them.
Sometimes young peoples consider that great enthusiasm and diligence is enugh for taking risk but they
are wrong.

In conclusion, from my point of view taking risk is the modern life’s demand and

The depicted chart illustrate what anthropology students from one institute did completing their
bachelor degree course. The illustrated table demonstrate the wages of the anthropologists in work
after half decade.

Overall, it is immediately that the full-time work the main rate b

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