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1-How can De Moivre's theorem be described?

De Moivre's Theorem is a mathematical formula that provides a way to raise complex numbers

to integer powers. It is named after the French mathematician Abraham de Moivre. The theorem

states that for any complex number z=r(cosθ+isinθ) and any positive integer n, the nth power of z

can be expressed as:


In other words, to raise a complex number to a power n, you can raise its magnitude (r) to the

power n and multiply the angle (θ) by n. The result will be a new complex number with a

magnitude raised to the power n and an angle multiplied by n.

2-What is the scope of this theorem?

The scope of De Moivre's Theorem is within the realm of complex numbers and trigonometry. It

is widely used in various fields of mathematics, physics, and engineering to simplify calculations

involving complex numbers, especially when raising them to integer powers or extracting roots.

Examples of roots using De Moivre's Theorem:

a) Find the square roots of z=4+4i:

First, write z in polar form: z=42(cos(π/4)+isin(π/4)).

Using De Moivre's Theorem for n=2:


Simplifying, I get:

b) Find the cube roots of =8:

Write w in polar form: w=8(cos(0)+isin(0)).

Using De Moivre's Theorem for n=3:


Simplifying, I get:


Examples of powers using De Moivre's Theorem:

a) Calculate z4 for z=3+3i

Write \(z\) in polar form: \(z = 3\sqrt{2}(\cos(\pi/4) + i \sin(\pi/4))\).

Using De Moivre's Theorem for \(n = 4\):

\[z^4 = (3\sqrt{2})^4 (\cos(\pi) + i \sin(\pi))\]

Simplifying, I get:

\[z^4 = 144(\cos(\pi) + i \sin(\pi)) = -144\]

b) Calculate w5 for w=5:

Write \(w\) in polar form: \(w = 5(\cos(0) + i \sin(0))\).

Using De Moivre's Theorem for \(n = 5\):

\[w^5 = 5^5 (\cos(0) + i \sin(0))\]

Simplifying, I get:

\[w^5 = 3125(\cos(0) + i \sin(0)) = 3125\]


Abramson, J. (2017). Algebra and trigonometry. OpenStax, TX: Rice University.

Retrieved from

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