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ED 202 – System Analysis

1. What do you think are the weaknesses of our Philippine Educational System why we could not
reach the 100% literary and numeracy rate? (10 pts)

There are possible factors that contribute to the challenges of achieving 100% literacy and
numeracy rate in the Philippines. These factors could possibly be the weakness of Philippine
Educational System that hinders in reaching the 100% literacy and numeracy rate.
The first factor that I think is the weakness of Philippine Educational System is
inadequate funding and resources. At present, education has the highest alloted budget but there is
still limitation to the capacity of schools to provide quality education, especially in poorer areas.
This can result in insufficient infrastructure, outdated textbooks and learning materials, and
underpaid teachers who may lack the necessary training and skills to effectively teach students. In
addition, unequal access to education also contributes to the poor result of literacy and numeracy
rate. Despite the government’s efforts to provide free education to all, not all students have equal
access to education due to factors such as poverty, geographical location, and cultural barriers.
For example, students in remote areas may have limited access to schools, while students from
indigenous communities may face discrimination and cultural barriers that hinder their
educational opportunities. Low teacher quality also affects the literacy and numeracy rate. The
quality of teachers in the Philippines varies widely, with some highly qualified and dedicated
teachers, while others may lack the necessary qualifications or motivation to teach effectively.
Moreover, many teachers may need additional training and support to effectively teach students
with diverse learning needs and backgrounds. Meanwhile, outdated curriculum and teaching
methods may also contribute to this. The education system in the Philippines may not adequately
prepare students for the demands of the modern world, such as the need for critical thinking,
creativity, and problem-solving skills. The curriculum may also be too focused on rote
memorization and standardized testing, rather than developing a deeper understanding of the
subject matter. Last factor that I think is one of the reason for low literacy and numeracy rate is
poor learning environment. Many schools in the Philippines may not provide a conducive learning
environment due to factors such as overcrowding, lack of basic facilities like libraries and
computer labs, and safety concerns. Addressing these challenges will require a concerted effort
from all stakeholders, including the government, educators, parents, and students, to prioritize and
invest in education and ensure that all students have equal access to quality education.

2. In the Millennium Development Goal of 2015 (MDG), Universal Primary Education was given
emphasis in Goal #2. Its main objective is to ensure that children everywhere, boys and girls
alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary school. Can you say the goal of MDG in
education is already achieved in our time 2023? Give data or evidence to support your answer?

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were a set of eight international

development goals established by the United Nations in the year 2000, with a target deadline of
2015. One of the MDGs was to achieve universal primary education, which aimed to ensure that
all children, regardless of gender or other factors, complete a full course of primary schooling.
The MDG on universal primary education was not fully achieved by its target deadline of
2015, but significant progress was made in many countries, including the Philippines. According
to the 2021 Global Education Monitoring Report, the Philippines has achieved close to universal
primary education, with a primary net enrolment rate of 96% and a primary completion rate of
92% in 2020.
However, achieving universal primary education is just one aspect of the broader goal of
providing quality education for all. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which
succeeded the MDGs in 2015, set a more ambitious target of ensuring inclusive and equitable
quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030.
As of 2023, I can say that we are not yet there but we are almost there. With the projects
and programs by the government to address this goal, I can say that we can achieve this goal.
Since, SDG, where the MDG succeeded, is set to achieve by 2030, it is too early to tell if the
MDG goal on education has been achieved, as we are still seven years away from the deadline.
However, progress is being made in many countries, including the Philippines, towards achieving
the SDG targets on education.

3. Give at least five programs that were implemented to achieve Education for All (EFA). Explain
how are these programs contributed to the achievement of EFA. (5 pts each)

Here are five programs that were implemented to achieve Education for All (EFA) and how
they contributed to the achievement of EFA:

1. The Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) - This program was

implemented to provide an alternative pathway for out-of-school youth and adult learners to
access formal education. The PEPT allowed these learners to take an exam that would assess their
knowledge and skills, and if they pass, they could receive a certificate of completion that is
equivalent to a high school diploma. This program contributed to EFA by providing an
opportunity for those who were not able to complete formal schooling to acquire the necessary
education credentials to pursue higher education or employment.

2. The K-12 Basic Education Program - This program was implemented to align the
Philippine education system with international standards and to provide a more holistic and
relevant education to students. The K-12 program added two years to the basic education cycle,
which aimed to provide students with more time to develop their skills and knowledge before
entering the workforce or pursuing higher education. This program contributed to EFA by
expanding access to quality education and improving the overall quality of education in the

3. Alternative Learning System (ALS) - The ALS is a program that provides an

alternative pathway to education for those who are unable to attend formal schooling, such as
working adults, out-of-school youth, indigenous peoples, and other marginalized groups. The ALS
offers a flexible learning system that allows learners to study at their own pace and schedule. This
program contributed to EFA by providing an opportunity for those who cannot attend formal
schooling to acquire basic literacy and numeracy skills and to access higher education or

4. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) - This program is a conditional cash

transfer program that provides financial assistance to poor families to help them meet their basic
needs, such as food, health, and education. One of the conditions for receiving financial assistance
is that children must attend school regularly and maintain a certain grade level. This program
contributed to EFA by providing financial support to poor families and incentivizing school
attendance and academic performance among children.
5. Iskolar ng Bayan Program or the Voucher Program and GASTPE - This program
provides scholarships to talented and deserving students from low-income families to pursue
higher education in state universities and colleges. The program covers tuition, fees, and other
incidental expenses, and may also provide a stipend for living expenses. This program contributed
to EFA by expanding access to higher education for those who may not have the financial means
to pursue it, and by promoting social equity and mobility by providing opportunities for talented
students from low-income families to attain higher education.

4. The school as a social system has characteristics of being rational, natural and open system. How
are these disciplines blend for a school to deliver its functions effectively? (10 pts)

A school as a social system can be analyzed through different lenses, including the
disciplines of rational, natural, and open systems. Each perspective emphasizes different aspects
of the school as a social system and highlights different strategies for improving its effectiveness.

a. Rational discipline – this discipline views the school as a formal organization that is
designed to achieve specific goals through a rational and efficient system of rules and
procedures. The rational perspective emphasizes the importance of clear goals, well-defined
roles and responsibilities, and standardized procedures and practices. To deliver its functions
effectively, a school must have a clear mission and vision, well-defined policies and
procedures, and a system for monitoring and evaluating its performance against specific

b. Natural discipline. This discipline views the school as a complex social organism that
operates through informal networks of relationships and shared values and beliefs. The
natural perspective emphasizes the importance of building a positive school culture, fostering
strong relationships among stakeholders, and creating a supportive learning environment. To
deliver its functions effectively, a school must prioritize the well-being and development of its
students, teachers, and staff, and create a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration.

c. Open discipline. This discipline views the school as an open system that interacts with its
environment and adapts to changing conditions and demands. The open perspective
emphasizes the importance of responsiveness, flexibility, and innovation, and encourages
schools to be open to new ideas, perspectives, and approaches. To deliver its functions
effectively, a school must be responsive to the changing needs and expectations of its
stakeholders, adapt to new technologies and pedagogical approaches, and embrace a culture
of continuous learning and improvement.

Effective schools blend these different perspectives by recognizing the importance of

clear goals, well-defined roles and responsibilities, positive school culture, responsiveness,
flexibility, and innovation. Schools that can balance these different perspectives are more
likely to be successful in delivering their functions effectively, achieving their goals, and
providing a high-quality education for their students.

5. Fill in the table below to describe the Management Tools and Technique for decision making (5
pts each tool)


TO USE USE USE IN (at least one)
(1 sample

1. Delphi a method of The Delphi 1.Define the The Delphi The Delphi
Technique gathering and technique is problem. technique can be technique has
synthesizing expert typically used 2.Select the used in a variety of several advantages
opinions on a when there is a experts areas within that make it a useful
particular topic or need to gather 3.Administer the education like tool in a variety of
issue. It is a expert opinions first round of Educational policy settings, including:
structured process on a complex questionnaires making. The
that involves or 4.Collect and Delphi technique 1. The Delphi
multiple rounds of controversial analyze the can be used to technique allows
questionnaires or issue, and there responses. gather expert for the input of a
surveys, and it is is a desire to 5.Provide feedback opinions on diverse group of
designed to achieve achieve to the experts. educational experts with
consensus among a consensus 6.Repeat the policies, such as knowledge and
group of experts. among the process. those related to experience relevant
experts. 7.Communicate funding, to the problem or
the results. accountability, or issue being
teacher training. addressed. This can
Experts can help ensure that the
provide feedback solutions or
on the potential decisions reached
impact of different are informed by a
policies and broad range of
identify areas of perspectives.
agreement and
disagreement. 2. The Delphi
technique allows
experts to provide
feedback and
anonymously, which
can encourage more
honest and open
feedback. This can
help avoid the
influence of power
groupthink, or
biases that may be
present in face-to-
face interactions.

2. Cost a technique used to Cost-benefit To use CBA, Cost-benefit Cost-benefit

Estimate evaluate the analysis (CBA) decision-makers analysis (CBA) analysis (CBA) has
Benefits economic efficiency can be used in should follow can be used in a several advantages
of a project or a wide range of these steps: variety of areas that make it a useful
program. It involves situations 1.Identify the within education, tool in decision-
comparing the costs where costs and including making, including:
of the project or decision- benefits, Educational
program to its makers need to 2.Assign a programs. CBA 1. Comprehensive
benefits to determine evaluate the monetary value. can be used to evaluation: CBA
whether the benefits economic 3.Calculate the net evaluate the costs allows decision-
outweigh the costs. efficiency of a present value. and benefits of makers to evaluate
project or 4.Conduct educational both the costs and
program like sensitivity programs, such as benefits of a project
Project analysis. after-school or program, which
evaluation. 5.Make a programs, provides a more
decision. mentoring comprehensive and
programs, or balanced view of its
CBA can be a
teacher economic efficiency.
useful tool for
development. 2. Objective
to evaluate the
Decision-makers evaluation: CBA
can use CBA to provides an
efficiency of a
determine whether objective and
project or
the program is systematic method
program. By
economically for evaluating the
considering both
feasible and economic efficiency
the costs and
whether its of a project or
benefits of a
benefits outweigh program, which can
project or
its costs. help avoid biases
and subjective
can make
decisions that are
likely to
maximize its net

3. Program a project PERT is To use PERT, PERT can be used 1.PERT provides a
Evaluation management tool particularly follow these to manage school comprehensive
Review that can be used to useful for large steps: construction planning approach
Technique plan, organize, and and complex 1. Identify the projects, such as that considers all
(PERT) coordinate tasks projects with tasks. building a new the tasks required
within a project. numerous 2. Determine school or to complete a
interdependent task renovating an project, including
tasks dependencies. existing school. their
3. Estimate task PERT can help interdependencies.
times. identify the critical 2.PERT considers
4. Determine path of tasks that the availability
the critical need to be and allocation of
path. completed on resources, such as
5. Allocate time, such as personnel,
resources, design, permitting, materials, and
such as construction, and equipment, when
personnel, occupancy. scheduling tasks
materials, and within the project.
equipment, to This helps ensure
each task. that resources are
6. Monitor the used efficiently
progress of and effectively.
the project by 3.PERT helps
tracking the identify potential
completion of areas of risk or
each task. uncertainty in the
project schedule
and allows project
managers to
contingency plans
to mitigate these

4. Critical a project The Critical CPM can be a CPM can be used 1.CPM helps
Path management Path Method useful tool for to manage teacher identify the critical
Method technique used to (CPM) is can managing professional path of tasks that
(CPM) identify and schedule be used to plan, complex projects development must be completed
the critical path of organize, and with numerous programs, such as on time to ensure
tasks in a project. coordinate tasks interdependent training teachers the project is
The critical path is within a tasks. By on a new completed on
the longest sequence project. CPM is identifying the instructional schedule. This
of dependent tasks particularly critical path and approach or allows project
that must be useful for allocating technology. CPM managers to focus
completed on time to projects with resources can help identify their efforts on the
ensure the project is numerous efficiently, project the critical path of most critical tasks
completed on interdependent managers can tasks that need to and allocate
schedule. tasks, where ensure the timely be completed on resources
identifying the completion of the time, such as efficiently.
critical path is project and curriculum 2.CPM considers the
essential to minimize the risk development, availability and
ensure the of delays or cost training, and allocation of
project is overruns. implementation. resources, such as
completed on personnel,
schedule. materials, and
equipment, when
scheduling tasks
within the project.
This helps ensure
that resources are
used efficiently
and effectively.

5. Problem a tool used to Problem Tree To use Problem Problem Tree 1. Problem
Tree identify and analyze Analysis is Tree Analysis, Analysis can be Tree Analysis
Analysis the underlying often used in follow these used to identify encourages
causes and effects of combination steps: and analyze the stakeholder
a particular problem with other root causes of low engagement and
or issue. It is a tools, such as 1. Identify student participation in the
visual tool that helps Stakeholder the problem: achievement, such problem-solving
stakeholders to Analysis and Identify the as inadequate process, which can
understand the root SWOT problem or issue teacher training, help build
causes of a problem Analysis, to that needs to be lack of resources, consensus and
and to identify develop addressed. or ineffective support for
possible solutions. comprehensive 2. Identify curriculum. solutions.
Problem Tree solutions to the effects or 2. Problem
Analysis is often complex symptoms of the Tree Analysis is an
used in project problems. The problem. action-oriented tool
management, policy aim is to 3. Identify that helps
development, and identify the the underlying stakeholders
community underlying causes of the develop practical
development. causes of the problem. solutions to the
problem and to 4. Analyze problem or issue,
develop 5. rather than just
solutions that 6. the causes identifying the
address these and effects of the problem.
causes, rather problem to
than just identify the
addressing the relationships
symptoms of between them.
the problem. 7. Develop
an action plan to
address the
causes of the

6.SWOT a strategic planning We use SWOT SWOT analysis is SWOT analysis 1. SWOT
tool used to evaluate analysis to a useful tool for can be used in analysis encourages
the Strengths, evaluate an strategic planning school planning to stakeholder
Weaknesses, organization's and decision- evaluate the engagement and
Opportunities, and current making. By strengths, participation in the
Threats of an position and identifying weaknesses, strategic planning
organization, project, determine its internal and opportunities, and process, which can
or individual. It is a future external factors threats of a school. help build
simple yet powerful direction. It that affect the This can help consensus and
tool that can help helps in objective, school support for
stakeholders identify identifying stakeholders can administrators strategies and
internal and external internal develop strategies develop strategies decisions.
factors that affect strengths and that leverage their to improve school 2. SWOT
their situation and weaknesses strengths, mitigate performance and analysis provides a
develop strategies to that can be their weaknesses, ensure the success comprehensive
maximize their utilized or capitalize on of the school. approach to
strengths, mitigate improved, as opportunities, and analyzing an
their weaknesses, well as external address threats, organization,
capitalize on opportunities leading to more project, or
opportunities, and and threats that effective and individual by
address threats. can impact the efficient identifying its
organization. outcomes. internal strengths
and weaknesses as
well as external
opportunities and
6. Analyze your INSET Program Implementation using SWOT. (10 pts)
1. The INSET program provides valuable oportunities for teachers to enhance
their knowledge, skills, and pedagogical practices.
2. The INSET program promotes collaboration among teachers, allowing them
to share experiences, resources, and best practices.
3. By investing in the professional development of teachers, the program can
have a lasting positive impact on the overall quality of education in schools.

1. Limited time for INSET sessions restrict the depth of coverage for certain topics and
limit the extent of hands-on practice and implementation.
2. Some teachers may exhibit resistance to adopting new approaches or techniques,
particularly if they are accustomed to their existing practices.
3. Resource Constraints: Insufficient availability of resources, such as funding,
materials, or technology, may limit the scope and effectiveness of the INSET

1. The INSET program can introduce teachers to innovative teaching methods,
pedagogical approaches, and emerging educational technologies.
2. Involving parents, community members, and other stakeholders in the INSET
program can foster a supportive environment and strengthen the partnership
between schools and the community.
3. The program can adapt to address evolving educational priorities, such as digital
literacy, inclusive education, or socio-emotional learning.

1. Budget constraints or competing priorities may result in insufficient funding for
the INSET program, compromising its quality and reach.
2. Teachers’ busy schedules and heavy workloads may limit their availability and
participation in INSET sessions, affecting the program’s effectiveness.
3. Lack of Evaluation and Monitoring: Without proper evaluation and monitoring
mechanisms in place, it may be challenging to assess the impact and
effectiveness of the INSET program accurately.

8. Make a program plan (diagram only) of your new two-story building donated by LGU using the
Critical Path Method (CPM) 10 points.

Planning and Design

Permitting and Approval
Site Preparation
Foundation Construction (4)
/ |
/ |
Structural Electrical and
Framing (5) Plumbing Install (6)
| |
| |
Interior and Inspection
Exterior Finish (7) and Certification (9)
| |
| |
Landscaping (8) Landscaping (8)

In this diagram, each activity is represented by a node, and the arrows between nodes
represent the dependencies between them. The numbers in parentheses show the activity numbers for
The diagram shows that the project starts with the Planning and Design phase (1), which must
be completed before moving onto the Permitting and Approval phase (2). Next, the Site Preparation
phase (3) can begin, which is followed by Foundation Construction (4). Once the foundation is
complete, the Structural Framing (5) and Electrical and Plumbing Install (6).
After the major construction work is complete, the project moves onto the Interior and
Exterior Finish phase (7). Once the finishes are complete, Landscaping (8) can begin. Finally, the
project concludes with Inspection and Certification (9).
This project network diagram can be used to identify the critical path, which is the longest
path of activities that must be completed on time in order to complete the project on schedule. The
critical path in this example includes Planning and Design (1), Permitting and Approval (2), Site
Preparation (3), Foundation Construction (4), Structural Framing (5), Electrical and Plumbing Install
(6), Interior and Exterior Finish (7), Landscaping (8), and Inspection and Certification (9).
The time required to build a two-story building in a school can vary depending on several
factors, including the size of the building, the complexity of the design, the availability of materials
and lab or, and the permitting and approval processes.
Based on estimates, the total time required to build a two-story building in a school can range
from one to two years or more, depending on the specific factors involved. It's important to note that
this is just an estimate, and the actual time required can vary depending on the specific details of the

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