Time and Attendance Policy Final

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USHG Time and Attendance Policy

At USHG, we hold ourselves and every team member to each of the following family values: excellence, hospitality,
entrepreneurial spirit and integrity. We define excellence as “doing what needs to be done, as well as it can possibly be
done”. Excellence is the foundation of the USHG business and in order to be excellent you must arrive on time for every
shift, correctly record your time, and work your scheduled shifts. The guidelines in this policy apply to all employees in
our businesses, and those who do not follow them will be subject to discipline in accordance with the USHG Progressive
Discipline Policy.

Timekeeping: Recording Your Time

You must accurately record ALL the time that you work/break using the timeclock system in your business. This includes
hours worked, attendance at meetings, mandatory trainings, and breaks. You are required to clock in and out on every
shift/break. Non-exempt employees must be paid for every hour worked and are never permitted to work “off the clock”.
Falsifying or tampering with your own time record, or another employee’s time record, is against this policy and will result
in immediate termination of employment. Report to your manager any request to falsify or inaccurately report your time
or another team member’s hours.

Communication Expectations

Communication is one of the keys to our success as a team. If there is any reason that you cannot work a scheduled shift
or will be late to a scheduled shift, you must contact your direct manager with as much advance notice as possible before
the start of the scheduled shift. If you are unable to reach your manager live, leave a voicemail message for your manager
and send an email that includes as much detail as possible. Only a manager at your business can accept your verbal
notification of lateness or absence.

Lateness, Excused and Unexcused Absences

Definition of an Unexcused Lateness Definition of Unexcused Absence Definition of an excused Lateness or Absence
• Clocking in after the start time of a • Failing to report to a scheduled shift, a • Absences will be considered excused if
regularly scheduled shift, scheduled shift that a team member picked up or a team member requests the time off
meeting, mandatory training, or any swapped with another team member in accordance with one of our LOA
shift that a team member “picks up” (with prior approval from a manager), policies, and/or applicable federal,
or “swaps” and agrees to work for or attend scheduled staff meetings and state or local law, including NYC
another team member; mandatory training classes; or and/or DC Earned Safe and Sick
• Returning late and/or clocking in after • Inability to complete a scheduled shift, Time, permitting a leave of absence
the end time of a scheduled break even upon notifying a manager; or (assuming the team member has
without prior approval from a • Failing to report to work without obtained prior necessary approvals for
manager. communicating with your manager for the leave and is eligible in accordance
• Please note that upon clocking in for three consecutive shifts could be with the leave policy, and/or
your shift, you should be dressed in deemed a voluntarily resignation by applicable law).
accordance with your business dress you. • Lateness or absence excused at a
code and ready to begin work. You manager’s discretion due to unusual
may clock in up to ten (10) minutes unforeseen circumstances, such as a
prior to the scheduled start time of traffic accident, an unusual public
any shift if there is a business need. transportation delay, or sudden
inclement weather.

No Call, No Show – Job Abandonment

Any team member who does not call or show up for two scheduled shifts in a row will be subject to immediate termination
for job abandonment.
USHG, LLC © 2020
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Electronically Signed By
Amy Yi 3/23/2022

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