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GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Answer each question clearly. NO ERASURE, ERASURE means WRONG.

TEST I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Answer the following questions given. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Is classified into three periods such as; Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), and Neolithic (New Stone
Age) Eras.
a. Pre-historic art c. Greek art
b. Egyptian art d. Roman art
2. Was one of the early civilizations that have greatly contributed in the development of art, religion, science, and technology
of the world. Is primarily religious in nature.
a. Prehistoric civilization c. Greek civilization
b. Egyptian civilization d. Roman civilization
3. It is also called picture arts or picture writing.
a. Hieroglyphic c. Hyperactivity
b. Hypostatic d. Historicisms

4. Depicts naturalism. They portray human forms in a realistic and anatomically correct manner. Their art has a conservative
form with a very complex detail.
a. Ancient Gothic art c. Ancient Greek art
b. Prehistoric art d. Ancient Egyptian art
5. Developed as a new source of artistic creativity much more progressive than the conservative Greek art. The diversity of its
form and its variety inspired the modern attitude in art.
a. Gothic Art c. Romanesque Art
b. Prehistoric Art d. Roman art
6. Was purposely made to glorify the Christian religion and to express its mystery. It is filled with spiritual symbolism,
illustrates a love of splendor. It was a combination of Eastern (decorative art forms) and classical Western art (naturalistic
a. Greek Art c. Romanesque Art
b. Gothic Art d. Byzantine Art
7. was characterized by its very vigorous style in painting and sculpture, lavishly decorated manuscripts, and retained many
basic features of Roman architectural styles. It was also greatly influenced by Byzantine art with a highly innovative and
coherent style.
a. Romanesque Art c. Egyptian Art
b. Greek Art d. Prehistoric Art
8. The basic characteristics of this styles reinforce symbolic meanings. The church symbolizes the transcendence of the soul,
and the underlying philosophy is to create buildings of height and light.
a. Prehistoric Art c. Egyptian Art
b. Gothic art d. Greek Art
9. Science that deals with past human life and activities by studying the bones
a. Paleontology c. Archaeologies
b. Anthropologist d. Historicism
10. Study of human races, origins societies and cultures.
a. Paleontology c. Archaeologies
b. Anthropologist d. Historicism
11. It was discovered on 12 September 1940 and given statutory historic monument protection. The painting has nearly 2,000
figures composed mainly of animals, human figures and abstract design.
a. Villa of Mysteries c. Sarcophagus of Tutankhamen
b. Tomb of the divers d. Cave of Lascaux
12. Method of painting water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster usually on a wall surface.
a. Fresco c. Mosaic
b. Encaustic d. Stained Glass
13. Work of art that developed by Greek ship builders, who used the hot wax to fill the cracks of the ship.
a. Fresco c. Mosaic
b. Encaustic d. Stained Glass
14. A low bowl with two horizontal handles and a low broad foot.
a. Pelike c. Lebes gamikos
b. Lekanis d. Krater
15. A kind of vase with high handles and lid use to carry bridal bath)
a. Pelike c. Lebes gamikos
b. Lekanis d. Krater
16. It is an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones, or other
a. Drawing c. Sculpture
b. Painting d. Mosaic
17. It also shows traces of Mozarabic influence (Arabize influence) through elongated oval faces, large staring eyes and long
noses, figures against flat colored bands and heavy outlining.
a. Gothic Painting c. Greek Painting
b. Romanesque Painting d. Roman Painting
18. have been confined in the illumination of manuscript pages and the painting of frescoes on the walls of churches in
cosmopolitan style, elegant, mannered and sophisticated.
a. Romanesque Painting c. Greek Painting
b. Gothic Paintings d. Roman Painting
19. windows were created to transform the vast stone interiors with warm and glowing color and at the same time to instruct
Christians in their faith.
a. Painted Glass c. Stained vases
b. Stained glass d. Painted glass
20. It is carved from limestone with excessively heavy breast and abdomen used as charm to ensure fertility.
a. Queen Nefertiti c. Venus of wellendorf
b. Venus of Brassempouy d. Museed’Archéologie
21. A sculpture of a lady with the hood. It is a fragmentary ivory figurine from the Upper Paleolithic era that realistically
represents the human face and hairstyle
a. Queen Nefertiti c. Venus of wellendorf
b. Venus of Brassempouy d. Museed’Archéologie
22. Were tense and stiff, their bodies were hidden within enfolding robes. Had evolved and showed all the points of human
anatomy and proportion.
a. Roman sculpture c. Romanesque sculpture
b. Greek sculptures d. Gothic sculpture
23. Shows an attitude of maximum tension, full of compressed energy, and about to explode an action.
a. Marble c. Myron
b. The Thinker d. The blue wheel
24. Made of monumental terra-cotta. They did not attempt to compete with the free-standing Greek works of history or
mythology but rather they produced reliefs in the Great triumphal columns with continuous narrative reliefs around.
a. Roman sculptures c. Romanesque sculpture
b. Greek sculptures d. Gothic sculpture
25. Some of the famous sculptural pieces are reliquaries, altar frontals, crucifixes, and devotional images. Small individual
works of art were generally made of costly materials for royal and aristocratic patrons.
a. Romanesque sculpture c. Gothic sculpture
b. Roman sculpture d. Greek sculpture
26. A huge stone standing vertically on the ground, usually standing in the middle of the field or arranged in rows.
a. Cromlech c. Stonehenge
b. Menhir d. Dolmens
27. These structures are in a form of table consisting of two Huge standing stones supporting a horizontal giant stone. It is
believed that it served as grave or as an altar.
a. Cromlech c. Stonehenge
b. Menhir d. Dolmens
28. It is a circle of standing stones.
a. Cromlech c. Stonehenge
b. Menhir d. Dolmens
29. Best preserved megalithic site in Europe, a group of stones arranged in concentric circles, with a large external circle of
triliths, two internal circles built in a similar manner and altar-shape stone in the center.
a. Cromlech c. Stonehenge
b. Menhir d. Dolmens
30. It is a type of Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, rectangular structure with outward sloping sides. It was made of
mud-bricks or stone.
a. The Colosseum c. Mastaba
b. The Parthenon d. The Sphynx
31. The Greatest Classical temple, ingeniously engineered to correct an optical illusion. The columns were slightly contorted,
swollen at the center and leaning inward to correct what would otherwise have been an impression of deadness and top
a. The Colosseum c. Mastaba
b. The Parthenon d. The Sphynx
32. Known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is an oval amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy. Built of travertine, tuff,
and brick-faced concrete, it is the largest amphitheatre ever built. The Colosseum is situated just east of the Roman Forum.
a. The Colosseum c. Mastaba
b. The Parthenon d. The Sphynx
33. One of the biggest domes ever created with 108 feet in diameter and because of its grand size it can still be seen from miles
a. Hagia Sophia museum c. Hanalolo Sophia museum
b. Huro Sophia museum d. Haiga Sophia museum
34. Displayed solid masonry walls, rounded arches and masonry vaults. It is the period of great building activities in Europe,
castles, churches, monasteries arose everywhere.
a. Roman Architecture c. Byzantine Architecture
b. Romanesque Architecture d. Gothic Architecture
35. What are the 3 orders of Greek architecture?
a. Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. c. Solid, Liquid and Gas
b. Gothic, Solitic, and Persiand. Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic


Directions: Identify the following pictures given. Write your answer on the space provided. (Prehistoric, Egyptian,
Greek, Roman, Romanesque, Byzantine, Gothic)

Egyptian Gothic Romanesque


Greek Prehistoric Byzantine Roman

Byzantine Roman Gothic Greek


Directions: Answer the following questions given. Write your answer beside the given question.

1. What is Painting? (5Pts)


2. What is Sculpture? (5Pts)


3. What is Architecture? (5Pts)


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