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Abilities and opportunities

Chapter 4: Abilities and


Page 122.
Before and while you read Text A
Predicting the content of the text

Look at the eight statements about abilities and opportunities below.

Before you read, decide whether the statements are generally true,
untrue or partially true. Note your answers in the left-hand column.
While you read the text, decide whether each sentence is true, untrue
or partially true in the case of Michael Oher. Note your answers in the
right-hand column.
In general: Eight statements about abilities and In Michael’s case:
true/untrue/ true/untrue/probably
probably true true
A child born into a poor family might not
have important learning skills.

Poverty and a lack of safety can lead to poor

health and social problems.

Unhealthy and stressed children are less likely

to succeed at school.

Poor children have very poor social skills at


Children with big problems can learn if they

are cared for.

Successes in one area can help a child to find


Greater self-esteem leads to greater success in

other areas of life.

Poor children are not likely to become

successful adults.

Abilities and opportunities

Page 124.
Text handling: Factual assessment of Text A

True/false with justification

Read the text carefully and identify which of the statements below
are true and which are false. Justify each answer with a relevant brief
quotation from the text. Write your answers in the table below. Both a
correct identification and a quotation are required for one mark.
True False
Example: Michael had eleven siblings. x
Justification: “He was one of twelve children”
1. Michael’s parents took good care of him when he was a little

2. He was very poor learner in elementary school.


3. Although Michael lacked a stable home life he stayed on at


4. At 16 he passed an exam to go to Briarcrest Christian School.


5. The Tuohy family gave Michael the domestic stability he had

never had.

6. The Tuohys treated Michael like a son.


7. Michael always worked independently to improve his academic


8. He became a professional footballer while he was still at school.


Abilities and opportunities

Page 125.
Multiple-choice questions
Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D. Write the letter in the
answer box provided.
9. In the first 16 years Michael went without:
A. attending school
B. playing football
C. a proper place to live
D. good health.

10. Until meeting the Tuohy family Michael did badly at

school because:
A. he was a poor student
B. he could not read or write
C. he lacked a proper family life
D. he was not interested in school.

11. As well as safety and stability Michael also found:

A. financial success
B. quick academic success
C. a sense of belonging to a real family
D. a sense of independence.

12. Michael was able to improve his school grades because of:
A. tutoring and hard work
B. his footballing skills
C. extra help from his school
D. his kind and friendly personality.

Abilities and opportunities

Short-answer questions
Answer the following questions:

13. What three qualities allowed Michael to become an excellent

football player?

14. Which phrase tells us that Michael had offers from many

15. Which phrase explains why the author Michael Lewis wanted to
write a book about Michael Oher?

16. Summarize the different ways in which the Tuohys assisted and
supported Michael?

Abilities and opportunities

Page 127.
Formative writing skills – Description
Imagine you are one of Michael Oher’s classmates. Write a description
of 16-year-old Michael and his ambitions to be a great sportsman. Use
the text and the pictures in this section to help you. You could put
your thoughts into a letter to a friend, a diary entry, or blog. Write
between 200 and 250 words.
Planning and scaffolding
Complete the chart below and use it to help you gather your ideas.
Describe what you know about the young man.
Description Things you know 
His background

His appearance

His actions and behavior

The reaction of people

around him
•  Teachers
•  Classmates
•  The Tuohy family

His motives and

•  School subjects
•  Sports

Abilities and opportunities

How difficult is it to achieve our ambitions?

Page 128.
Before you read Text B
Children who grow up in poverty, like the young Michael Oher, have
to overcome a huge number of barriers to success. Here is a list of such
In groups rank all these problems on a scale of 1–5 and discuss.
Choose the five problems you think are the most important barriers to
success. Share your results with the class.
Life’s Problems 1 2 3 4 5
(least) (most)
• Being cold

• Few chances to succeed

• Few opportunities to succeed

• Friendlessness

• Homelessness

• Hopelessness

• Illness

• Inadequate clothing

• Insecurity

• Lack of ambition

• Low self-esteem

• No job opportunities

• No family

• No sense of being wanted

• No sense of future

• Poor school grades

• Poverty

Abilities and opportunities

Page 129.
While you read Text B
Matching parts of a text
Match five of the headings to paragraphs A–E in Text B. Write your
answers in the table below.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Heading Paragraph
• Safety needs

• Esteem needs and the need to understand

• Health matters

• Biological and physiological needs

• Self-actualization

• Economic needs

• The need for love and belonging

• Educational needs

Abilities and opportunities

Page 130.
Text handling: Factual meaning of Text B

Short-answer questions
Read the first four paragraphs and answer the following questions:

1. What question did Maslow want to answer?

2. What answer did he come to?

3. What happens when we fulfil one need?

4. Why did Maslow call the system he invented a “hierarchy”?

5. What short phrase describes the major problems we can face?

Multiple-choice questions
Read the rest of the text and choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.
6. Maslow said that hunger:
A. prevents learning
B. makes learning difficult
C. does not matter
D. makes us learn well.

Abilities and opportunities

7. According to Text B safety needs to include protection from:

A. danger, hunger and violence
B. violence, war and thirst
C. sleep, hunger and warmth
D. violence, bad weather and danger.

8. According to paragraph C, our need to belong to a family

and to a group:
A. help us to learn from others
B. make us ambitious
C. give us good friends
D. give us a good future.

9. According to paragraph D, if we have high self-esteem we can:

A. make friends easily
B. understand our lessons without difficulty
C. deal with difficulties
D. tell the difference between right and wrong.

10. According to paragraph E, self-actualization means:

A. we can become high earners
B. we can achieve our personal goals
C. we will be self-satisfied
D. we can do any job we want.

11. According to paragraph E, transcendence involves

A. travelling the world
B. trying to make the world a better place
C. being childish
D. knowing more than everyone else.

Abilities and opportunities

Page 134.
Formative writing activity
Write a description of 200 to 250 words of one of the Cambodian
children, Thyda, Vuth and Sreylin from the exercise above. Describe
the child, and his or her ambitions and hopes for the future. Use
the results of the discussion above to help you. You could put your
thoughts into a letter to a friend, a diary entry, or blog.

Planning and scaffolding

Complete the chart below to help you gather your ideas. You may
choose to use all or only some of the ideas.
Description Things you imagine
Home and background


Actions and behaviour

Likes and dislikes

Motives and ambitions

The reaction of people

around him/her
•  Parents
•  Teachers
Abilities and opportunities

Abilities and opportunities

Page 136.
Thinking about connections and messages

Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D.
1. Identify the form of the message in visual texts 1–4.
Text Answer Form
Visual text 1 A. Advert
Visual text 2 B. Sign
Visual text 3 C. Entertainment
Visual text 4 D. Instruction
E. Storybook

2. The purpose of the message in visual texts 1–4.

Text Answer Purpose
Visual text 1 A. Narrate
Visual text 2 B. Explain
Visual text 3 C. Instruct
Visual text 4 D. Persuade
E. Describe

3. The author/sender of visual texts 1–4 is probably:

Text Answer Author/sender
Visual text 1 A. An advertiser
Visual text 2 B. An instructor
Visual text 3 C. A journalist
Visual text 4 D. A business
E. A creative artist

4. The readers/recipients of visual texts 1–4 are:

Text Answer Readers/recipients
Visual text 1 A. A general

Visual text 2 B. An audience

with a specific
Visual text 3  C. An audience
belonging to a
specific age range
Visual text 4

Abilities and opportunities

5. The nature of the message in visual texts 1–4 is:

Text Answer Nature
Visual text 1 A.Literal and
Visual text 2 B. Abstract and
Visual text 3 C. Both literal and
Visual text 4

6. The format used in visual texts 1–4 is:

Text Answer Format
Visual text 1 A. Mainly visual

Visual text 2 B. A balance of

visual and text
Visual text 3 C. Mainly text

Visual text 4 D. All text

E. All visual

Abilities and opportunities

Page 138.
Formative written skills: Descriptions and blogs
Planning and scaffolding: Accuracy and organization
The title of your blog:

How will you get your

audience’s attention?
What is your big idea?

Main paragraphs

Ideas to support your main idea: A.

What are your main

2–4 points?




Final thought/conclusion.

You blog should be between 200

and 250 words in length.

Abilities and opportunities

Page 139.
While you read Text C
Text C is taken from a website which is looking to make a difference
to education. It suggests ways we can help people with fewer
opportunities than ourselves to develop their abilities to their
maximum potential.
As you read the text, complete these sentences using your own words.
Make sure the sentences make grammatical sense.

1. When you feed children, you make it

for them to go to school.

2. Children who get an education are able to earn

money as adults.

3. When a girl goes to school, she can

herself and her family for years to come.

4. An educated farmer knows how to make

of new farming methods.

5. Poor teaching leads to low to stay in

school and many children drop out.

6. We can make a difference by making a

of money for their education.

Abilities and opportunities

Page 141.
Text handling: Text C
True/false with justification
In this exercise, you must reread the text carefully and identify true
and false statements. The sentences below are either true or false.
Justify each answer with a relevant brief quotation from the text. Both
a correct identification and a quotation are required for one mark.
True False
Example: Hungry children do well at school. x

Justification: “Hunger limits a child’s ability to concentrate at school.”

1. Educated adults earn the same as the uneducated.

2. An extra year of education can give an adult 25% more in


3. A baby is more likely to grow up healthy if the mother has

been to school.

4. An educated girl can make a big positive difference to her


5. Literacy and economic growth are unconnected.


6. Children learn well in big classes.


Abilities and opportunities

Multiple-choice question
One of these statements is false. Choose the incorrect sentence from A,
B, C, or D.

7. When there is little money for education

A. the teachers get little training
B. the teachers can earn very little
C. the teaching is always very poor
D. the teaching can be very old-fashioned.

Short-answer questions
Answer the following questions.

8. The last paragraph suggests two ways we can help. What are they?

9. Which phrase in the final paragraph describes the purpose of


Research question
10. Do you think Text C is relevant to the education system in your
country? Give reasons for your answers.

Abilities and opportunities

How does audio-visual Text D communicate the

theme of personal development?

Page 145.
While you watch Text D
Respond to the tasks and answer the questions in the appropriate
1. This audio-visual stimulus seems to be related to which of
these MYP global contexts? (Underline your answer)
A. Identities and relationships D. Scientific and technical innovation
B. Orientation in space and time E. Globalization and sustainability
C. Personal and cultural expression F. Fairness and development

2. Use the table below to summarize the main points of the stimulus.
You may wish to add extra supporting points, if necessary.
Subject matter

Thesis —
main point

Supporting Example/
point 1 Evidence:

Supporting Example/
point 2 Evidence:

Supporting Example/
point 3 Evidence:

Supporting Example/
point 4 Evidence:


Abilities and opportunities

Multiple-choice questions with justifications

3. The approach to the subject matter of the audio-visual

stimulus is mainly:
A. entertaining
B. factual
C. persuasive
D. other:

4. How would you describe the content of the stimulus?

A. Really interesting
B. Interesting
C. Fairly interesting
D. Uninteresting

Multiple-choice questions

5. What was the format of the audio-visual stimulus?

A. Speech
B. Conversation/discussion
C. Debate
D. Documentary
E. Other:

6. The purpose of the audio-visual stimulus was to:

A. narrate a story
B. describe a situation
C. explain a problem
D. argue a point of view
E. give instructions/ guidelines
F. other:

Abilities and opportunities

7. How many points of view did the audio-visual stimulus show?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. More than three

8. The opinions in the audio-visual stimulus are:

A. very balanced
B. quite balanced
C. biased
D. very one-sided

9. How much use did the audio-visual stimulus use graphics?

A. A lot
B. More than twice
C. Once or twice
D. Never

10. Which of these techniques are used in the audio-

visual stimulus?
A. Voiceover
B. Special lighting techniques
C. Music and sound effects
D. Other special effects
E. None of the above
F. All of the above
G. Some of the above


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