UAGM Carolina AS Electronic Engineering Technology Assessment Plan

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Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of the Electronics Engineering Technology Program are expected to attain the following objectives:

1. Apply their knowledge in math, science, and engineering technology to solve technical problems related to
electronic systems (electricity, analog and digital circuits, electronic communication, and microprocessor /
embedded systems).
2. Manage, interpret, and communicate technical and non-technical documents in cross functional teams.
3. Apply ethical principles and show respect for diversity and culture.
4. Recognize the importance of continually improving their knowledge through continuing education and formal

Student Outcomes

1. An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering,
and technology to solve well-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
2. An ability to design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the engineering design of
systems, components, or processes appropriate to the discipline.
3. An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in well-defined technical and non-technical
environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature
4. An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the
results; and
5. An ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team.

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Updated on summer 2022

Student Outcomes
Courses Criteria
1 2 3 4 5 a b
ENGI 200 ♦ ♦
ENGI 160 ♦
ENGI 250 ♦ ♦
MATH151 ♦ ♦
MATH152 ♦ ♦
PHSC 228 ♦ ♦
EETE 220 ♦ ♦ ♦
EETE 220L ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
EETE 225 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
EETE 225L ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
EETE 230 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
EETE 230L ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
EETE 260 ♦ ♦ ♦
EETE 221 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
ETAP 300 + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021** 2021-2022 2022-2023
Student Outcome Academic Year Academic Year Academic Year Academic Year Academic Year Academic Year
2018-01 2019-01 2020-01 2021-01 2022-01 2023-01
2018-02 2019-02 2020-02 2021-02 2022-02 2023-02
1 • • •
2 • • •
3 • • •
4 • • •
5 • • •
**New Student Learning Outcomes
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Updated on summer 2022

SLO (1) an ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve well-defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.

Source Method (s) of Performance Performance Performance Target for
Performance Indicators Course(s)
Course(s) Assessment1 2017-2018 2019-2020 2021-2022* Performance
1.1 Problem solution is
EETP 215 EETE 221
appropriate and within Labs Rubric 89.6% 90% 94% 85%
EETP 216 EETE 220
reasonable constraints
Oral and Written
1.2 Applies mathematical MATH 130 Project Presentation
EETE 260
principles to achieve analytical MATH 131 Rubric
88.4% 85% 75% 85%
or numerical solution to model Review Test
equations. Prototype design
PHSC 203 PHSC 228
Labs Rubric
1.3 Examines approaches to Case Study Project
ENGI 250
solving an engineering ENGI 250 Departmental Final
ETAP 300 83.3% 83% 93% 85%
problem to choose the more EETE 230L Test
EETP 210
effective approach. Lab Rubric
Assessment and Evaluation of Data: Summative data for indicator # 1 were collected in lab courses EETP 215 and 216 (now EETE 221 and 220) where
students are required to understand electrical circuits’ fundamentals, perform measurements, and develop troubleshooting skills. Summative data for indicator
#3 were collected in the EETP 210 and ETAP 300 courses. The student performance at the EETP 210 (now ENGI 250, EETE 230L). course, is measured by
Case Study project rubric. In the ETAP 300 course, students are given a microprocessor-based project design including basic programming skills. Summative
data for indicator #2 were collected in courses PHSC 203, MATH 130 and 131 (now EETE 260 and PHSC 228). In lab course, PSHC 203, the students are
required to understand electrical circuits’ fundamentals, perform measurements, and develop troubleshooting skills. The student performance at the MATH 130
and 131 courses are measured by a comprehensive test. Summative data for indicator # 2 were collected in the EETP 210 and ETAP 300 courses. The student
performance at the EETP 210 course is measured by a Case Study project presentation rubric. In the ETAP 300 course, students are given a microprocessor-
based project design including basic programming skills.

* The results for 2021-2022 were calculated with the courses of the curricular change.
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Updated on summer 2022
Actions for Continuous Improvement:
2017-2018: The assessment results were reviewed by assessment coordinator and department’s director; and presented to faculty members (individually or
collectively). A program review process completed based on accreditation requirements, including: (a) program student outcomes were revised, (b) program
student outcomes and institutional rubrics were aligned, and (c) a curricular revision was implemented. The assessment results were reviewed by the
assessment coordinator and assistant dean; and presented to faculty members (individually or collectively).
2018-2019: New instrumentation equipment such as digital oscilloscopes, digital functions (signal) generator, bench multimeters, have been purchased to
upgrade the engineering labs. Software and Application are also incorporated on Laboratory courses for example: Online Applications such as MultiSimLive,
Eagle Autodesk, and TinkerCAD can be employed in EETE courses for academic and lab support in homework’s and laboratory reports. Also, for teaching
strategies and Lab Simulations improving comprehensive learning in the present and remote studentship.
2020-2021: It was discussed with the VP of Licensing and Accreditation to include a lab in the PHSC 228 course. The change is expected to be implemented
during the academic year 2022-23. Development of new syllabus and revision of the curriculum content. Revision of the program assessment plan. Alignment
new curriculum with the assessment methods, PLO, SLO and courses.
Results of Actions for Improvement:
2017-2018: Faculty participated in workshops of Problem Based Learning, Simulations, Flowcharts, Role-play, KWL, POGIL, IBL, and Action Research; to
apply these educational techniques in their courses. The associate Retention Vice-president hired tutors in mathematics, computer design, circuits, and digital
systems. The Faculty Advisor Program was established to increase retention in the Program. Laboratory technician was hired. Vex Robotics, Arduino
Microcontrollers, 3D printer, soldering tools, PCB materials. Tables, chairs, desks, and whiteboards were purchased for the laboratories. Development of new
rubrics and revision of the actual rubrics used in professional and concentration components.
2020-2021: Development of new syllabus and revision of the curriculum content. Revision of the program assessment plan. Alignment new curriculum with the
assessment methods, PLO, SLO and courses. Improve the engineering laboratories and course activities experiences. Physics Laboratory equipment was
acquired with remote operation capabilities to offer laboratory experience during pandemic. Revision of the program assessment plan. Alignment new
curriculum with the assessment methods, PLO, SLO and courses.

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SLO (2) an ability to design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the engineering design of systems, components, or
processes appropriate to the discipline.
Source Course(s) Method (s) of Performance Performance Performance Target for
Performance Indicators
Course(s) New Assessment2 2017-2018 2019-2020 2021-2022* Performance
Internship Rubric
ENGI 250 EETE 221 Prototype/Design
2.1 Problem procedure is
EETP 211 ETAP 300 Rubric
appropriate and within 94.4% 83% 94% 85%
EETP 210 EETE 230 Oral and Written
reasonable constraints.
ETAP 300 EETE 225 Project
Presentation Rubric
Internship Rubric
2.2 Project design shows
EETP 210 ETAP 300
understanding of the 91.7% 81% 96% 85%
ETAP 300 EETE 225 Prototype/Design
Assessment and Evaluation of Data: Students had a high performance for the indicator- Summative data for indicator # 2 were collected in courses ETAP
300, EETP 211, ENGI 250 and 210 (Now EETE 221, ETAP 300, EETE 230, EETE 225). In lab course EETP 211 the students are required to understand
electrical circuits’ fundamentals, perform measurements, and develop troubleshooting skills. ETAP 300 course is measured by a prototype design rubric. In this
course, students are given a microprocessor-based project design including basic programming skills. The student performance at the EETP 210 course is
measured by a written project presentation rubric.
Actions for Continuous Improvement:
2017-2018: The assessment results were reviewed by assessment coordinator and assistant dean; and presented to faculty members (individually or
collectively). Course assessment reports are presented by faculty at the end of semester using the web-based platform.
2019-2020: New instrumentation equipment such as digital oscilloscopes, digital functions (signal) generator, bench multimeters, have been purchased to
upgrade the engineering labs. Software and Application are also incorporated on Laboratory courses for example: Online Applications such as MultiSimLive,
Eagle Autodesk, and TinkerCAD can be employed in EETE courses for academic and lab support in homework’s and laboratory reports. Also, for teaching
strategies and Lab Simulations improving comprehensive learning in the present and remote studentship.

* The results for 2021-2022 were calculated with the courses of the curricular change.
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Updated on summer 2022
Results of Actions for Improvement:
2019-2020: Improve the engineering laboratories and course activities experiences. Revision of the program assessment plan. Alignment new curriculum with
the assessment methods, PLO, SLO and courses.
The purchase of these materials has made it possible to implement more effective teaching strategies and virtual lab scenarios, thereby expanding the scope of
learning for both on-campus and remote students.

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SLO (3) an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in well-defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to
identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Source Source Method (s) of Performance Performance Performance Target for
Performance Indicators
Course(s) Course(s) Assessment3 2018-2019 2020-2021 2022-2023 Performance

ENGI 200 Oral – Written

3.1 Writing conforms to ENGI 100
ETAP 300 Presentation Rubric
appropriate style format ETAP 300 87% 79% 85%
EETP 202
EETE 230L Lab Rubric

3.2 Oral: Body language and

ENGI 100 ENGI 200 Oral – Written
clarity of speech enhances 85% 97% 85%
ETAP 300 ETAP 300 Presentation Rubric
Assessment and Evaluation of Data: Students had a high performance for the indicator- Summative data for indicator # 3 were collected in courses ENGI
100, ETAP 300, EETE 220L, EETE 230L (Now ENGI 200, ETAP 300). ETAP 300 course is measured by a prototype design rubric. In this course, students are
given a microprocessor-based project design including basic programming skills. The student performance at the ENGI 200 course is measured by a written
project presentation rubric.

Actions for Continuous Improvement: List and describe program improvement actions related to this student outcome resulting from the evaluation
processes described above. Provide a brief rationale for each of these improvement actions. Alternatively, such information could be provided in report section
E above.
2020-2021: The training of students in the writing area will be considered. We have the INGS 201 course, but we should create a specific workshop for
engineering students and help them develop communication skills. They can set up a course in Black board Learn Plus so that students can take the course in
their own time. In the course there may be a test and a certificate of compliance with the process. The certificate can be evidence that the student completed
the competency development exercise.

Results of Actions for Improvement: Briefly describe the results of any changes (whether or not effective) in those cases where re-assessment of the results
has been completed. Details can be provided here or in the Self-Study Report section above as a separate discussion.

* The results for 2021-2022 were calculated with the courses of the curricular change.
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Updated on summer 2022
2020-2021: Currently, faculty refer students who needs improvement in the English language (oral and written) for tutoring services offered in our Campus. Our
campus’ library also offers workshops throughout the semesters focused on writing for research purposes and APA and MLA formats.

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SLO (4) an ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results.

Source Course(s) Method (s) of Performance Performance Performance Target for
Performance Indicators
Course(s) New Assessment4 2018-2019 2020-2021 2022-2023 Performance

4.1. Selects appropriate techniques, EETP 202

computer-based resources, and tools EETP 203 Lab Rubric
EETE 221
effectively in specific engineering EETP 216 95% 70% 85%
technology tasks.
ETAP 300 EETE 230L Prototype/Design
EETP 210 EETE 225L Rubric
Assessment and Evaluation of Data: Assessment data from each PI associated with the SO must be included in the table. Explain the extent to which the
student outcome is being attained based on the assessment and evaluation results.

Actions for Continuous Improvement: List and describe program improvement actions related to this student outcome resulting from the evaluation
processes described above. Provide a brief rationale for each of these improvement actions. Alternatively, such information could be provided in report section
E above.
2020-2021: A curricular review process has been implemented which has made it possible to address the low performance of students in 4.1. In collaboration
with the engineering program faculty, the curricula have been thoroughly revised and updated with a new focus on competencies.

Results of Actions for Improvement: Briefly describe the results of any changes (whether or not effective) in those cases where re-assessment of the results
has been completed. Details can be provided here or in the Self-Study Report section above as a separate discussion.
2020-2021: Laboratory experiments have been revised and updated in the course syllabus to provide a more technical experience using the capabilities offered
by the new equipment that was acquired in 2019-2020.

* The results for 2021-2022 were calculated with the courses of the curricular change.
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Updated on summer 2022
SLO (5) an ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team.
Source Method (s) of Performance Performance Performance Target for
Performance Indicators Course(s) New
Course(s) Assessment5 2018-2019 2020-2021 2022-2023 Performance

ENGI 100 ENGI 200 Written/Oral

5.1 Recognizes participant roles
ENGI 250 ETAP 300 Presentation Rubrics
in a team setting, assigning
90% 72% 85%
tasks evenly to assure team
success. Prototype/Design
ETAP 300 EETE 225L
EETP 210 EETE 230L
Lab Rubric
Assessment and Evaluation of Data: Assessment data from each PI associated with the SO must be included in the table. Explain the extent to which the
student outcome is being attained based on the assessment and evaluation results.

Actions for Continuous Improvement: List and describe program improvement actions related to this student outcome resulting from the evaluation
processes described above. Provide a brief rationale for each of these improvement actions. Alternatively, such information could be provided in report section
E above.
2020-2021: Integrate the usage of technology such as Google Docs to monitor individual student participation inside a team setting. The faculty will have
access to each team’s group.

Results of Actions for Improvement: Briefly describe the results of any changes (whether effective) in those cases where re-assessment of the results has
been completed. Details can be provided here or in the Self-Study Report section above as a separate discussion.

* The results for 2021-2022 were calculated with the courses of the curricular change.

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