Mana-Ay, Lawrence Angelo F. STEM 12-YA-12 GRADED RECITATION #3

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NAME: Lawrence Angelo F.

Mana-ay SECTION: STEM 12-YA-12

Based on my own perspective or point of view, comparing ourselves to others

has a negative effect on our own personality as a person because we will see
ourselves as a week person or a lack of being a human person, mostly we can hear
this in the mouth of our parents, relatives or even our neighbors, I think this is
normal right now because for us, as a person we are not contented on what we are
or on what we have, so we tend to find another to make us satisfy or to make us
feel contented. To add on to my answers, comparing ourselves to others not always
a negative way for me because for me comparing is also a positive way because I
do believe that if they compare ourselves to others we will know our weaknesses in
our lives and with that I’ll make it in a positive way in the way that I could make it
useful to improve my personality as a person.
As a respectful citizen, for me it is not okay to think we are better and more
superior than others because based on what my parents told me, they told me that I
should be humble in every thing I do. I know that in some point we will be in a
place that we are in above of them, but don’t use that power to treat them
inhumane because as a responsible citizen we should think that we are all the same,
no one should be prevail and no one should leave under. We are not the same
personality, faces, or even our traits as a person so there are times that we are
better than the others because we are made to be different but don’t use it as excuse
to think them that they are not a part of a human life.
The conclusion of this is we must think we have strength and weaknesses but
that’s not the reason to compare ourselves to others because we are born with
different characteristics and traits. Also, we must treat others the way they want to
treat us, what I mean is don’t place our selves as a high person because if we do
continue to stay in the high place people will disrespect you but on the other hand
if we choose to be at the same level they will treat us the way we want to be

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