#15 STUD - INTE - B2 - UA - блок

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Unit 1 Simple tenses/A car

car alarm
lorry, truck
steering wheel
windscreen wiper
number plate

Transport in the future

Meet the Watts. They are a three-car family in the near future which uses electric vehicles.
Bob is similar to most drivers. He charges his car at home overnight so it’s ready for the morning
rush hour. If he needs more electricity, there’s a ‘charging station’ in the office car park.
Sonia’s car travels about 30 kilometres on a full battery so it’s good for short trips such as going
to the shops or visiting friends nearby. The car also has its own computer which tells her if there
are traffic jams or road works on the road ahead.
Justin works from home but enjoys going on a long journey in his sports car at the weekend.
Instead of going to a petrol station for petrol, he can change his battery on the motorway or plug
into a high-voltage charger. Another device in the car’s engine stops him from going over the
speed limit.
Their neighbours still use a car with a petrol engine but most cars have electric engines. The
roads are quieter and there is less pollution so life is also better for pedestrians and cyclists!

1. Боб схожий на більшість водіїв.

2. На офісної парковці є зарядна станція.
3. Автомобіль Соні проїжджає близько 30 кілометрів на повному заряді.
4. Їх сусіди, як і раніше, користуються автомобілем з бензиновим двигуном.
5. У машини також є власний комп'ютер, який повідомляє їй, якщо є пробки.

Exercise 1. Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1. We ___________ (go) roller-skating last Saturday.

2. Our granny ___________ (bake) meat-pies every weekend.
3. We ___________ (write) an essay tomorrow.
4. I really ___________ (enjoy) the opera yesterday.
5. Where ___________ your husband ___________ (work) five years ago?
6. British people ___________ (prefer) tea to coffee.
7. Tom, ___________ you ___________ (meet) me at the railway station next Sunday?
8. Where ___________ she usually ___________ (celebrate) her birthdays?
9. ___________ you ___________ (have) a big family?
10. Newton ___________ (invent) the telescope in 1668.
11. When ___________ this accident (happen)?
12. I always ___________ (send) Christmas cards to my grandparents.
13. Nina and Nick ___________ (get married) in two weeks.
14. How many books ___________ they ___________ (bring) tomorrow?
15. Stanley ___________ (have) two sons and a daughter.

Exercise 2. Поставте to be в одну з форм Simple.

1. ___________ your girlfriend Italian?
2. I ___________ afraid of spiders.
3. There ___________ a lot of tourists in our café yesterday.
4. Peter ___________ in Africa next winter.
5. We ___________ never late for our Drawing classes.
6. I ___________ 70 years old in 2050.
7. She ___________ my neighbor last year.
8. It ___________ usually very hot in Egypt.
9. I ___________ born in September.
10. My parents ___________ doctors.

Exercise 3. Перетворіть позитивні (стверджувальні) речення в негативні.

1. This coat belongs to Jane.

2. I drive to Moscow once a month.
3. Your boss is very impudent.
4. The car stopped near the bank.
5. The soup was delicious.
6. The concert will start at 7 p.m.
7. Her shoes are dirty.
8. I bought the curtains for my bedroom.
9. I am a football fan.
10. Their wedding will be in spring.

Exercise 4. Translate in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

Клара потрапила в автомобільну аварію, коли їй було 10 років. Коли вона виросла,
вона боялася машин. Потім вона познайомилася з Бредом, який був професійним
автогонщиком. Він хотів їй допомогти і катав її на своїй машині кожен день.
Так, через 5 років Клара теж стала автогонщиком. Тепер вона їздить зі швидкістю 200 км
на годину і бере участь в спортивних чемпіонатах. Їй дуже подобається водіння, і у неї
багато планів на майбутнє.
У наступному році вона відкриє школу водіння. І Клара і Бред досить скоро поберуться.

Unit 2 Present continuous or past continuous/Airport, Travelling around the world
baggage claim area
check-in counter (desk)
departure lounge
flight attendant
hand luggage / carry-on luggage
life vest
oxygen mask
security guard

A tour under Paris

The great avenues are quiet, the shops are closed. There’s the smell of fresh bread from a
bakery somewhere. It would be hard to say which time of the day in Paris I prefer but this is
probably it. Soon the streets will be full of people and traffic. As with most other cities, you see
the real Paris when the city wakes up.
There is, however, another part of Paris which is silent and free from people 24 hours a
day. Under the city are hundreds of kilometres of tunnels. There are sewers and old subways but
there are also spaces of all kinds: canals and catacombs, wine cellars which have been made into
nightclubs and galleries. During the 19th century, the Parisians needed more stone for buildings
above the ground so they dug tunnels beneath the city. After that, many farmers grew
mushrooms in them. During World War II, the French Resistance fighters also used them. Since
the 1970s, many groups of young people spend days and nights below the city in these tunnels.
It’s a place for parties, theatre performances, art galleries – anything goes here!
Everywhere you go under Paris, there is history and legend. Historians and novelists
often refer to them in their books. For example, Victor Hugo mentions the tunnels in his famous
novel Les Miserables and in the story and musical The Phantom of the Opera there is a pond
beneath the old opera house. Most people think this is myth but in fact there is an underground
pond here with fish. A ‘normal’ tourist can visit parts of Paris beneath the ground. For example,
there are the catacombs beneath the Montparnasse district. Here you can see the bones and
skeletons of about six millions Parisians. The bodies came from cemeteries above the ground
two centuries ago when the city needed more space.
However, it’s illegal to enter other parts of the tunnels and police often search the area.
It’s also very dangerous because some of the tunnels might collapse. Nevertheless, there are
people who will take you to visit them. I have found two ‘unofficial’ tour guides – Dominique
and Yopie (not their real names). They take me through many tunnels and after a couple of hours
we arrive at a room which isn’t on any map. Yopie and some of his friends built it. The room is
comfortable and clean with a table and chairs and a bed. Yopie tells me there are many other

places like this. ‘Many people come down here to party, some people to paint … We do what we
want here.’

1. Десь пахне свіжим хлібом з пекарні.

2. Як і в більшості інших міст, ви бачите справжній Париж, коли місто прокидається.
3. Під час Другої світової війни їх використовували французькі бійці Опору.
4. Проте, є люди, які будуть приймати вас відвідати їх.
5. Ми робимо те, що хочемо тут.
6. Проте, це незаконно- входити в інші частини тунелів.

Exercise 1. Present continuous or past continuous.

1. I ___________ (water) the plants in the morning.
2. What ___________ (you do) at 6 o’clock yesterday evening?
3. They ___________ (wait) for the bus when the accident happened.
4. She ___________ (get) impatient.
5. The boys ___________ (play) in the garden.
6. It ___________ (rain) cats and dogs.
7. I ___________ (revise) my lessons now.
8. Somebody ___________ (knock) at the door.
9. We ___________ (wait) for the guests to turn up.
10. The students ___________ (shout) slogans outside the campus.
11. The birds ___________ (fly) in the sky.
12. John and Sandra ___________ (expect) their first child.
Exercise 2. Present Continuous or Past Continuous.

1.I (to write) an English exercise now.

2. I (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday.
3. My little sister (to sleep) now.
4. My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday.

5. My friends (not to do) their homework now.
6. My friends (not to do) their homework at seven o'clock yesterday.
7. You (to eat) ice-cream now?
8. You (to eat) ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday?
9. What your father (to do) now?
10. What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday?
Exercise 3. Present Continuous or Past Continuous.
1.I ____________ (to write) an English exercise now.
2. I ____________ (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday
3. My little sister ____________ (to sleep) now.
4. My little sister ____________ (to sleep) at this time yesterday
5. My friends____________ (not to do) their homework now. They ____________ (to play)
6. My friends____________ (not to do) their homework at seven o'clock yesterday.
They____________ (to play) volley-ball.
7. ____________ You ____________ (to eat) ice-cream now?
8. ____________ You ____________ (to eat) ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday?
9. What ____________ your father____________ (to do) now?
10. What____________ your father____________ (to do) from eight till nine yesterday?
11. Why____________ she____________ (to cry) now?
12. Why____________ she ____________ (to cry) when I saw her yesterday?
13. She ____________ (to read) the whole evening yesterday.
14. She ____________ (not to read) now.
15. Now she____________ (to go) to school.

Exercise 4. Translate in Present Continuous or Past Continuous.

7. Я сидів в залі очікування всю ніч.
8. Я пишу статтю про митниці зараз.
9. Ми спали весь день вчора.
10. Я намагаюся зрозуміти, як відкрити підлокітник.
11. Наш літак приземлявся 3 години вчора.
12. Я купую рятувальні жилети для рейсу зараз.
13. Ми вчилися, як надіти кисневу маску вчора в 6.
Unit 3 Modal verbs/Appearance
curly hair
wavy hair
to dye hair

Is Your Appearance Really That Important?

So, the answer to the question, is appearance really that important? is an absolute
YES. Appearance is the make or break factor that opens doors, minds and opportunities.
Do not judge by appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat. Don't judge a book by its
cover. Appearances are deceptive. All is not gold that glitters. We have heard these phrases
hundreds of times, but still when we meet someone, we always make a judgment based on his or
her appearance. So, why is appearance important? Is it more important than the human inner
world? Why do the employers look for the workers with a nice outlook first, and only then they
mention the professional skills.
Preparing for a date or for a job interview, going to the theatre or to some official ceremony, you
should make sure about your outlook. Remember: it takes just a few seconds for someone to
evaluate you. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your
appearance, your body language, and how you are dressed. To make a good first impression you
shouldn’t also forget about make-up. Use the accessories. Fine earrings will show your elegant
taste. A leather belt or an expensive watch for men and a leather shoulder bag or high heels for
women will complete your image of a successful person.
One more clue to success is a smile. “Smile and the world smiles to you too”, because smile is a
gun that can help you to create a good first impression. Be yourself and in such a way your weak
sides may turn into a great advantage. And remember that A good dress is a card of invitation, a
good mind is a letter of recommendation. So, pleasant outlook plus kindly soul plus professional
skills is a successful person.
1. Ваша зовнішність дійсно так важлива?
2. Це важливіше, ніж внутрішній світ людини?
3. Інша людина формує думку про тебе.
4. Посміхайся і світ посміхається тобі теж.
5. Шкіряний ремінь або дорогий годинник для чоловіків.

Exercise 1 Fill in: can, have to, may, might, must, need, should or (not)
1. George has travelled a lot. He ___________ speak many languages.
2. I can hear you quite well. You ___________ not shout.
3. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I ___________ go to Italy.
4. She ___________ ride her bike at night without lights. It's not allowed.
5. She ___________ not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure.
6. I ___________ understand him.He should speak louder.
7. It's later than I thought. I ___________ go now.
8. You ___________ find a better trainer if you want to improve yourself.
9. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she ___________ help you.
10. You ___________ not vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done it.
11. You ___________ be tired because you have worked very hard.
12. He ___________ come to my party because he is ill.
13. He ___________ go to the dentist when he has toothache.
14. It's not very important. You ___________ not do it now. You ___________ do it tomorrow.
15. ___________ you speak many languages?

Exercise 2. may, can, can’t, should, shouldn’t, must, nave to, needn’t, mustn’t, don’t have
to, doesn’t have to
1. ___________ I use your pen please ?
2. You ___________ write 30 sentences for homework.
3. You ___________ write 300 sentences ! 30 will be enough.
4. John ___________ speak so quickly.
5. She ___________ play the piano well.
6. Please excuse me, but I ___________ go now.
7. It's no good . - I just ___________ understand what you are talking about.
8. I ___________ watch TV tonight. I haven't decided yet.
9. You really ___________ see that film. It's great
10. You ___________ see that film. It's not so bad.
Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant:
1 - They ____ be on holiday, but I'm not sure.
2 - You ____ be right, but I'd still like to check.
3 - ____ you turn it down a bit please?
4 - It's OK- you ____ go when you've finished.
5 - Ask any questions now as you ____ not talk during the test.

6 - You ____ smoke in the cinema.
might not
7 - From the way he speaks, he ____ be from London.
8 - It's impossible- they _____ have finished it already!
9 - The weather ____ be better tomorrow.
10 - ____ you speak Japanese?

Unit 4 few/a few, little/ a little / The house

washing machine


Hi Ellie,
I’m so pleased you can come surfing in August! Paul, Rose and Kevin are coming too, so there
will be five of us. We’ve decided to return to New Sands for a couple of days, because the surf
board hire is so cheap there.
I’m starting to think about accommodation. We won’t camp again after last year! I hated staying
in a tent in all that rain!
Kevin wants to hire a caravan. There are some nice ones with 3 bedrooms, showers and cooking
facilities. The problem is, none of the caravan parks take short bookings in the summer. The
minimum stay is a week. It’s a shame because there are several nice parks near the beach.
There’s a hostel for young people in New Sands. It’s the cheapest option after camping, and there’s
a big kitchen and dining room where we can cook. The problem is, accommodation is in
dormitories and I don’t really want to sleep with strangers.
There are a few guest houses in New Sands. Some have triple rooms, so we only need to book two
rooms. We’ll have to book soon if we choose that option, because many guest houses are already
full. The hotels in New Sands are too expensive, although I’d love to stay at the Sunrise Pavilion
with its large pool!
The final option is to rent a cottage. I found one. It has three bedrooms – a double, a single and a
twin, so two of us would have to share a bed! There’s a big kitchen diner with a microwave,
washing machine and dishwasher. The living room has a TV and DVD player. There’s just one
bathroom, but there’s a separate WC. There’s a nice garden too. The problem is, it’s 5 miles from
the beach.

Let me know which option you prefer.


1. Проблема в тому, що це в 5 милях від пляжу.
2. У деяких є тримісні номери, тому нам потрібно забронювати тільки два номери.
3. Я починаю думати про житло.
4. Ми більше не були в таборі після минулого року!
5. Ми повинні будемо забронювати найближчим часом, якщо ми виберемо цей

Exercise 1. few or a few.

1. A few/few people swim in the sea in the winter.

2. He went out a few/few minutes ago.
3. Can I speak to you for a few/few minutes?
4. There were a few/few guests at the party. The hosts were unhappy.
5. I’m going shopping. I need to buy a few/few things for tonight’s party.

Exercise 2. little or a little.

1. I need a little/little Can you lend me some?

2. I can’t wait for you. I’ve got a little/little
3. You have a little/little time to finish the test. You must write faster.
4. I have a little/little free time for hobbies because I work a lot.
5. You don’t have to hurry. There is a little/little traffic at this time of the day.
6. There is a little/little snow on the ground. The children can’t make a snowman.

Exercise 3. Choose few or a few

1. Susan has ________ friends. She doesn’t feel lonely.
2. You have _________ mistakes in the test. Correct them!
3. There are ________ puddles on the road. Let’s put on rubber boots.
4. _______ apples are enough for me not to feel hungry.
5. We will come back in __________ days.
6. The weather was bad, but ________people came.
7. I really need to see him. I've got ________questions to ask him.

Exercise 4. Choose little or a little.

1. There is ________ bread in the cupboard. It’s enough for dinner.
2. The bottle was not empty. ________ water was left.
3. Would you like _________ water?
4. There is still _________ bread left.
5. Can I have _________ milk in my coffee? I like white.
6. There is still _________ work to do.

Exercise 5. Choose a few or a little.

1. There are only _________ biscuits left.

2. There is ________ traffic here.
3. It’s winter, but we still have ________ flowers in the garden.
4. There were _________ taxis in front of the station.
5. Can I have_________ pepper, please?
6. She can give us_______ help.
7. Put ______ salt and mix the ingredients.
8. There are ______ bottles on the table.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct variant:

1. I eat _______ meat. I prefer fish.

(A – very few / B – a few / C — very little)
2. There are ________apples on the plate. Take one
(A – a few / B – a lot / C — a little)
3. There is ______ milk in the fridge. Can you buy some?
(A – a few / B – a little / C — little)
4. Very _______ pupils in our class can do such difficult sums.
(A – few / B – a few / C — little)
5. There is _______ furniture in the house; it’s almost empty.
(A – a few / B – a little / C — little)

Exercise 7. Choose few, a few, little, a little.

1. Would you like some beer? Just_______ please.

2. If you want to make pancakes, you need _______ eggs and _______ flour.
3. Would you like _______ more rice?
4. I bought _______ newspapers.
5. I'd like to drink _______ coffee.
6. This boy isn't very popular at school. He's got very _______ friends.

Unit 5 Question tags/Food

jar; tin, can
sponge (cake)
chicken broth
sour cream

Food and restaurants

Are you looking for somewhere special to go this weekend? Do you want to try something new?
Check out one of these hot new restaurants.
Last Days of the Raj
A centrally located Indian restaurant, perfect for eating before or after the cinema or a show. In
summer enjoy your meal in the beautiful garden. The most popular dishes are lamb and chicken
cooked with mild, medium or hot spices. For brave customers there is extra hot!
A Taste of Tuscany
Whether you’d like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal in stylish
surroundings, this is the place for you. The chefs have all been trained in Italy and they make
both traditional and contemporary dishes. We recommend the pasta and seafood.
Your Local Caff
Remember when cafés served full English breakfasts – sausages, beans, fried bread, bacon and
eggs – with a strong cup of tea? Well, this place still does and you can have your breakfast at any
time you like during the day while you listen to your favourite tunes from the 1980s.

The Lemon Tree
This pretty restaurant serves healthy food that’s tasty too. Come in for a vegetarian snack at
lunchtime or a great fruit smoothie or a cappuccino and a delicious piece of cake in the
afternoon. Food is bought from local producers whenever possible.
Cheesy Bites
A restaurant that only serves cheese, but hundreds of cheeses from many countries and in lots of
different forms. They serve reasonably priced lunches but dinner can be expensive. Lovely food
and a very elegant dining room, looking onto an amazing flower garden.
Fast Best
Fast food doesn’t have to be junk food, as this café proves. Do you fancy a really good
hamburger made with the best ingredients, or old-fashioned fish and chips fried to perfection, all
on the table in super-quick time? Speed and quality are important here, and the prices aren’t bad
The Chocolate Box
The owner of this small café used to cook all kinds of food, but then she realised she preferred
desserts to anything else. If you want meat or fish, don’t come here. They only do desserts! Lots
of different kinds of sweets. Chocolate lovers will be excited by the range of chocolate cakes.
Musical Chairs
Have you noticed how music improves the taste of your food? This new restaurant has different
types of live music every night except Sundays, and excellent food to go with it. Great fish
dishes, steak and pizza. Monday is classic rock night, so see you there!
1. Перевірте один з цих нових ресторанів.
2. Ви помітили, як музика покращує смак вашої їжі?
3. Вони подають обіди за розумною ціною, але вечеря може бути дорогою.
4. Багато різних видів солодощів.
5. Якщо ви хочете м'ясо або рибу, не приходьте сюди.

Exercise 1. Write correct Question tags.

1. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, ________________?
2. The car isn't in the garage, ________________?
3. You are John, ________________?
4. She went to the library yesterday, ________________?
5. He didn't recognize me, ________________?
6. Cars pollute the environment, ________________?
7. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, ________________?
8. The trip is very expensive, ________________?
9. He won't tell her, ________________?
10. Hugh had a red car, ________________?

Exercise 2. Write correct Question tags.
1. I'm older than she, ___________?
2. He has a sister, ___________?
3. Sally can't speak Chinese, ___________?
4. Let me call you, ___________?
5. Tell us about yourself, ___________?
6. That was an unusual stone, ___________?
7. She hates onion, ___________?
8. Dan arrived two hours ago, ___________?
9. There weren't many students in the hall, ___________?
10. The Greens have been invited too, ___________?
11. Don't leave without me, ___________?
12. Let's watch this film, ___________?
13. Nothing special happened that day, ___________?
14. Our parents are leaving for Grodno tomorrow, ___________?
15. He will pick you up at 4 o'clock, ___________?
16. This is not her car, ___________?
17. I'm not dressed so smartly as she does, ___________?
18. Everyone was shocked by his behaviour, ___________?
19. Emilie has a shower four times a week, ___________?
20. She used to fight with her brother, ___________?
Exercise 3. Write correct Question tags.
1. Claudia wasn’t in the class, ________________?
2. Mind the traffic, ________________?
3. I am afraid he is seriously ill, ________________?
4. - He won't mind if I use his phone, ________________? - No, of course he won't.
5. He never acts like a gentleman, ________________?
6. Everybody was very happy, ________________?
7. Tom knows that his father is in the hospital, ________________?
8. - Don't drop that vase, ________________?- No, don't worry.
9. I think she deliberately provoked him, ________________?
10. I suspect he is in love, ________________?
Exercise 4. Chose correct Question tags.
You can't answer all the questions, a. didn't he?
2. You will help me to do the dishes, b. will you?
3. He believes you, c. can't you?
4. The teacher should explain the lesson, d. doesn't he?
5. The boy didn't know the lesson, e. can you?
6. Bob frightened you, f. should he?
7. You can speak English well, g. could she?
8. She couldn't arrange that, h. won't you?
9. You won't tell him, i. did he?
10. He shouldn't do it, j. shouldn't he?

Unit 6 Words derived from every-, some-, any- and no- / Animals

rhino, rhinoceros

Designs from nature

When we have a problem, nature often has the answer.
In a room at Stanford University, scientists are studying a small animal called a gecko.
It’s an amazing animal because it can move very quickly up and down a tree and it can even
walk upside down on ceilings. The scientists are particularly interested in the gecko’s feet. They
want to use the same design on their own robot. The metal robot looks very similar to the gecko.
It has four feet which can also walk up walls made of glass or plastic. However, it still has a
more difficult time when it tries to walk upside down.
Animals and plants can teach humans a lot about design and engineering. As a result,
many engineers, scientists and designers spend time studying them. When they have a problem,
nature often has the answer. This science is called biomimetics. Bio- means ‘studying living
things’ and mimetics means ‘copying the movement of things’. In other words, scientists – or
biomimeticists – study animals and plants in order to copy the design.
Take, for example, a whale. Engineers in Canada are studying their flippers because they
move so effectively through water. The engineers believe the shape can also improve the
movement of wind turbines. Similarly, the boxfish is another animal from the sea which is
helping car manufacturers in Germany. Mercedes Benz is using the shape of the fish for one of
its new cars. The shape makes it faster and more fuel efficient.
Velcro is probably the most famous example of biomimetics. Most people have some
Velcro on an item of clothing. It was invented by the Swiss engineer George de Mestral in 1948.
He was walking in the countryside when he pulled a plants from his trousers. He noticed how the

bur stuck so well to his clothes. He worked on his idea and the result was Velcro, which became
an affordable alternative to the traditional zip.
In 1982, Wilhelm Bartlott was another inventor who had a great idea when he was
studying the leaves of a lotus plant. Bartlett noticed that water always ran off the leaf. When he
had a closer look, he also noticed how the leaf cleaned itself. Bartlott copied the leaf’s special
surface and now you can find it in specialised paint products where water and dirt never stay on
the paint.
In conclusion, biomimetics has helped to design our world and there are many more
future possibilities. Unfortunately, it might take a long time to discover all the possibilities. This
isn’t really surprising because it’s taken nature thousands of years to design its animals and

1. Це диввовижна тварина, тому що вона може дуже швидко рухатися вгору і вниз.
2. Вони хочуть використовувати той самий дизайн на своїй власній роботі.
3. Mercedes Benz використовує форму риби для одного зі своїх нових автомобілів.
4. Коли у нас виникає проблема, у природи часто є відповідь.
5. Іншими словами, вчені вивчають тварин і рослини, щоб скопіювати дизайн.


Exercise 1. Translate sentences.


1. Хто-небудь буде дивитися цей фільм?

2. Ніхто не буде дивитися цей фільм;
3. Всі хочуть спати;
4. Ми нікому не хотіли заважати.

1. Я вислухаю кожного з вас;
2. Ти збираєшся комусь зателефонувати?
3. Ніхто не може грати краще за тебе;


1. У цій сумці щось є?

2. У цій сумці нічого немає;
3. Мені нема чого сказати;


1. Майк не може ніде знайти ключі;

2. Ти повинен пошукати їх де-небудь ще;
3. Їй би хотілося жити де-небудь в Європі.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant.
1. It is dark here. I can see ... .
1. some 2. nothing 3. anything 4. something 5. no
2. You can ask him ... question, he will answer it.
1. anything 2. no 3. something 4. any 5. nothing
3. Do we have ... milk? - No, we don't have .... Go and buy ..., please.
1. some 2. anything 3. no 4. any 5. something
4. Has ... happened?
1. something 2. anybody 3. nothing 4. anything 5. some
5. I want to tell you ... interesting.
1. some 2. anything 3. any 4. no 5. something
6. We had ... to eat the whole day and got hungry.
1. no 2. some 3. anything 4. any 5. nothing
7. The party was dull, there were ... interesting people there.
1. something 2. nobody 3. no 4. nothing 5. anybody
8. Can you give me ... money?
1. any 2. some 3. nothing 4. anything 5. something
9. If ... happens, let me know.
1. some 2. somebody 3. no 4. some 5. anything
10. There is ... light in the windows, there is hardly ... at home
1. nothing 2. anybody 3. anything 4. no 5. any

Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant.
1. There are … books on the table, you may take them.
1. something 2. nothing 3. some 4. no 5. anything
2. I've got ... money with me, so I can buy … .
1. anything 2. nothing 3. something 4. any 5. no
3. It is very dark here, I can see … .
1. nothing 2. no 3. anything 4. anybody 5. some
4. There are … boys in the garden, because they are at school.
1. some 2. any 3. somebody 4. no 5. nobody
5. Give her … to drink, please.
1. anything 2. no 3. something 4. any 5. some
6. Is there … who knows French here?
1. something 2. some 3. anything 4. any 5. anybody
7. You must find … who can help you.
1. any 2. somebody 3. no 4. some 5. something
8. Is there … telephone in your house?
1. any 2. nothing 3. something 4some 5. anything
9. Look, there is … near the forest that looks like a tent
1. anything 2. any 3. some 4. something 5. no
10. Are there … desks in those classrooms?
1. something 2. nothing 3. any 4. some 5. anything
11. The question is very difficult, so … can answer it.
1. nobody 2. no 3. some 4. nothing 5. something
12. Is there … interesting in the programme?
1. some 2. something 3. no 4. anything 5. anybody

Unit 7 Present Perfect Continuous / Films

backstage, behind the scenes

crime film
crowd scene
mute film
stunt man

A (girl)
I really like The Notebook; it’s a romantic classic. The story is about a poor boy, called Noah,
who meets a rich girl, called Allie, and they fall in love over one summer. But of course there are
problems. Allie’s parents don’t approve of Noah because he’s poor and they get separated, then a
lot of time passes before they can get together again. She goes away to college and he writes to
her every day, but she doesn’t get the letters. Then after quite a long time, Noah buys an old
house which he promised to restore for Allie. He does it up and she sees a newspaper article
about it and goes to find him again. You can probably guess the rest, but it’s a bit complicated
because she is engaged to another man. Noah is played by Ryan Gosling, who’s my favourite
actor, and he stops the film being too soppy – but you still cry a lot at the end. Rachel McAdams
is really good too, as Allie.
B (boy)
I think my favourite film is Skyfall, the last James Bond movie. It stars Daniel Craig again and
Javier Bardem is this really evil baddie. They’re both great, and so is Judi Dench as M, Bond’s
boss. It’s a bit different to other Bond films. The story is more important, although there is still a
lot of action. It’s really well filmed, especially in the scenes which are shot in Shanghai and
Scotland, and it’s really exciting, of course. Bond is also a bit different – although he does
amazing things, he seems older and that makes him more human and the story more realistic. Oh,
the song by Adele is great, too. You know it won an Oscar?
C (girl)
It’s not a very recent film, but I love Pride and Prejudice – the version with Keira Knightley as
Elizabeth Bennet and Matthew Macfadyen as Mr Darcy. The story is really clever and
interesting, besides being romantic. It’s all about how we tend to jump to conclusions about
people and we’re often completely wrong. Elizabeth thinks Mr Darcy is stuck up and snobbish at
the beginning of the film, but at the end she realises she has been completely wrong and he isn’t
like that at all. She also realises he has an enormous house and that maybe helps her fall in love
with him too! After I saw the film I read the book by Jane Austen and I really recommend that
too. Although it was published 200 years ago, it’s still a great read and really funny in parts.

D (boy)
My favourite film has to be The Matrix. Even though it was made back in 1999, it still feels
really modern. It’s about this ordinary man, Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, who works with
computers during the day and is a hacker at night. One day he is contacted by a woman who
introduces him to a very strange man: Morpheus. Morpheus explains to Neo that what he thinks
of as real is actually fiction and the world is run by evil machines who have imprisoned and
tricked the human race. Laurence Fishburne is terrific as Morpheus, and Keanu Reeves is
excellent, but the best thing about the film is the special effects. I can watch it again and again.
E (girl)
Let the Right One In is my favourite film. There are two versions, the first is Swedish and the
second American – I prefer the original, Swedish version. It’s a modern vampire film and also a
kind of love story, but it’s really unsentimental and a bit scary in places. Oskar is a young boy
with a lot of problems. He is being bullied at school and wants revenge on the bullies. Then
some new neighbours move in next door and he becomes friends with Eli, a beautiful but strange
girl. I won’t tell you anymore, because it will spoil the story, but expect a serial killer, a lot of
violence and blood-drinking. If you like that kind of thing, you’ll love this.

1. Історія про бідного хлопчика на ім'я Ноа, який зустрічає багату дівчинку.
2. Вона йде в коледж, і він пише їй кожен день, але вона не отримує листи.
3. Історія важливіша, хоча попереду ще багато дій.
4. Історія дійсно розумна і цікава, крім того, що вона романтична.
5. Це сучасний фільм про вампірів, а також свого роду історія кохання.

Exercise 1. Present Perfect Continuous.

Olga: Rose! What are you doing here? I ___________ (wait) for you for hours!
Rose: I’m sorry, Olga. I __________ (try on) these clothes for two hours. And I haven’t decided
Greg: Molly! Call our waiter again!
Molly: I___________ (try) to call him.
Greg: Molly! We_____________ (sit) here for twenty-five minutes... and I’m not going to
wait anymore!
Molly: I’m sorry, dear... but he’s again talking to that nice girl.
Greg: Yes, he ____________ (talk) to her since we came in.
Molly: Waiter!
Waiter: Yes, ma’am ... Do you want the bill?
Molly: The bill! We haven’t even got the menu yet!

Exercise 2. Present Perfect Continuous.

1. He___________ (to repair) the ceiling for the whole morning. Maybe he needs
some help?
2. They ___________ (to play) football for two hours already.
3. Where it ___________ (to be)? I (to search) for it all day!
4. Jenna ___________ (to talk) to the marketing director for two hours right now.
5. I___________ (to read) this new novel for the last several days.
6. Uncle Tim___________ (to decorate) the New Year Tree for the whole day.
7. ___________ you ___________ (to clean) the yard for the last 2 hours?
8. The soup ___________ (to boil) since 12 a.m. Should I turn it off?
9. He ___________ (to talk) about their new development strategy for the last three
10. My father ___________ (to send) application letters for half a year already and
still he hasn’t got a job.

Exercise 3. Translate sentences in Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Ви знову билися?
2. Як довго у вас болить нога?
3. Я вчу японський з серпня.
4. Анна шукає роботу шість місяців.
5. Вони працюють в Києві з 1 січня.
6. Який глибокий сніг! Скільки часу йшов сніг?
7. Весь день йде дощ.
8. Я живу тут близько п'яти років.
9. Ви занадто довго дивитеся телевізор.
10. Я чекаю Петра вже близько години.

Unit 8 Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous / Transport

ring road
trolley bus
A boat made of bottles

A boat with a difference

The Plastiki looks similar to many other boats or yachts in Sydney harbour. It’s eighteen metres
long, six metres wide and it weighs about twelve thousand kilogrammes. It carries a crew of six
people and has an average speed of five knots. However, once you get near to the Plastiki you
realise there’s a big difference. It’s made of twelve thousand five hundred reclaimed plastic
How did the Plastiki begin?
One day, the environmentalist David De Rothschild was reading some information about all the
plastic in the seas and oceans. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. For example, humans
throw away four out of every five plastic bottles they use and plastic rubbish causes about eighty
per cent of the pollution in the sea. Soon afterwards, Rothschild decided he wanted to help the
fight against pollution in the sea. To create publicity for the problem, he started building a boat
made of plastic bottles.
Designing the Plastiki
As well as building the boat with recycled plastic, it was important for him to make the boat
environmentally-friendly and user-friendly. The boat uses renewable energy sources including
wind power and solar energy. The crew can make meals with vegetables from the small garden
at the back of the boat. They can take a break from work and get some exercise by using the
special exercise bicycle. The energy from the bike provides power for the boat’s computers. And
if anyone needs to take a shower, the boat’s shower uses saltwater from the sea.
The journey
De Rothschild sailed the Plastiki across the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to Sydney. That’s
fifteen thousand three hundred and seventy two nautical kilometres. On the way, De Rothschild
took the special boat through the ‘Great Garbage Patch’. It is a huge area in the Pacific with 3.5
billion kilogrammes of rubbish. You can see every kind of human rubbish here: shoes, toys,
bags, toothbrushes, but the worst problem is the plastic. It kills birds and sea life.
How well did the Plastiki survive the journey?
The journey wasn’t always easy and De Rothschild and his crew had to take care during storms.
There were giant ocean waves and winds of over one hundred kilometres per hour. The whole
journey took one hundred and twenty nine days. Originally, De Rothschild thought the boat
could only travel once but it survived so well that he is planning to sail it again one day.
1. Він зроблений з дванадцяти тисяч п'ятисот перероблених пластикових пляшок.
2. Весь шлях зайняв сто двадцять дев'ять днів.
3. Ви можете побачити всі види людського сміття тут.
4. А якщо комусь потрібно прийняти душ, в душі човна використовується морська
5. Енергія від велосипеда забезпечує харчування комп'ютерів човна.

Exercise 1. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. It's still snowing. It ___________ (snow) for hours.
2. Steve ___________ (date) four girls this weekend.
3. They ___________ (win) two prizes so far.
4. I ___________ (attend) a swimming-pool for 5 years.
5. I ___________ (peel) onions, that's why my eyes are red.
6. Crank ___________ (be) in hospital for 2 weeks already.
7. We ___________ (know) each other since
8. Our neighbor ___________ (have) that car for 20 years.
9. The baby ___________ (cry) for a couple of hours.
10. Do not worry, the film ___________ (not start) yet.
11. Why are you short of breath, guys? - We ___________ (jog) in the park since morning.
12. The dish-washer is OK now. Dad ___________ (repair) it
13. Mum is very tired. She ___________ (clean) the house all day.
14. The room looks so cosy now. I ___________ (hang) up the curtains.
15. That dog ___________ (bark) since last night.

Exercise 2. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Your shirt smells terrible! ___________ (you / smoke)?

2. How long ___________ (you / wait) for them?
3. How many glasses of beer ___________ (he / drink) today?
4. ___________ (you / ever / live) in a tent?
5. Where ___________ (you / be?
6. How much money ___________ (Kevin / spend) in the casino?
7. ___________ (those vegetables / boil) since 2 o'clock?
8. ___________ (you / defrost) the fridge yet?
9. How many messages ___________ (she / send) today?
10. How long ___________ (your sister / travel)?
11. How many people ___________ (Angela / invite) to her party?
12. ___________ (you / sit) here for a long time

Exercise 3. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I … for you all day. Where have you been?

a) was looking

b) have looked

c) looked

d) have been looking

2. She says she … this man for ages.

a) Has known

b) Has been knowing

c) Was knowing

d) Knows

3. Mrs. Stone ... as a teacher for twenty years.

a) Work

b) Worked

c) Has been working

d) Is working

4. You look upset. What … to you?

a) Has been happening

b) Has happened

c) Happens

d) Had happened

5. No, thank you, I don’t smoke. I … up.

a) Gave

b) Have been giving

c) Have given

d) Have been given

6. Do you know where … ?

a) Has she gone

b) Has she been going

c) She has been going

d) She has gone

7. … to this news from Scott? I’ve just repeated it.
a) Have you been listening

b) Have you listened

c) You have been listened

d) You have listened

8. Do you really think her English … since she started school?

a) Improves

b) Has been improving

c) Has improved

d) Improved

Unit 9 Present Tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present
Perfect Continuous / Character


A (Girl)
She lives next door and she’s always been really important in my life. When we were little and
my mum was working she used to look after us. She’d tell us stories about her childhood. It was
like listening to fairy stories, life was so different when she was a child. In her kitchen she used
to keep a special dish with sweets for us, and she was always baking cakes and pies. Now she
doesn’t bake so much. She’s started eating more healthily in her old age, salads and vegetables
and things. It’s funny how she’s changed. She also goes to this special gym class for old people,
it’s amazing. I don’t see her so often now, but she’s always the same person however much her
lifestyle changes.
B (Boy)
He’s four years older than me and that seemed like a huge amount when we were children. When
we were at the same school we’d never talk to each other during school hours. But now we’re
older it’s a lot better, although I’ll always be the little one, and that’s annoying sometimes. He’s
taken me to rock concerts that I wouldn’t have gone to otherwise and when he was at uni I went
to stay with him sometimes. That was really cool. It was great to see what real student life was
like when I was still at school. Now that he’s working he’s really busy, but we still hang out
sometimes. We go to football matches together because we both support our home team. It’s
always good to see him.
C (Girl)
We’ve known each other since we were five and we’ve always got on really well. Well, apart
from that time when we fell out because we both liked the same boy. But he went off with
Heather Jenkins, so we made friends again quite quickly! We both like the same kind of music
and going dancing at the weekend, and when we were younger we went out on our bikes
together. At school we’re good at different things. I’m good at languages and Laura’s good at
maths. That’s good though – it means that we can help each other with our homework. Next year
I’m probably going to study in London and she’s going to Manchester, but I’m sure our
relationship won’t change.
D (Boy)
His family moved in just a few houses down from us when I was about ten, and I still remember
how excited I felt when I found out there was another boy on the street. I’d been the only boy,
you see. The others were all girls. We were good friends from the beginning because we were
into the same things: computers and football, mostly. But we had quite a few of the same hobbies
for a while. I remember making lots of models of aeroplanes one year. Another year we took up
fishing. We had all the equipment and everything and we’d spend ages down by the river. I never
go fishing now. His family moved away a couple of years ago. We’re still friends on Facebook
but we don’t really have much contact.
E (Girl)
I can remember all the details of when we met. I was wearing a red dress and I’d just had my
hair cut. I can even remember what music was playing the first time I saw him. I knew he was
special from the beginning, and I was right. We’ve been together ever since. Well, it’s only been
eighteen months, and some people say that isn’t very long, but it seems like ages to me. We’ve
got such similar personalities and so much in common. I’m sure we’ll stay together forever.

1. Вона почала їсти здоровіше в старості.

2. Я завжди буду маленьким, і це іноді дратує.
3. Ми ходимо на футбольні матчі разом, тому що ми обидва підтримуємо нашу
місцеву команду.
4. У школі ми умілі в різних речах.
5. Я впевнений, що ми залишимося разом назавжди.
6. Його сім'я переїхала пару років назад.

Exercise 1. Present Tenses
1. She can't come to the phone now because she ____ for tomorrow's test.
• studies
• is studying
• has studied
• has been studying
2. They must be at the sports ground now. They usually ____ basketball on Fridays.
• play
• are playing
• have played
• have been playing
3. I ____ my work already. I'm ready to go for a walk with you.
• finish
• am finishing
• have finished
• have been finishing
4. I ____ breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?
• cook
• am cooking
• have cooked
• have been cooking
5. I ____ this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?
• don't read
• am not reading
• haven't read
• haven't been reading
6. Maria is good at languages. She ____ French, Spanish and German.
• speaks
• is speaking
• has spoken
• has been speaking
7. So far, he ____ five stories for children.
• writes
• is writing
• has written
8. We ____ for their answer for two months already.
• wait
• are waiting
• have been waiting
9. She ____ since Monday.
• is sick
• is being sick
• has been sick
• has been being sick
10. She ____ since noon. Should we wake her up?
• sleeps
• is sleeping
• has been sleeping

Exercise 2. Present Tenses.

1. What time _____________ (the meeting/end)?
2. Tomorrow I _____________ (fly) to Moscow to visit my aunt Sally.
3. Right now he _______ (talk) on the phone.
4. The Earth __________ (go) round the Sun.
5. I _________ (look) for my camera for an hour.
6. Could you close the window? I _____________ (freeze)
7. The man __________ (paint) the walls all day long.
8. The coffee ___________ (smell) good.
9. At the moment we ___________ (take) a walk around a beautiful village.
10. We _____________ (not/finish) our history project yet.
11. Kim _____________ (never/be) abroad.
12. School always _______ (close) for Easter holidays.
13. I’m exhausted. I _____________ (train) my stomach muscles all morning.
14. What _____________ (usually/you/do) in your free time?
15. Look! Your mum ____________ (water) tomatoes in the vegetable garden.

Exercise 3. Translate sentences in Present Tenses.

1. Він дивиться телевізор з самого ранку.
2. Завтра у мене урок англійської о 8:00.
3. Повітря в місті стає все більш і більш забрудненим.
4. Я втратив гаманець.
5. Її волосся брудне. Вона фарбувала будинок весь день.
6. Ти постійно щось втрачаєш!
7. Ти пишеш твір вже дві години.
8. Я ходжу в басейн три рази на тиждень.
9. Папа лагодить машину з самого ранку.
10. Він зламав ногу.

Unit 10 Used to + V_ / to be used to + Ving / Berries, nuts

Red/black currant
Sunflower seeds

Berries are small, soft, round fruit of various colors — mainly blue, red, or purple.
They are sweet or sour in taste and often used in jams and desserts.
Blueberries are popular berries that serve as a great source of vitamin K. Blueberries may lower
the risk of diabetes as well.
The most commonly consumed raspberries are the American red or European red varieties.
However, there are many different types of raspberries, and black raspberries have been shown
to have a number of health benefits, too.
Strawberries are one of the most commonly consumed berries in the world and also one of the
best sources of vitamin C. Strawberries are good for heart health. In fact, a study of over 93,000
women found that those who ate more than 3 portions of strawberries and blueberries per week
had over a 30% lower risk of heart attack. Moreover, strawberries may help control blood sugar
levels, which is important for preventing diabetes.
Cranberries are an extremely healthy fruit with a sour taste.
They are rarely eaten raw. Instead, they are commonly consumed as juice. Cranberry juice has
also shown various benefits for heart health. Many studies have found that drinking cranberry
juice can reduce blood pressure.
Nuts are healthy snack options.
They’re usually high in fat, but the fat they contain is a healthy type. They're also good sources
of protein.
Many studies have shown that nuts have various health benefits.
For example, almonds contain a number of important nutrients that may help reduce heart
disease and diabetes risk factors.
Walnuts are high in omega 3 fats, antioxidants. Walnuts are good for your heart, can help protect
against cancer, and are good for your brain.

If you’re watching your waistline, snacking on nuts is a smart choice. Some people mistakenly
think the high fat content in nuts can make you gain weight, but they’re actually a slimming
snack. A 2007 Mediterranean study found that eating nuts was associated with a reduced risk of
weight gain.
Looking for new ways to add more nuts to your diet? Jump-start your mornings by adding nuts
to your breakfast of oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt. It’s going to be nice beginning of your day.
1. Полуниця корисна для здоров'я серця.
2. Вони солодкі або кислі на смак і часто використовуються в джемах.
3. Їх рідко їдять сирими.
4. Пиття журавлинного соку може знизити кров'яний тиск.
5. Вони також є хорошими джерелами білка.
6. Волоські горіхи корисні для вашого серця.
7. Горіхи - здорові варіанти закуски.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct variant.

1. Jack … (used to/is used to) cooking for himself when he comes home from work.
2. I remember how we … (used to/are used to) listen to rock-n-roll music all the time.
3. Pam … (used to/is used to) spend hours in front of the mirror when she was a teenager.
4. They … (didn’t use to/are not used to) eating Japanese food.
5. Our town … (used to/is used to) be an industrial centre.
6. My son … (didn’t use to/isn’t used to) going to bed so early.
7. We … (used to/are used to) meet him every day.
8. I … (didn’t use to/am not used to) driving on the left.

Exercise 2. Used to / to be used to

1. In those days , they _________ (to drink) milk .
2. Mrs Wilson _________ (to read) four hours a day when she was young .
3. He is nervous because he _________ (not , to speak) English .
4. There _________ (to be) a bakery in the village in those days .
5. They _________ (to have) lunch in a fast food every Saturday when they were teenagers .
6. She lives in Los Angeles and she _________ (to go) to Disney Land .
7. Don't worry about him, he _________ (to get up) early every day .
8. Do you remember that we _________ (to tell) you stories before you went to bed .
9. Mary _________ (to walk) to school but now she takes the bus .
10. I _________ (not, to smoke) when I was young .
11. When I was a child , I _________ (to collect) stamps .
12. He_________ (to sing) in his bath .

Exercise 3. To be used to

1. Вони звикли ходити в кіно щодня.

2. Вона звикне до сімейного життя.
3. Він не звик до лівостороннього руху.
4. Ти звик їздити на роботу в інше місто?
5. Ми не звикли їсти жирну їжу.
6. Вона звикла пити каву вранці?
7. Я не звикну робити зарядку вранці.
8. Ми не звикли до такої музики.
9. Вона звикла до британського вимові, коли жила в Лондоні.

Unit 11 Conditionals / Kitchen and cooking
Table wear
Frying pan
Salt shaker
Pepper shaker
Are Brits becoming more adventurous in the kitchen?
What comes into your mind when you think of British food? Probably fish and chips, or a
Sunday dinner of meat and two vegetables. But is British food really so uninteresting? Britain is
producing more and more top class chefs who dominate our television screens and whose recipe
books are top the best seller lists. It’s thanks to these TV chefs rather than any advertising
campaign that Britons are turning away from meat-and-two-veg and ready-made meals and
becoming more adventurous in their cooking habits. According to a new study from market
analysts, 1 in 5 Britons claim that watching cookery programmes on TV has encouraged them to
try different food. Almost one third say they now use a wider variety of ingredients than they
used to, and just under 1 in 4 (24%) say they now buy better quality ingredients than before. One
in four adults say that TV chefs have made them much more confident and young people are also
getting more interested in cooking. With an increasing number of male chefs on TV, it’s no
longer ‘uncool’ for boys to like cooking. Cookery shows and documentaries about food are
broadcast during prime time in the evening. Many of the new celebrity chefs promote modern
‘fusion cuisine’, which blends classic ‘British’ cooking with international and exotic influences.
Even the chefs themselves are younger, more beautiful and much more experimental, such as
Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver. Jamie Oliver was only 23 when he first appeared on British
television screens. More than 4 million people tuned in to his popular show ‘Jamie’s Kitchen’.
The show began as an experiment and turned into a phenomenon. Jamie gave himself nine
months to take a team of unemployed 16 to 24-year-olds, with virtually no previous experience
of cooking, and transform them into top class chefs to work in his new restaurant in East
London, ‘Fifteen’. Jamie left school himself without formal qualifications and believes that with
a passion for food, anyone can become a good cook. ‘Fifteen’ has become a hit in London and is
booked up months in advance. Jamie Oliver has proved to be a huge inspiration for British
people. The recent survey finds that the number of those sticking to a traditional diet is slowly
declining and around half of Britain’s consumers would like to change or improve their cooking
in some way. There has been a rise in the number of students applying for food courses at UK
universities and colleges, such as those offered by the School of Culinary Art at South Trafford
College. Having been ridiculed for centuries for its mediocre cuisine, is Britain now competing
with countries such as France and Italy in the field of culinary excellence?
1. Але чи дійсно британська їжа настільки нецікава?
2. Джеймі Оліверу було всього 23 роки, коли він вперше зявивсяна екранах.
3. Джеймі сам покинув школу.
4. «П'ятнадцять» став хітом в Лондоні.
5. Телевізійні кухарі зробили їх набагато впевненішими.

Exercise 1. Complete the IF-sentences using the correct form of the verb.
1. If I had to make a speech I ___________ pretty nervous. (BE)
2. If I ___________ you were sleeping I would not have woken you. (KNOW)
3. If the weather_________ fine tomorrow we will go to the beach (BE).
4. Your dog ___________ so fat if you didn't feed it so often (NOT BE).
5. If her hair were black she ___________ completely different (LOOK).
6. If the boy ___________ to Santa, he won't get a present (NOT WRITE).
7. They _________ to the meeting if they had known about it. (NOT COME)
8. If the trip hadn't been so expensive we________ reservations in the hotel (MAKE).
9. If they ________ him for permission he would have agreed (ASK).
10. I'll ________ you the money if you pay me back next week. (GIVE)

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer (if or unless).

1. __________ you help me, I'll be unable to do it .
2. __________ I meet him, I'll tell him the whole truth.
3. You won't get well __________ you stop smoking.
4. __________ you exercise regularly, you won't be able to lose some weight.
5. __________ you exercise regularly, you'll lose some weight.
6. The teacher will be furious you don't the homework.
7. You can't go on vacation __________ you don't save some money.
8. You will feel cold __________ you wear a warm jacket.
9. We'll arrive on time__________ we hurry.
10. Don't call me __________ it's an emergency.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct form in each sentence:

1 - My dog ___ bark unless it is hungry.
don't / won't
2 - Unless you ___ to go to bed early, we should go out.
Wants / want
3 - ___ you don't slow down, we are going to crash!
If / Unless
4 - You cannot go into bars ___ you are over 18.
Unless / if
5 - In my country, ___ you cannot speak English, it's hard to get a good job.
Unless / if
6 - She'll fail the exam if she ___ study.
don't / doesn't
7 - We'll be late ___ we leave soon.
If / unless
8 - ___ I am not feeling better tomorrow I will go to the doctor's.
If / Unless
9 - ___ you do not make the payment in time, your car will be confiscated.
If / Unless
10 - You will lose your job ___ you change your attitude and become friendlier.
If / unless

Exercise 4. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I, II or III).

1. If I __________ stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.
2. If we'd seen you, we __________ .
3. If we __________ him tomorrow, we'll say hello.
4. He would have repaired the car himself if he__________ the tools.
5. If you drop the vase, it __________ .
6. If I hadn't studied, I __________ the exam.
7. I wouldn't go to school by bus if I__________ a driving license.
8. If she __________ him every day, she'd be lovesick.
9. I __________ to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
10. • We'd be stupid if we__________ him about our secret.

Unit 12 Future continuous / Stationary

Scotch tape
Eraser, rubber

My presentation is about how you can use colour coding to organise your homework. To start
you need a few things from the stationery shop. This photo shows the things I use. They aren’t
expensive. They are all cheap. I’ve got coloured pens and pencils, sticky notes, page markers,
glue and folders.
First, I choose a different colour for each school subject. The colour I choose has to be easy to
remember so I make sure it means something to me. Maths is green because my ruler is green.
PE is yellow because my trainers are yellow.
Here is a photo of my folders. I use the cheapest kind and I add a coloured sticky note to the top
and to the front. I keep all my notes inside the different folders.
This is a photo of some more sticky notes. I wrote them in the library when I was studying. The
blue notes are for history. My history teacher has got a blue car! The black notes are for
geography. One day I want to visit the Black Sea.
This photo shows the pages I need to read for homework. I use two coloured page markers to
mark where it starts and ends. Those blue ones mark the pages I need to read for history.
Finally, this last photo shows my wall calendar. This green star shows I have a maths test on
Friday. This pink circle shows I’ve got French homework for Monday. It’s pink because ‘pink’ is
‘rose’ in French … and the rose is my favourite flower. Has anyone got any questions?
1. Ця фотографія показує речі, які я використовую.
2. Спочатку я вибираю різні кольори для кожного шкільного предмета.
3. Я написав їх в бібліотеці, коли я навчався.
4. Ті сині стікери позначають сторінки, які мені потрібно прочитати.
5. Це рожеве коло показує, що у мене є домашнє завдання.

Exercise 1. Future Continuous.

1. This time next Monday, I _______ in a huge office in New York. (work)
2. This time on Tuesday, Mary ___________ on a beach in Italy. (sunbathe)
3. Don’t make noise after midnight – I ________ soundly, I hope. (sleep)
4. Jackeline _______ to Kenya tomorrow at this time. (fly)
5. Students _______ copies while he _________the report. (make/ finish)
6. I_______ in my study library at 6pm tomorrow. (work).
7. This time next year we ________ the Pacific Ocean. (cross)
8. I _________ the dinner table while my mother__________ the meat. (lay / prepare)
9. You’ll recognize Molly! She _________ a pink hat. (wear)
10. From 7 till 12 I __________ classes. (have)
11. ________you ______ your bike this evening? (use)
12. My auntie and uncle __________ with us this weekend. (stay)
13. I ________ television from ten pm to midnight. (to watch)
14. This time on Friday I ______ on the beach. (to lie)
15. What ______you _______ tomorrow evening? (to do)
16. _______you __________ late tomorrow night? (to work)
17. Don’t ring Greg up at 10am. He_______ his music lesson. (have)
18. The boys of our team ________ football tomorrow morning. (play)
19. It ________ probably __________ when we arrive in Kongo. (rain)
20. It is mid-autumn, the leaves ___________ soon . (fall)

Exercise 2. Create sentences in Future Continuous.

Example: Don’t call Greg at seven. (have a bath)

Don’t call Greg at seven, he will be having a bath.

1. Don't leave the tiny newborn alone. (cry)

2. Don’t call on Steven tonight. (pack)
3. Don’t ring anybody up at six am. (sleep)
4. Don’t wait for Melody tomorrow. (train)
5. Don’t tell your Granny. (grumble)
6. Don’t expect Molly to come on Saturday. (work)
7. Don’t come to see Miranda after lunch. (typing her novel)
8. Don’t send Molly any letters in July. (travel)

Exercise 3. Translate in Future Continuous.

1. Сьогодні в кіно ти будеш сидіти зі мною.

2. Андрій чекатиме тебе біля гіпермаркету о четвертій.
3. Ти пообідаєш зі мною завтра? - У цей час я здаю іспит.
4. Цікаво, чим будуть зайняті діти, поки ми будемо насолоджуватися концертом.
5. Як я впізнаю Тома? На ньому буде зелене пальто.
6. Цікаво, чи будемо ми всі ще зустрічатися через рік.
7. Якщо ти їй розкажеш, вона буде плакати.
8. Чим ти будеш зайнятий завтра о шостій?

Unit 13 Continuous tenses (Past, Present, Future) / Nature

Storm warning
Weather conditions

Hello and good morning! Well, we're off to a good start in the south this week, as most of
the rain from the weekend has disappeared – just a few clouds and maybe some showers here on
the east coast. They'll all clear up by lunchtime, though. Over the next day or so, London and the
area around Kent can expect a couple of showers, but mostly dry through until Thursday.

It's not such good news for the north-west this week, I'm afraid: more wet weather, and not a lot
of sunshine. Some of today's showers will be heavy – and even thundery in Manchester and
across the Pennines. Leeds will escape the thunderstorms, with drizzle and light rain only
throughout the rest of the day and tonight.

Elsewhere it becomes dry today, but with some foggy patches towards Wales. In England,
tomorrow morning will see a dry, bright start in most places, with high temperatures throughout
the week. We might see one or two thunderstorms appearing as the week goes on, with
temperatures everywhere at 29 to 30 degrees.

By the weekend, unfortunately, the dry weather will make way for mostly cloudy skies and rain.
The rain will move from Scotland, down towards the north and reach the south coast by Saturday
afternoon. Temperatures, at least, will stay mostly warm at around 21 degrees for the weekend. It
might feel like a nice change from the high twenties and early thirties we'll see in the week.
That's all from me until tomorrow. Enjoy the mini-heatwave while you can!

1. Більшість дощу з вихідних зникла.

2. Боюся: більш волога погода та не багато сонячного світла.
3. Температура, принаймні, буде залишатися загалом теплою.
4. Це все від мене до завтра.
5. Деякі з сьогоднішніх злив будуть сильними.
6. Дощ буде йти з Шотландії вниз на північ.
Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate continuous tense form.

1. I ______ an interesting novel now.

was reading
am reading
will be reading
2. She ______ with her parents at the moment.
was staying
is staying
will be staying
3. This time tomorrow we ______ Raj’s birthday.
were celebrating
are celebrating
will be celebrating
4. The child ______ for his parents.
was waiting
is waiting
will be waiting
5. I ______ ready when she came.
was getting
am getting
will be getting
6. He ______ in the afternoon.
was leaving
is leaving
will be leaving

7. The child ______ soundly.

was sleeping
is sleeping
will be sleeping
8. I ______ when the lights went out.
was reading
am reading
will be reading
9. The boys ______ in the park when it started raining.
were playing
was playing
are playing

10. We ______ to Mexico next summer.
were going
are going
will be going
11. The car ______ for a service next week.
is going in
was going in
has going in
12. Don’t phone them now – they ______ dinner.
were having
are having
will be having

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate continuous tense form.

1. Don`t phone me between 7 and 8. …................................................. (we / have) dinner
2. Four people …..................................... (sit) at a table.
3. What ….................................. (happen) at the time of the robbery?
4. They …................................ (have) dinner.
5. Phone me after 8 o`clock. …................................................ (we / finish) dinner by then.
6. A: Can you tell me anything about the robbers?
B: Yes. They …........................... (wear) black masks and they ........................... (hold)
7. Tomorrow afternoon we`re going to play tennis 3 o`clock until 4.30. So at 4 o`clock
,.............. ….......................... (we / play) tennis.
8. At this time tomorrow I …................................................. (work) in the office.
9. They …................................................. (do) when mother came.
10. Sorry, I am really busy now. I ….................................................(cook) now.
Exercise 3. Translate in Past, Present, Future Continuous.
1. Здрастуйте, що ви робите зараз?
2. Вчора о 8 вечора я поверталася додому.
3. Завтра я буду працювати з п'яти до 10 вечора.
4. Я почув дивний звук, коли йшов в офіс вчора.
5. Я намагаюся вирішити цю проблему.
6. Завтра в цей час я буду лежати на пляжі.
7. Учора ввечері я дуже промок, коли йшов дощ.
8. Я не намагаюся організувати цю встеча, мені не цікаво.
Unit 14 Future Perfect / Clothes

Bow tie

Individual style

Do you like to wear the same clothes as your friends or do you like to dress differently?
Adapting clothes and creating an individual style is very popular in the UK.

Have you noticed that many of the clothes on the high street look the same these days? So how
do young people manage to express their individual style? We interviewed some young Brits in
different parts of the UK.

Use your imagination

What can you do if shops don’t sell the clothes you want? How can you get the clothes you want
if you don’t have much cash?

Young creative people in the UK have always come up with ways to express their individuality
through their clothes. Punks cut up their clothes and added zips and safety pins, goths love
wearing anything black and skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers.
You don’t need money – you need imagination. / Alexi, an art student from Aldershot

Customised T-shirts

Printing your own T-shirt is the easiest and most common way to customise clothes. You don’t
have to actually make a T-shirt. You can buy a cheap T-shirt and add an image of your choice.

I used to make customised multicoloured T-shirts for my friends using fabric paints. They looked
a bit messy but sort of cool. Slogan T-shirts can be a cheap way to be individual. A couple of
years ago, my mate Simon made a T-shirt with a picture of Obama dressed as Che Guevara. He
still wears it, in fact. It looks great! /John, 25, from Cheshire

Make your own clothes

Everyone knows that students don’t have a lot of money. That doesn’t have to be a problem if
you’ve got a bit of imagination (and a sewing machine!).

I used to make clothes sometimes when I was a student. Once I found a pair of trousers that I
really liked but I didn’t use to have much money in those days so couldn’t afford them. I did a
little sketch in a notebook, bought some fabric in the same colour and copied the trousers using
my mum’s sewing machine. I went back to the shop wearing my homemade trousers to see if
they were the same as the ones in the shop. In fact, they were much better! I loved it when
people didn’t believe I had made them myself. / Corinne, 31, from Dundee

Second-hand style

Buying second-hand or ‘vintage’ clothes is a fashion option for many young Brits. Aylish and
Helen recently made their own clothes to get individual styles.

I bought a second-hand T-shirt and skirt, then dyed them black. Then I painted on a design in the
shape of a red spider’s web. Cool and very goth. I also cut up an old pair of leggings to make
some long fingerless gloves. /Aylish, 15, from Suffolk

I like to make or adapt my own clothes because I know that they will fit and that they’ll look
good. I really love using vintage clothes and changing them. I can make skirts shorter or longer,
for example. Sometimes I just change the buttons to give clothes a new look. I buy stuff like
jackets, trousers and dresses in second-hand shops. By adapting these clothes you can be sure
you will always have something original as well as cheap. / Helen, 26, from Nottingham

1. Ви помітили, що багато речей в наші дні виглядають однаково?

2. Ми взяли інтерв'ю у деяких британців в різних частинах Британії.
3. Ви можете купити дешеву футболку і додати зображення.
4. Вам не потрібні гроші - вам потрібна уява.
5. Наприклад, я можу зробити спідниці коротше або довше.
6. Я повернувся в магазин в домашніх брюках.

Exercise 1. Put verbs in Future Perfect.
1. I ________ a Londoner for five and a half years by next September. (be)
2. By Tuesday Jill ________ these novels by O’Henry. (finish)
3. Next year is Fred and Kate’s 10th wedding anniversary. They _________ happily
married for ten years. (be)
4. Molly thinks the film _________ by the time she gets to Fred’s. (to start)
5. They _________ the plans by then. (to finish)
6. Before his holiday Tom _______ all his money. (to spend)
7. The train _________ by the time the couple get to the station. (to leave)
8. I __________ dinner by then. (cook)
9. I _______my chemistry homework before Jillian comes home. (finish)
10. Fernando __________ his operation by August and should be much fitter. (have)
11. Before Lisa arrives, I _________ dinner. (finish)
12. Johnny ___________ this document by 7pm o’clock this afternoon. (translate)
13. Helen _______ this awesome doll by her daughter’s birthday. (make)
14. Steven ________ his lesson by tomorrow. (not/learn)
15. This test is so arduous, that I _________ it in a day’s time. (not/complete)

Exercise 2. Answer the questions in Future Perfect.

Example: Will Jill be busy at 6pm? (finish essay)

Oh, no, Jilly will have finished her essay by that time.
1. Will the couple be at their hotel on Monday? (move to the old beach house)
2. Will the committee be discussing the project at 2 o’clock? (make a decision)
3. Will the pupils be writing their test at ten? (finish)
4. Will Mike’s niece still be a pupil next autumn? (finish school)
5. Will Greg still remember Molly in ten years? (forget)

Exercise 3. Make sentences in Future Perfect.

1. have / Jill / she / perfected / will / from / her / by the time / Japanese / comes / Tokyo.
2. promotion /Melody / have / By December / will / her / received.
3. gets home / Helen’s / cleaned / By the time / relatives / she / will / the house / have.
4. to communicate / Steven / he / learned / Will / have / well / Chinese / before / enough /
flies to Beijing?

Exercise 4. Translate in Future Perfect.

1. Майкл закінчить цей звіт до завтра.

2. Студенти дороблять роботу до третьої години по полудні.
3. До червня ми складемо сесію.
4. Будівельники побудують школу до початку вересня.
5. Я напишу заяву до того часу, як приїде секретар.
6. Поїзд піде, поки ми доберемося до станції.
7. Джейн переведе цю доповідь до понеділка.
8. До ночі Меган переведе цю довгу статтю.
9. Стівен вже поїде в Париж, коли Моллі повернеться з Конго.
10. Джек НЕ дочитає цю книгу до кінця року.

Unit 15 Perfect tenses: Present, Past, Future / Medicine and health

Bloody nose
Drop counter
Heart disease
Sick leave

Measuring health and happiness

The small country of Bhutan in the Himalayan mountains is over one thousand years old. In the
past it was a poor country and not many people visited it. But nowadays, it is becoming more
and more popular with tourists. Medicine and health is improving and its economy is growing.
King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the king of Bhutan until 2006, talked about his country’s ‘Gross
National Happiness’. In other words, he thought happiness is the way to measure the country’s
But how do you measure happiness? Perhaps health is the best way because a famous doctor
once said, ‘Happy people generally don’t get sick.’ It’s also easy to measure how many people
feel ill or unhealthy in a country. For example, one survey says Iceland is the ‘healthiest country
in the world’ because men and women live a long time there, the air is very clean and there are
more doctors available per person than anywhere else in the world.
However, there was another survey of the happiest countries in the world and Iceland was not
near the top. The questions on this survey included: How much do you earn? How healthy are
you? How safe do you feel? After visiting 155 different countries, the researchers decided that
Denmark feels happier than other countries.
So does happiness equal money and good health? Not according to the artist Erik Krikortz. He
feels that there are other ways of measuring happiness. Krikortz has a website and visitors click
on different happy or sad faces to comment on how well they sleep, their family and friends,
their level of stress, their inspiration and their physical activity. When you finish, his website
adds the results for each area and it gives you a final result for your happiness.
In his home city of Stockholm, Krikortz also shows the results of his survey as different coloured
lights on the side of a large building in the city. For example, red means the people of Stockholm
are very happy, green is OK and purple means many people are sad. ‘A lot of people look at the
building every day and see how “we” are,’ Krikortz says. The coloured lights are also useful if
you feel like visiting the city. For example, if the lights are red, you know the locals are feeling
1. Але в наші дні воно стає все більш популярним.
2. Але як ви вимірюєте щастя?
3. Він відчуває, що є інші способи вимірювання щастя.
4. Наскільки безпечно ви себе почуваєте?
5. Наприклад, якщо вогні червоні, ви знаєте, що місцеві жителі відчувають себе
6. Він думав, що щастя - це спосіб вимірювання розвитку країни.
7. Скільки ти заробляєш?
8. Коли ви закінчуєте, його вебсайт додає результати для кожної області.

Exercise 1. Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect.

to arrive
1. Our taxi ______________ by 9 o’clock yesterday morning.
2. Let’s go. The guests _____________ already ______________.
3. They ______________ by the time the meeting starts.
to be
4. I am tired of waiting. Where ________ you ______________?
5. By the time I’m 30 I ______________ a famous scientist.
6. He didn’t remember where he ______________ before the accident.
to paint
7. We ______________ the house by next Tuesday.
8. She ______________ more than 10 pictures already.
9. I wondered if they ______________ the room.

Exercise 2. Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect.

1. Sam ______________ (lose) his keys. So he can’t open the door.

2. When I woke up in the morning, the rain already ______________ (stop).
3. I hope I ______________ (finish) my test by midnight.
4. The film turned out to be much longer than we ______________ (expect).
5. My sister just ______________ (leave) for the bank.
6. The girls were good friends. They ______________ (know) each other for 5 years.
7. Mother ______________ (lay) the table before we come.
8. I never ______________ (try) Japanese food.
9. Ted was so happy because his dream ______________ (come) true.
10. We ______________ (be) to Paris many times.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant.

1. She will have finished her resume … (on Monday/by Monday/last Monday).
2. The aircraft hasn’t landed … (yet/just/already).
3. We have lived in New York … (since/from/for) three years.
4. … (After/Already/Ago) they had eaten the cake, they cleared the table.
5. They will have decorated the Christmas tree … (by the time/before/by then).
6. My uncle has … (already/yet/ago) repaired his car.
7. I haven’t met them … (from/since/for) their wedding.
8. … (By the time/Already/Just) the sun set, the farmers had already stopped working.
9. Have you … (just/ever/yet) been married, Kelly?
10. … (When/How much/How long) has he known her?

Unit 16 Either - Neither – Both / Sport

Training machine
Martial arts
Work out
Ice rink
Score a goal

Hi, come in. I’m Maya. Hello everybody. Welcome to the Grange Park Sports Centre. I’ll just
show you round the centre and explain what we offer here, and then you can ask me questions.
Well, as you can see, this is quite a small centre but we offer a lot of different activities at
different times of the day. If you’d just like to come through here, you can see the main rooms.
These are nice and light and airy and we have a very good air-conditioning system so they are
warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Here we have classes of yoga, tai chi, Pilates and
Zumba at different levels. We also have different types of dance class: jazz dancing, Indian
dancing and Latin dancing. Oh, and we’ve just started offering flamenco. All our teachers are
fully qualified and experienced. We have beginners’ classes up to advanced. Some of our
students have been coming since we opened, ten years ago.
So, if you could follow me through here - mind the steps here - we’ve got the sauna and massage
rooms. We have very reasonable prices for massages. And over here we have the gym with
exercise machines. It’s quite a small gym, but usually there’s plenty of room for people to move
around without any problems. OK, that’s about it. Over there we have the changing rooms with
showers. You do need to bring your own towel if you want a shower, but you don’t need to bring
a mat for the yoga and Pilates classes. Oh, and I must mention the café. It’s just off the main
entrance. That’s very popular with our clients; we have a great selection of teas, fresh juices,
sandwiches and cakes.
Right, the prices. You can join for three months, six months or a year and that gives you the right
to use the gym and go to two classes a week. If you want to go to more classes or use the sauna,
there’s a small extra charge. For three months the fee is …
OK, let me show you the gym. My name’s Bill and I’m the main sports trainer here, but we have
a team of four specialists who are always around to help you with exercise programmes and give
advice about lifestyle and diet. We strongly recommend that you talk to one of us as soon as you
sign up and set up your personalised training programme. So, through here we have the main
gym. As you can see, it’s enormous and we have lots of brand-new machines. You can do

everything here, running, cycling, rowing, weights … you name it. Although we have a lot of
clients, it’s very unusual to have to wait for a machine. Over there is the area for weight-training.
If you want a closer look at the machines, you can come back later. Oh, by the way, you can only
come in here with trainers on. No outdoor shoes, please.
OK, through here we have the swimming pool. It’s great, isn’t it? We’re very proud of it. You
can use it most of the time without booking, but there are certain times of day when we have
swimming classes and water aerobics. There is always a lifeguard in attendance who will also
offer informal swimming tips. OK, just over there you have the changing rooms and lockers, and
on the right are the bathrooms and showers. We have our own shop, here, where you can buy our
own brand of sportswear and sports drinks and supplements. Right, I can see you’re impressed,
and as I said, we’re very proud of our centre. However, I should warn you that we are slightly
more expensive than other gyms in the area – but then we offer a much higher level of services
and a very wide range of activities. Here’s a brochure with the timetables of the extra classes that
we offer, such as boxing, taekwondo and capoeira and quite a few others, besides swimming
activities: swimming classes, diving classes, water aerobics and water polo. OK, so have a look
at the brochure, then you can speak to one of the secretaries in reception about the best
combination of activities for you.

1. Ну, як ви можете бачити, це досить маленький центр, але ми пропонуємо багато

різних занять.
2. У нас є команда з чотирьох фахівців, які завжди поруч, щоб допомогти вам.
3. Добре, дозвольте мені показати вам тренажерний зал.
4. У нас також є різні види танцювальних занять.
5. Там у нас є роздягальні з душовими.
6. Ми дуже пишаємося цим.
7. Вам потрібно принести свій рушник.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct variant.

1. We have asked them both but … (neither/both) of them knows his address.
2. He has lived in Milan and Madrid but he didn’t like … (either/neither) of the cities much.
3. She is very slim. I think she is … (either/neither) a sportsman … (or/nor) a model.
4. Anna never works all day. She works … (either/neither) in the morning … (or/nor) after
5. He has 2 cars, but I don’t like … (either/neither) of them.
6. She couldn’t choose between them, she liked them … (both/either).
7. You can take … (either/neither) a bus or a train to get to Oxford.
8. Would you like fish or chicken? - It doesn’t matter. … (Either/Both) will do for me.
9. Would you like apple juice or orange juice? - … (Either/Neither), thanks. I don’t like juice.

10. Would you like some salad or some steak? - … (Either/Both). I’m so hungry.
11. Doesn’t he use … (either/neither) of his phones?
12. My old granny could … (either/neither) read … (or/nor) write.
13. … (Either/Neither) of them invited me, so I didn’t go there.
14. You should keep … (either/both) hands on the steering wheel.
15. I don’t like horror films, and my husband doesn’t like … (either/neither).
16. … (Either/Both) my mother and father have green eyes.
17. I asked two friends to help me with the test, but … (either/neither) of them knew the
18. Her dress was … (either/both) black or brown.
19. Please ask … (either/neither) Fred or Linda to buy some milk.
20. We can meet … (either/neither) today … (or/nor) tomorrow. I am terribly busy.

Exercise 2. Give answers using neither and words in brackets.

I don’t eat garlic. (Mary) – Neither does Mary. (Я не ем чеснок. – И Мэри тоже.)

1. I cannot understand him. (we)

2. We are not from Brazil. (I)
3. He didn’t go to the movie. (William)
4. I will never talk to him. (my Mum)
5. He hasn’t bought a present yet. (I)
6. I haven’t got any sisters. (my friend)
7. I don’t enjoy horse-riding. (we)

Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer.

1 - ____ were ill so they stayed at home instead of going to school.
2 - I didn't like ____ of the choices.
3 - I couldn't decide between them - I liked them ____.

4 - _____ Yuko nor Hiromi turned up today.

5 - You can take ____ the 38 bus or the 341 to get to town.
6 - I don't think much of ____ of the candidates.
7 - I called ___ of them and left messages as they didn't answer.
8 - Would you like red or white wine?
Both will do for me.
Either will do for me.

Unit 17 Phrasal verbs / Work and business

Wage, salary

A tale of two millionaires, some people spend it and some save it

Milton Petrie The Most Generous Man in the World

Hetty Green. The Richest, the Meanest Woman in the World.

Every morning, billionaire Milton Petrie walked from his New York apartment and bought a
newspaper from the ragged old man on the street corner. One morning the man wasn’t there.
Petrie learned that he was very ill in the city hospital.
Immediately he paid his hospital bill and later, when the man died, paid for his funeral. The old
man was just one of many people that Milton Petrie helped with his money. Whenever he read
about personal disasters in his newspaper he sent generous checks, especially to the families of
policemen or firemen injured at work. He also sent checks to a mother who lost five children in a
fire, and a beautiful model, whose face was cut in a knife attack. It cost him millions of dollars,
but he still had million left. He said that he was lucky in business and he wanted to help those
less fortunate than himself.” The nice thing is, the harder I work, the more money I make, and
the more people I can help”.
Milton Petrie died in1994 when he was 89. His will was 120 pages long because he left $150
million to 383 people. His widow, Carroll, his fourth and last wife, said his generosity was a
result of the poverty of his early years. His family was poor but kind-hearted. His father was a
Russian immigrant, who became a policeman, but never arrested anyone, he was too kind.
He couldn’t even give a parking ticket.
Hetty Green was a very spoilt, only child. She was born in Massachusetts, USA, in 1835.
Her father was a millionaire businessman. Her mother was often ill, and so from the age of two
her father took her with him to work and taught her about stocks and shares. At the age of six she
started reading the daily financial newspapers and she opened her own bank account.
Her father died when she was 21 and she inherited $7,5 million. She went to New York and
invested on Wall Street. Hetty saved every penny, eating in the cheapest restaurants for 15 cents.
She became one of the richest and most hated women in the world. She was called “The Witch
of Wall Street” At 33 she married Edward Green, a multimillionaire, and had two children, Ned
and Sylvia.
Hetty’s stinginess was legendary. She always argued about prices in shops. She walked to the
local grocery store to buy broken cookies, biscuits, which were much cheaper, and to get a free
bone for her much-loved dog. Once she lost a two-cent stamp and spent the night looking for it.
She never bought clothes and always wore the same long ragged black skirt. Worst of all, when
her son Ned fell and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and spent hours looking for
free medical help. In the end Ned’s leg was amputated.
When she died in 1916 she left her children $100 million (worth $9 billion today). Her daughter
built a hospital with her money.

1. Відповідно до його заповіту, його дружина успадкувала всі його гроші.

2. Все його дитинство пройшло в злиднях і у нього не було чим ділитися з іншими
бідними людьми, але, тим не менш, його щедрість не знала меж.
3. Він ніколи не поважав жадібних людей, проте сам був не дуже щедрою людиною.
4. Вона завжди сперечалася про ціни в місцевих продуктових магазинах.
5. Його вдова відмовилася зустрітися з юристом для затвердження заповіту.
6. Ті події погано вплинули на неї.
7. Вона була найрозбещеною дитиною, яку я коли-небудь знав.

1: GO ON = happen
• What's going on?
• There's a class going on at the moment.
2: PICK UP = get something or someone from a place
• I picked up my brother from the airport.
• Please pick up some bread.
3: COME BACK = return to a place (the speaker is in that place)
• She came back around 10pm last night.
• When will you come back from France?
4: COME UP WITH = produce an idea
• Julie came up with a great idea.
• He came up with an answer to the question very quickly.
5: GO BACK = return to a place (the speaker isn't in that place)
• He finished his work and went back to his flat.
• When is she planning to go back to Japan?
6: FIND OUT = get information
• I found out that we need to submit our essays next Tuesday.
• I don't know what the weather forecast is for tomorrow, but I'll find out.
7: COME OUT = appear from a place
• He went to the cafe and came out with a coffee.
• Please come out of the bedroom.

8: GO OUT = go to an event / restaurant / pub / party

• Let's go out for dinner.
• You're going out a lot these days.
9: POINT OUT = show / mention
• Please point out to the students that they must attend all the lectures.
• 'We'll miss the bus if we don't hurry', he pointed out.
10: GROW UP = become an adult
• My children are growing up too fast!
• When will he grow up?
11: SET UP = create / arrange
• I need to set up a new bank account.
• I set up some language classes at the school.

12: TURN OUT = in the end we discover
• He turned out to be a friend of Alex's.
• The party turned out to be a big success.
13: GET OUT = leave a room / building / car
• I need to get out of the house!
• She got out of the car and went into the shop.
14: COME IN / INTO = enter (the speaker is in that place)
• Please come in! It's great to see you.
• She came into the living room and sat down.
15: TAKE ON = to be responsible for
• He's going to take on the new project.
• She isn't taking on any new students at the moment.

Exercise 1. Put in the correct phrasal verb.

1. A performance _____________ (is happening) at the moment.

2. He _____________ (left a car) of the car.
3. He _____________ (went to an event) a lot at the weekend, so he's tired today.
4. Can we _____________ (arrange / create) a meeting next week?
5. Would anybody like to _____________ (become responsible for) this new client?
6. He _____________ (returned to a place where the speaker is) before I left.
7. It's lovely watching my children _____________ (become adults).
8. He _____________ (showed / mentioned) the stars to the children.
9. He _____________ (thought of an idea) a solution.
10. Please _____________ (enter a place where the speaker is).
11. What _____________ ('s happening)?
12. We need to _____________ (get information) how much it costs.
13. At the end of the film it _____________ (in the end we discovered) that John was a good
14. He _____________ (returned to a place where the speaker is not) to Poland last year.
15. She _____________ (returned to a place where the speaker is not) to school.
16. She _____________ (appeared from a place) of the cafe and put on her gloves.
17. What time did you _____________ (return to a place where the speaker is) last night?
18. As I arrived, he _____________ (appeared from a place) of the door.
19. Could you _____________ (get information) what time we need to arrive?
20. Can you _____________ (think of an idea) a better idea?
21. She _____________ (showed / mentioned) that the shops would be closed.
22. I wish I hadn't _____________ (become responsible for) so much work!
23. I'd love to _____________ (arrange / create) my own business.
24. Where did you _____________ (become an adult)?
25. I _____________ (went to an event) for dinner with my husband last night.

Exercise 2. Find the correct phrasal verb.

1:GO ON =
2: PICK UP = a) to be responsible for
3: COME BACK = b) in the end we discover
4: COME UP WITH = c) return to a place (the speaker is in that
5: GO BACK = place)
6: FIND OUT = d) produce an idea
7: COME OUT = e) return to a place (the speaker isn't in that
8: GO OUT = place)
9: POINT OUT = f) leave a room / building / car
10: GROW UP = g) create / arrange
11: SET UP = h) get information
12: TURN OUT = i) appear from a place
13: GET OUT = j) get something or someone from a place
14: COME IN / INTO = k) show / mention
15: TAKE ON = l) happen
m) become an adult
n) go to an event / restaurant / pub / party
o) enter (the speaker is in that place)

Exercise 3. Find the correct phrasal verb.

1. to be responsible for 8. get information

2. in the end we discover 9. appear from a place
3. return to a place (the speaker is in that 10. get something or someone from a place
place) SET UP / PICK UP / GO ON
COME IN / COME OUT / COME 11. show / mention
4. produce an idea 12. happen
UP 13. become an adult
5. return to a place (the speaker isn't in that TAKE ON / GROW UP / GET OUT
place) 14. go to an event / restaurant / pub / party
6. leave a room / building / car 15. enter (the speaker is in that place)
7. create / arrange BACK

Unit 18 Passive voice / Law and crime

Blame for
Accuse of
Legal, illegal

A cold blooded murder or an accident?

"Columbo" was my favorite TV series when I was a child, so it sounded natural when I told my
family I decided to be a detective. After years of hard work I realize my duties have less to do
with the glamour of Hollywood movies than I thought at the beginning, but it's still more
challenging and full of emotion than most of the jobs my friends have. When I arrive at a crime
scene my first duty is to pay attention to every detail and collect proof of what had happened. I
have to check the suspects list and discover if they have any motives to want the person dead.
When I find a clue I have to use it in order to find a solution to the crime. Fortunately there aren't
many murders where I live, so in most of the days I investigate bank robbery or house burglary.
There aren't nice either, but it's much better to try to catch a thief than a murderer.
A serious crime was committed yesterday in the centre of London. A million pounds was stolen
from the Nat East Bank in Oxford Street by three robbers carrying guns. Customers in the bank
were told to lie on the floor while the robbers took the money from the cash. Fortunately, nobody
was killed during the robbery, but two people were hurt. They have been in hospital since
yesterday morning. We talked to a policeman after the robbery. This what he said: "We're going
to talk to all the customers in the bank at the time of the robbery and we're going to start looking
for these criminals immediately. They can't escape from London because we're going to close all
the roads for five kilometres around Oxford Street. If the public help us, we will catch them". If
you think you can help or if you know something about the robbery, please contact the Central
London Police Unit on 207 7646805.

1. Я сказав своїй родині, що вирішив стати детективом.
2. Коли я приїжджаю на місце злочину, мiй перший обов'язок - приділити увагу
кожній деталі.
3. Це набагато краще - спробувати зловити злодія, ніж вбивцю.
4. Учора в центрі Лондона було скоєно серйозний злочин.
5. Мільйон фунтів був вкрадений.
6. Вони були в лікарні з учорашнього ранку.
7. Ми збираємося почати шукати злочинців негайно.

Exercise 1. Make in Passive.

1. The roads________________ (cover) with the snow.
2. Chocolate ________________ (make) from cocoa.
3. The Pyramids ________________ (build) in Egypt.
4. This coat________________ (buy) four years ago.
5. The stadium ________________ (open) next month.
6. Your parents________________ (invite) to a meeting.
7. Where is your car? – It________________ (mend) at the moment.
8. The books already________________ (pack).
9. The castle can ________________ (see) from a long distance.
10. The guests must ________________ (meet) at noon.
Exercise 2. Change sentences into Passive.

Н-р: Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”. – “Romeo and Juliet” was written by

1. Popov invented radio in Russia.

2. Every four years people elect a new president in the USA.
3. The police caught a bank robber last night.
4. Sorry, we don’t allow dogs in our safari park.
5. The postman will leave my letter by the door.
6. My mum has made a delicious cherry pie for dinner.
7. George didn’t repair my clock.
8. Wait a little, my neighbor is telling an interesting story.
9. My son can write some more articles about football.
10. You must clean your bedroom tonight.
Exercise 3. Put with, by.
1. The hall was decorated … pink balloons.
2. The roof of the church will be repaired … local people.
3. This material has been already published … Cambridge University Press.
4. The house was built … money that he had borrowed from the bank.
5. When the the accident happened, the car was brought … police.

Exercise 4. Change sentences into Passive.

1. Nobody has used this room for ages.

2. We will give you the keys tomorrow.
3. Someone is interviewing Dr Johnson at the moment.
4. By the time I arrived, someone had already opened all your letters.
5. We usually talk briefly about the problems of the family at dinner time.

Exercise 5. Translate in Passive.

1. Цю книгу взяли з бібліотеки тільки вчора.

2. Цих трьох студентів запитали два дні тому.
3. Вас екзаменували вранці?
4. Ця миша була спіймана вночі.
5. На цій фабриці роблять дуже красиві сумки.

Unit 19 Reported speech / Money and shopping
Bill, check
Profit, benefit
Save money

Black Friday
The day after Thanksgiving has become America’s biggest shopping day. Closed all day on
Thursday, shopping centres all across the nation open early on Friday. Some of them open at 12:01
Friday morning, while others open at 4 a.m. Some “sleepyhead“ shopping centres, like Target this
year, don’t open their doors on Friday until 6 a.m. From Friday to the day before Christmas, this
is the season when businesses make nearly 25 per cent of what they earn in a year. This season
puts many businesses “in the black”, that is, they make the money they need for the year.
Reporters from local TV stations interview people who sleep in tents in front of the shops a day or
two before the doors open on Friday. These people patiently wait in queue to get products that are
50 per cent cheaper or more.
“Oh, we have fun,” said one of the persons queuing. “We sometimes bring games to play, we
watch TV and order lots of pizza, and we often meet interesting people. And, most important of
all, we save a lot!” The problem, of course, is that only a very small number of products have big
reductions in their prices. Apart from a few big discounts, each shop has other things that are
reduced from 10 to 50 per cent, saving shoppers from $10 to $400 per item, and so Americans
want to go shopping.
Not all Americans enjoy shopping. Reverend William Graham wants to change Black Friday’s
name. “We want to call it Remember Jesus Friday. People should start the season with the right
attitude. Christmas has become a Season of Shopping. We want to make it a Season of Giving.
And we don’t mean giving material things. We mean giving your back, your mind, and your hands.
Help an old lady clean up her house. Teach a kid how to read. Visit sick people in the hospital or
in nursing homes. Give food to the Red Cross. Celebrate Christmas by remembering Jesus and
forgetting Santa Claus.”
1. Деякі з них відкриваються в 12:01 ранку п'ятниці.
2. Ці люди терпляче чекають в черзі, щоб отримати продукти.
3. Іноді ми приносимо ігри, ми дивимося телевізор і замовляємо багато піци.
4. Не всім американцям подобається робити покупки.
5. Різдво стало сезоном покупок.
6. Навчіть дитину читати.
7. День після Дня Подяки став найбільшим днем покупок в Америці.

Exercise 1. Make sentences in Reported speech.

1) Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”.

2) Mary said: “I will help my sister.”
3) They told me: “We were really happy.”
4) She said: “I live in a big apartment.”
5) He told her: “I am going to the fish market.”
6) Betty said: “I found my passport.”
7) Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.”
8) Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”

Exercise 2. Make sentences in Reported speech.

Example “I work hard,” Jillian said. — Jillian said that he worked hard.
1. “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.
2. “I take my little sister to school every day,” little Anthony said.
3. “You may take my textbook,” Nonna said.
4. “They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said.

5. “I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.
6. “My sister is ready to go” Helen said.
7. “My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said.
8. “The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.
9. “I am not married,” Jimmy said.
10. “I can't read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said.

Exercise 3. Make sentences in Reported speech.

1 Robert said,' This film is very funny'.

...Robert said (that) the film was very funny...

2 'I'm starting a new job next week,' she said.

3 'I got my exam results last week,' he told them.
4 'I can't afford to buy this dress,' said Sally.
5 'I would buy a car if I had enough money,' he said to her.
6 Frank said, 'That's the house where I was born.'
7 ' That was a wonderful party,' said Jill.
8 'Oranges grow in hot countries,' the teacher says.
9 'A lot of people visit museums,' he said.
10 'This is a very famous statue,' the tour guide told us.
11 'I don't like that jacket,' said Bob.
12 'I'm lost,' the boy said.
13 'I may be a little late this evening,' she said.
14 'You'd better clean up this mess,' Mum said to Claire.
15 'I've already done the shopping,' she said.
Exercise 4. Make sentences in Reported speech.

1. Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”.

2. Mary said: “I will help my sister.”
3. They told me: “We were really happy.”
4. She said: “I live in a big apartment.”
5. He told her: “I am going to the fish market.”
6. Betty said: “I found my passport.”
7. Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.”
8. Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”

Unit 20 Reported questions, requests and orders / Entertainment

Queue, line
Named after

World party
People in different countries celebrate Mardi Gras with live music, costumes, fireworks, parades
and lots of good food. The most famous celebrations are in New Orleans, Venice, Rio de Janeiro
and Port-of-Spain.
New Orleans, USA
Small parties for Mardi Gras began in the 1700s. By the 1800s they were huge events with
masks, costumes and jazz bands. Visitors also have to try ‘King Cake’ with its gold, purple and
green decorations.
Venice, Italy
Mardi Gras is called Carnevale in this beautiful city. The first celebrations were in the 11th
century and you can still enjoy the costumes, candles and fireworks at night from a gondola in
Venice’s canals.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The world famous parades started in the mid-1800s with decorated floats and thousands of
people dancing to samba. There is also the famous meat and bean stew called Feijoda.
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
The French landed here in the 18th century and brought Mardi Gras with them. Nowadays,
everyone enjoys the parties and concerts with the famous steel drums from morning to midnight.

1. Люди в різних країнах святкують Mardi Gras з живою музикою.

2. Відвідувачі також повинні спробувати «Королівський пиріг».
3. Перші святкування були в 11-м столітті.
4. Існує також знамените м'ясо і бобове рагу.
5. Сьогодні всім подобаються вечірки і концерти.

Exercise 1. Write reported questions.

Example: “Who is he?” she asked. — She asked who he was.

1. “Why is she working so late?” he asked.
2. “Is she British?” he asked.
3. “What’s her name?” he asked.
4. “What did she buy?” he asked.
5. “Will you have something to eat?” she asked.
6. “Have they got any money?” she asked.
7. “How did you do that?” she asked.

Exercise 2. Write reported requests and orders.

Example: Feed the cat. - She told me to feed the cat.

1. Come home straight after school.

2. Warm up your dinner.
3. Wash up the dishes after the dinner.
4. Buy bread, milk and sugar.
5. Start doing your homework before I come.
6. Take the dog for a walk.
7. Clean your room.
8. Wait for me at home.

Exercise 3. Make questions and requests into Reported speech.
1. The policeman said: “Keep the silence, please.”
The policeman asked ________________________________________
2. Mother said: “Kids, you should wash your hands before lunch.”
Mother advised ________________________________________
3. The dentist told me: “Don’t eat nuts anymore.”
The dentist warned ________________________________________
4. Tom : “Could you lend me 20 dollars, please?”
Tom asked ________________________________________
5. Mr. Walters told his sons: “You must stay away from the lake.”
Mr. Walters warned ________________________________________
6. John said: “You should see a lawyer, Ted.”
John advised ________________________________________
7. The teacher told the students: “Don’t talk during the test.”
The teacher warned ________________________________________
8. The judge said: “Mr. Brown, you must pay a big fine.”
The judge ordered ________________________________________
Exercise 4. Make questions into Reported speech.
1. “Where has Jim gone?”
Maria wanted to know ___________________________________________
2. “What did the workers eat?”
They asked ___________________________________________________
3. «Have you ever been to China, Sam?”
I asked _______________________________________________________
4. “Are you French or Italian?”
She wanted to know ____________________________________________
5. “When will the next train arrive?”
I asked _______________________________________________________
6. “Do you grow flowers in your garden, Mrs. Smith?”
She wondered _________________________________________________

Exercise 5. Change Reported speech into Direct.

1. I asked him why he was tired.
2. We wanted to know if Kate had broken the car.
3. He asked if they could meet on Tuesday.
4. I wondered how often she used the washing-machine.
5. Mother wanted to know if we would invite Kevin to the party.


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