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Science Portfolio Project: Biology

Plants used and criteria

PLANT A: Plant grown with manure (Cow Dung)

PLANT B: Plant grown Synthetic Nitrogen fertilizer (NPK)
PLANT C: Plant grown with regular garden soil

*NOTE- All the plants grown for the project is the same kind. Plant A
was the parent plant for Plant B and Plant C. All of the plants were
watered daily with regular tap water*

Week 1- The plants have been planted in the different soils. It started
growing out leaves in 4 days. The plant with cow dung grew the
fastest, and the other 2 took a little while to catch up.
Week 2- The plants are thriving with the right amount of sunlight and
water. The plant with no soil (C) has stunted growth. The other 2
plants (A,B ) are both doing great.

Week 3- plants A and B have reached optimal growth. Plant C is

struggling to catch up as it has very little nutrients left to grow faster
and healthier.
The final report in conclusion would be:
The plant with cow dung was the healthiest and grew fast.
The plant with the synthetic fertilizer took time to shoot up, but was
The plant with regular garden soil could barely grow after the third
week as it had very little nutrients left.

**The plants were not killed in the project**


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