Activity Sheet - Tle6 - Quarter 1 - Week 1

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Quarter 1 – Week 1
Activity Sheet
Reading Notes 1.1
What is an entrepreneur?
 An entrepreneur is a person who meets the needs of other people by fulfilling or giving their
demands for products and services.
The Buyer and the Seller
 A buyer is a person who GETS goods or services in exchange for payment.
 A seller is a person who GIVES goods or services in exchange for payment.
 An entrepreneur can be both a buyer and a seller.
Activity 1.1.A
Look closely at the persons in the picture.

Picture 1 Picture 2
(the man in black and blue
long sleeves)

Picture 3 Picture 4
(the lady in white blouse)

Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.2

Picture 5 Picture 6
(all of them) (the man in black shirt)

Picture 7 Picture 8
(all of them)

Picture 9 Picture 10
(all the boys wearing uniform)

Activity 1.1.B
Identify the persons in the picture. On the blank, write BUYER or SELLER.
__________ 1. Picture 1 __________ 6. Picture 6
__________ 2. Picture 2 __________ 7. Picture 7
__________ 3. Picture 3 __________ 8. Picture 8
__________ 4. Picture 4 __________ 9. Picture 9
__________ 5. Picture 5 __________10. Picture 10

Activity Sheet Q1_W1-p.3

Reading Notes 1.2
What are Products?
 Products are tangible. They are also called goods. They can be seen, touched, smelled, and
even heard or tested.
 Products are anything made or sourced which involves material or labor.
 Products can be quantified, counted and measured. They can be bought by piece or by weight
(retail or tingi) or by bulk or volume (wholesale or maramihan).
 Products are located on a store or any place where buyers can easily see them.
 Products can sell itself. They are usually packaged with attractive labels.
 Examples of products:
instant coffee powder pad paper cooking oil
cookies/biscuits ball pen/pencils salt
shampoo/soap bags/wallets soy sauce
electric fan clothes fruits
gadgets sporting goods vegetables

What are Services?

 Services are intangible. They have to be experienced.

 Services are the result or products of labor as distinguished from goods.
 Services charge certain fees or upon completion of an activity or work.
 Services are flexible and mobile. It can be done in the place of work or in the house based on
customers’ preference.
 Services can be promoted by word of mouth, free trials, discounts and good customer
 Examples of services:
cutting of your hair
teaching pupils
making a house
driving a passenger jeep
extracting tooth
cooking food
Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.4

Activity 1.2
1.2.A. Tell whether each of the following is a product or a service. Write P for
product or S for services.
_____ 1. Planting seeds 6. Cutting of grass _____ 11. Eyeglasses
_____ 2. Curtains 7. Keeping safety _____ 12. Sandwiches
_____ 3. Cars/motorcycles 8. Fixing car troubles _____ 13. Massaging
_____ 4. Washing clothes 9. Detergent soaps _____ 14. Cooking
_____ 5. Piloting a plane 10. Managing a traffic _____ 15. Books
1.2.B. Write examples of products under the proper heading.
Food Drinks Gadgets Brand of Shoes School Items

1.2.C.Write examples of persons giving services found in each of the following places.
Schools Hospitals City Hall Malls Streets

1.2.D. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What do you think is the most saleable product in your community? Why do many people in
your barangay buy this product?
2. If you are a seller, would you sell the same product? Why would you sell this product?
Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.5

3. What do you think is the most in-demand service in your barangay? Why do many people or
household need this service?

4. If you are a service provider, will you render this service to your neighborhood? Why would
you render this service?
Reading Notes 1.3
All of us are buyers. We buy everything that we need in our homes and in school. We buy almost
everything that we need for ourselves. But not all of us are sellers. Not all of us may be interested in
producing even the simplest products to be sold to our friends, classmates, neighbors and even to our
relatives. But it is good to try producing products that may give us even a little income and where we
can spend our time productively. When producing items to sell, we must consider the following:
 Work on something that you want or enjoy doing. It might be a hobby.
 Produce something that you can offer to the people close to you or within the neighborhood
for a start.
 Food products are always and the most in-demand.
 Start small before thinking of producing bigger quantities.
 Practice your skills. For example, practice your skills in food preparation and cooking.
 Observe safety practices in handling, preparing and serving your products.
 Keep your cost down. Your product should not be expensive.
 Maintain the quality of you product.
 Maintain a good saleability of your products. It should be very attractive to the buyers.

Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.6

Activity 1.3
Think of at least five (5) products that you might want to produce. Then write who do you think might
be your target buyers.
Products I want Do I know how Do many people How much will I Who will surely
to sell. to produce or like this sell my product? buy my product?
make this product? (Write (Write the price.)
product? (Write yes or no.)
yes or no.)

Reading Notes 1.4

At this point, let us focus our attention on producing products or being a producer. Young as you are,
you are expected to produce products only within your capacity. What you can do and what you want
to do are the only requisites for you as a simple producer. Let us dwell on simple products or the
demands for our basic needs. The most simple and basic need of all the people is the need for food.
In the simplicity of your capabilities, you can produce simple food products. Here are some examples
of simple products that you might produce:
1. Concentrated Fruit Juice

The Philippines has an abundant production

of fruits all-year-round such as calamansi
anddalandan. Squeeze them, bottle them
in sterile containers, and print and stick labels.
Test them to your relatives then sell them
to your classmates and neighborhood.
Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.7

2. Lumpiang Shanghai

Make a mixture for lumpiang shanghai.

Prepare at least 20 rolls in one pack. Put
in a freezer. Go to the market with your
parents if needed. Kindly ask a seller of cold
meat to sell your lumpiang shanghai or maybe
you can sell it in your neighborhood per piece.

3. Turon Saging

Pick medium ripe bananas (sagingnasaba).

Peel them and cut them into halves. Roll the
banana halves in brown sugar and wrap two to
three halves in an egg wrapper or simply a
“lumpia wrapper.” Deep fry but be careful not
to over toast it. You can sell it right in front of
your house or you may roam around your vicinity
and sell it in your neighborhood.

4. Polvoron

Toast the flour until it turns light brown in color.

Remove from heat and let it cool. Melt the butter
And set it aside. Mix powdered milk, sugar and
the toasted flour. Add the melted butter and mix
until well combined. Make sure the lumps are
broken while stirring the mixture. Fill up and press
the molder with enough amount of the mixture
to make it more compact. Release the molded
polvoron and wrap it in a cellophane. Sell your
product in your neighborhood by piece or in packs.

5. Coffee Flavored Pastillas

Combine condensed milk, coffee and powdered
milk. Mix and blend evenly using a mixing spoon.
Shape into balls or mini logs then roll in sugar.
Wrap each all or log in a wrapper of your choice.
Selling this product can be done within your vicinity.
Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.8

Activity 1.4.A
With the help and guidance of your parents or whoever is capable and available in your family, fill out
the chart below.
Estimated Estimated Amount of Number of
Name of Product Amount of Operating Expenses Products Made Selling
Ingredients Price
Fruit Juice
Lumpiang Shanghai

Sample computation:
 (estimated amount of ingredients) PLUS (estimated amount of operating expenses) TIMES
( . 2 ) DIVIDED BY ( the number of products made)
 Ingredients + Operating Expenses x . 2 / Number of Products Made
 Php 200 + Php 100 x . 2 = Php 60 / 50 pcs. = Php 1.2
 In this case, we can sell our product at Php 1.50 or Php 2.00
Activity 1.4.B
Make a wise guess to rate the production and saleability of the products above. Use the rating scale of
1 – 4 where 4 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.
Product Saleability Nutritious Product Acceptability or Price Total
Value Appearance Demand
Fruit Juice
Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.9
Reading Notes 1.5
According to some expert producers and entrepreneurs, the following are some opportunities to
lookout for in producing simple products:
 The presence of favorable support from your family, parents, siblings and relatives who will
somehow provide guidance, financial support and technical assistance in your venture.
 The increasing demand for products in your community
 New product development not yet available in your community or market.
 Scarcity of products in the community.

In producing simple products, you have to have a favorable support from your family members aside
from your own skills and interests. You might the guidance of these people in the course of your
simple production. You should also know if the people in your target community really want to buy
your product and there is no one or very few people who also produce the same product. You should
also bear in mind that if a product, simple as it may be, is really in-demand in your community or
barangay, and there is very few producers or only one producer of the product, scarcity or lack of
supply may arise.
There are actually more things that can be done to explore business opportunities. Most entrepreneurs
or producers can see, hear, feel and notice all of these by intuition.
Activity 1.5
Put in mind the life situation and the lifestyle of the families in the community or barangay where you
are living. Then answer the questions that follow.
1. What product can you offer to your neighborhood?
2. What products do people in your barangay usually buy?
3. What three (3) products are usually sold in your barangay?
4. What is the common resource (product ingredient) found in your barangay?
5. Using the products you answered in #4, what simple product can you produce out of them?
6. In your barangay, who do you consider as a successful producer of simple products? What is
he/she producing?
7. If you will try to be like him/her, what simple product will you produce? Why?
Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.10
EPP 6 – Q1-W1
WA-1 (Q1-W1)
Think of a simple product. Then Write the skills that YOU CAN DO to produce this product and what
YOU LIKE TO DO so that it will be easy for you to produce the product.
The simple product that I would like to produce is _______________ .

It will be easy for me to produce the product It will be easy for me to produce the product
because I know how to . . . . because I like to . . . .
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
WA – 2 (Q1-W1)
Create a prototype. Write down the prices of the ingredients, materials and other expenses that you
think you might incur in your simple production.

Ingredients and Their Prices

Materials and Their Prices

Other Expenses
Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.11
WA – 3 (Q1-W1)
Answer the following questions to come up with a simple production plan.

What is your product?

Why is there a need to produce your


How much did it cost you to make it?

How much will you sell it for?

Who is your target market or buyer?

How will you sell your product?

Activity Sheet -Q1-W1-p.12


ABIVA Publishing House, Inc. FUN WITH HELE 6,Lory C. Balaoing,

ABIVA Publishing House, Inc. FUN WITH HELE 5,Lory C. Balaoing,

DepEd Philippines, LIFE SKILLS THROUGH TLE 6, Gloria A. Peralta, EdD,


Teacher III
San Crispin Elementary School

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