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Quaal’s Bag of Ioun Figurines

This is really a collection of collections. The most common “homebrewed” items in D&D are The Deck
of Many Things (which is covered in another file over 100 pages long), Ioun Stones, The Bag of Tricks,
new items for a Robe of Useful Items, Figurines of Wondrous Power, and Quaal’s Feather Tokens.
Collected here are all the canon, official release, net additions that I could find and a few of my own.
No infringement on copyright is intended as this is a gamers’ only collection for reference. Net
contributors are credited wherever possible. Figurines are listed alphabetically by material (Marble, Onyx,
etc.) Ioun Stones are listed by shape then color. Enjoy!

F Haskell

First up is the Robe of Useful items. This is a first edition list with a twist first listed in a module. As a
game item it has WAY too many items and powers but shows ALL the added possibilities. The core items
are there as well as some from the web (they were random listings so no credit is possible) and the rest
from the back of one of the core books. What follows is a Robe of Bones I enhanced.

Robe of Useful Items, also a robe of Scintillating Colors hypnotize or transfix for 2-5 rds or turns. It
appears as a gypsy robe of multiple colored silk rags but in reality is an elegant robe with real gold work
embroidery and embroidered patches inside that can be peeled and used by the owner. Even if all patches
are used, the robe retains its scintillating color power and still appears altered to outsiders. [AD&D]
2 daggers 1 oak door
2 10' poles 1 stack 50sp
2 lanterns 1 wasp nest
2 50' ropes 1 giant owl
2 lg. mirrors 2'X4' 1 24' ladder
2 lg. sacks 1 10' cube pit
3 bags 100gp 1 meat haunch, beef
1 cask ale 1 campfire
2 12' rowboats 1 Chess set
1 sm. Bonfire 1 Tent, pitched
1 cask wine 1 Wooden bathtub w/ hot water
2 pack mules 1 Lady's hat and handbag
4 pair wardogs 1 mallet & 10 stakes
1 caltrops, 6 1 meat haunch, roast mutton
1 4' crowbar 1 meat haunch, venison
1 lit torch 1 meat haunch, pork
2 2'X4' windows 2 gems 10 of 100gp
1 cask brandy 2 potions extra-healing
1 12' ladder 1 scroll protection from shape changers
1 rooster 1 500gp silver coffer
1 silver dagger 1 Scroll of Protection from Petrification
1 shovel 1 cask water 3 gal.
1 oak tree 30' 1 Scroll of Protection from the Undead
1 pick 2 10X10 iron doors

1 Ballista, loaded, w/ 10 bolts 2 hunting spiders
1 Portable Ram 10' long 1 Rock fall (5 ft. by 5 ft. by 5 ft.) inflicts 2d6
1 Camping set, iron set (including a knife, fork, damage and creates dense rubble
spoon, cup, plate, small bowl, stew pot, and three 1 bedroll
pans) 1 set exploring clothes
1 Picnic set (a basket full of food and drinks for 1 climbing set
4 persons, parasol, and carpet) 1 Shapeable wooden barricade (5 ft. high) up to
1 roll of fine linens (toilet paper) 100 ft. long; treat as dense undergrowth (Boma)
1 Scroll of Protection from Possession 1 Dense undergrowth (5 ft. by 5 ft. by 5 ft.)
1 4' x 6' dinner table with settings for four, 1 Spyglass
including good wine (one goblet each), lit 1 Potion of Flying
candles, and a tasty chicken and vegetable 1 Cart and pony
dinner. 2 wolves
1 horse with pack 1 Pool of fresh water (5 ft. by 5 ft. by 1 ft. deep)
2 roast turkey legs 1 Sunrod
2 tankards ale 1 Spell component pouch
4 clay pots of oil 1 set Cleric's vestments
1 50' length of silk rope with grapnel 1 Wooden holy symbol
1 10'x5' door 1 Religious tract
1 caltrops, 12 4 vials of holy water
2 dice d6 1 Masterwork breastplate and masterwork light
2 heavy maces steel shield
2 long spears 1 Stone statue of wearer's god (10 ft. high, 5 ft.
1 tower shield wide)
1 set leather armor 1 Phylactery of faithfulness
1 hvy crossbow, 10 bolts 1 Bell
2 automaton warriors 1 Stone altar (5 ft. by 5 ft. by 5 ft.)
1 everburning torch 2 divine guards
1 sack containing 400 gp and 1,000 sp 1 Healer's kit and vial of antitoxin
1 Masterwork alchemical silver heavy mace 1 Sheet of parchment, vial of ink and quill
1 Masterwork heavy crossbow and five 1 loaf of bread
adamantine bolts 1 medium cheese wheel
1 Trail rations (1 day) 2 smoked roasted turkey legs
1 Potion Oil of daylight

Robe of Bones, Greater

This handy item functions much like a robe of useful items for the serious necromancer. It appears to be
an unremarkable robe covered in sewn on bones and small skeletons, like a shaman's robe. A character
who dons it notes that it is adorned with small full skeletons, some enchanted small, some from minimals,
some just enchanted single bones. These figures are known intrinsically by the robe's wearer to be
magical. Only the wearer of the robe can see the figures and recognize them for the creatures they
become, and detach them. One figure can be detached each round. Detaching a figure causes it to become
an actual undead creature under the control of the robe wearer.
2 goblin skeletons 2 goblin zombies
2 wolf skeletons 2 medium wolf zombies

2 human skeletons 2 human commoner zombies
1 hill giant skeleton can speak 1 Zombie Lion
1 Iron Skeleton Armed can speak
Moderate necromancy [evil]; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead; Price 2,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
[Fred Haskell mod]

One deck I will include is the Deck of Illusions that always should have been expanded to a full 54 card
deck. You normally would cut the deck and give the players an incomplete one anyway but a full listing
was in order.

Deck of Illusions:
   
A: Red Dragon Beholder Lich Iron Golem
K: Fighter 4gds. MU 1app Cleric 2pr Thief 3 cohorts
Q: Succubus Night Hag Medusa Erinyes
J: Druid Assassin Monk Bard
10: Fire Elemental Air Water Earth
9: Cloud Giant Fire Giant Frost Giant Hill Giant
8: Ettin Orge Mage Troll Ogre
7: Bugbear Gnoll Hobgoblin Orc
6: Goblin Kobold Xvart Norker
5: Pseudo Dragon Brownie Imp Quasit
4: Cobra Python Rattlesnake Sea Snake
3: Treant Galeb Dhur Dryad Nerid
2: Sprite Fairy Sylph Will-O-Wisp
2 Jokers as the deck owner [AD&D supplement mod Fred Haskell]

Next are the numerous Bags of Tricks. The canon are included as well as the 3.5 and 4.0 ed. versions. I
added a few and I got the Arctic bag years ago and can no longer find the reference. If you are its creator
please let me know.

Bags of tricks:
a) White cotton bag, ball of fur in bottom: weasel, skunk, badger, wolf, giant lynx, wolverine, boar, giant stag
[AD&D canon]
b) Linen bag, ball of fur in bottom: rat, owl, dog, goat, ram, bull, bear, lion [AD&D canon]
c) Burlap bag, ball of fur in bottom: jackal, eagle, baboon, ostrich, leopard, jaguar, buffalo, tiger [AD&D canon]
d) Elephant leather bag, ivory cue ball in bottom: prehistoric bag of tricks: eohippus, dire wolf, Haast
hawk, smilodon, cave bear, entelodont, Teratorn, mammoth. [Fred Haskell]

e) White fur bag, white ball of fur in bottom: Arctic Bag of Tricks: All animals are white including the
snow tiger. [Web]
1d8 Animal AC HD HP Move Damage
1 White Weasel 6 1/2 3 12 1-3
2 Snowy Owl 7 1 6 3, fl 18 1-4/1-4
3 Arctic Badger 5 2 10 9, bw 3 1-3/1-3/1-4
4 Timber Wolf 7 2+2 12 18 2-7
5 Giant Lynx 6 3+3 18 15 1-4/1-4/1-6/1-3/1-3
6 Giant Wolverine 5 5 25 9 1-6/1-6/2-8 + musk
7 Polar Bear 5 6 30 15, sw 12 1-8/1-8/1-10/2-12 (hug)
8 Snow Tiger 6 8 40 15 2-7/2-7/1-12/2-8/2-8
f) Canvas bag, ball of fur in bottom: rabbit, penguin, fox bat, python, horse, cow, orangutan, rhino [Fred
g) Alligator skin bag, fossil trilobite in bottom: Compsognathus, pterodactyl, Stegosaurus, anklyosaurus,
velociraptor, Apatosaur, Triceratops, T. Rex [Fred Haskell]
h) Gray wool Bag, ball of fur in bottom: Bat (move 6); Rat (night vision); Cat (this creature also knocks
the target prone on a hit); Weasel (silent moving); Snake (+2 poison); Badger (+1 hit); Spider (climb 6);
Scorpion (black scorpion is +1 poison) [D&D 4.0]
i) Rust wool Bag, ball of fur in bottom: Bear (grabs on hit); Ape (hit stuns); Wolf (hit knocks down target);
Bull (hit shoves target 20'); Spider, large (+5 poison damage); Warhorse (rider gets +5 to damage while
mounted); Macetail Behemoth (Ankylosaurus) (tail att 2d8); Rage Drake (small dragon does +3 on all
damage) [D&D 4.0]
j) Vermillion wool Bag, humanoid femur bone in bottom: Bloodspike Behemoth (Stegosaurus) (knocks
down targets); Large Crushgrip Constrictor (bites and grabs); Large Blade Spider (bursts of blades area
attack); Large Stone-Eye Basilisk (paralyzing venom); Large Wyvern (+10 poison); Huge Guulvorg (+5
damage and knocked down); Large Iron Gorgon (shoves targets 10', double damage); Huge Carrion
Crawler (slow poison, shoves 20') [D&D 4.0]
k) Metal mesh bag with what looks like a conch shell inside: Ocean Aquatic Bag of Tricks: minnow,
porcupine blowfish, malo kingi box jellyfish, salmon, barracuda, moray eel, ancient sea turtle, stonefish,
large Humboldt squid, large sea snake (9ft long), porpoise, tiger shark, great white shark, orca [Fred Haskell]
l) Copra net bag with a coconut inside: Fresh Water Bag of Tricks: dreaded candiru (if released in
Wildspace is an air candiru), fresh water stingray (12 ft.), salmon, large Piranha (2 ft.), giant carp, giant
catfish, large electric eel (6ft long, 30 lbs.), large alligator snapping turtle (5' long, 403 lbs.), river shark,
Nile crocodile [Fred Haskell]
m) Gray Cloth bag, ball of fur in bottom: Bat, Rat, Cat, Weasel, Badger (American) [D&D 3.5]
n) Rust Cloth bag, ball of fur in bottom: Wolverine, Wolf, Boar, Black Bear [D&D 3.5]
o) Tan Cloth bag, ball of fur in bottom: Brown Bear, Lion, Heavy Warhorse, Tiger, Rhinoceros [D&D 3.5]
p) Leather sack, ball of fur in bottom: Bear (AC5, 1-3/1 -3/2-8 + hug, HD6), Lion (AC6, 1-4/1-4/1-10,
HD5), Bull (AC6, 1-6/1-6, HD4), Ram (AC7, 2-8, HD3), Wolf (AC7, 1-6, HD2), Jackel (AC8, 1-2,
HD½). [Greyhawk]
q) Gray Linen bag, ball of fur in bottom: Bat, Rat, Cat, Weasel, Riding Dog [Pathfinder]
r) Rust Linen bag, ball of fur in bottom: Wolverine, Wolf, Boar, Leopard [Pathfinder]
s) Tan Linen bag, ball of fur in bottom: Gizzly Bear, Lion, Heavy Warhorse, Tiger, Rhinoceros [Pathfinder]
t) Aqua Satin bag, a crab claw is in the bottom: King Crab, Seal, Dolphin, Octopus, Humboldt Squid
u) Mylar Bag with a colored cube (Rubik's cube) in the bottom: Barsoomian Plant Man; Arduian Air
Shark with a mounted laser on its head; a Gamma World Security Bot; an Imperial Storm Trooper, armed

who can shoot; a Terminator T-800 with a 75 watt plasma rifle; a Stage 3 Guild Navigator; a gorilla man
named Urko, Jr. with his rifle and horse. [Fred Haskell 2021]
v) Gray Felt Bag, Weasel, Giant Rat, Badger (English), Boar, Black Panther, Giant Badger, Dire Wolf,
Giant Elk (an actual elk, not a prehistoric Giant Elk or Deer) [D&D 5 ed.]

w) Rust Felt Bag, Rat, Owl, Mastiff, Goat, Giant Goat, Giant Boar, Lion, Brown Bear [D&D 5 ed.]th

x) Tan Felt Bag, Jackel, Gibbon Ape, Mandril Baboon, Axe Beak, Black Bear, Giant Weasel, Giant
Hyena (just large not prehistoric), Tiger (smaller red Bali tiger) [D&D 5 ed.]

z) Tapa Cloth Bag of plants, Treant (Ent 60'), Shambling Mound, Kelpie, Strangle Weed (water based in
water, land based on land), Bloodthorn, Retch Plant, Giant Sundew, Black Willow [Fred Haskell 2023]
aa) Birch Bark Bag of Fungi, Myconid, Shrieker, Gas Spore (large), Violet Fungi, Ascomoid, Ustilagor,
Vegepygmy, Phantom Fungus [Fred Haskell 2023]
bb) Oily Seal Skin Bag of Slimes, Black Pudding, Grey Ooze, Ochre Jelly, Green Slime, Gelatinous
Cube, Stunjelly, Symbiotic Jelly, White Pudding [Fred Haskell 2023]
cc) Gray cloth bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other bags.
Weasel, Giant Rat, Badger, Bear, Panther, Giant Badger, Dire Wolf, Giant Elk (Prehistoric). [Bag of Tricks
Revisited 2023]
dd) Rust cloth bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other bags. Rat,
Owl, Mastiff, Goat, Giant Goat, Giant Boar, Lion, Brown Bear. [Bag of Tricks Revisited 2023]
ee) Tan cloth bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other bags.
Jackel, Ape (Great Chimp), Baboon, Axe Beak, Giant Weasel, Giant Hyena, Tiger. [Bag of Tricks Revisited 2023]
ff) Azure cloth bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other bags.
Crab, Octopus, Quipper, Giant Crab, Reef Shark, Crocodile, Giant Toad, Hunter Shark. [Bag of Tricks Revisited
gg) Olive cloth bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other bags.
Shrieker, Awakened Shrub, Sprite, Violet Fungus, Blink Dog, Satyr, Awakened Tree, Roll 1-7. [Bag of Tricks
Revisited 2023]
hh) Patchwork cloth bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other
bags. Humunculus, Giant Fire Beetle, Stirge, Pseudodragon, Cockatrice, Worg, Grick, Roll 1-7. [Bag of Tricks
Revisited 2023]
ii) Black Tattered cloth bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other
bags. Raven, Spider, Poisonous Snake, Giant Bat, Warhorse Skeleton, Death Dog, Darkmantle, Roll 1-7.
[Bag of Tricks Revisited 2023]
jj) Leather Saddle Bag: Smaller bag, small leather ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other
bags. All creatures have tack. Mule, Camel, Pony, Elk, Riding Horse (Medium Horse), Warhorse
(Heavy), Hippogriff, Cave Bear. [Bag of Tricks Revisited 2023]
kk) Gossamer cloth bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other bags.
Vulture, Flying Snake, Pteranodon, Flying Sword (Dancing), Giant Wasp, Gargoyle, Pegasus, Roll 1-7.
[Bag of Tricks Revisited 2023]
ll) Fur Lined Bag: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other bags.
Snowshoe Hare, Snowy Owl, Arctic Fox, Giant Penguin, Reindeer, Polar Bear, Winter Wolf, Roll 1-7.
[Bag of Tricks Revisited 2023]
mm) Lamia's Temple Bag, Leather bag with barbed object in bottom: Smaller bag, smaller fur ball which
can only be thrown 20' vs. 60' for other bags. Scorpion, Constrictor Snake, Crocodile, Jaguar, Bronze
Wyrmling, Mimic, Manitcore, Roll 1-7. [Bag of Tricks Revisited 2023]
Bag of Spiders: Like a bag of tricks but only summons a mass of spiders once a day. The bag is blackest
spider silk made from black widow web. Use insect swarm rules and venom from Black Widows applies
with a -2 to save as many of the black widows are in fact Velsharess Orbbs or Queen Widows of the
Underdark. The bag is made of Drow silk and unless kept completely in the dark will break down over

time. It will either dissolve or release the spiders at once. The swarm is about 10,000 spiders or 10' X 10'
feet. AC:8 Speed:8. [Drizzt Books]
Doomed of Gorgorath: (a Bag of Bones) a one use item that creates 238-382 animate skeletons for a priest
of Gorgorath to command. Roll 6d20+6d6 -11 [AD&D supplement]

Here is the most complete collection of Figurines of Wondrous Power and Figurines of Fabulous Power
from Arduin that I know of. The Tiger Minions are my creation just not fleshed out completely.
Following them are the pewter figures from Spelljammer as they are also magical figures.

Figures and Figurines of Wondrous Power [AD&D supplement mostly]

Agate Buraq: cross dimensions, move 48", 8hrs/week [Dragon Magazine]
Agate Wallaby: 4" brown-black and white wallaby kangaroo figurine. Transforms into 9 foot tall, 29 HP, 5
HD monster, AC: 9, Dex: 21, It can hop 220' per melee round, leap up 45', and across 25'. It can kick for
2-15 HP damage, or tail swipe for 2-16 HP damage plus knock down. It can carry up to 600lbs. or two
full sized people in its pouch and obeys all commands of its owner. Used up to 1/week for up to 12 hours.
Alabaster Griffon: 40hp 1d4/1d4/2d8 dam used once/week for 12 hours, if slain three week delay in reuse.
[AD&D supplement]
Alabaster White Pegasus of the Stone Mountains, fine reproduction of a pegasus in full barding, 8HD
pegasus, +2 banded barding.2 times per week, 6 hours at a time. [AD&D supplement]
Amber Desert Camel: 24 MDC, 18", needs no water, 1 week per month [Dragon Magazine]
Amber Monkeys: 4, can blink 30', use 1/day for 10 minutes [AD&D supplement]
Monkey of Deafening: grabs ears, deafens character, chimpanzee sized
Monkey of Blinding: grabs eyes, blinds character, chimpanzee sized
Monkey of Muting: grabs throat with tail, mutes character, capuchin sized, only one use to kill
Monkey of Thinking: uses mental Blast against evildoers, spider monkey sized [Fred Haskell]
Amber Mountain Camel: 24 MDC, 18", 1 week per month [Dragon Magazine]
Amber Racing Camel: 24 MDC, 24", 1 week per month [Dragon Magazine]
Amber Tiger: summons a normal large tiger, AC: 4, Move: 15", HD: 8,
64 MDC, THAC0 13, dam 2-5/2-5/1-10/2-8/2-8 (all +2 H), size L
(12'), 24 hours per 2 days [Fred Haskell]
Amber War Camel: 30 MDC, 18", 1-6/1-6, 1 week per month [Dragon Magazine]
Aquamarine Shark: banana-sized chunk of aquamarine fashioned into an
intricately carved shark showing gills and teeth. Command must be given placing figure in water, a tiger
shark of the largest size appears. If slain, cannot be brought back for one full week. used 1/day for 1 hour.
When deactivated the figurine reappears in the owner's possession. [AD&D supplement]
Ashoka's Bone Lion Kings: 4 lions AC 5/6, 5+2 HD, 1 time for a week once a month, guard, fight, protect,
advise as wise kings, L/G. Abraham the black lion with black on black eyes appears as a burned bone
figure, Methuselah the lion appears as a tan lion with golden yellow eyes and a rich honey colored mane
is a an ivory colored bone figure, Isaac the Barbary lion is a light almost gold tan color with long thick
black mane that covers his head and down under his chest and belly. He has green eyes and appears as a

bone lion figure with dark haversian lines, Noah the white lion with blue eyes appears as a bleached white
bone figure. [Dragon Magazine]
Basalt Glyptodon (32000 GP) Forms a Glyptodon (giant aramdillo). Used 1/week for up to 6 hours. Can
burrow 10/rd. [AD&D Frostburn]
Basalt Xantippe of Annoyance: Small basalt shrew, turns into a giant shrew 1 day per week 40 MDC, or an
ethereal woman who criticizes the user loudly for 1 week per month. [Dragon Magazine]
Black Mithril Dark Beauty: This statuette is a finely detailed representation of a winged, fiendish unicorn.
On command, it assumes life-size form and possesses all the abilities of a winged fiendish unicorn except
the ability to teleport. The figurine can be used once per week for one continuous period of up to 24
hours. Flying bat winged Unicorn that can cast cure spells 3/day, flys: 80' MC: B. Weight: 1 lb. Price
25000 GP [AD&D Fey Feature]
Blue Ceramic Baboon, animates into a collection of a dozen hideously ugly and loud baboons, each roughly
the size of a large dog. They follow the orders of the user as long as it involves stealing, fighting or
travelling, but are never quiet, nor orderly. Typical stats. 1/day, 1hour/use.Each baboon slain causes non-
activation for 2 days. If all twelve baboons are slain before the duration expires or the command word is
given, then the figurine is ruined and will not work again. [AD&D supplement]
Blue Quartz Eagle: Transforms into an eagle for up to 24 hours per ten days. The eagle is an ideal scout,
with an amazing +19 spot check passively sending the info. [AD&D Races of Faerun]
Bloodstone Spider – creates actual spider made of bloodstone, move: 6, AC: -2, small as a human hand, HP:
16, poison bite 1d2 plus 1d8 +5 poison. 8hrs/day. [AD&D 4 ed.]

Bloodstone Boar summons a Red Infernal Boar used as war mount. Used 1 week per month. [AD&D 4 ed.] th

Bone Ape (10000 GP). 1/wk for up to 8 hrs., black furred ape with a white face. [AD&D Ghostwalk]
Bone of Animation: fossil tooth which turns into a giganthopithicus skeleton, AC: 4, hp 50. Can carry 6,000
gp in weight. once per day for 1 hour. [Fred Haskell]
Bone White Tiger: This is a white tiger bone figurine which will transform into a large white tiger, 12
hours/day, AC:2, HD:5+5, HP:43, THAC0:15, #Atk:3, Dmg:1d8+1/1d8+1/2d8, Alignment : Neutral,
Spec Def: +1 or better to hit; surprised only on a 1, Spec Att:
* If both front claws strike successfully, rear claws rake for 2d6 points of damage each.
* Tiger is able to leap up 15' or 20'-40' (1d20+20) forward in attack.
* Tiger has 120' Infravision and has mental link with its master if within 300' and master is able to see
through Tiger's eyes if within 150'.
* Tiger's roar causes FEAR in all opponents (as per spell cast by 12th lvl wizard, save vs. spells will result
in Attk at -2 to hit).
* Saliva acts as a Potion of Healing if Tiger licks PC wounds - maximum of 4 times per at 1d8 each. [Web]
Branchala's Steel Steed: This statuette of a horse can be thrown to the ground with the command words
"Branchala guide me" to transform it into an elven horse for thirty minutes. This horse has a speed of 60
ft. and can cast feather fall upon itself at will. The statuette can be used three times before it loses all
power. [Dragonlance Books]
Brass and silver mer-centaur. It is a fish (vertical tailed) topped by a man's torso, and then a lion's head. It is
brass with silver inlay and large, about 4" tall. It has the same stats as a Sea Cat but has hands to hold
weapons for weapon attacks. The figurine can be summoned twice a week and remains for up to 6 hours
per use. [Quag Keep Books]
Brass Sneaky Monkey, figurine is about an inch tall. When activated, it animates into a friendly and curious
little monkey still 1" tall, still made of brass (hardness 8), but with an intelligence of 10 and a Search skill
bonus of +12, Move Silently skill of +12 and Hide skill of +12. The monkey can speak in common and
terran, and has the special ability to detect traps as a rogue. Can be animated 1/week for 4 hours. [Web]

Brass Liger: summons a male "liger," tiger-lion cross, VERY large, 1,200 pounds, 14.5 feet long including
tail, AC: 4, Move: 15", HD: 10, 80 MDC, THAC0 13, dam 2-6/2-6/1-12/2-10/2-10 (all +2 H), 24 hours
per week [Fred Haskell]
Briarwood Otter: Int 3, normal otter, 10 hp, 1wk/6 hours. [AD&D supplement]
Bronze Bison of Banishment: small bison (buffalo) in exquisite detail. The white bison grows to full size
and attacks the designated target(s) for 3d2 rounds. THAC0: 10, AC:3, HP:70. Can be used 3-6 rounds
(minutes) every 24 hours. When the bison hits target must save vs. spells at -2 penalty, or suffer a
Teleport Without Error effect to a random location within 1,000 miles on the campaign world. The
location will be common in that it itself will not kill the creature. If the subject saves the bison does 1d10
points of damage. [Web]
Bronze Gryphon: Has AC 4 70hp, serves as a normal gryphon for 2/week for up to 6 hours at a time. [AD&D
Bronze Warrior: real warrior with composite bow +1, 20/+1 arrows, +1 long sword and javelin of piercing
(180' rg. 1d6+6 dam, +6 hit) serves for 3 turns/day. Has AC-2 40hp, 6th lev, str 18 dex 18. [AD&D supplement]
Carnelian Lizard, carved in the form of a long, heavy-jawed lizard. Becomes a blood lizard, a deep red
scaled 5-foot long lizard. It is treated as a monitor lizard, but is surrounded by an aura of desecration, as
per the desecrate spell. If the spell effect is negated, it comes back again. After fighting it stops to eat its
victim. Victim is animated as a skeleton under the control of the carnelian lizard's owner. 1/week 4 hours.
[AD&D supplement]
Cedar wood Assassination Guardian Statuette: one foot tall depicting a cloaked man holding a dagger
poised to strike. During sleep if an assassin enters within a 30' radius of the owner of the statuette, the
statue shouts a warning and animates to attack the intruder (still 12" tall). The statue has an AC: 2, hp: 1
MDC, but can cause only 1 point of damage per attack. Attacks as a 3rd level fighter. Any number of
times up to 1 hour/day. Also repels insects in a 10' radius. [Dragon Magazine]
Ceramic Armadillo, brilliantly-painted little clay statuette becomes a giant armadillo of immense size with a
pagoda built into the armor of its back. It is treated in this form as an elephant, but with a natural AC
bonus of +20 (AC 28) and a single bite attack dealing 1d8+15 damage. Pagoda can fit up to 4 people with
cover from the elements. 2/month 24 hours. [AD&D supplement]
Clay Phoenix, hard clay unfired of bird with wings spread and no legs. Becomes a phoenix with 20-foot
wingspan like giant eagle (flight class B). If defeated, clay phoenix can explode in a blast of hardened
clay shards, 8d6 to all 20' rad. Becomes lump of clay in the shape of an egg that slowly reshapes into bird.
1 week. Otherwise, used 2/week 1 hour each use. [AD&D supplement]
Claystone Fistful of Rats, (pipestone), collection of small lumps on a 2-inch wide disk. Fistful of rats
becomes a swarm of rats, 100 rats. Once per week, if the swarm enters into water, the water becomes host
to filth fever disease. This ability can affect up to 400 gallons of water. Used 3/week 2 hours each. [AD&D
Copper Beastly Boar: a normal fiendish dire boar under the command of its possessor. The item can be used
2/week for up to 6 hours per use. Price 10,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb. [AD&D Fey Feature]
Copper Wolf, animates into the form of a red-furred dire wolf with glowing red eyes. Used 2/week 4 hours
each. Immune to electrical attacks, healed by them. [AD&D supplement]
Copper Mantis: Sacred tokens of the god Majere, these items were made from fine copper wire intricately
braided into the form of a preying mantis, its claws folded in front of it. If the owner of the mantis casts it
upon the ground while speaking the command word, the copper mantis becomes a living giant preying
mantis that will attack the owner's enemies (see page 206 of the Monster Manual, 2nd ed. premium). It will
fight for up to one minute each day before turning to token form. If the giant mantis is killed, it
immediately returns to token form and cannot be summoned again for a full week. [Dragonlance Books]

Coral, Black Zeuglodon (42000 GP). Forms a Zeuglodon (60 foot prehistoic killer whale) when thrown into
water and activated by command. If killed in creature form the figurine reforms in the owner's hand. Used
2/week up to 4 hours each use. [AD&D Frostburn]
Coral, Red Dragon: 64 MDC, 12"/24"fly/36"swim, 1d10/1d10/2d6, gust of wind, airy water, create water,
very wise, 4 hrs/week, these "tokens" represent a true variant dragon race. [AD&D supplement]
Coral, White Dolphin Transforms into an especially intelligent (INT: 15) dolphin twice per ten days for 4
hours per use. Has blindsight out to 120'. [AD&D Races of Faerun]
Diamond Badger, normal badger, with the standard statistics, except made of clear crystal, providing a
natural AC bonus of +8 (AC 21) and a hardness of 10. (1st ed AC: -3) The user can see through the eyes of
the badger by concentrating, wherever the badger is as long as it is on the same plane of existence. Can
fight like a wolverine. Can tunnel 10 X 10' hole per rd. Used 2x week for up to 12 hours per use. If slain,
the diamond badger cannot be used for one month. [AD&D supplement]
Diamond Eagle, normal eagle, with the standard statistics, except made of clear crystal, providing a natural
AC bonus of +8 (AC 21) (1st ed AC: -1) and a hardness of 10. The user can see through the eyes of the
eagle by concentrating, wherever the eagle is as long as it is on the same plane of existence. Used 2x week
for up to 12 hours per use. If slain, the diamond eagle cannot be used for one month. [AD&D supplement]
Diamond Ice Toad (33000 GP) Forms a crystal cleat transparent Ice Toad that obeys the owner. Used
2/week up to 1 hour each time. [AD&D Frostburn]
Ebony Fly: pony sized AC4, 36 MDC, 210lbs. weight carried, 36" move, 48" no rider, 3/week, 12hrs/day.
[AD&D Canon]
Elderwood Falcon: depicts a falcon with wings outspread. Conjures an ancient falcon of the Feywild.
Nightsight vision, HP:15, AC-4; 2d4+4 damage, neutral, Str 11, Dex 19, Wis 18, Con 16, Int 2, Cha 8.
8hrs/day [AD&D supplement]
Electrum Unicorn: normal unicorn that will let the owner ride it. The
unicorn can teleport with its rider teleporting without error.
AC: 4, 60 MDC, 3 att, 3-6/3-6/8-16, move: 24", 1/week, max 8
hours. [AD&D Canon]
Emerald Dragonfly: 9" long emerald with star ruby eyes and rainbow crystal wings. Transforms into 15'
long, 57 MDC, Dex 20, and AC: -3 creature for transport or combat. Lifts 480 lbs. #Atts 1/seg. Bites for
1-12 damage points. It flies at 50"/turn (500 ft/seg or 56 miles an hour) and can dive at 100"/turn but there
is a 15% chance that it cannot pull out of a dive. Can be used 1/day for 3 hours at a time. Maneuverability
class is A, the best. [Arduin]
Emerald Frog: 1 MDC (AD&D 1st ed AC: -9) almost impossible to hit, kills all creatures with exoskeletons
5'rg, user sees through its eyes, 1/day [Dragon Magazine]
Emerald Winged Serpent: 1/week for 1 hour 50 MD, 2d10, 24" [Dragon Magazine]
Fulgurite Octopus, This very light and lumpy statuette looks vaguely like a multi-tentacled creature with a
hollow interior made of a translucent mineral and sand. Fulgurite is a lightning strike in sand. About an
inch and a half long, when animated this statuette becomes a large octopus that crackles with electricity.
The fulgurite octopus is treated as a normal octopus, but its attacks also deal 2d6 lightning damage. 8 uses
only for 1 hour each. [AD&D supplement]
Glass Walrus: primatic glass crystal. When animated, a glass walrus becomes a normal walrus and acts in
all ways like a normal walrus except it can glide along the surface of water as though under the constant
effects of water walk. Up to two Medium creatures or four Small creatures can fit on the walrus's back as
the creature glides across water (the walrus moves at half speed while carrying creatures), and the walrus
can carry up to 600 pounds in this way before it becomes too encumbered to move. A glass walrus can be
used twice per week for up to 6 hours per use. When 6 hours have passed or when the command word is

spoken, the glass walrus again becomes a tiny statuette. The glass walrus figure, although glass, floats.
Gold Beetle (11500 GP) Activated it becomes a giant stag beetle. Int is 6. able to understand Common and
Elven, and it is able to move across any sand terrain at normal speed. The beetle is treated as a magical
beast when in its living form. Used up to 24 hours/week but the duration need not be continuous. 20'
speed. [AD&D Sandstorm]
Golden Lions, 2: 42 MDC, AC 5, 2-10/1-8/1-8, 1/day; if slain in combat cannot be used again for 1 week.
[AD&D Canon]
Goldstone Buddha: a man appears granting very powerful contact higher plane, 1/month for 3 hours [Fred
Granite, White Bull: AC 4, 6+6HD, 2d6/2d6dam, fights only in defense, pulls 10,000 lbs. at Move of 12.
1/day sunrise to sunset. [Dragon Magazine]
Granite Lump, lump of dark gray granite have been worn smooth, as if having been handled and rubbed for
ages. Becomes a full-sized gray ooze under the command of the owner. 1/week up to 1 hour. [AD&D
Granite Pegasus, pink granite statuette is a very fine reproduction of a pegasus. Normal pegasus with a fine
military saddle under the command of its possessor. 2/week 6 hours each. [AD&D supplement]
Gypsum Hound (Dairon's Soapstone Hound): saves as magical material, finds north by touch anytime,
summons gray wolfhound with slate gray eyes with no pupils, can serve up to 16 hours but needs rest of 1
hour for every 4 spent summoned, can fetch, track, guard or fight, 24 MDC, AC 5,1-10. [AD&D supplement]
Guenhwyvar is a unique figurine in that the black onyx statuette summons its creature rather than
transforms into it. This could be due to the strange circumstances of its creation and the uniqueness of the
beast, a particularly intelligent and powerful female panther. She is very independent for a figurine beast,
and the figurine, although onyx, saves as adamantite. It can be summoned for up to twelve hours of every
48 but although it is possible for it to be summoned for longer than that or before the cycle of 48 hours
begins again, it is very draining and probably unwise to do so. Guen also has the power to transport any
creature touching it to its Astral home or to the Ethereal Plane. The figurine can be pulled along into the
Astal. Then Guen can return anywhere in the material plane. Guenhwyvar is a massive 600-lb. panther
who resides on the Astral Plane. When summoned, the figurine emits a gray mist which quickly solidifies
into the panther shape. Due to her nature as an astral being not of the Prime Material Plane, she is highly
resistant to biological poisons and quite resistant to physical injuries as well. She belonged to Drizzt. Her
name is High Elven for Shadow. [AD&D supplement; Drizzt Books]
Hematite Cat, tiny hematite charm is intricately carved in the form of a domestic cat. Typical domestic cat.
Each attacked target suffers a doom spell. 2/day 5 minutes. [AD&D supplement]
Hematite Elven Hound: 1/week for 6 hours, Forms a cooshee who speaks Elven when activated [AD&D
Iron Badger, rusty little figurine of a common badger flakes and leaves a fine residue of rust on the hands of
anyone handling it. Becomes badger the size of a large bear, but still made of iron. The iron badger is
treated as a brown bear with a natural AC bonus of +12 (AC 22), (1st ed AC: -2) a hardness of 10, and a
base Survival bonus of +20 when tracking. The iron badger can be sent on the trail of any target, and will
track to the best of its ability, attacking the target if it catches it. If slain in combat, the iron badger cannot
be brought back from statuette form for a full month. 1/week for 24 hours. [AD&D supplement]
Iron Megaloceros (27000 GP) Forms a giant deer or "Irish Elk" actually made of iron under the command
of its possessor. Immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy
effects, mind-affecting effects (charms, chimes, songs, compulsions, geas, quest, phantasms, patterns, and
morale effects). It is not subject to extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage,
ability drain, curses (lycanthropy, mummy rot), fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. It cannot heal
damage, but can be repaired. Has darkvision 60 ft. and low-light vision. It has 63 HP. It can be affected

normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster or a rusting grasp spell. It functions in all other
ways like a standard megaloceros. Used 2/week up to 6/hours per use. [AD&D Frostburn]
Ironwood Hound: depicts a hunting hound dashing toward its prey. Conjures a yellow-furred hunting
hound. Nightsight vision, high level scent, HP:15, AC-4; 2d6+4 damage, neutral, Str 13, Dex 12, Wis 16,
Con 18, Int 2, Cha 8. 8hrs/day [AD&D supplement]
Ivory Bear, Whale tooth ivory 4"tall figurine. Animated, the figurine becomes a massive polar bear under
the command of the owner, surrounded by the chill of northern winters, and concealed within a sudden
storm of sleet and freezing rain. For the entire time that the ivory bear is animated, it is at the centre of a
sleet storm as per the spell of the same name, although the ivory bear itself remains unaffected by it.
1/month 1 hour each use. [AD&D supplement]
Ivory Bear, fetish: Walrus tooth ivory bear with flint arrowhead on back held by bear gut twine. A giant
Cave Bear weighing 1.5 tons and stands 15', 80 MDC 1/month for up to 4 days. [Fred Haskell]
Ivory, Black Ivory Dream-Guard: winged humanoid, clad in black armor.
When activated, 1/day for 8 hours, the statue seems to grow, becoming full size over the course of one
round. As it grows the figure becomes fainter and more indistinct. By the time it reaches full size it has
become completely ethereal. The status itself remains on the ground, but turned bone white. Moving the
figurine will break the effect and wake the person who activated it. So long as the dream guard is
activated the dreams of the person it guards are safe from intrusion (by for instance likes of night hags, the
nightmare spell or even the dream spell). While on the ethereal plane the dream guard has all the abilities
of an Avoral. If defeated, the figurine will shatter, instantly awakening the possessor and thus alerting him
to the attack, and lack of future defenses. [Web]
Ivory Camel (8500 GP). Becomes a dromedary camel except that it has an Int 8, can speak Common, and is
exceptionally heat-tolerant. It has a +4 bonus on saves to resist heat and dehydration, and it is unaffected
by sun glare. Used up to 12 hours/week but does not need to be continuous. 50' speed. [AD&D Sandstorm]
Ivory Giant: tiny giant skeleton covered with gold armor. 1 hour/week, creates 26' tall giant skeleton in
armor with two-handed sword. Huge-Size Undead; HD 19d12; hp 123; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative); Spd 40 ft.; AC 26 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +12 natural, +5 breastplate) (1st ed AC: -6); Atk +23 two-
handed sword (4d6+21); SQ Undead (Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, and diseases. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death
from massive damage; Infravision of 60'), Skeleton Immunities (cold immunity; takes only half damage
from piercing or slashing weapons.); AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +11; Str 39, Dex 12, Con -, Int
-,Wis 10, Cha 11 [Web]
Ivory Goats, 3: [AD&D Canon]
Goat of Travelling: mount 24 MDC 1-8/1-8, 48" 24 hrs use per week
Goat of Travail: larger than a bull 4-10/4-10/2-8, horns 2-12/2-12, +6 damage in charge, 96 MDC 24",
Goat of Terror: destrier-like mount 36" 48 MDC, horns are +3 lance and +6 sword, terror radiates for 30',
-3 to be hit one use per 2 weeks for up to 3 hours each use.
Ivory Mistboat: This powerful magic item only works on water; carved from whalebone, it is a miniature of
a scrimshaw sailing vessel that displays fine craftsmanship. More than just a carving, it can be
commanded to transform into a full-sized ship made entirely of mist. Despite its appearance, the mist is as
solid as any real ship, and can carry crew and cargo as a sailing ship. However, the owner of the figurine
can control the movement of the ship without need of a crew, as long as she concentrates on sailing it. The
ship comes completely equipped with four ballistae, one light catapult, and one heavy catapult. Each
weapon is equipped with 10 rounds of munitions. The mistboat is impervious to non-magical fire and
cold, and to crushing attacks, excluding ramming and constriction. A fog cloud repairs 1d6 points of

damage per caster level (to a max of 5d6) to the ship; solid fog repairs 1d8 points of damage per caster
level (to a max of 10d8). If the ship sustains more than 150 points of damage, the mist fades and the
scrimshaw miniature crumbles to dust. A mistboat can be used up to three times a week, for a maximum
of 24 hours each time. [AD&D supplement]
Ivory Whale (whale's tooth ivory): used 1/week for up to 1 day, Astral Leviathan, AC –2, 150 MDC. [Fred
Jade Bat: black jade bat used 1/day for up to 12 hours of darkness, AC 8, 50 MDC, sonic attack for 1-12,
bite for blood draining 2d6. It becomes a giant bat that can carry one rider for up to 12 hours but only
during darkness. If forced to fly in the light at all, or in the dark for more than 12 hours, it cannot be
summoned again for 1 month. [AD&D supplement]
Jade Battlecat: green jade saber tooth used 1/day for 3hrs. AC 4 Smilodon 58 MDC [AD&D supplement]
Jade Blasphemous Figurines of the Void
Four small figures carved of jade stored together in a black velvet bag. Each figure may be activated once
per day, and only one figure may be activated at a time. The owner must store all four together or they do
not recharge. [AD&D supplement]
Alintyl, the Corruptor – +5 Profane bonus on Bluff & Diplomacy check for 1 hour. Green Jade
Ilanserbli, the Seductress – Charm Person, by touch with a 1 hour duration. 1/day. White Jade
Nolanlo, the Devourer – Darkness (centered on the figurine) and all food & water within 30' becomes
tainted. Lasts 1 hour. Black Jade
Vandommezeron, the Destroyer – Rage (self only) at 5th level. Red Jade
Jade Green Ankylosaurus (macetail behemoth) – Move: 5, AC: 6, tail 1d10 +6 dam, 8hr/day. [AD&D 4 ed.]

Jade Green Gnome of Gastric Galore: This is a little bright green jade figure of a gnome. He can be used
3/day up to 3 hours per use. When activated it will act as a normal gnome master chef making the best
food it can from the resources available. [AD&D supplement]
Jade Leviathan, green, 6" long depicts a massive sea creature with a wrecked ship upon its back. When
animated within a body of water at least 100 feet across and deep, the jade leviathan becomes a
gargantuan green baleen whale. When animated, the jade leviathan can be used to harmlessly transport up
to twelve medium sized creatures through a body of water within its stomach. 1/month 48 hours. [AD&D
Jade Monkey: red jade monkey which turns into a common monkey with high intelligence (1d3 +7) and it
can speak/read/write common. It serves for 2 hours/day. Upon command it can turn into a Dire Ape with
the same abilities for not more than 1 minute/day and not more than 2 times per week. [AD&D supplement]
Jade Palace: white jade castle 200' X 100'tall palace grows upward, permanent with one use. [AD&D supplement]
Jade Raven: black jade. This fist-sized piece of black jade is
exquisitely tooled into the shape of a raven with outstretched wings.
Upon command, it transforms into a black raven (use the stats for an
eagle) or a giant black raven (use the stats for a giant eagle). Both
forms of the raven have Improved Steal as a bonus feat. The raven
understands Common but cannot speak. It can answer questions related to
its abilities or what it has seen by cawing once for "yes" and twice
for "no."

The raven can maintain its non-figurine status for only 24 hours per
week. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-
hour increments. After three transformations into its giant raven form
(though not its smaller version), the statuette loses all magical
properties. [Pathfinder]

Jade Sea Snake: Green jade snake figure becomes large sea snake that can transport 6 man sized characters.
8hr/day, AC:0, speed:6"/swim10", HP:35, 1d10 damage +6 poison, no save. Str:22. Riders can breathe
water.[Dragon Magazine]
Jade Snakes, 2: used 1/day each [Dragon Magazine]
Green Jade Snake of Striking: 12' anaconda, 50 MDC 1d4/2d6
White Jade Snake of Soothing: 6' python, tongue touch cures disease, poison, 6-24 hp has 50 MDC of its
Jasper Hyena: 1/week for 8 hrs, 24 MDC, 2-8 [AD&D Canon]
Jasper Hyena, Giant: 1/week for 8 hrs, 40 MDC, 3-12 [AD&D Canon]
Jasper Spider: Transforms into a Large monstrous Spider for up to 12 hours per day. This Spider can be
ridden by medium creatures. Has tremorsense 60', climb speed 20' [AD&D 4 ed.]

Jet Cobra: 6 hours/week, forms spitting king cobra, 8' long, can jump
10', can spit poison 10', 13 MDC, 1d4 + poison [AD&D supplement]
Jet Gorilla: roughly carved, vaguely resembles a gorilla; for its shape, it could be any primate-like animal. It
only detects as being faintly magical. When command word is spoken, the figurine grows into a full-sized
adult male gorilla. very intelligent (Int 8), and with patience, the owner can learn to communicate with it
through hand signals and sign language. Can be called forth up to 3/week for a maximum of 4 hours each
use. [AD&D supplement]
Jet Black Spider: Transform into a Huge green spider, called Kitthix, for five minutes once a day. She can
use her Web Tangle ability. Kitthix attack is poisonous. [Balder's Gate 2]
Jet Serpent (12000 GP) Carved from unfaceted jet and forms a black medium sized (5' long) constrictor
snake with a +1 to hit and +1 to morale. 2/week up to 8 hours at a time. [AD&D Ghostwalk]
Jet Wasp: 2/week for 12 hrs, carries rider, immune to fire, firebreath for 40 MD, poison sting, flies at 48"
[AD&D Canon]
Hanuman Lignum Vitae Monkey: AC 3, 2HD, 1d6/1d6, 18 Dex, 95% thieving skills except reading, spies
for owner. 1/day. [Dragon Magazine]
Lapis Camel: blue lapis lazuli. Becomes a dromedary camel. The camel acts as a normal camel in all
respects, except that it obeys your verbal commands to the best of its animal-level intelligence. 3/week, 8
hours each use. [Pathfinder]
Lead Falcon: This falcon is heavy and 6" tall. It creates a Roc sized falcon which can fight or be ridden.
AC:4, Move:3"/40", 60' wingspan, dam/att: 4-14/4-24/5-30. The falcon is more of a predator bird than the
vulture-like Roc and so does more damage and is slightly faster. 1/week for 12hrs. [Fred Haskell]

Limestone Crab: crab appears as a miniature statuette often badly eroded. Becomes a living monstrous crab,
obeys and serves its owner; it understands Common but does not speak. Can be a beast of burden, a
mount, or a combatant as desired. Unlike a normal living crab, it has limestone hardness of 3 when alive.
Used 2 times week up to 6 hours per use. Statuette crab always feels damp to the touch, as if it just came
from the sea. 40' land speed, 30' swim [AD&D supplement]
Limestone Leprechaun: animates and plagues enemy for one day [AD&D supplement]
Malachite Bat, ½" tall figure adorned by a small hole atop its head where it can be threaded onto a necklace.
The malachite bat can be animated in two different forms, the first is that of a normal bat with an

Intelligence of 8 that follows the orders of its owner and can speak in common. In this form, the malachite
bat can be used to communicate with others by sending and retrieving verbal messages, or as a scout,
reporting back to the owner with what it observes. It can be animated into this form for up to 24 hours per
week, although this duration does not need to be continuous. The second form of the malachite bat is that
of a massive dire bat with a military saddle suited for use as a mount. In either form the bat retains the
green color of Malachite. It can be animated in this form once per week for 12 hours. [Fred Haskell]
Malachite Devaronian Tiger: The figurine first appears as a small green stone that radiates magic. A
Beastlands tiger appears 14' long, 1,500 pounds, with black fur and green stripes, with dragon's wings and
glowing green eyes, AC:4, Move: 18"/24" (14"ground and 18" air with rider), MC:C (D with rider), HD:
10, 50 MDC, THAC0 13, dam 1-8/1-8/1-10/2-10/2-10 (all +2 H), If both claw attacks are successful, the
tiger will pin its prey to the ground and bite for 1d10 points of damage each round unless the prey can
manage to free itself from the tiger's weight. If three of these attacks are successful, the tiger may attempt
to tear away the head of its prey. This can only be avoided if the beast is not intending to kill its target or
if its prey is larger than man-sized. The tiger can employ a breath weapon in combat as well as its sharp
claws and bone-crushing bite. The breath weapon is a sonic roar with a maximum distance of 10', which
inflicts 2d10 points of damage unless a saving throw versus breath weapon is successful. The tiger has the
ability to speak a harsh form of the common tongue, which gets very garbled by the tiger's bestial, throaty
growling. 5 hours/day. [Web]
Malachite Falcon: This figurine actually appears to be more of a lapel pin than a statuette. The pin can be
worn on clothing but must be removed to be activated. Made of gold and malachite. When tossed into the
air and command is given a hunting falcon of tremendous size (use stats for an eagle) appears. The falcon
can communicate what it sees with its owner by telepathic means. Used 2/week, 12 hours each use. When
deactivated it appears in owner's hand. [AD&D supplement]
Malachite Smilodon (36000 GP) Forms a Saber Toothed Tiger. When animated, a malachite smilodon acts
in all ways like a normal smilodon under the command of its possessor, except that its fangs are
exceptionally sharp. Critical hit on a roll of 17–20, and do ×3 damage on a successful critical hit. The
item may be used 1/day for up to 2 hours. If slain in animal form, a malachite smilodon cannot be brought
back from statuette form for one full week. [AD&D Frostburn]
Marble, Black Bandicoot Mount: normal sized rat, owner shrinks to 6" and rides. 1/day for 2 hours. [Dragon
Marble, Black Oliphant: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 120 MD, 4-24/4-24/3-18/
2-16/2-16 [Fred Haskell]
Marble, Brown Pygmy Mammoth: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 32 MD, 1-6
X2 attacks [Fred Haskell]
Marble, Green Carthaginian Elephant: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 56 MD, 1-8
X5 attacks [Fred Haskell]
Marble, Pink Winged Wooly Elephant: about a foot tall, 40 hours/week, appear as a small wooly pink
elephant with wings, even has colored polka dots, they can fly 30", MC: A, move on land 3", Plane shift
to the Astral Plane with one other being at will, and create the effects of a Horn of Blasting 1/day, with its
trumpet. They also have the appraising proficiency for any alcoholic beverage. AC: 2, 10 MD, Attacks: 1
horn or ram for 1d6. [AD&D supplement]
Marble, Red Pygmy Elephant: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 32 MD, 1-6
X2 attacks [Fred Haskell]
Marble, White Elephant: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 80 MD, 2-12 X5 attacks [AD&D Canon]
Marble, White Loxodant: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 88 MD, 2-16 X2, 2-12 X3 attacks [AD&D Canon]
Marble, White Mammoth: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 104 MD, 3-18/3-18/2-16/
2-12/2-12 [AD&D Canon]

Marble, White Mastodon: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 96 MD, 2-16/2-16/2-12/
2-12/2-12 [AD&D Canon]
Marble, Yellow Pygmy Boreno Elephant: 4/month, for 24 hrs, 40 MD, 1-8
X5 attacks [Fred Haskell]
Mercury Wasp, a fixed mercury wasp about 2" tall, morphs into a swarm of 100 angry black wasps. Many
believe these wasps speak to the character of the lost peoples destroyed long ago. They can be
commanded to attack. AC:-7, HP:21, move:10"/40", Manu Class: A, save at +3 or take 2d10 poison
damage. Stings do 1d4. 8hr/day [4 ed. AD&D supplement]

Mithral Ape, animated, the mithral ape becomes an ape, but retains the silver sheen and hardness of mithral
(Hardness 10), Int 12, Wis 12, The mithral ape also has three predefined knowledge skills with a +12
bonus, typically Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (the planes) or Knowledge
(Nobility & Politics). Most are also expert chess players. While designed to work as an advisor, the ape is
a fair combatant as well. 1/week 8 hours. [AD&D supplement]
Moonstone Rabbit: 8 MDC rabbit digs 10 X 10' hole per rd. for 12 rds 1/day [Dragon Magazine]
Oak Turtle, animated, the oak turtle becomes a giant turtle with a mighty horn on its armored beak. It has
the same stats as a rhinoceros, but slower. In addition, when animated, a second command word changes
the turtle from its animated form to that of a huge magically hardened wooden wall. 1/week 8 hours. [AD&D
Obsidian, Black Lion: 1/month as long as needed, normal lion although of the largest type, AC 6,
MV 15, HD 3+1, 27 MDC, THAC0 17, #att 3, Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6, SA rear claws (1-4/1-4), SZ L, ML 20,
INT non (0). [AD&D supplement]
Obsidian, Black Steed: 24 hrs 1/week, travels astrally, or ethereally, a Nightmare, 54 MDC, 2-8/4-10/4-10
smokes [AD&D Canon]
Obsidian, Green Steed: 48 hrs 1/week, responds best to neutrals, travels astrally, or ethereally, a heavy
warhorse, 50 MDC, 2-8/4-10/
4-10, can talk Int 10, flies move 12, move class D. [AD&D supplement]
Onyx, Black Panther: AC 4, HD6+6, 45 MDC, move 15, 3att, 1d4/1d4/1d12 and rear claws 2d4/2d4 if front
hit, move silently, hide in shadows 95%, never surprised, dark vision, used 12 hours every 2 days. [AD&D
Onyx, Brown Dog: transforms into a normal war dog, Int 8, can speak common, 1/week for 6 hours, has
darkvision, can see invisible. HP 18, 2-8 dam, AC 5. [AD&D supplement]
Onyx, Brown Dog, Giant: transforms into a riding dog 1/week for 6 hours. HP 18, 2-8 dam, AC 5. [AD&D
Onyx Mastiff, (dark onyx) identical to an onyx dog, the onyx mastiff is a far less pleasant creature.
Becomes a shadow mastiff. If commanded to bray, the user is immune to the effect of the braying. The
onyx mastiff must kill a living being with a CR of 1⁄2 or greater every week, otherwise, on the night of the
seventh day since its last kill, it animates on its own and sneaks away from its owner to hunt and kill. For
these hunts, the mastiff prefers to target humanoids over all other prey, but is cunning enough to seek out
those that will not provide too much of a fight, such as children and the elderly. Every two days for 2
hours. [AD&D supplement]
Onyx, Orange Dog: int 10 war dog can speak, 100% to track, 90' infravision, 50% non-dim, 65% to spot
invis, 30' ultravision, 6 hrs for 1/week, 18 MDC, 2-8. [AD&D supplement]
Onyx, party colored like the kitten produced with blue sapphires for eyes: a small kitten appears that acts
like a small kitten for 8 hours/day. The kitten will always be friendly to its summoner. When first
summoned it will be energetic and wanting to play. Does not need food but will eat. If kept for longer
than three hours, it will tire and take a nap. If mistreated, it does not have to answer a summons. It will not
appear where it cannot survive. Will not fight. If cornered it will fight as a 1/2 H.D. monster. 3/att, 20

THAC0, damage nil/nil/1. Blessing of Bast: Any who harms one of these kittens, or uses them or abuses
them, will find himself under the Curse of Bast. All normal cats will go out of their way to harass the
character. A thief Hiding will find a cat yowling to give away his position. A mage or priest will find a
chorus of cats outside their window, yowling to ensure the spellcaster can not get enough sleep to regain
his spells. 5% are Flutter kittens and can fly MC:A, 18". [AD&D supplement]
Opal Carp: white opal carp carved with scales transforms into a giant carp to be ridden, rider can breath
water. Last 8hr/day. AC:0, HP:20, all missile attacks or area attacks fail to hit carp or rider. Slam attack at
1d6. [AD&D supplement]
Opal Cats, 3: [AD&D Canon]
Mother Cat: black opal, black panther 25 MDC 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4/1-4, 1/day
Kitten of Caterwauling: fire opal, orange kitten piercing wail for 120' 30' wide does 2d6 MD and are
stunned for 2 rds and deafened for 4, 8 MD 1/week
Kitten of Contemplation: white opal, white kitten, hypnotic purr stops confusion helps spell learning 8 hrs
1/day, 8 MD
Pearl Seahorse (real freshwater pearl, not mother of pearl) with saddle, conjures a majestic sea horse 14HP,
+2 to water attacks, tail slap 2d8+4 damage, move 10, AC:7, must have water to materialize. While riding
the sea horse, breathe water and speak normally underwater. The sea horse can carry one Medium or
Small character weighing no more than 300 pounds. 8/hrs once a day. [AD&D supplement]
Pearl Octopus (5000 GP) 3/week up to 4 hours each use. Ocean pearl carved into a pearl sphere resembling
an octopus. Forms a small blue octopus that can, of course, change color and form. Just having it adds
+10% to the owner's camophlage ability. [AD&D Ghostwalk]
Pearlsteel Turtle (10000 GP) Hand sized, this figure is made of rare undersea pearlsteel. Tossing down the
figurine and uttering the command word causes it to transform into a giant sea turtle. The creature obeys
and serves its owner; it understands Common but does not speak. The giant sea turtle described here is a
Huge version of a common sea turtle and is not aggressive. It serves only as a transport and does not obey
orders to attack, although it will defend itself if threatened. CR 3; HD 8d10+32, hp 87; Init +0; Speed 20
ft., swim 30 ft.; AC -3, Atk or Full Atk +13 melee (1d8+3, bite)*; Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft. (bite 10 ft.);
SQ darkvision 60 ft., hold breath, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +6; Str 25, Dex 10,
Con 19, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6. *A giant turtle's bite is treated as a secondary attack and adds only half the
creature's Strength bonus to the damage roll. Skills and Feats: Listen +10, Spot +9, Swim +12; Alertness,
Iron Will. Languages: Common (does not speak). Hold Breath can hold its breath for 1 hour before it
risks drowning. This creature can be harnessed to pull a boat or raft at up to one half its swim speed. Used
3/week up to 6 hours each time. [AD&D Stormwrack]
Pewter Guardian, Shield Guardian 2/week 12 hours. [AD&D supplement]
Pink Poudretteite, Pink Panther (2): AC 4, HD6+6, 45 MDC, move 15, 3att, 1d4/1d4/1d12 and rear claws
2d4/2d4 if front hit, move silently, hide in shadows 95%, never surprised, dark vision, used 12 hours
every 2 days. Forms a pink panther of normal size of above average intelligence (13), which can speak
and may know several languages (Common, Alignment, Cat Tongues, and up to 3 more). It can be male
or female and is all pink with darker pink claws, a lighter or whitish chest, inside ears, footpads, and
muzzle. The eyes are red pupiled like an albino. [Fred Haskell 2019]
Platinum Pike, massive celestial pike, which obeys its owner's orders. Treated as a large celestial shark, and
it automatically purifies any water it swims through, as the effect of a purify food and drink spell affecting
40 cu feet of water every round. The owner can also ride the platinum pike, gaining the benefits of the
water breathing spell as long has he remains mounted upon the pike. 1/week 24 hours. [AD&D supplement]
Platinum Sea Cat with a mane of pure gold. The sea cat figurine can be summoned twice a week and
remains for up to 6 hours per use. [AD&D supplement]

Pumice Sheep, odd and misshapen sculpture of white sheep animate become a large normal sheep. Same
stats as a donkey, but targets hit by sleep spell. 1/day 1 hour. [AD&D supplement]
Purple Rainbow Fluorite Butterfly: transforms into a giant Butterfly Armada (but a living ship) which can
travel as an armada with the best helm and ratings which can carry a full load for as long as needed for 1
year and a day once every 5 years. Being alive it can land on land or water and fly in atmosphere or under
water. [Fred Haskell]
Quartz Butterfly, small quartz statuette of a butterfly. On command, the statuette animates into a cloud of
butterflies. Treat as a spider swarm, but with a fly speed of 20 feet. No damage, instead save vs. daze
attack. Except in complete darkness, all creatures within 60 feet of the butterfly swarm (friend and foe
alike) are also dazzled. 1/day 10 minutes. [AD&D supplement]
Quartz, Milk White Panther: AC 4, HD6+6, 45 MDC, move 15, 3att,
1d4/1d4/1d12 and rear claws 2d4/2d4 if front hit, move silently, never surprised, used 12 hours every 2
days, known as the panther spirit it is an all white panther with blue eyes and will not fight with any other
panther figurine. It is also immune to the effects of cold, even cold weapons, or white dragon's breath.
[AD&D supplement]
Royal Tiger Minions
1) White Milk Quartz Albino Tiger – summons an albino snow white tiger with no stripes and red eyes.
2) White Opal Ghost Tiger – summons a ghost (a coloration not a spirit) tiger white with extremely pale
vanilla stripes and pale ice blue eyes.
3) Marble White Tiger – summons a white tiger with black stripes and sapphire blue eyes.
4) Topaz Tabby Tiger – summons a tabby tiger colored tan and white with emerald green eyes.
5) Tiger-eye Normal Tiger – summons a normal orange, white and black striped tiger with yellow topaz
6) Bloodstone Balinese Red Tiger – summons a red, white and black striped tiger with orange amber eyes.
7) Hematite Gray Tiger – summons a gray, white and black striped tiger with gray eyes.
8) Jet Melanistic Black Tiger – summons an all black tiger with black on black stripes and black on dark
topaz eyes.
9) Lapis Blue Tiger – summons a rare blue, white and black striped tiger with light gray eyes.
10) Golden Gold Tiger – this figure summons a magical gold metal colored tiger with gold, and silver
(where white would be) hair, and copper stripes. His teeth are silver and claws gold. The eyes are gold in
silver with glowing white pupils. This figure only responds to its owner, not just anyone who happens to
pick it up. It is a command figure, meaning it automatically countermands other tiger figures. If someone
sent a black tiger minion to attack the owner it would be stopped by the gold tiger. The gold tiger can also
activate other figures of wondrous power for its owner and can automatically activate other tiger minions
owned by its owner even at a distance, they are simply summoned. This gold tiger minion can pass into
the astral or ethereal planes at will and take its owner along.
Ruby Pseudodragon: fist-sized ruby, carved stylized dragon, curled up around itself. When commanded
transforms into a full-sized pseudodragon. Just as real psuedodragon prized by wiazrds can be bonded as a
familiar. Each ruby pseudodragon has a unique and distinct personality, and they will only bond with a
wizard or sorcerer that they like. When bonded, they gain all the benefits of any other familiar, including
increased hit dice, attack bonus, shared saves and spells, etc. Likewise, the wizard or sorcerer to whom it
is bonded gains the benefits of a familiar while it is active. The pseudodragon can be used every day for
up to 8 hours. This time need not be in a continuous block. [AD&D supplement]
Sardonyx Stone Flyer: Transforms into an adult Stone Flyer which may be ridden. The Stone Flyer persists
for up to one hour, each day. Stone Flyers glide through stone as easily as other winged creatures glide
through air. They are social creatures, usually found in large packs. Fierce carnivores, Stone Flyers strike
quickly in great numbers, seeking to kill and carry away their prey. A Stone Flyer appears as a wolf with

great wings. Its hide is a mixture of black, gray, and brown, like stone. Stone Flyers speak Common.
Grants featherfall to its owner and has tremorsense 60'. Used up to 1hr/day. [AD&D Underdark]
Serpentine Eagle: normal eagle. hears 60', telepathic, in giant form (normally only three uses), 8hrs/day.
Serpentine Owl: normal owl AC 7, move 24", 4hp, 1d2/1d2, 90' infravision, moves silently 95%, hears 60',
telepathic, in giant form (normally only three uses) 32 MDC, 2-8/2-6/2-5, 8hrs/day. [AD&D Canon]
Shale Claw: large sized Velociraptor AC 3, move 24", 74 MD, 1d8/2d12/2d12, 90' infravision, moves
silently 95%, hears 60', 12hrs/day [Fred Haskell]
Silver Carp: 2' long carp purifies 100 gal, pours out water 1 gal/rd can blind with scintillant flashing colors
in 10' rg, for 2d4 rds, 8 MD, 1 hr for 1/day [AD&D Canon]
Silver Raven: turns into a normal sized raven that can carry a message as an animal messenger spell. It has
no other special abilities but can follow commands and fight as a normal bird. It retains its silver color and
hardness however (of 10) for an AC of 2, 5hp, +2 Dex, claws +4 hit for 1d3, works for 24 hours/week.
[AD&D Canon]
Silver Wolf: turns into a giant dire wolf (a warg), AC: 4, 7 HD, 48
MDC, 1d6+4 Dam, 12 hours/day but only night hours, if used during
the day can't be used again for a week. [AD&D Canon]
Slate Gargoyle, dark and rough figurine animates to become a black, winged gargoyle of human size.
Unlike most gargoyles, the slate gargoyle is lawful neutral in alignment, and follows the orders of its
owner to the best of its ability. It also has the ability to see invisibility, and to use whispering wind as a
spell-like ability. Animated for up to 72 hours per month, continuously or in any combination of periods
totaling 72 hours. [AD&D supplement]
Soapstone Figurine Of The Willing Wanton - This appears as a tiny (an inch or so high) statuette of an
androgynous (male or female) nude figure. When the figurine is tossed down and a command word
spoken, it becomes a very attractive living normal sized person that will serve him/her and appears as
male or female as desired. The person serves willingly and well, but at the end of 12 hours it returns to
statue form. The figurine does not come with any gear or clothes. The figure can't do anything but
perform basic sexual acts. [AD&D netbook carnal knowledge]
Spinel Flamingo, Blue-Black:
The Flamingo of Oblivion: This statuette becomes an enormous creature, as large as a roc. Can cause fear
whenever the flamingo attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures within a radius of 300' are effected if
they have fewer HD than the flamingo (18 HD). On a failed save, creatures with 4 or less HD become
panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. 1/month 12 hours.
[AD&D supplement]
Spinel Flamingo, Pink:
The Flamingo of Life: This statuette becomes a giant bird the size of a small pony, radiant and pink and
imbued with healing magic. It is treated as a unicorn in all ways. Flight class C. 1 day/week. [AD&D
Tin Imp: These fat, smirking imp figurines are made of solid tin. A tin imp turns into an imp on command,
though it retains its metallic consistency, which gives it a -4 AC. In imp form, a tin imp can turn invisible
at will as a swift action, though it retains none of an imp's other spell-like abilities and lacks a poisoned
sting. Tin imps generally avoid combat, but make excellent spies and trackers.

The tin imp's owner can, as a move action, designate a single creature in his line of sight as the tin imp's
quarry. The tin imp then follows its quarry clandestinely, and sends a whispered message to its owner
once each hour detailing the quarry's location and activities. The message is similar to the whispering
wind spell, though the message unerringly locates the tin imp's owner instead of moving to a
predetermined location. A tin imp can maintain its animate status for up to 48 hours per week. This

duration doesn't need to be continuous, but must be used in 1-hour increments. If slain in combat, a tin
imp is destroyed. Additionally, a creature with the track class feature can command a tin imp he owns to
study a set of footprints (a standard action) and designate the creature that made the footprints as its
quarry. The tin imp can then attempt to track the creature as if its owner was tracking it, using the owner's
Perception and Survival skill (and any tracking bonuses). [Pathfinder]
Tourmaline Turtle: giant turtle 20' long, 1/week for 12 hrs, carries 8 in water at 36" or 3" on land, AC 0, 60
MD, bites for 4d12, Special command to dive to any depth with airy water around passengers. [Dragon
Turquoise Minotaur, smooth blue turquoise bull head with horns of a white bone. 1/week 4 hours. Becomes
a normal minotaur but is blue in color. Knows directions through mazes etc. Owner immune to maze
spell. [AD&D supplement]
Zircon Viper, zircon viper is a nearly colourless figurine of hard crystal. When animated, the zircon viper
becomes an invisible viper of huge size that attacks a target designated by the user. The invisibility lasts
until the first attack. The zircon viper also has a +10 natural armor bonus (AC 0) and is immune to sneak
attacks and critical hits as well as all forms of poison. The venom of the zircon viper is truly to be feared,
with a save DC of 14, causing permanent petrification as well as 1d10 Con damage on a failed Fortitude
save. The zircon viper can be animated 1/week 15 minutes. [AD&D supplement]

Pewter figures 4” inches tall (14):

1) Asian Cook, AC 9, 10hp, move 12, appears wearing leather apron, has cleaver and soup pot. He can
prepare a wonderful stew with the meagerest of ingredients even if no water or heat is available. If a
kitchen is available he can prepare other items than stew. If ever attacked will strike 3 times with his +4
cleaver of sharpness and then returns to figure form for a week. Can otherwise be used 3/day, 1 hr each to
prepare food. [Fred Haskell]
2) Cabin Boy, AC 9, 5hp, move 14, appears as a young (9 or 10 year old) boy who acts as a valet,
shoeblack, server, busser, messenger, dogsbody, "gopher," etc. Can be summoned for up to 2/week up to
3 days at a stretch. [Fred Haskell]
3) Jester, this is not a magical jester but an entertainer. He appears with lyre, 2 sets of cards, three juggling
balls, some balloons, a clown nose, and a set of dice. He is a contortionist, acrobat, tumbler, trapeze and
trampoline artist, tightrope walker, a juggler, dancer, singer, ventriloquist, puppeteer, a clown, can make
balloon animals (only a few as he does not bring many balloons), can play any musical instrument (but
not magical ones), a sword swallower, fire eater, master conventional illusionist and magician, mime,
vocal impersonator, a female impersonator, a performance artist, can play card and dice games as well as
chess and others, a comedian, can balance spinning plates, coach etiquette, arrange silverware, tutor
courtly manners, etc., and can do dramatic readings or recite poetry in any language his audience can
understand. He can also arrange flowers and is a masseuse (standard, Swedish or shiatsu). Lastly, he is
also a master mixologist. AC 6 (*from DEX), 10hp, move 12, can be summoned 2 hours per day. Other
than being a mixologist and balloon maker, he cannot change or alter things left behind after he becomes
a figure again, so no writing, sculpting, painting, or cooking. [Fred Haskell]
4) Medic with Bag, AC 10, 8hp, move 12, cure light wds 5/day, serious 2/day, or critical 1/day, heal 1/wk
but that is all for that wk, 1 person per day. [Canon]
5) Old Captain with pipe, gives unerring advice on navigation or attack +1 attacks and initiative, AC 4
23hp, used 1/day for 1d4 rds. [Canon]
6) Pirate with Peg Leg and a squeeze box, all enemies must jig for 1d6rds 1/day, even saving is at –1
attack, AC10 12hp move 12. [Canon]
7) Pirate Mate with Rapier and Parrot, fights along with the crew 1/day, Aver INT, AC5, move 12,HD6,
60hp, THAC0 15, #att3/2, Dam1d8+3, +3 att/dam,ML20, 6' tall. [Canon]

8) Sails' Boy with Rope, 1hr 1/day use, increase MC of ANY ship by 1, AC6 12hp move 12. [Canon]
9) Old Salty with Raincoat, works all the time projecting weather for 24hrs, eyes glow during magical
weather, light or heavy winter clothes or raincoat appear on statue to project weather. Remains a figure.
10) Skipper with Hat, +1 SR to ship, he yells commands to helmsman, 1/day for 1hr, AC2 35hp move 12.
11) Swabbie with Bucket, cleans deck at rate of 1 minute per 25 square feet of deck, works until done
1/day even if it takes longer than a day, AC8 12hp move 9. [Canon]
12) Wanton Lass (or Wayward Wench), 6hr per 1/day, AC10 10hp move 12, 0 level, CHA 17, operates as
desired. [Fred Haskell]
13) Weaponsmaster, 1hr per 1/day, AC4 45hp move 12, 6th level fighter, operates as a whole weapons
crew for one weapon or fight man to man as needed. [Canon]
14) Whaler with Harpoon, goes to edge of ship and summons fish even in the phlogiston, 1d12 per day
1d20+20 inches long, used 1/day, can fight a sea monster or in sea encounter as a 6th level fighter, AC4
35hp, move 12, +2 to att/dam, 2d8+4dam with harpoon. He also carries a hatchet, knife, gaff, and
belaying pin. If he is forced to fight other than a sea monster or some monster attacking the ship (like
people), he will fight until the fight is over but then returns to figure form for a week. [Canon]

Planar Figures

These figurines are command-word activated devices that cast Lesser Planar Ally (summoning a celestial or
infernal creature of up to 6 HD – determined at the time of creation, such as a celestial brown bear),
limited to a duration of service of 10 minutes.
Planar Figurines such as these exist in several variations including: barghest, bearded devil, bralani,
celestial bronze dragon (wyrmling), celestial brown bear, hound archon, advanced medium elemental,
infernal blue dragon (wyrmling), infernal huge viper, infernal advanced dire weasel, infernal dire wolf,
infernal white dragon (very young), janni & succubus. [Canon]


FIRE -- Smoke Magma Steam Radiance Ash
AIR Smoke -- Sand Ice Lightning Vacuum
EARTH Magma Sand -- Ooze Minerals Dust
WATER Steam Ice Ooze -- Mist Salt
POSITIVE Radiance Lightning Minerals Mist -- Shadows
NEGATIVE Ash Vacuum Dust Salt Shadows --

The Outer Planes

The outer planes include:

The Seven Heavens (7)
The Twin Paradises (2)
Elysium (4)
The Beastlands (3)
Olympus (3)
Gladsheim (3)

Limbo (5)
Pandemonium (4)
Abyss (666)
Tarterus (6)
Hades (3)
Gehenna (4)
The Nine Hells (9)
Acheron (4)
Nirvana (1)
Arcadia (3)
Concordant Opposition (1)

The Quaal’s Tokens are all canon and some from a Dragon Article. One, the Arrow cluster is Gygax’s
from the Tharizdun module (with picture). The dragon article descriptions and the arrow cluster lead me
to believe that the tokens need not be MADE all of feathers only small feather light tokens. A few others
are added from the net. The Boat token was from an April Fool’s edition that I cannot recall.

Necklace of Quaal's Feather Tokens [AD&D supplement]

Anchor Floating Feather Stone Cluster (1")
Arbor Jug, Black Swan Boat
Arrow Cluster Jug, Brown Sword
Bind Jug, Pink Tar and Feathers
Bird Jug, White Tree
Bird with Message Key Vine
Boat Lance Wagon
Boulder Mud Weed
Bridge Ram Whip
Campsite Siege Tower White Feather
Catapult Sky Hook Wing
Chest Spoon (56 Bites)
Chicken Stone 4"(¼")
Coffer Stone 8"(½")
Crown Stone 12"(¾")
Eye Stone 16"(1")
Fan Stone 20"(1¼")
Finger Stone 24"(1½")
Flame Stone 28"(1¾")

A token useful to moor a craft so as to render it immobile for 1 full day (or at any time prior upon command from the
token's possessor).

Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 2,000
This token, activated by grinding it underfoot, lets the user take the form of a tree rooted to the ground at that spot.
The tree will blend perfectly with surrounding trees with regard to type and size, if there are any, and it will seem like a normal
tree to all examinations short of a Wish or Limited Wish. However, when struck with a weapon, the tree will bleed as the user
would normally.
Unlike the druidic Tree spell, anyone assuming tree-form by the use of this token loses awareness of self and
surroundings, lapsing into a dreamlike state. He will remain so until 7-84 (7d12) days have elapsed, or until cumulative damage
of more than half of the user's hit points (at the time of the token's use) has been suffered. Awakening from the trance and
returning to normal shape takes one round. All clothing, accouterments, and paraphernalia change shape with the user, and are
hidden by the token's magic so that Locate Object or Detect Magic (in the case of magical items) and similar magics will not
reveal them.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 5,000
Arrow Cluster
This token resembles four match sticks with feathers. The token when touched to any bowstring turns into a long full-
sized magic arrow +4. When fired it splits into four +4 arrows headed to the target. If other enemy targets are within 20' of the
central target, the arrows fly apart to strike the other targets. The main target always gets one arrow or any extras. Three targets
would mean one arrow for each and two for the main target, while four or more targets would mean one arrow for the main
target and one for three of the closest other targets.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 5,000

This token, when placed against a door, will adhere to it and when commanded will close and seal the door with a
Wizard Lock of power as if it had been cast by a 7th level magic-user. If placed in an archway or open portal (not more than 60'
wide), it will, upon command, Web the passageway closed if firm anchor points for the web exist.
If thrown upon or touched to (successful "to hit" roll required) any one being or monster, it will serve as a Hold spell
of 9 rounds duration. Creatures so touched can make a saving throw by rolling their number of hit dice or less on a 1d20.
Creatures existing on more than one plane gain +3 on their saving throws. Undead cannot be held by this token. Flying
creatures so held will hang motionless in midair and will not fall.
A Bind may also be placed on, or just under, a horizontal surface (ground, stone floor, step, etc.), and will Slow for 9
rounds the first being to step or pass upon, or exactly over, it.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 6,000
A token that can be used to drive off any sort of hostile avian creatures or as a vehicle of transportation equal to a Roc
of the largest size in all respects (1 day duration).
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 7,000
Bird with Message

A token that creates a small bird that can be used to deliver a small written message unerringly to a designated target.
The token lasts as long as it takes to carry the message. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 300
A 32 man boat forms whenever the token gets wet. This may be a problem travelling in the rain even if the boat is
needed. It will not shrink down until dry. It is usable forever.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 7,000
A token that causes a huge boulder to appear (literally takes up a "huge" space). This is an instantaneous effect. The
token resembles the "Stone" token but is about the size of a golf ball. The boulder is about 10' in diameter and cannot be used
as a weapon as it does not form until it hits ground. If dropped off a cliff, for example, it merely forms on landing with no
impact damage. [Web:Temotei]
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 350
A token that forms a magical bridge of force (cf. Wall of Force), spanning any gap of 670' or less. Duration: 1 day (or
less upon command of the user of the token).
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 5,000
This feather token can be used only once. It creates a fully functional campsite, including a tent suitable to house six
Medium creatures, a campfire with enough dry wood to burn for 24 hours, a modest wooden table with two benches suitable to
seat three people each, and a hitching post for up to six steeds. The campsite remains for up to 24 hours before disappearing,
leaving no trace except footsteps and refuse left behind by those using the site. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 500
This token creates a standard medium catapult (with 20 stones). The catapult disappears after 12 hours. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 400
A token which upon command forms a container that will appear as a silvery chest about a foot square. Any volume
of material can be placed in this chest, so long as it can be passed through the chest's top (one square foot in area) and does not
exceed 666 pounds in weight. The chest, which will last for one day, is watertight and airtight (unless the one using the token
wishes otherwise) and always seems to weigh about five pounds, even when filled to its weight capacity. If the chest is dropped
or thrown, it will drift very slowly through the air and come to rest gently.
Living things may be placed in the chest, but it will only hold one living thing at a time, regardless of weight. Anyone
within the chest can control his supply of air and water despite the wishes of anyone outside the chest -- even the person using
the token -- and can see out of the chest as though it was transparent. The chest is in no way a prison, although it may only be
opened from the outside by someone who touches the token while the command word is uttered. From within, the chest may at
any time be "passed through" and exited. This ability applies to anything having full awareness and any degree of locomotion,
no matter how feeble. Thus, an intelligent dancing sword, for example, could leave such a chest at will. Items in a chest when it
vanishes at the end of the day will vanish with it, while any living thing in the chest will be pushed out.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 5,000
A chicken springs into being, Most of the time, the chicken is plump and delicious to eat, but 1% of the time, the
token creates a chick instead; 1% of the time when the token ought to summon a chick, the token creates a fertilized chicken
egg, and 1% of the time, the egg will hatch a full-grown ornery cockatrice instead of a baby chick. The token is a carved
wooden rooster. [Harvest Moon Campaign World Copyright 1998-2007 Adam Fasoldt]
Experience point value: 1,000

Gold piece value: 10
A standard chest springs into being. It is wood and holds about 2 cubic feet. It is permanent after creation. The token
looks like a small chest. [Harvest Moon Campaign World Copyright 1998-2007 Adam Fasoldt]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 50
A token that causes the holder to appear richly garbed, lordly, and wise. This illusion lasts for one full day, or less
than that if the token leaves the user's hand. Other beings will view the token-holder as a great personage, leader, or ruler, and
will tend to respect him. They may also, of course, decide to seize or attack such a rich prize.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 2,000
When this token is fitted over one eye, the object instantly confers upon the user the power of True Seeing (cf. the
spell), save that the aura (and thus, nature) of a creature is not visible. The token vanishes when its powers are transmitted, and
all of the token's effects last for 2 turns.
Creatures of less than 8 hit dice employing the Eye may look upon a Prismatic Sphere without harm, and so on.
Symbols are clearly visible, and will not be triggered by the gaze of the token user, although they are in no way negated and
will take effect upon touch, the gaze of others, etc. (Symbol spell). Similarly, the user is immune to the confusion effects of a
creature's gaze (cf. Umber Hulk).
Alternatively, this token can be used to cure blindness in any one eye, merely by placing it upon the afflicted orb.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 7,000
A token that forms a huge flapping fan which can cause a strong breeze in an area large enough to propel one ship.
This wind is not cumulative with existing wind speeds -- if there is already a strong breeze blowing, this token cannot be added
to it to create a gale. It can, however, be used against it to create an area of relative calm or lesser winds (though this will not
affect wave size in a storm, of course). The fan can be used up to eight hours a day. It will not function on land.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 6,000
A token that creates a burst of flame upon impact, when a command word is spoken and it is thrown. If it is used as a
weapon, the fireburst will do 2-8 points of damage to each creature or character in a 10' radius area around the blast. The flame
can ignite flammable materials (such as cloth or wood) even in extreme cold or high winds, or when the material is wet, frozen,
or otherwise fire resistant; such a fire, unless quenched by magical means, will last for one full day, regardless of the amount of
material, or less, if so commanded by the user of the token. A sudden, hard impact upon the token (such as that caused by a
blow or fall) within 1 round after the command word has been uttered will set off the fireburst.
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 2,000
Floating Feather
This token can be attached to any creature up to 200 pounds, causing a pair of large wings to grow from the target and
allowing him to fly (speed 30, average maneuverability) for 1 minute. The token can be attached to an object of up to 200
pounds, which flies straight in a direction indicated by the creature who activates the feather unless the activator uses a move
action to redirect its movement. The wings persist for 1 minute. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 450
When this token is pointed at any visible location and the command word is spoken, the user will be teleported
instantly to the spot desired. This one use Teleport is limited in range by direct visibility, and has no chance of error. The user
may choose any location -- mid-air, a window, a treetop, or minaret -- and will arrive safely there, along with all that he was
wearing and holding.
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 1,000

This token will, upon command, metamorphose into a pitcher from which will pour clean, drinkable water for 8
rounds, enough to fill a volume of 4 cubic feet. Once begun, the stream is unstoppable, and the Jug will dissolve into water
droplets and join the trail of the waterflow.
A small number (5%) of these tokens pour Holy Water, and 5% give forth Unholy Water, but only when used by
those of good or evil alignment, respectively. A "special" Jug will simply produce normal water when used by an owner of
improper alignment.
A even smaller number (3%) are sweetwater jugs that pour forth 4 cubic feet of sweetwater. This sweetwater is more
powerful than most and will purify 10 to one in volume. The jug will clean up to 40 cubic feet of water or 300 gallons.
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 2,500
This token, when touched to a wall, gate, or door, will permit passage. Through walls, the token will open a passage 4
feet wide by 6 feet high by 10 feet deep (cf. Passwall). Through gates, the Key will eat away (in the manner of an acid) a 4 foot
diameter round opening with the lower edge touching the floor, so that one may crawl through. The token will unlock, unspike,
unbar, and unchain any door, negating any traps on it and also negating spells such as Wizard Lock and Hold Portal. The Key
would not negate or trigger a Glyph of Warding or a Symbol, but would reveal its presence, causing the rune or inscription to
In all three cases the Key takes one round to make an opening, and the opening will be permanent, remaining until
physically repaired, blocked up, etc.
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 7,000
This token turns into a white-plumed +1 lance for 1 minute. This token is often used when carrying a large weapon is
illegal or impractical. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 150
A token creating a 10x10-foot puddle of mud six inches deep. This is an instantaneous effect. It looks like a small mud
ball. [Web:Temotei]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 100
This token creates a Huge battering ram. The ram disappears after 24 hours. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 500
Siege Tower
This token creates a Huge siege tower, three levels. The tower disappears after 1 hour. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 1,000
Sky Hook
This token transforms into a huge disembodied eagle's talon (hardness 5, hp 25) anchored wherever you activate it.
The talon can support up to 1,000 pounds and persists for 1 day. The talon can be moved up to 10 feet with a DC 20 Strength
check. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 200
This token will, upon command, metamorphose into a plate of a familiar, hearty meal. A plate replenishes itself until
4-16 people are fed. The meal is kept warm, and palatable of itself, and can be covered and carried for long periods and
distances without spoiling (one month's duration). The plate is edible, too: A single bite of it neutralizes all poisons in the
eater's body, dissolves rot grubs harmlessly, and cures the rotting disease of a Mummy, the only disease it affects. The plate has
56 bites and will retain potency for 1 year.

Experience point value: 750
Gold piece value: 5,000
This token can be a stone of any small size, although it is typically found as a white, round pebble. When thrown or
slung, it becomes a large rock and strikes as a +2 weapon. Such missiles are of the following diameters:
Dice Roll Diameter (In.) Damage Caused
01-05 4 1-4
06-15 8 2-8
16-30 12 3-12
31-70 16 3-18
71-85 20 4-24
86-95 24 4-32
96-00 28 5-40
Creatures struck are entitled to saving throws -- at +1 if rigidly armored and/or with a ready shield, and with dexterity
bonuses also applying -- and, if this save is made, damage is halved (a glancing blow). The size of the missile produced by this
token is not usually known until the token is thrown. The thrown missile shatters upon impact, and the shards vaporize
Ten percent of these tokens are a special form: Avalanche. This token will cause a rockslide if thrown or slung against
a rocky slope or mountainside. The area effected and resulting damage is not under the direct control of the user of the token. If
such a token is thrown or slung as a normal weapon, it strikes at +2 to hit, but splits in mid-air into a hail of 2-24 (2d12) 4"
diameter stones, each of which does 1-4 points of damage. (If the "to hit" roll is successful, all of these missiles will hit the
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 2,000
Swan Boat
A token that forms a huge swan-like boat capable of swimming at 24" speed, and carrying 8 horses and gear or 32
men or any combination equal thereto (duration 1 day).
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 7,000
A token that grows from a miniature blade to a full-sized steel weapon, enabling the owner of the token perhaps to
smuggle a weapon in where it is normally forbidden. The full-sized sword will last for 4 turns, and then it vanishes. This token
is highly prized by Assassins. (Magic-Users and Clerics cannot, of course, fight with the sword.)
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 6,000
Tar and Feathers
This token can be directed to float to any point within 60 feet and then burst into a mass of sticky white feathers that
adheres to all creatures in a 10-foot radius. The clinging feathers affect creatures in the area as a glitterdust spell. [Pathfinder]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 200
A token that causes a great oak to spring into being – 6' diameter trunk, 60' high, 40' top diameter. This is an
instantaneous effect. It is permanent.
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 2,000
A token sprouting vines in all directions. These vines create difficult terrain, good climbing material, or perhaps fire
material. This is an instantaneous effect. It creates a mat of vines 20' by 30' flat or even straight up a cliff face. [Web:Temotei]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 150

A wagon appears next to the user. It is the standard wagon and is permanent after creation. If the terrain is snowy, a
sled appears instead. The token resembles a small wagon craved of wood. This token does not create pack animals to pull the
wagon. [Harvest Moon Campaign World Copyright 1998-2007 Adam Fasoldt]
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 350
A token causing weeds to grow all around it in a 10' radius. This is an instantaneous effect. The token resembles an
actual feather cut to look like a bush. [Web:Temotei]
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece value: 50
A token that causes a huge leather whip to appear and be wielded against any opponent desired (+1 weapon, 9th level
fighter "to hit" probability, 2-7 hit points damage plus save versus magic or be bound fast for 2-7 rounds) for up to 6 turns. (Cf.
Dancing Sword.)
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 3,000
White Feather
A token that causes a white carrier pigeon to come into existence that can fly up to 500 miles with unerring accuracy
back to the player's home base. If used by another at home, it seeks out its owner within 500 miles and delivers a message.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 4,000
A token that causes miniature wings to appear on all solid objects (including living things) in a 20' radius sphere about
its point of activation. These act as a Feather Fall spell, beings so effected cannot maneuver in the air, however, without other
means (e.g., Telekinesis), but will merely fall slowly straight down. The wings will disappear from each effected object when
each touches the ground or is grabbed out of mid-air by a character or creature.
Experience point value: 1,000
Gold piece value: 6,000

This is the most complete list of Ioun Stones I know of.

Bag of Ioun Stones [AD&D supplement]

White Anhedral Crystal Group +1 to AC, as bless spell
Black*** (loadstone) Barbell add or subtract 2 G's of gravity, 2d10 charges
Sparkling Rainbows Brilliant Cut Diamond Summons a Jinn 1/week or a Jannkin 1/day
Black w/flying stars Bucky Ball Acts as Major Helm. On ship with helm adds +2 SR.
Brown Cardioid +1 to CON saves.
Pink & Blue Twist Cardioid heal self or others 1/day
Black Cephaloid (head shaped) Obscure Alignment 20' radius.
Blue w/ vertice plasmas Chiliagon People are shocked when trying to grab ANY iouns around user, 2d6 damage
Gold Metal Coil Brings dying creature back to one hit point then turns grey.
Shining Black Coil Acts as Helm of Teleportation.
Blue Cone Detect Poison, as the spell
Shiny Crimson (glows IR) Cone Infravision 60' range or double normal Infravision
Incandescent Red Cone Detect Secret Doors, as the spell
Iridescent Blue Cone Detect Scrying, as the spell
Saffron Yellow Cone Know Direction, as the the spell

Frosted Scarlet Cone Detect Magic, as the spell
Sky Blue & White Clouds Cone Air Stone, Whirlwind (tornado), as the spell, 3/day††
Clear* Connected Spheres user and 200lbs. can become insubstantial 1 turn, 1d6+1 charges
Clear Brown Connected Spheres +1 to Charisma
Black Cube Spell Focus (Enchantment), -1 saves vs. Enchantment spells cast.
Black and Green* Cube Spell Focus (Necromancy), -1 saves vs. Necromancy spells cast.
Black and Red Cube Spell Focus (Transmutation), -1 saves vs. Transmutation spells cast.
Black Basalt Cube Fire Stone, Stinking Smoke Cloud, as the spell, 3/day††
Bright Red Cube Acts as medallion of thoughts.
Deep Red Cube Spell Focus (Evocation), -1 saves vs. Evocation/Invocation spells cast.
Forest Green Cube Spell Focus (Abjuration), -1 saves vs. Abjuration spells cast.
Opaque White Cube Spell Focus (Conjuration), -1 saves vs. Conjuration spells cast.
Orange Cube resistant to mind-affecting spells as if user had Wisdom of 20 (+5)
Pale Green Cube Spell Focus (Divination), -1 saves vs. Divination spells cast.
Pink and Green Cube Spell Focus (Illusion), -1 saves vs. Illusion spells cast.
Puce Cube bestows ESP ability at will, read surface thoughts in 30' rg.
Silvery Mirrored Cube +1 save vs. gaze attacks (Medusa etc.)
Yellow Cube +1 to Dexterity
Vibrating Brown Topaz Cuboctahedron Summons a Dao 1/month or a Daolani 1/week
Bright Silver Cylinder user and 200lbs. can go ethereal for 1 hr., 2d10 charges
Clear Cylinder Enlarge Spell, increase spell range 100% (doubled)
Clear w/ half sphere ends Cylinder eyes of hawk see 20x to 2 miles
Clear Blue Cylinder Maximize Spell, all spell effects are maximized (and can still be empowered)
Clear Green Cylinder Heighten Spell, spell is as though one level higher but 9th level spells max
Clear Rose Cylinder Empower Spell, all spell effects are one half times stronger
Incandescent Blue* Cylinder Silent Spell, allows verbal components to be silent
Green Cylinder +1 saves vs. acid
Lead Silver Cylinder Earth Stone, Earthquake, as the spell, 3/day††
Pale Green Cylinder Extend Spell, increase spell duration to double
Saffron Yellow Cylinder Quicken Spell, speeds spellcasting by 50%
Scarlet* Cylinder Still Spell, allows somatic (gesture) components to not be needed
Aquamarine Decahedron Sustain user without water.
Black Dendroid (tree shaped) Adds one level of ability, not cumulative.
Clear Ditrigonal Scalenohedron acts as a Periapt of Health
Forest Green Ditrigonal Scalenohedron acts as a Periapt of Wound Closure
Rainbow Clear Crystal Ditrigonal Scalenohedron Provides 15 psionic strength points.
Positive Energy pulse, 1d8/rd for 1d10 rds 60'rg. 20' rad is as heat metal, 2d6
Brilliant Green w/ lightning Dipyramid charges
Clear Yellow Dipyramid Zone of Truth, as the spell
Incandescent Purple Dipyramid See Invisible, as the spell
Pale Green Dipyramid Suggestion, as the spell 3/day
Saffron Yellow Dipyramid Tongues, as the spell
Salmon Pink Dipyramid acts as a Periapt of Proof against Poison
Aqua Green (liquid) Disk immune to pressure and pressure change at any depth and to vacuum
White Disk Restore Mind self or others 1d3 times
Negative Plane Protection, as the spell, can summon a Xag-Ya with other
Black Dodecahedron stones††
Blue Dodecahedron Protection from Normal Missiles, as the spell
Dark Orange Dodecahedron adds 20% magic resistance
Iridescent Blue Dodecahedron Shield, as the spell, -4 to AC to incoming attacks even incorporal ones
Iridescent Green Dodecahedron Entropic Shield, as the spell, any ranged attack has a 20% to miss

Pale Green Dodecahedron Barkskin, as the spell, +5 armor bonus
Pale Lavender Dodecahedron Mage Armor, as the spell, +5 to armor
Acts exactly as Scarab of Protection & blocks ghosts' aging attacks 1use/yr, 24
Pale White Dodecahedron uses
Purple Dodecahedron teleport without error once per day, 2d10 charges
Scarlet Dodecahedron Death Ward, as the spell, protected from death spells and the like
Positive Plane Protection, as the spell, can summon a Xeg-Yi with other
White* Dodecahedron stones††
Low-light vision, light sources reduced by 1/2, +10' crit rg. on single, use as
Jet Black Donut Ring spying device, no knock enemies unconscious
Orange Echinid (sand dollar) User can Detect Magic.
Blue Egg Shaped Allows water walking for one hour.
Brown Egg Shaped causes rampant fecundity 8 hours/day, works when activated
Bile Yellow Ellipsoid +1 to saving throws vs poison gas
1/day, attack is vampiric and dfrains 1 life level from target, points transfer to
Black Obsidian Ellipsoid owner
Black and White Ellipsoid Provides mind blank effect against scrying.
Brown Pearl Ellipsoid Acts as boots of speed.
Burnt Umber Ellipsoid Tremorsense 60' radius, 120' radius in water.
Clear Ellipsoid Sustains a creature in any environment without food, water, or air.
Clear Translucent Ellipsoid Assume liquid form 10 minutes 2/day.
Clear with Red Speckles Ellipsoid Dodge attempt ANY attack 3/day using acrobatics.
Clear with Silver Flecks Ellipsoid Extra revelation granted.
Crackled Rainbow Ellipsoid Allows the user to cast prismatic spray once. 1 use.
Dark Green Ellipsoid +5 luck bonus to AC
Deep Red & Black Ellipsoid Combat Reflexes, +1 to hit/parry
Deep Green Ellipsoid Animal Empathy or +10 to exisiting Empathy
Gold Ellipsoid user and 200lbs. can go astral for 1 hr., 2d10 charges
Frosted Blue Ellipsoid Absorbs 5pts. of cold damage per round.
Frosted Green Ellipsoid Absorbs 5pts. of acid damage per round.
Frosted Indigo Ellipsoid Absorbs 5pts. of combat (physical) damage per round.
Frosted Orange Ellipsoid Absorbs 5pts. of sonic damage per round.
Frosted Red Ellipsoid Absorbs 5pts. of fire damage per round.
Frosted Violet Ellipsoid Absorbs 5pts. of force damage per round.
Frosted Yellow Ellipsoid Absorbs 5pts. of electricity damage per round.
Lavender and Blue Ellipsoid Absorbs 9th level spells. At 120 levels absorbed it turns grey.
Lavender & Green* Ellipsoid absorbs spells up to 8th level¹
Pale Lavender* Ellipsoid absorbs spells up to 4th level¹
Pale White* Ellipsoid Dehydration pulse 60' rg. Save or become a desiccated husk. 1d4+2 uses
Pulsating Red Ellipsoid When user is a target of a projectile spell, a like spell is cast at the caster.
Rainbow Ellipsoid user can levitate at will
Red Ellipsoid regeneration 10 points per round while bloodied 1/day.
Sickly Ochre Ellipsoid 5/day acid spray 2d6 10' rad. +5 acid resist.
Silver Mirrored Ellipsoid +5 vs. saves to Necromancy
Smokey Black Pearl Ellispoid 1/day, knowledge skill attempt with +20 insight bonus
Tan Ellipsoid Identify spells and magic.
Translucent White Ellipsoid User gains darkvision 60' or adds 30' to darkvision.
Transparent Golden Ellipsoid Intelligent stone, provides extra attacks by advice.
5 Transparent Green Ellipsoid +5 hit points³
Damp Green Emerald Cut Prism Summons a Marid 1/month or a Maridan 1/day
Black Euhedral Crystal Group Has the power of any two ioun stones.
Ice Blue/White Eye Eye Ball Shaped Allows seeing behind, and +1 on all surprise, and +1 attacks.
Moonstone Half Sphere lowers Mental AC by 2 to increase protection

Pink and Blue Helicid (Helix) User can turn gaseous for one hour.
Orange Heptahedron Strength spell once per day for one hour.
Purple Heptahedron +1 to saving throws vs electricity
Pink Hexagon Hums softly when poison is within 20 feet.
Pointed Hexagonal
Clear Antiprism Ioun Familiar†††
Rutilated Gold Hexagonal Dipyramid Attack weapon, as level of user. Does 1d6 dam. +3 H&D, 60' rg., returns
Brushed Titanium Hexagonal Prism Acts as Minor Helm, is dormant if Major Helm Ioun stone is had but adds +1 SR.
Clear Yellow Hexagonal Prism Shed continual light on command.
Clear w/ light motes*** Hourglass user can slow or speed time 10 to 1, 2d10 charges
Red w/ Flames Icosahedron Summons an Efreeti 1/month or an Efreetikin 1/day
Brass Lozenge adds 2d4 +2 HP to user on command, once per day, 2d10 charges
Clear Lens* Lozenge see minute objects 400x at 7 feet
Frosted Black Lozenge +1 to saving throws vs charm spells
Pale Green Lozenge Bestows nondetection.
Pale Turquoise Lozenge Double carrying capacity.
Pale Yellow* Lozenge bestows water walk ability at will
Adaption, Sustains creature without food or water, resist environmental
Clear Marquis Diamond Shape temperatures, stop ongoing damage.
Red Monoclinoid (flower shape) Disables infravision within 20 feet.
Black Kidney Shape Nephroid Grants 5% magic resistance.
Frosty White Octahedron Grants 1-4 wishes then turns grey
5 Gold & Clear Octahedron +1 to Comeliness³
Pure White Octahedron +1 to Charisma versus creatures of the same race
Clear Octahedron Air Walk, as the spell
Iridescent Green Octahedron Haste, as the spell 3/day
Casts illusion on all Ioun Stones (itself too) that confuses others what they look
Pale Lavender Octahedron like
Salmon Pink Octahedron See Aura, as the spell, all the time
Scarlet Octahedron Grants True Sight, as the Spell, 3/day
Sky Blue Octahedron Freedom of Movement, as the spell
Wine Dark Blue Octahedron Feather Fall, as the spell, at will
Yellow Octahedron Protects owner with continual mind blank spell.
Blood Red Orthorhomboid Transmuter change nonliving matter to energy in a 10 cube. 1-8+2 charges
Clear Orthorhomboid Dipyramid +1 to INT
Ruff Brown Pebble Invisibility to Undead once per day.
Provides a bonus of 10 extra energy levels for spellcasting (or 10 more hours of
Tan Peg Shaped spelljamming).
Rutilated Pink Pentagon restoration on self or others 3 uses only
Brown Pentahedron Free action once per day for one hour.
Black Prism Stores one "0" level spell.
Brilliant Red Prism +3 insight bonus to Armor Class
Brilliant White Prism Stores one 1st level spell.
Clear Prism Stores 2d6 spells of any level for later use.
Clear Deep Purple Prism User can see in magical darkness.
Cloudy Yellow Onyx Prism +1 insight bonus in combat.
Allows the user to shoot a blue ray 10' turning target to stone save vs. no
Crackled Blue Prism damage. 1 use.
Allows the user to shoot a green ray 10' causing the target to be poisoned save
Crackled Green Prism vs. death or -1d6 CON. 1 use.
Allows the user to shoot an indigo ray 10' causing insanity in the target if save
Crackled Indigo Prism failed. 1 use.
Allows the user to shoot a orange ray 10' doing 40 points acid damage. Save for
Crackled Orange Prism half. 1 use.
Crackled Red Prism Allows the user to shoot a red ray 10' doing 20 points fire damage Save for half.

1 use.
Crackled Violet Prism Allows the user to shoot a violet ray 10' causing target to be plane shifted. 1 use.
Allows the user to shoot a yellow ray 10' doing 80 points electricity damage.
Crackled Yellow Prism Save for half. 1 use.
Dark Gray/Silver Interior Prism +2 insight bonus to avoid attacks.
Deep Purple (glows UV) Prism Ultravision 60' range or double normal Ultravision
Dusty Rose Prism gives +1 protection
Heart of fire, +2 level higher for fire spells, +6 bonus to Know (the planes) and
Flaming Yellow Prism (internal flames) (arcana), 1/day cast Quench/Empower fire spell
Glassy Black Prism Stores one 9th level spell.
Glowing Rose Prism +5 protection.
Light Blue Prism understand all spoken languages
Lime Green Prism Ignore the effects of heat and ice.
Orange Prism +1 level of experience
Pale Aquamarine Prism Stone of Steadfastness; fear immunity
Pale Blue Prism User is immune to flesh to stone spells.
Pale Glowing Green Prism +5 competence bonus on attack rolls
Pale Green Prism +1 competence bonus to all rolls
Pale Yellow Prism Glows like a sunrod. Any sensitive to sunlight must save or take damage.
Shadowy Onyx Prism 2/day travel in shadow form leaving body behind for 20 minutes.
Slate Prism +2 to insight bonus on dungeoneering
Slate Blue Prism Bonus smite attempt, turn attempt or 2nd level divine spell.
Swirled Onyx Prism +1 insight bonus to comnbat
Vibrant Blue Prism Stores one 6th level spell.
Vibrant Green Prism Stores one 5th level spell.
Vibrant Indigo Prism Stores one 7th level spell.
Vibrant Orange Prism Stores one 3rd level spell.
Vibrant Purple* Prism stores 2-12 levels of spells
Vibrant Purple (glows UV) Prism Stores one 8th level spell.
Vibrant Red Prism Stores one 2nd level spell.
Vibrant Yellow Prism Stores one 4th level spell.
White Pearl Prism Repairs 1 point of damage per turn (10 minutes).
Black* w/ black flames Pyritohedron Negative Energy pulse, 1 Life Level, 60'rg., nonliving save vs disint. 2d4 charges
Blue Pyramid Spell Penetration, 10% chance to overcome magic resistance
Bright Orange Pyramid user and 200lbs. can Passwall like a Xorn for 1 hr., 2d10 charges
Dark Purple Pyramid Acts as ring of wizardry IV.
Indigo Blue Pyramid Regenerate one hit point every four hours.
5 Scarlet Pyramid +4 Skill Points to a pre-defined skill (+20% in 2nd ed)³
Sky Blue (cold to touch) Quartz Crystal Summons a Djinni 1/month or a Djinnling 1/day
Aquamarine Rectangle +1 to saving throws vs. poison
Bright White* Rectangle +1 save vs. acids
Copper Rectangle user can read magic at will
Soft Black Rectangle protection vs. life-level draining, 2d10 charges
Brown* Rhomboid user and 200lbs. can assume gaseous form for 1 hr., 2d10 charges
Black and White Rhomboid Stone of Sustenance; require no food, water or air, and require half normal rest.
5/day, for 10 min, owner uses slipstreeam wave of water, spd 22", swim speed
Blue Pearl Rhomboid 40"
Brilliant Blue Rhomboid +3 deflection bonus to Armor Class
Brilliant Green Rhomboid +3 luck bonus to Armor Class
3 Brown Onyx Rhomboid +2 increase to CON (up to +6)°
Cerulean Blue Rhomboid bestows free action on user, as per the magic ring
Dark Blue Rhomboid Alertness, -1 to be surprised.

Dark Green Rhomboid Stone of True Sight; darkvision, +6 to Perception and Insight, 1/day see invisible
Dark Red Rhomboid Allows casting of hexes or curses.
Dull Orange Rhomboid Acts as Brooch of Shielding.
Dusky Red Rhomboid Allows casting double strength hexes or curses.
Frosted Blue Rhomboid Absorbs 10pts. of cold damage per round.
Frosted Green Rhomboid Absorbs 10pts. of acid damage per round.
Frosted Indigo Rhomboid Absorbs 10pts. of combat (physical) damage per round.
Frosted Orange Rhomboid Absorbs 10pts. of sonic damage per round.
Frosted Red Rhomboid Absorbs 10pts. of fire damage per round.
Frosted Violet Rhomboid Absorbs 10pts. of force damage per round.
Frosted Yellow Rhomboid Absorbs 10pts. of electricity damage per round.
Gold Metal Rhomboid Absorb 20 points of damage then turns grey.
Green Opaque w/ gold
flecks Rhomboid track 5 targets, for 12 hrs,
Jade Green Rhomboid +1 to saving throws vs. fire
2 Pale Blue Rhomboid +1 to Strength, 18 max†
2 Pink Rhomboid +1 to Constitution, 18 max†
Puce Rhomboid Touch attack 1/day of mummy rot.
Rainbow Rhomboid Allows the user to plane shift, as the spell, once per day.
Silver Rhomboid Grants 20% miss chance against attacks against owner. 50 charges
Steel Grey* Rhomboid drain 1 life level per touch 1/day, 2d10 charges
Stone of Perfect Language; understand all spoken languages, +5 to Charisma-
White and Pink Rhomboid based skills
Magenta Rhomboid, Non-Euclidean User can teleport; stone turns grey when used once.
Magenta Ring Shape user can become invisible (improved) at will
Gold Metal Rod User can comprehend language as the spell.
Silver* Rod +1 save vs. electrical attacks
Flickering White Snowflake +1 save vs. cold attacks
Blue Round Bead Continual Read Magic
Red Six Sided Star +1 to STR
Agate Eye Sphere allows normal vision in 360° all the time
Amber Sphere +1 WIS check bonuses and Intelligence checks, acts as Holy (Unholy) Symbol.
Brilliant Purple Sphere Grants the user immunity to poison
Discerns the direction of north, or south (if below the equator), or the wildspace
Brown Sphere sphere center or the nearest sphere in the flow.
5 Clear* Sphere 5% magic resistance, 25% max³
Clear with Black Core Sphere 120' darkvision
Clear Pink* Sphere Spirit Storage ²
Crackled Rainbow Sphere Allows the user to cast prismatic sphere once. 1 use.
3 Crimson Sphere +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, stacks up to +6
Deep Black* Sphere allows user to see in magical darkness (30' range)
2 Deep Red Sphere +1 to Dexterity, 18 max†
Dull Grey Sphere Provides 20 psionic strength points then turns shiny grey as grey stone.
Flat Black Sphere Spells cast at user backfire to caster at 1d6 damage per level. 50 charges
Flat Yellow Sphere (Balian's) +1 to a randon ability score every day.
Frosted Blue Sphere Absorbs 15pts. of cold damage per round.
+5 to perception checks, +20% to notice invs/ether creatures, +2 to hit invis or
Frosted Clear Sphere hidden creatures.
Frosted Green Sphere Absorbs 15pts. of acid damage per round.
Frosted Indigo Sphere Absorbs 15pts. of combat (physical) damage per round.
Frosted Orange Sphere Absorbs 15pts. of sonic damage per round.
Frosted Red Sphere Absorbs 15pts. of fire damage per round.
Frosted Violet Sphere Absorbs 15pts. of force damage per round.

Frosted Yellow Sphere Absorbs 15pts. of electricity damage per round.
Green Sphere +1 save vs. gas attacks
Gold Metal Sphere gain ranged touch attack at 6d6 damage on any who attack the user. 50 charges
Gold Mirrored Sphere Distracts viewers from your disguise. Acts as ubiquitous spell.
Grey Pulsing Sphere Turns all iouns in obit around user (including itself) invisible, as spell.
Grey Sparkly Sphere User turns invisible, as spell.
2 Incandescent Blue Sphere +1 to Wisdom, 18 max†
Incandescent Green Sphere +1 to spell casting ability
Incandescent Indigo Sphere (Larloch's) +6 WIS
3/day, owner can choose to add 2d8 points of force damage to an attack with
Incandescent Silver Sphere flash of light
Mottled Blue and Green Sphere +1 to saving throws vs. petrification
Orange Sphere Bonus to +1 to Will and knowledge checks, shed light on command.
Pale White Sphere Recall 3 9th level spells, as Pearl of Power.
Can be any shape or color. Cursed singing stone disrupts concentration except
Pink Sphere for rune singers.
2 Pink & Green Sphere +1 to Charisma, 18 max†
Powder Blue Sphere The Master's Finch Sphere See description Legacy item. Familiar ioun stone.°°
Familiar stone that flies (teleports) messages to others up to 1000' distant up to
Powder Purple Sphere 170 words.
Pulsing Orange* Sphere with orbiting lights user is immune to ionic and electromagnetic radiation
Red Sphere Bestows Protection from fire.
Red Mirrored Sphere Reflects nine spell levels, as spell turning, on command 3/day.
2 Scarlet & Blue Sphere +1 to Intelligence, 18 max†
Scarlet & Blue yin/yang Sphere (Larloch's) +6 INT
Silver Mirrored Sphere negates rear-attack bonuses against user from any source
Delay elemental damage, -4pts from heat or cold, or drowning, or other weather
Sky Blue Sphere effects.
White and Gray Mottled Sphere acts as ring of counterspells
Protects other ioun stones from damage, all stones (even grey) are at +5 hit
White Marble Sphere points.
Yellow Sphere sheds continual light 15' radius, on command
Yin & Yang (Bk/Wh) Sphere sustained without sleep
5 Amber Spindle +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws, stacks up to +5³
Black Spindle See through Mist.
Black Pearl Spindle Regenerates Undead 1hp/hour.
User is immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any
Black with White Stripes Spindle negative energy effects.
Blue Green Spindle bestows airy element (even Vacuum) in a 10' Sphere at will
Bright Yellow Spindle Fly, as the spell, at will
Clear Spindle sustained without food or water
Clear Flawed Spindle Cursed. Attacks user for 1d6 every turn until turned grey or destroyed.
Clear Sapphire Blue Spindle Water Stone, Fog Cloud, as the the spell, 3/day††
3/day incr. orbit speed to make a whirlwind for 3/rds, 10' +10'per rd. until 30'
Cloudy Gray Spindle high. 1d6+6 dam. Save or be lifted.
Crackled Rainbow Spindle Allows the user to cast prismatic wall once. 1 use.
User's unarmed attacks are vampiric, draining a level from the target, giving a
Flat Black Spindle HD to the user.
Iridescent Clear Spindle sustained without air
Milky White Spindle Recover hit points equal to CON score 1/day
Ochre Spindle Grants 360 degree vision.
Pearly White Spindle regenerate 1hp/turn
Rainbow Spindle user and 200lbs. can polymorph self for 1 hr., 2d10 charges
Line of sight teleport 1001' burst of lightning 10' rad 6d6 on leaving or arriving,
Silver w/ gold flecks Spindle 20 charges

Silver Pearl Spindle 3/day; turns single ranged attack into three
Sky Blue Spindle Invisibility to animal mounts and companions (and familiars) 1/day.
Translucent White Spindle User gains truesight.
Yellow Spindle +1 on saves vs. petrification
Clear Flecked with Silver Square Projects antimagic shell around user once then the stone turns grey when used.
Black Star Absorbs 62HP of fire damage then turns grey.
Blue Star Sustain user without food.
Deep Green Star +5 stone of good luck
Maroon Star user is harmed only by magic weapons or spells for full damage
Pulsing Red* Star +1 save vs. fire attacks
White Star Use light once per day.
Clear Tear Drop Use detect undead at will.
Pearlescent Pearl* Tear Drop user can see underwater 100' range
Clear Blue Tetrahedron +1 to saving throws vs cold
Black* w/ black light Tetrahedron magic darkness continual 15' radius, on command
5 Florescent Blue Tetrahedron shield 20 HP for 1hr 3/day, each stone builds to 100 HP max ³
As a contingency spell, user plants contingency, incandescent active, 1 use then
5 Ruby Red (Incandescent) Tetrahedron grey³
Gold Metal Tetragonal Scalenohedron Creates Gate 1d6 times
Iridescent Sarlet Tetragonal Scalenohedron Alter Self, as the spell
Pale Green Tetragonal Scalenohedron Nondetection, as the spell
Saffron Yellow Tetragonal Scalenohedron Tiny Hut, as the spell
Milk White Three Lobed Sphere +1 to WIS
Indigo Blue Trapezohedron Fossilization pulse 30' rg/rad. Save -4 or turn to stone or crystal. 1d4+2 uses
Dark Purple Triangle Acts as ring of wizardry.
Sunstone Gold Triangle read any written language
Clear Red Tube Shape Grants infravision with a range of 120 feet.
Turquoise* U Shape silence 15' radius on command
5 Grey** Any adds 10 points to psionic strength total, 50 max³

¹Absorb from 10-40 or from 20-80 spell levels, respectively, then they burn out.
²User's soul is transferred into the stone when a death blow is received, where it can be
returned to the body easily through the power of a restoration spell. The body will have 1 HP,
³Up to five duplicates may be used to build +5 Comeliness, 25% resistance, a 100 HP shield, 5
skills, 5 contingencies, or 50 extra psionic strength points, etc. respective of the type stone in
†Up to two duplicates of each of these stones may be used for a total bonus of +2 to any ability
††These six stones have their own powers but when when any two are held the four elemental
stones can summon an elemental. Also holding any two of these stones allows summoning a
para-elemental or quasi-elemental from the plane inbetween -- i.e. the fire stone and an earth
stone allow a magma para-elemental to be summoned. Holding all six stones allows for the
summoning of any of the six para-elementals, any of the 8 quasi-elementals, or a shadow.
Holding all six also allows for the summoning of a Xag-ya, Xeg-Yi, or a Xag-Az. Summoning
can occur 1/day per stone or pair of stones in the case or a para or quasi elemental.
†††The Ioun Familiar must be activated as a familiar or merely acts as a grey stone but gives 20
PSP points. Only 50 points can be gained in this way per day so it would take the place of two

grey stones. It has HP: 20 and an AC: -8. When "killed," it goes grey and provides only 10
PSP like any normal grey stone. A further HP: 10 at AC: -4 destroys it.
*These stones are from the Plane of Salt and draw their power from the Negative Material
Plane, as opposed to the Plane of Minerals and the Positive Material Plane like other Ioun
Stones. There are 330 stones in all. 373 total counting 5 maximum for the magic resistance
and shield stones, comeliness stones, 12 ability stones, skill stones, contingency stones, five
hit point stones, three CON stones, five saving throw stones, three INT stones, and 5 Grey
**Grey Ioun Stones may be found either in the Plane of Salt or the Plane of Minerals. Note that
any number of stones may be used at once but duplicates are inactive. In addition, stones
orbit user at 1'-3' but can wonder as far as 12', following the aura of the user. They are all
AC: -4 HP: 10 to burn out. Any burned out stones continue to "fly" and operate as Grey
stones until they are destroyed by an additional10 HP damage. Stones save as hard metal,
+3. Stones burn out due to damage, the use of all charges, or maximum use or drainage. The
attack stone has an AC: -10 HP: 20. After burn out or damage it is as a normal Grey stone
and keeps flying until it takes another 10 HP to be destroyed. It is AC: -4 as a Grey stone.
***These stones are from near gates to the Demi-Planes of Electromagnetism and Time,
°Up to three of these stones may be used at once to stack benefits.
°°The Master's Finch, this powder blue stone functions like other stones but is a highly magical
familiar stone made by a Druid to capture the spirit of a loyal finch. Its name is Taes and it
can project illusions, and teleport the user and others up to 2,000 miles. It can carry 3
messages up to 140 words each. It has the intelligence of a trained bird and an INT of 4.


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