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Part 1: Motion and Speed

1. Speed is defined as _____________________________________________.

2. The formula for calculating the speed of an object is _______________.

3. Distance is measured using the SI unit of _______________.

4. Time is measured using the SI unit of _______________.

5. Therefore, speed is measured in the derived SI unit of _______________.

6. According to the formula triangle, the formula for calculating time is _______________.

7. According to the formula triangle, the formula for calculating distance is _______________.

8. _______________is a measurement of how far an object moves in total.

9. The distance and direction an object moves from a starting point is called its _______________.

10. _______________ speed occurs when an object is traveling at the same speed every second.

11. _______________ speed is a measurement of an object’s speed at an exact moment in time.

12. _______________speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time the object took.

Part 2: Distance-Time Graphs

13. Graphs that compare distance and time are called _______________graphs.

14. In this type of graph, _______________ is plotted on the X-axis while _______________is plotted
on the Y-axis.

15. On a distance-time (D-T) graph, the slope of the line represents the object’s _______________.

16. On a D-T graph, a completely horizontal line indicates that an object is _______________.

17. On a D-T graph, a steep line indicates that an object is moving _______________.

18. On a D-T graph, a shallow line indicates that an object is moving _______________.

19. When the slope of a D-T graph is positive (i.e. moving upwards), the object is moving
_______________the reference point.

20. When the slope of a D-T graph is negative (i.e. moving downwards), the object is moving
_______________ the reference point.
Part 3: Velocity and Acceleration

21. Velocity is a measurement of an object’s speed and its _______________.

22. Velocity is a type of measurement called a _______________, which is a measurement that

contains both magnitude and direction.

23. Acceleration occurs when an object changes _______________or _______________ or both.

24. There are 3 types of acceleration, as summarized in the table below:

Type of Acceleration How Does the Object Move?

A. Object speeds up

B. Object slows down

C. Object moves at a constant speed or is not moving

25. A car approaching a red traffic light and slowing down displays _______________ acceleration.
When the traffic light turns green and the car moves faster, it’s acceleration is ______________.

26. The formula for calculating acceleration is _______________.

27. Vf stands for ____________________and Vi stands for ____________________.

28. Vf and Vi are velocities measured using the derived SI unit of _______________.

29. Time is measured using the SI unit of _______________

30. Acceleration is measured in the derived units of _______________.

Part 4: Speed-Time Graphs

31. On a distance-time (D-T) graph, an increasing slope (i.e. line curves upwards) indicates that the
speed of the object is _______________ and therefore the acceleration is _______________.

32. On a distance-time (D-T) graph, a decreasing slope (i.e. line curves downwards) indicates that
the speed of the object is _______________ and therefore the acceleration is _______________.

33. On a distance-time (D-T) graph, a constant (i.e. line has no curve) indicates that the speed of the
object is _______________ and therefore the acceleration is _______________.

34. On a speed-time (S-T) graph, a line moving upwards indicates _______________ acceleration.

35. On a speed-time (S-T) graph, a line moving downwards indicates _______________ acceleration.

36. On a speed-time (S-T) graph, a horizontal line indicates _______________ acceleration.

Name: Class: Date:


Part 1: Motion and Speed

1. Speed is defined as the distance an object travels per unit of time.

2. The formula for calculating the speed of an object is D = S / T

3. Distance is measured using the SI unit of meters (m).

4. Time is measured using the SI unit of seconds (s).

5. Therefore, speed is measured in the derived SI unit of meters per second (m/s).

6. According to the formula triangle, the formula for calculating time is T = D / S.

7. According to the formula triangle, the formula for calculating distance is D = S x T.

8. Distance is a measurement of how far an object moves in total.

9. The distance and direction an object moves from a starting point is known as its displacement.

10. Constant speed occurs when an object is traveling at the same speed every second.

11. Instantaneous speed is a measurement of an object’s speed at an exact moment in time.

12. Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time the object took.

Part 2: Distance-Time Graphs

13. Graphs that compare distance and time are called distance-time (D-T) graphs.

14. In this type of graph, time is plotted on the X-axis while distance is plotted on the Y-axis.

15. On a distance-time (D-T) graph, the slope of the line represents the object’s speed.

16. On a D-T graph, a completely horizontal line indicates that an object is stopped.

17. On a D-T graph, a steep line indicates that an object is moving quickly.

18. On a D-T graph, a shallow line indicates that an object is moving slowly.

19. When the slope of a D-T graph is positive (i.e. moving upwards), the object is moving away from
the reference point.

20. When the slope of a D-T graph is negative (i.e. moving downwards), the object is moving towards
the reference point.
Part 3: Velocity and Acceleration

21. Velocity is a measurement of an object’s speed and its direction.

22. Velocity is a type of measurement called a vector, which has both magnitude and direction.

23. Acceleration occurs when an object changes speed or direction or both.

24. There are 3 types of acceleration, as summarized in the table below:

Type of Acceleration How Does the Object Move?

A. Positive (+) Object speeds up

B. Negative (-) Object slows down

C. Zero (0) Object moves at a constant speed or is not moving

25. A car approaching a red traffic light and slowing down displays negative acceleration. When the
traffic light turns green and the car moves faster, it’s acceleration is positive.

26. The formula for calculating acceleration is a = (Vf – Vi) / t.

27. Vf stands for final velocity and Vi stands for initial velocity.

28. Vf and Vi are velocities measured using the derived SI unit of meters per second (m/s).

29. Time is measured using the SI unit of seconds (s).

30. Acceleration is measured in the derived units of meters per second squared (m/s2).

Part 4: Speed-Time Graphs

31. On a distance-time (D-T) graph, an increasing slope (i.e. line curves upwards) indicates that the
speed of the object is increasing and therefore the acceleration is positive.

32. On a distance-time (D-T) graph, a decreasing slope (i.e. line curves downwards) indicates that
the speed of the object is decreasing and therefore the acceleration is negative.

33. On a distance-time (D-T) graph, a constant (i.e. line has no curve) indicates that the speed of the
object is constant and therefore the acceleration is zero.

34. On a speed-time (S-T) graph, a line moving upwards indicates positive acceleration.

35. On a speed-time (S-T) graph, a line moving downwards indicates negative acceleration.

36. On a speed-time (S-T) graph, a horizontal line indicates zero acceleration.

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