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Student Declaration Part-2


1. Marital Status: Date of Marriage:

(Single, Married, Divorced, Separated, Engaged, Widow)

2. Dependents accompanying with you to Australia? Yes: No: (if yes mention below details)

Spouse Name: DOB:

Child Name: DOB

3. Have already studied in Australia, please provide the following details:

Name of the Institutions/Universities Year of Completion

If excluded from studies, Reasons: ____________________________________________

4. Do you want to request Credit Exemption? (If Yes, Syllabus is mandatory) Yes: No:

5. OSHC required? Yes: No:

a. If “Yes” then click Single.: Dual.: Multi-Family:

b. Who will arrange the OSHC: IDP: University:

6. If you or any of your dependents have ever had a VISA rejected: (If "Yes," provide the details
below.) Yes: No:

Country: _________________ Date of Rejection: ____________Reason: ______________________

7. Do you have any family ties to Australia? (if “Yes”, share below details) Yes: No:

Name of Relative Relation with you Occupation State

8. Emergency contact person details for (Under 18 applicants):

Name Relation with you DOB Phone no.

All forms that required by IDP & University including CAF are digitally signed by me:

Yes: No:

Student Name: __________________________ Signature ________________ Date ___________

Jul 2023

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