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Applicant Declaration for ……………………………………………………………………….


Application for Intake: ……………………………………….………………………………….…………….………

1. I, …………………………………………………………………, have read the relevant course information provided

including course structure and requirements.
2. I warrant that the information I have provided in support of my application, is correct and complete. I
acknowledge that the provision of incorrect information or the withholding of relevant information relating to my
application including academic transcript/s, might invalidate my application and that the University may withdraw
an offer of a place or cancel my admission in consequence.
3. I agree to pay all fees and charges arising from the application. I am aware of the estimated total course fees at
Monash University and living costs for my stay in Australia. I understand that the total course fees do not cover
the cost of books, materials, field trips or any additional cost related to my course, unless otherwise specified.
4. Should the University determine that I have submitted incorrect information or a false document, I consent to the
University disclosing this information to other relevant tertiary institutions.
5. I consent to any educational institution at which I have previously been a student and/or my current or any past
employer, providing Monash University with information which that institution or employer holds about me for the
purpose of Monash verifying my attendance, conduct, grades and/or qualifications or experience in order to
assess my eligibility for an offer and/or enrolment. I understand that if any educational body or institution does not
supply these records, it may impact the assessment by Monash of my application.
6. I consent for Monash to provide information in relation to my application and my enrolment at Monash to my
7. I agree that Monash University may cancel my admission if its continuation may, in the opinion of the University,
place the University in breach of any applicable law, including any law that implements UN sanctions.
8. I have read the University’s statement on privacy at
personal-information.html and the purposes for which my personal information will be used
9. I agree to abide by the statutes, regulations, policies and procedures of Monash University.
10. For international students intending to study at a Monash University Australia campus, the following applies in
addition to the above declaration statement:
 I declare to have sufficient funds to support myself and my family unit members (if applicable) for the TOTAL
period of my stay in Australia including proposed course fees for myself and any school-aged family members,
Overseas Students Health Cover, living costs and travel costs, regardless of whether my dependents intend to
accompany me in Australia.
 I declare that I am medically and physically fit to undertake full time studies.
 I agree to submit all additional supporting documentation together with this application if I have:
o been issued a temporary protection visa in any country;
o had a visa cancelled or rejected by the Australian Government; or
o been convicted of any crime or offence in any country.
 I declare that I am a Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) and a Genuine Student and that I have read and
understood the conditions in relation to these requirements as defined on the following website: I understand that if the university
forms the opinion that I am not a GTE it may refuse to assess my application, withdraw an offer of a place or
cancel my electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCOE).

Student Signature: …………………………………………………………….…………………………………,

Date: ………………………………………………

CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C

CRICOS provider: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J

Monash Student Declaration Form_2017V4

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