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0 Bo hasei” Os © Oroloyy 6 dy at branch of mmaatead Stefendksohleh Aut with the meaplotn (‘uumour) | | i npr bat of Neoplasm sevelopronnt a] eslatn’) Nesplam Cures) ¢ abbnossinl erase of sue he grout. s “vohfe @xceeds ® uncooralinatie) wilt Cagck Of novmel Harue- Corvoveth pourtcti even afte nemoval, OF Stimulus , Phot HA called nevplatm, and abt sregcoded 04 ‘undue, « phat +e Tamomss Cy | Cd ow I ae o Hanmful, tumour WMitortnis (prending alee i e Kon Corptulateg Ay ellabos dlirtion absent » bnnotent “Teun our «/ © Met metieticen a) ° Capulatie] S i ay ea penton i i Benten lamang? | — Mobanant “lumouns st < ay Reerent « L “23 on 3Y MN ee) |e | Concer doxived [som Gauerk sero} Gob” Ran), f i wont dp ait dectibae, ORinanly Cancer Con brea alt Section -C used io ae Yurnoun) 4 Cam growth ( Cycle) ~ “Tivo phasee Om. phate (mitaris’) GU, dibvivon Ore 10% Came) ® Stisphaue. > os : Go > Party phate G9 Go 1 phate. bo Syntierce Ge Gap a phase Questa By ntirert Ou un 40%/> of “ime , Cancer _§ A tond'tbn—anghInioh, & Celt herd Who “doiaple. ¢ fie sn See 5% p of Cell after full ° 7 devely ae ae i f | Aatplasia § Oh a " One “ype % Utices ants anathes s Fape of adult ctirtue b+ eplatin $ Abnounel cibsur- druowrth | ifferentition si 2 Mttunadion in seg setae anit % Gi fcentiste) Cele, cutee dort: cthe’s vragtanitl Y ghoue Vondablily vin Sige Shape. { “ll obyelan. t $ ae — cerry “Modinnte die plana : eters cm Tfowere. me oon sr 9 coe dn - an ee ofiteves hea 0 fore Cancerous Lon dition 5 > de ue al Pa ate deaf entire Of mabonan ited ¢ s thet =e = One Airtetoore eatuneg mw Confineap wolncdr rasementy ig ke Basement nsony Big Se undelhne Qemiuctinet 7 Stagg nces moka av sus, = : gov of TE eee. 12 A Qoeee tan eeneoe ce a enalve’ Collites 2) Por Canventoret 0662 Of Coben Cances SF mel (2puomous Ohl of Vai agin} Cerwie Qre- soy Gedine —> Gives Bren tats (ste te onesenee ot ie agen ne Heattly Maghy 8- Cerviti | #2 Bat telly de not” tat gq fall on ao x Anvarions dn) euticteén Of Canteneors Celt ants Soncundi stub. ¢ Bente Yumowe > Coforu dete) 9 No Anvasion in Sots onndat Hibtuen. ¢ Sim fprant” diamonrs have 80> Less Cat? Conitint Stan Korpied Celle, Ahey Can ontily. Letinek Pron each Otte (tack ¢ adhvastenest) , Qe thvade ud Wosroundiap Aitever. © Snvaston ux the 10 malignant Sarrours , Hy poonderoia Ue Oteen bg Brunt Garces, Bone Carer, me ee te ain a Mende ot! Sutil of sag OO © By Sofitation f Kirue Bipave ? © Russons of Mituslines & + \apbinant ctumouns ene. racttter to motehn, Engne-. * Mon - Copeulectef! * Loh Of Rother tvers nest * Malignant’ Piurnouset produce brgymne Nyalunenitere, be Tijeat’ Collagen «fibers. L CRarallir s due % Madista Or tnfiUiradion da orroundiip dive. FOB dapat AEA? MD) Bee Der Consinamns core wsualdy wretailin’ yl he bia fT S Se . Mol Common Route of weelottese M5 ee & Ry Broad # (venous) eGancoma 't are. Wu: com 4 ae mitactarised by bhod > hit Ue vein, weal wivolved uh fartisis o Yexts! vein > eee Gag tomck, a fe) QD WMuchesr folatrni- Reka ? rlor 3 tn ane tik wel D s19/ us ¢ Maduraf Passage F . a dntustine 3-9 lange dnfistere + Ruonchus > Buonchdodee © unddia > Untoary Blackder. © Malate iy dnoeukeion, 3 § CUnansplanitetons) y busin, Siu ben Soy tind ey hy a8 eae cttnnigh- Mugg J Appooscti — : fs af ak doulas 2 Goenrent “ frelagenour an efngpone ® Pxapenout Covet pene Unter- naockifia bie) Cmaclfiinble) ° Herecbtony- * Age( mort Cen ib facto fs praitiles rcer [Yo-1-§,] & ial Hormone S Breast Caneet Common th felis duets - Ectuapen kdormones | % Oourpiega Vortsle Cancer Cormen in males due 46 Aettotlirone- bxogenowt Qrckn 8 og = : 4 tes Phiyed Le pe Ee a Ch Penlancer | eS v | “bis Kathmbt Racin, | ite fe fs as that pandas ned | Bo a | z] | F Cancer > Cheoncs. Bmo hers @ Belaaafohyents 3 ty 9 Hebobactas presto» Gactitee kanes gle} Ookiasomdatismansants unioany BlalesQnce j dF Aiprapitas Plows (Aftetiie Be)» Us nce 5 HepB OD ug 4 4 Far “et, Out Liver Cancer, Onn Rva Mefer 3 tpitta Bas vies Ce0y) > lymptom (B- ferpheg ane) | ° 4 feminfelivis et dotins Makeomg Cancer Loe Lone) i Human Yapiilloma Veit oun) ie 2 Comite Canter "denne Whe. nik fat dartat ant) for Oncor. x Chenaier} Carenogent oe “Beasopprene- Berived ga) Bdacus 8h Yobsce oe Cnt ty ae “dubeilior > Cate Lue Gane ag Sei) (£ naan ey Saitipemetromd e yee 2. pete ee Bes le Conver Chbetpegy Saari co noice | 498 oe ew) ute 5 oletesibe. the mse. ip Yemouns ane. sete ohfevecttate. aay Ty te defite the Rumour Tine, pow whsh. anton, a iqinale, Tee ah Mee, dnvolemenh Mbuwation. by 2 Means Hove mecch fhe. tarour Celt Rave ee Detictinatt.‘ furetbnall, wits Compared te Korn) fo eal iG Brule -Z2 wrt AAferentiated » CLML her Uber. Foe seats rae ot, ig i fo Goole nF th ow me abnormal Wb nos reap Colle, ol mederats, ayy Co ee a oly: Cable Se | ot tas ea platen ati ot 2) > i= Motta Na nee. los? | Ne ler /& hon nod 2 : aes A A J [Nye & empl tt My Aepint eee Z oe Ap = a | | ne = cm +p lee The Zen a a Tae T. Ste acem | > oa Nool hes c ee ae Plpe O@ : | ‘Conenorng In- shite. | “Tee Ma | ftyerE t Leeahiuf aenour gorau te “Te No Mo Stumrvad Chances 10- 90°F, jor foe fom. a SE Anitif Moca Siprend, “Ta. NiMo. (survival Bances = 0 SH) F note, 8 dn baits Cetiger (Tagest } stage 2), Ate Ncion Peak eperalle } necectibles Corp 1. He) Rlage TEs Antenniie) Aood ¥ Regeinad Gepnead. | : “Tg Mo- a | Reummiwf ORancea a Pose h ete 2 4, Stage. ID, lesion CTamour) ut Ofienable. but not Aesectable, . Bie SWS Airtant Metailiet: Ty N3 My Kurwirof Rancet a < cy A Store Aiget oboe 2 v2 Luana Bast Senet 5 J Pde ee 6 = RE REO (TF elchentig 0s Lump cor - a * Breast Cancer. Zt Ancbigertion ot hip pelts tr Niraliowot ° Alomuch , Ceeplypeccancer O: Obvious ange St, itasde otek. + Skih Canter. Ne Nagging Cough Or Hotsoness ef vecee. Coe cough) . Lane ngeal Cancer. [ bay clei? «fea bnreas. Yor tr ; BSE; Rectal + .gftaol Gram f2%- Catt Bhond in Ste moiedoteop 4 Olonottopy. a "TBE CTeeticuben Mel examin’) | ~ Brio dnt ection | ® Yan tispmtdy by sis dive Gas | ng Pac Seis eel i ne FiAelposcopy ¢ for courte 3-vaging Hplafesoecapy 2 be Rb. § abideadraP tui. (3) “Tarnow Maskers ee 8 Radio doteper tearing (tre, Brain, Bone, bun ) Hel Lacemntration 8 aD) Ab femoan. (cneer of- Corvin) Pod bp patna, “To obetéct fone Cancerwus tesiont in Cowie . ' - dnv artire hy nite Rajoarorin Of Covi dung banter ® j © Qhorabping the? on ge tony bai “Biya Of Canter 8 @) ° atopy Anvetver urgicaf ei Rrvofl. pelted - tue ar talenorenBie. Bxamuiabiens 4 ’ » Prout’ ee Hitolog! fea Rnoge y Moh rane P “ (it Snedeind Bro, ty | osutstotae wal Pope £ wan SP ofl humour. ~ Rect» p Seems bk Removed brarmndbione ® Excedsté.na be 6 [tot Hote! Biiopy 2 ee Tamoua ie ae Loi 7 * Maepenat Ga a a Brarination 5 arts feat, Mepis = soon Gita tae Ya) Pacefuaney 3 Menth " Ded dime ?) Hola after Me (4 10 LP Baas Cancer 2 2 bactiferrout obuct wareale daveled in By east Cancer . ® TSE so Yer ttewlar Bel & tuantraken . “186 ad Abe as “ge 3 allen Momthby Chinteaf tenants a orc Cancers » PsA \Racvtte Mpecifii. An pen Beasert) Ce / Ce Conuten) Cancer aBererahy. bxann futon f ~ Altix WYennt VW * dts Syeme oF fot Aritireouna, dn Sigh vive ch : re] Dll Qtercentng Aamineciny ane Mevondarie. pron, 2 oy Malivnanb ctumbunt 8 > dow Vaerabier ured) 2— © Swe ee © Raden ot Cringe ‘eestmenb) wgeur 2 ‘af. Ratmary Vaile malifaan enabie tun pony § Feneet] of: Reteye reali * A i Aoltuvent- sph lode ©) QabtetbrQeanpert £ Ao aducee Pato, moet ace A Horplee Cane 8 Heowpttaf Cane at Rome. Jor etic. end Of de Atirmuia, + . Sadr danny TP He peti) RT is Me High én Voniring Radigkin ce te if ee fo Nt Celt DNB L \ ueat tl ef Gneen. Ie Sr Ureatmrenl oy Canter cn Raadio a 6 pet 0) Goctexnn} Rr | Yeletuesepy 4 s Aud dttaa? Radixton Wource du eutinna) ti See Cltent:. Cer utually: ctalminttored by High Enerpy Rey machre , t sabe, 3 Lniar cheelenatie, Mathine a flo tipo -[C0-60] & wart eG Satta Max tal Crs st . RsinG cpr 4) beaded towne ING A : ~Kadboactire oachive, materia Clos0of un Mealea} Contaunes. 5 user} fOr bot inv bia cantly or ditectctial Mash bie | Kote g- Bre Co per Radio distope ua Eacpedtes por patient's hod, Cont, {teen iT Whaiby) by Hold by q oy CRHap foreep $ dbtorrrey un lead Be devite] Bax-s day on ae is )- Deuate cent to Le Wey C489) s ; &.. © Neck wx Roobdtin s+ Comme a rs = — [$01 thos] ‘aa ‘ier ae Set 4 ee Effect & Rachksthera tess d kCavcbeg, wry it, Vom “Dianhoe, Blerding if -Alopeds Ogore Hance, Bone masorg- di pretsion + Dorer of RT 8 lund 3 GRAY Yee Hz, ‘ UAE LED. ey yo pak L “LE GRAY = Io Rep. Retainer un di Kean Ait Lg ao Gul pep ous © ehetdig dhe Ctl spon) Radian ay “Tate gS ACI ea oat ancy done Mg Role duuing Ry i- + Moking Of umow AURA. d a Serin seq yp Kdbean, do not wath wth ony | oe se lie thon itineiy | 1 ° Bo see Remove. vnarP place feo Qe ken, © Go net Shave the aned “a, ’ ie dhe madching Dui) anes Wwe Steap ¥ vo ° aes pom abineet: Kunli¢ dot I. HeP should Wear load Ofom Wohl Gan uy *, Pettent Chemotherapy ler) or vk & dalibok Mae. Repraductheod Meghicet Cou \ Kills Movnnal CLP Prachatiin Of Neoblasté. ye CT we wed tr Comb shatién oppprond remotienrefecte agent + artorotal dt ists CT tonrbine writs Suaigenya hoo < oi DAD rs “ - p/e yelaphotplamde g Eforphana le Can ute Haemowhagic. Mee , Ye "we pronent Hacramovrbee- apetitst Nea) (lid bitkke (4.8 line) Js be = MESNA Cmesner) : pie tbh, : aphroleruc (Qe Opler veraplity (maar), Nep iis av. ® awtttamowr Avtibiore medieakone ? Doerde © on 8 0 Haun pecans (a ECM Monthy 2» Morysubihine. ~ i ° Bleomy un -> PET Ma Cause Heasct “Dottnomyeh . Foitine A. pabrionan, ae © Mitemy dy Tony g 6 iol Bates x Sntengine- wilh DNA S- Rest Sarittenia WAnrcolate Of Gk , NA. Thins utplote 6) tui A> ‘e é ° Step B- “plies, ee @ Metnorbiav a edo @) bea Ci an Se 28 wa ae aa Me ate Side Hla hapa ~ LET morictoy | © Photorensilive pethotienades Dnttdote: ~ ( Potinic ris (Rottaed) © Lenavorin: Reecue, @ Giarabine Oh Baen domape ° A Durty Cea 7 tH of ome > Joe ech ® hay. = Cereheltum dam ~ Hand } foot: Oey nuove Césttiemt) é)) Mex eapits pwn e” —W pear | - Hopacotirie. CD) mePrare Anursitane _DQeenerd mideece a8 Cott Aonht, = det on Mz - Phos mates ‘tne oes aie [ © Pkuorouraci? : RE 2 Ad On 2 edad esd esata | < “rentp 2} fn ’: Tie © Hormonal FY Pngyme- Meditations 2 Rlormap Hot mone 7 Supress Dnmune Byition YBN “? in Hormone Cfrenst - tana Oldae Hormone} Balan ce Caume® tans prone | Chan isis oH ott: amoxfen Citrate (Oettiogen -Ahiganist) i | f = epee > a Concer. 71 © Deemoarse- iphoto eeage fe? Eelerma fF WZ Elenitad Chediteop eg lente Loved M Cortimslenoivle ¢ ' Bexanretatone. oda EEN im - ~ ie vt wb XMonpe. af 7 “¢ ore e @ dut Sn RAG iin Pant {i pend, Ra—s Star opaitbiote , © Aiopetr, + Pegin wilh 0k] Rigain ag tang 6m & month] @_gt. SJ? Blawrhorn, Naor, Vonetiy oluets Jed absor phen | ve @® toands> Anges wes ud, no =o I. Aisg._ Gatun ben: Onctounntion - _Cnenottonapy. Wy ayn 7 Mort Common Rolle 0f fale ty 6 date. of ends on 1Bah C Bo enti : » Bn Lywtae wpe Heap hs ay Stun , eTn CT» cb se RBC > Anem's, be wo vee NPS Blerdbg dito, dor . « dyctexvertion > se eaten Bit Pera Ro in tT 5 pose tinecetn le: taste (due hes chien of Colle nee Oo Doe for Got y Attapuninoh C. Yas vantivere Ox5Gy 8 AG bn low Dine ded: brn &) OT can Case Mauser, vonitin _, decnetivate- eTz. (_Chemotkers por “Taugpoer. zone) a doe a te— Ondenilroie 6 OT Kot given Wn Bregpran iy. Tit Tinerter , eet not qe a a Gaeepnant Aliinte. , ‘ey no-foecap Qe Jeg @ Atopeeta — Reversible ¥ byemey ~Daneversthbe, P pvt & TYUT tan Cause D/P 04 velo Callte} ble bet Beomue Of When Cause LxiBgvaschin (Bloc Vag tf Bee vent jets. Came” Yufsuer sneer Actas ° Binabhyylackic Rx” ¢- ee , ieee 2 Oban din. Ablergy, Rx eAdmintilax. A Avi olose- ax HeP prefloteptisn, © Mondor vial Signe. 2 Ready Prneyence Squtpmeat \ meddcree S16 3 Dyspnoea, Chest Typhtness ath candle , Chest i. SG Puan , ovate: fain Hy paténuton ; chee Guanpria : | scan ' 4 BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION * @ ; (amt) > BMT or Peripheral Blood Cell buntfurion ane coded Wak velo the Oetinr tela tet Dave! been tel destiny by Wile dope of Chencabteneby Or Rackets ‘aera. QM BMT ce mort Commonly uted ur Shee Touateaedt Of Aerkemta S Aya home J Other. Abeuxo bilan, alarreni4 Ope : gS “BardNG RDP eritmon Hebe 8p dance Went Reatver Ws [Her buon. Blooe eee YS awn Bte Celle. | + Stem Cell Rensoyed ucng ddteare- Renudtion and ane Qtored) Do Retnp used lat F prow Cole ured in Beir Come. prone bleep Qthiearn vin 4-6 Hos procece called oA pheredtt oO ecko phores cs ® Autologous o Bone Mawiwnr Atbiiadon b & [ “Crone Aabolta ¢ Portistos, Ate Geert: Prom chthen § 7393. @, Amrount § b00- 2-00 mt, na plea te p Bone asi babion : oe % ating» Bll, Pun at site, fnfection é © Manone gscone bee teu Feltereo) {> Resiabuch Canter. Col Re oS i “) 4 shat DRE nat tinef athaoagh Charts Cento) Nines , un Qidvelar to BT Fiansfusion 3 Sten Cle one abrainiilen sdf by iv dafusion oL dekecty, dy Ty pu ints Ev-tannielr Certtia) tener ? Kee us by draitif with EY pede “t Sedition. - fe bipore } after waour dnfutton because oulaguaste, Rinaf Fen fusion Wane abkabie C 4p Ref Ce Henaobysis Brew nthe v- Hu Unine mae he Red (duc to Ditie vase Red Cel i Lpnend 3 2 o Enger “un ait at totu Move 6 Maso | pormene aecte. of Bone i | ob iesalar: wae, RBC > bt 5 Been Reve a ne is fate Pfs ce halt pantie Re - Puicf Plecfioty te Rherafyr * Tomouk Concer) w ms OF DxppeReNT Bony ORGANS. CD akin Cancer. 8 Skin Cancer. uA thy waalignarct Lesion of Qekin ware ay os mey not MERRIE Causes 3 Ove bapocune. G Sunk Padorareg- toute. 8 Chuonie Mken doon spe a ° Repestepitpiog: er. tunitaber ingress IC bkin * / Type 2 | © Basek te FO Mefartane YW. Ag / > Bc puamestt toll ne Oo Tetoun of tptlemal | Kevadlfitng Coll [ keratinocytes) Can bnvace. D6 Yeornounding Jetirctincd , wrelastane Fe | Lamafil Nodes, oO Melanoma. # be pecially where Beitr ncank Or news mole Ane apparent. De Hane vclirtizinn t5 Rain , lungs, Bone} Liver Eo 2 \ He durezenent CUM) & * = Change at wn totour., Meee, ape of L Rue Biting lonew. oe Rnurtitse = Locaf M€orencer ~ Basal cette (vary Pooreber , Papue, Re Conitrap Crater) S. By uamou Cel — etv » Beding, ne = Melanoma — duug pele, ca bordes denon, LS ? dvoid deep apo 4 Por Surgical tL comp? ‘anc Election essicitin, abargica} Eacetston . CG) Leukemia t Lewkenia ane Group Of Sa waalign anu Urvelver abnovrap woven Puce ction of wee ( fukooyte) vetwally at’ an Gumdbine Blige. dn Rone Mosuuiw, = Cancer of WBE Production ( Immectione Colt proslurts Carrer 9 Radiation, Geach, Jartou : @ hese & Upoaflad lect ee tonic. Aale Anonte, v Gms tue Cee weboal . 4: fectiin 2 RES ‘af, cough) Conw. un Mofor Caute- of Death un Senmuanctup a tt fF Yaneptapends - Cdtnend t Bleeabs 5 Crawbar | + tapection’ lsutoputh f 2 Anuvosed Biost Celle, Ute Mattne Celle, 3 En langen} 4ronlf lobe, Lynupt Kode, Spleen , lier. i 2 Peted of reader e Bone Marrous Aeprentoe ' 3%, wbe uc driticedehy Lows I. VS Forttzte Mannors- Brop = Bart 6 Leckenn’s. - Blast. ‘ohne Cen M ‘4 @ (dsnanctind) Asn 2 Bone. Kano Bropty * Comp nila Mgnt ¢ Chemoth Re at ~ tame Center, (Dee) Nop Purity o 4 “To porwent: Bxgection Cronin fe —t- Se. - GL Dact, Senin, ee bof 3 - Mawilain Chren'h ee Dio lation doors Cloteo) i: eo Aveorof brow. ; (sips 2 B Sauer Bul 2 wa ees + Davrgro ott © awe ne) 2 Hoolgekin’e Hueare nak pnancy & mph alode Hot Origine un a sta AO Sag L. noe. “ad hie Tous, spleen bed pesesonce- af tn No det Ee Mode aD Dis ease) o Diese us _ ubvbhee- Bone - marnows-. and th ODanacberi? Teed setirabany C11 CH049? C Diy fener tody ekin's \ Alow ~ Bon paling i = Biopy Qe polation uueof fer Rropry runt . efm 3 Pasty leat Ba lappencent- % ‘acas) Conwiord t nye Aloobee, M ott Conny cc fi bag Spe on. pyre nas Aadh, tage (stye x Sar) Withouwl Meointtesinum Noole. trvelvenunt , Toeatin ~ teaes , ent Of Chore “ We, ENA Recht ¥ Daven bya He a "a pep ly» oh plied ebb Clnematsomes C zi a) ; 0 se ent po pacino Pom lel» wifes Sone . kntetswe Number of Plasma Git Ervade. Bone pooner yy deibioy Prone ° | Je co ubnosmaf f\vtitoclee My velonia Youstecn Renee Tones. Bustle) found do Bload J. ware ee. - ote ae of 4 ° Mule ple hapeborne faus Bee Wud Ae — * Cot? Levef - kiddo Pailure cfm 3 Bone (gheletet) Pain — Rib Spe, ela ‘ Otteopororet ~ bee WBC , Vee Platteta Asi & Bone Mario Bropy al Ruk of Pattie fog reef Patlane Go, Paw viole.skeletef Supppost © Rawuiole Hagand) Cou Eler Envownnent. - Mats “4 » Chemotherapy Semf ‘tomakiy Yeeativercl 7 * lonsum a Aji 2 Us. Jol) 7? Monitor th ’ « dadindeniiti” Pate p Ss Kedute Foun jerry \ } See 1 f S Do pes 3 Eq unnnouts ce pda <—- é in Mae & (Tebaces) .., met oe ° lower Sp “ONPUR tte lay Cnet Coram Thy G esc iobacee Other? aeniokin -, Px ceesme- Hot } Cotd food , “Trmpnoper Blsje $ ZL ~ Submucone 1a Pebwocis (Pibe alesse) ar - “leukoekh. ar Canter, te pemobif lowe-lp, Tanpuer, Cheeks, Site 5 sovoolip tawertp, Tongues o Hpk angendud ° tig beeen Rade - a CIM Se chore that” dor not Heo » Ay plate , “ Dypiead Moats opesing Dippin fee , Ast¢ Intpectidn s ton fog = Bubp mgt s Chenunthert fi Sisk footy 2 Cay eatte- Lenokig Ovenute- of votie ¢ Teather) GERD | Raotchion . | Gi + Ie eBtan > Lasik tin Hetsenees gf Vote. | 2 Voree- Change Font Dbing.. ed 2D Feeling. Lan io Sabal” oe soymbe tT XK Lele asion 2 Hacmnopbpsit a bet Okt 4 Canees. de bisactne Fe one ba anea Of One voraf Cord : @ cr-wit Combutacteow of RT. ‘ @ Suyeng ~ ( yn ong ( Pere} o S we’ : > Tota], nae ear toma) Thacheotlamy + wtf | “eta | ee OF gg ote. coe aptcleg Cou, > Alphonia ‘ Toarhtostomy- ab Be. Avevdey 0, ee : ? Abe passage —> tong (' pro iet- F- Humsifie,) Asee Neo Rade lott Bpenitex , Ol Rp Sate, Agen ® fish facto 3 familly Hartory- ~ Cenatie, Bmokiy ~chteohob Consum psibr, “Tobacco - (GERD C4 pig food’) 5 Gsophog ite Comnveon Bile, § bowser Tart” of Csephaput. Gm. t Anyphagis (ss olif aserisete) > ctf) Odinophag ea. Ppipasia Btouaf Vain. Ash $ Endlosnfoy. + PBiopey oie * CT, RT. ; ay- @ bop hagostinn t bao plefog ecbiatiny. © Exo phage - Letoing C Esophepo Esttrotbiney ~ — (olon Dito positinny ° Gastbzc. CANCER, ~ Malignant” Tamous of Gasbite, Mucose LBound ie Arner 3-Prgond Clr Sa) *_Couastidy Res ent eH Lis facsten pyplost i Chsianio- hi we A ‘or Bylpiap? dndigeetion Creat | — Oviamen ‘\ | — Abdomenaf aldcomfoxt Cre | —Pult poeta , | Retioilounay P fain. = Epgate, Back Lote Bip § _— Weakness, Pace, Anorerxk, Wt tae, © Mauser [veritas = dwn a Pedeng te ~ Pabpeble bp ike. Tait, Avs 3 adotee ie Gas tiv scope. +p Biopag Common tte § Lowensrt ee a ORE © ae Mena vitale Wnt = Meh Me, de, Sehdrundrbe er = Moniter wet. : ~ Asset Nurtattten, 28 tetin oe gee mall } Bdono| obct-_ © CT +RT Chins Sues part Ue al bectony st @ Binwsey- TD is aller | R [es ant ® “Totaf x g im tae Alo Kfas Gibip so fyperestimny ~ fensoval 4fAttornuich , Esophapws Anatbomotis a 84 © fedora, + Yonenentity Cancer % j Canter. Of GHanclilar Eptiiluin 0 er : i ’ Hiphly Mahnaat - , t ee > Adlenvearcr’nemy + prom Epittibinf Of Ducta) opie btibtae ge thea] a ee hive. 4 OM Reentour Rnevenltis , Smiohig : a Be : ond oie Ache 8 Ev Graco. Grtblecarce | k sgt . 7 oe 2 Pan enesttsclodkenectineg- Lontpple2e Yooceliune- : Q Lortpples 7 -t Removal of Desi tsk Of Stomuch . 2 Morttiy Head of Pancreat Rencover + pte Bungee Aes Gturose levef ES typmg oe (fron suryonfrval . Re. Tnteitinaf Tumour. = @ © eMabhnart letion Liat alevelop vin Phe Col ining othe Bowel wall: or levebop as Adorardstors pope the 4 Coten. or Rectiim ( Epituitsp Wine) i \ > Colorect ances} tommonest: . wet dolerectaf Cancer. > Mefartiste to [hies], Cour Mek prt Fo [eayie Pc] Lovo- Fiber. dist — Fast food), Guiitition As Coton Mucota oe |S Hrerormah j & } yr iO / iis) docending Finan. olin CH y Recta Tumour a uy i Clore S, a v _ re meneteny vf Liane Paterson. RSpnie saatipstion par maa} a oliawehoeg Avoxed Bowsel Uounof = pain Pach . U7 ihe a Guarding 01 Abnowmeaf oleitintion,, Mbclomuta? yn Mast Caves 7 Bere wt bas A Reva oye QU Health Due fh Now - Abneypstion Asis t+ Mass Kote on Brnsion brema , talento, CT Moan , Rigmotclaccapy. 4 ‘Dn vestigation of bolorretaf Cancer. Blood CEA, Tumour Marker Coborechif tan wa) ° tong natin Biopsy] Com Wesdkone 2 t Bowel % Gynt © i rach Ase "Timp, uieBP. t i phe sy Othe Mat cs : ; a i vk at nn wl oF. Oe Bee a tontoh ef Reeccurance. tty - race: *opy Vetioteum f Ce SS aver Blom V Apply doy Btenite, ch + Gnpty Touch shen t]s” of fete. © Mont Gtomy for Wve _ tun ucua/ Color Change, Bleeding ; & ‘e? @-1 btona ts Mout, Yak . “Pole Pink > Love Hb i Het Leve) (Havnatoinait) oe blue /Puxple- /Blck > Aommprseti} Greuditing, 4 Cela Change % Detim 9 Inform Hep ios my. P- Headly Btonng -? Red’ Colour. = astool 6 gu’ = Ruk ee oleh obn action 5 Metta, a Iubabance- Escithe % Lung Cancer, * 0 TE mest Common Cancer ~ Hung Canter. . * L mest Common Canter — Oral Can ver MIE woot Common Cancer - Ruosthi, Cancer a * Lung Cancer Oy Glin ae > Bronce ¥ peniptesn) : at stibewé? . \ r < st Epldiryad (Oquairout Cell Adleno terewnors - bo an Ae Gnenoma ; lexions vast Aiiog ug Cheets x-fay, C1, MRE, PAOD / a foorehorcopy. + Siopey. we: ty tolog tea} QRtide Of Cancer. iony ae fenton ty da Ulente usites be ot louyye Gna. a Mort Common Cause. | - Exchorune te pattive Tobhatee-Rruioke. - toebor wre te Anuvonmentc} } Oveapeciona) Pottution fim — Cough o Meta alysproes, Hovreneee | = Maemotyet i, Chest pe : 2 ~ Bk ~ Anexé Behreud) Latoariys 375 peevt Riek found, a * \ w meer BBs Aouad ie aston Bp \ Be on &/Hepnidlifies se tsaten he bP S. of mea . _ Adin ctot Rupee BabSlatat , Cortieosteioce} : Parontder Hib he Colonie, aati vEtin RT Her, Burgited Rx. . —t 9 ee hanapi > 0 eae Erelodnanchicnf ® thors centuts 2 1 firaenes oo Praith 4 lives Hgpeait, ” ) ‘Wierecrlong. Preanse stony ~9Seengtenf Remap Of one batt! ] (Drorecotiny + lobetione » Peed as | His ll rpnore stony Osegrentef Resechon > Renoued of 5 Using. yttin Cancer. 3 tebe Bepment Nophnoblastimg - sb’ Ta Mert Common dertia @bdonrinaf Tumours a Ustlm 4 Tumours & _Kidln ef “Tumour. fi < + Malignant ctunons.. Of nealaae con ( tepooble?) . Uynally Untlectena , Monae. Bi lateraf (René) + Common orcte, of petartare ~ Bone, Lunges eter 5 Uplren om 8 Fi Plank Pain . 2 Yalpable Reant-Mare-( dn lank Rapin > Yfpe ‘uve! ms ition (ebawita}s |<) pe ge VG et A Ua Ass * Reoitete, Concer. - * Sow gerne median: of the proatite bed Common lancer un Amertean Man © wrest Prortite, Cancerpvtnre addnaeancenontad, Peak Pree b_SOleans ° Redue jem Androgen ; dependerit Bprtecear) cedl, 7) Morty tommon. tances In Mater wo World [in Ind = Owftna | meee Advanced Age- es Pips decode) in men ye So Yost of Age, Si £1. | a Rak he Bone » motattonte we ‘ detente fs Yet] 8 Soneen ane pabt POPP HE Paartate, ged. eteslanu To pels i Bone LPah C Rrortateng og ei level eof — viqte Ky oe Gm. Ss ie } Xe ef redube mate t jer base) ict, we tembosaene) Pot tlowe-the- Rete DLO | fe a ef ¢ th of | © nee CeRt) Sogn | @ et — tn tase of Hormone Reecctar | “Tumour O) Lux wu § Qxchierlone 8 Quaitabe ate . —R asiteap Revert stom ~ Bupa Pubie t ~ Retnopuble Foor tection Toenp ' % On yen een ve Use bey ald unttiogen Prergen oo @ Tur? een twretloap ee Pao) ~Bleeoluig- i Common. Potton tr “Tore, , Ket’ 5 atts > AsrtiniaS Blood & kt Ro, | pees * mi a aa Bus Of unite eVenow Dleedi&de — Bur gente lotour Usune Dui 2 Ref or Upht Pk ware, fo 2b, o Amber. ey liane tm Aft 3 dogs > Continue {olen doy trad TURP “buy Te . fie waint'h ie : ‘nto Et P . E : ve f - Sign 2 chtenep aettg Bo cancl’, ,Ase.B:1, copa ep “4 + pupa Yul Pobie. Vowrtectomy. 8 7? Bewtne- Haemotr hope PHR $- Monitir. Blonof toss, 7h Rat oa aie Qpectha 2 Due- suk — Monitor crosely Faw later of Dafection = dtne Crus atinane eu Commmen, : Avotd\ Rectal urmometar, Rettit Ticbe. , éremg Became thee Caute. “Liauma YBteebig. » Reetso pube- puartielomy 5 — Legs Blodiy. with Cont pared as Sufona Pub Abdowtra) ratnages tk Rutan £ aundnany 01 Panalent daadnage, os Metef on tee, lweasing ‘ Kort, the HeP. r teat Goeur welh Ratt cto ds Bladen Doan 5 Use Cte B Latin Sorctions | > Run Stetdibn ot Hue Rate ef Rneseniptions 45 Keep | Wwutne Pak 2 fun Caouddr Rapidly 4 Baipte- Red dhianeges ow oth purty Menidar Ouctfuct clove V4 Ren wolition a about? He ebaops mir. 2 tosheter -7, Obstoucled 2 Ste fa CAL? drustpates Catheter ce ae cee T asQoesestbeh vasa 24-48 Hout gorsond. of NS. Oi Saungery. hot Hee, x Bladder. Cancer. @ = Papillon echius aunusth ein Bladbler Endntt ohio that unclergo- malipnants Change. 4 daft tate walt od” Blacker. ; > Rlaololer. Cancthormg —fldeno cancufonsy, But prot Common Onnctnoma LM ~ eansihioro) Spitteld} Creinorag i es o Rk Jactor. 2 Cigenélfe, nmvkeig-, Rachaken , By une. de Drolartilad Chant a Kock. fouch => 5 | Ye 2 “ / Maat O kt eS | toupiiton PRPS "haeets tyre | ee Eatily Lormactionr Bla Ller Ueerabon | lemon ha et Complication - Blacker Qeriititso Henrorghags Q sth @ Buoypery-- Ci Cpatitic © Toonsnetie) Retetibo of Bladder Taran . © Testa) tylettowe & Raton} oyite Ualenortinicer — folvent Unirer cto Ate AtRin Mb urface Hoar en Uneltoaf — hin spony Ate i unetnantony- Cient mort Wear a poweb, Pa) Sea) tonolutt: ~ dio k/as Wnetano laailong. 4 Boiehon Yaorodure + wats ste: dnuplont Ets Regent of Milan abdemina oe Pormattions Sy, rox tourh . ee el Veal Resonate. curcta) fon = ary i Dieegrrdiy © veriaetonn RING ache Stony borer — Red Citormal) J moet fou zy Me zu tee | Door % dusky Colour 2 Lrofeaite Mecnosiz. anoby HeP. *Menttn Use oudpulr Closely Potlowury- Placer Bren buigete the unetinal tatteter gecthy Preven” ebituctin Pe\tevs- Hep presoutption «Reproshuctive Oh yim Cane , @& (reat Cancer: = Mest Common nPemale. n(haort.) a sees iecoluctaf 9° ( Lactifewmus duc ose. ol Q) itis) a fnvolre) at © Mest Common Cancénomg “" ; @) Srctig — lobular. Canctnoma. § Lore Common. Rak fodtou 8 ~ Party fistony- (Rite group) , Late Menopause. 2 Bolas i i ) yf Big Z 8 eee ftage aE 2 Cancer 2 gem. ; 4 o e ed! caus + 2 8 elymaph Nodes dnvvlve. etsy 8-10 eaph Nlodes Sele. i sey S Metivtisic (Bone » luyy Bruin, Lever) petustiuls vee leyenp’ stode- | oo — + Runs cana Stiga % e A Peps tO Gualey- asp Ren Patpate ot teed Peony J ppes Outi Puroliant. @ wt does Beneath Klepple Or dhe, @ bnlugement y YainpuP une: 2) Abnormef Kipper olteharge-. © Xeteetion BE Nipples SPOS. ‘ 4 4 : | 2 wifi wana ah ot | on uD Biopeyy - F Loni ie DI ¢ Rr & eT? Tamonif er 2 re OP te ot @ Lunn pectory (Tumour xceced 4 Removed) f ofimy. C Beart Tauer, N ppe- @) Lunple Metle Tore pee typ th Leet Ptah @ modlpfed RackioaP nraxtet: Binay 8 = Ginple. Mastittomy -t Lymph sede + Teelora/ Muse ditugs | Remove CBee: [poe] Mavs Rete (fort operator’) » Otve Lemiowrle, Votition > “Tw Back te Unogfectif Wie 2 Affected cone Clevitaf above. Heart: bared. To promote ee Prevext lyetioaer. 3 No Dv, No Infection , portt: Measune BE doAk dn Ventpuncliney athould not be done un 4 Brung Se Ridle of Marteclooy- > we of Ranitect Plate Ce aly 9 Aen fits li ag — Peston] ii © Oyantan -Cancen Shas a ie, mont, Role then. any Pils: female Repos dductiber Cancer Ase Risk = rages Cvs ' 3 Aye Bhs g6~ ia {white Wonmn) gi Mancken — [CA ~ 12) Sn Raloud Eloy) : Awe’ Le ietion. “ir Plopry- Cyt * Pntaondee) ere Ok welling. - Gr. oliativbance 2 Dytpor cron vapina} Bloody oo ee Biopry.. Mpt $ ei na Rackiotioney rebungery ©) Totsp haf still odomch ence Depleting ck her Oia — tse. Age, Lale: Nenopaute. — Ramtly Kiatory- ~ Dher ty Dm. —Assetment 3 bnormaf Bleriy Bspecstbly in ost Menopausa/ Women an — vasinf dirchange- — od Back Peete pr Abdi (Palo Orem lati, to pikease. Peereess — Enlarge] uteus Ctr dtdvanced arag) omen fain . @ nt. § att Rt ( bxtinnnp /Ditirnef) P Busgeny CT CTamonifen eines) durpeng. ~ Raddeaf atone amy. Mote 2 OCP Pnotert fir Ovasdan Canton. : io mens of ee isp top) pune dap osia (oobnorme} orovsth) last m4 eos 2 elt pene oF Hunan & ° Apoking (de art Ta GAD owe bugore te foane ape * Multiple, Ue Pavttiner . Orme U ~ Map rata Teak ~ Reputan gnats & xameiahion ~ "buatment of Precanenout Abnormaldta es Con innit é Biopuy me | Ors 2 9 Vatnlur vag ha} Port= Menibiuas % us Port. toltsf Bteeolin ~ Poul Wurellre pr Goxotan, uineous Vag dap obiod, C a ~ Folin, Lower back, ot } guotn fats, —Anorexia , uot Lo, ~dyswita, Hemactinig : - banca oT wiine &- ea. ““~ 7 “ia SA) peer ea ~hungeruy 2 RSING AC ne — b= clas © Urtonigation 2 Cone Sha v -aien sof ex ot Kemoved ‘ L — Lony Tenm Potlow up 4 Cane Needed] ; Benefit hala Riak > Hasmovrk i Viares wr Papotstion » Genvita-| decom ore yaks Rote “Term Labour a neato» 89 Lint Oetadk ChimBing for £ means wor Tub bath § oc fem a pote? 5 at dador enue Jor 3-6 WE 3-6 Wk. Movutor, vaginal Bleeding agin itive otarry more Han Re 58 d ¢ One Seativested Gr 4 / How. sting. Goditecta, Rrcreetbes Mi Bleeding (3) Qetofe Enednkenahion 8 Removal of ott Kable. Cantante Grob owed , vagina, Bhddos 2 ea viadicaf Shoseg fon Procedune Rexfoun - po Reawunt Crnces = “ype $ @ forbes 5 Kemovaf of Lert 4 Ovary, LT, descending. toler, Rect janal Rabie) > @q> © els Fomb odes doe AS | ae Prodan goer all ine slater of Te. Aaah Orrin, ge Bus Leto yee | oRtsk jaciow Se. of undescended Jes tee | ( oyptoretiidein) | ~ Genetic Pact sMabstale % lunge, Bone, Adnenaf gond, b Bleep “+ Reiwpenttonsaf Yamphe Nada, by tymplaliet “ve tonly Bete cion ~ Tat ~ Monty. Le WU + eTprtteretas O29" bn Pood un Borsa oj ? Porntert cfm a amaging » Padting Reonsaty Pane Pato . Latte BRO? tenet. Respiratory PP Fatpable tym phordene pot 1 dbdoerinap most Mgnt ser, ee —untlitinap orchiecPiny Bunge Fo Raden} Dshiestomy oe a alti mae ee - @B Born Canurd Newiwma ae ve Pts ee wh g Heurwmg & Tene of VL dnantaf Nerve . a filteeea Temous of Glo} Glin} Cette isi lat Paar et? plemee bhehe a vertizele (ehope BEB) =gsoy> ¢ oligadanduecg tints se * > + Miowgliomg (Lamune @is) ernven® batik I, ~ Oncotay af Ermgenecee | ’ fale : @ sypt 4 dre ( dicermineted Ait tab, Cong) . > Get vit Canwr at roneasef Risk Of dnfectin ‘fe My duam f—ve} Organieme dn. biso Hot Yediateny d Canter Séedais ( atejetieemig) 3 ate ha Condition — WwW ok is ie - Mwestiing Ske axsoai) wih Sos, tgat 8 Only, Many Rick freee for Sepsis tyre ~ Mountain Meries cy Tiebribve ib a NEN 0 weg fe ~ Sevpuree, Coma, Deats UE tas Restietion *Adminiths, Anta ont ts ADY “Movitin Mat LeveP J Anereare. Nyt deters © ef on), tord Compnererin oy ae ’ th Pain 2 em m nomi Tighe. mutele Weakness Laue of Wnrthna , vagsial § Reif ceneting Mgnt: : Sandy detect > Back Pain % Nuwaleal septa 4 "Molmints le. High Dore. Covbitarhiosl Ds ReNeine. (Reduce) Sevoebaty aroune) Mpiraf Cox > Gomidiaite RT FBurgeu (Remaue xe, : \ G AC an ee Sunt ce + MontBr Gosiam Ca Levef. * dine Te Placef fact ? Ne (ate be Medicine A © 4 pei vena fava Synclnome. ¢ y, ~ Atvatata) Lvgp Cances , qrphoma > Blockage. dn Biseo) Pow Ae Esvelar Sten 2 Eolema in is s 7 Pie ata Yhen > Bf i ‘¢ 1 Sys > Edema in Anum, la al ] We Woveaten ing Ys en Obitiuitiin, Haemoirdege, Hy poTeation 4 Wee) Candibe fd, hanger un Mele] tart. = : Gy pe hot hitentiy f Oo. Pleas: Lan et ite CLD pecateaig > vee cattenp t . pyt Fr Enrannegt- Onof Hydrahin , Tv Hy ahaton ~ Mderiuiten, Diunatie (Meriter RPT) © Ea qtaase 4+ Ansutin (Por, “bueatiiy Hypertednis) 7 ae & Pounti de Net commen Caner dn mabe. © srr Delis Ora) Cav 4 Overall world) » Snir cue vf ssi Trshele Conse Be. Qetuct © xt to Pemabet S— Trolta — Grete - a Word + Braet Cursor . willy Pemnli 22 Lun onl Permit 2p baggie A _ i — © age as > Tonidler,

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