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PRACTICE PROBLEMS travel than the jogger during the 2.0 s?

a. 67 m b. 76 m c. 70 m d. 60 m
1. The space shuttle travels at a speed of about 7.6 x 103 m/s. The 7. A car is traveling at 20.0 m/s, and the driver sees a traffic light turn
blink of an astronaut’s eye lasts about 110 ms. How many football red. After 0.530 s (the reaction time), the driver applies the brakes,
fields (length = 91.4 m) does the shuttle cover in the blink of an and the car decelerates at 7.00 m/s2. What is the stopping distance
eye? of the car, as measured from the point where the driver first sees the
a. 9.1 b. 8.1 c. 7.1 d. 10.1 red light?
2. Due to continental drift, the North American and European a. 32.9 m b. 23.9 m c. 29.3 m d. 39.2 m
continents are drifting apart at an average speed of about 3 cm per 8. A dynamite blast at a quarry launches a chunk of rock straight
year. At this speed, how long (in years) will it take for them to drift upward, and 2.0 s later it is rising at a speed of 15 m/s. Assuming
apart by another 1500 m (a little less than a mile)? air resistance has no effect on the rock, calculate its speed 5.0 s after
a. 4x104 yr b. 5x104 yr c. 6x104 yr d. 7x104 yr launch.
3. A bicyclist makes a trip that consists of three parts, each in the same a. 11 m/s b. 17 m/s c. 14 m/s d. 19 m/s
direction (due north) along a straight road. During the first part, she 9. A hot-air balloon is rising upward with a constant speed of 2.50
rides for 22 minutes at an average speed of 7.2 m/s. During the m/s. When the balloon is 3.00 m above the ground, the balloonist
second part, she rides for 36 minutes at an average speed of 5.1 m/s. accidentally drops a compass over the side of the balloon. How
Finally, during the third part, she rides for 8.0 minutes at an average much time elapses before the compass hits the ground?
speed of 13 m/s. What is her average velocity for the trip? a. 1.08 s b. 2.08 s c. 3.08 s d. 4.08 s
a. 4.67 m/s b. 6.74 m/s c. 7.46 m/s d. 5.67 m/s 10. A volleyball is spiked so that it has an initial velocity of 15 m/s
4. A motorcycle has a constant acceleration of 2.5 m/s2. Both the directed downward at an angle of 55º below the horizontal. What is
velocity and acceleration of the motorcycle point in the same the horizontal component of the ball’s velocity when the opposing
direction. How much time is required for the motorcycle to change player fields the ball?
its speed from 21 to 31 m/s, a. 6.8 m/s b. 8.6 m/s c. 6.0 m/s d. 8.0 m/s
a. 3 s b. 4 s c. 2 s d. 5 s 11. A skateboarder shoots off a ramp with a velocity of 6.6 m/s,
5. Two motorcycles are traveling due east with different velocities. directed at an angle of 58º above the horizontal. The end of the
However, four seconds later, they have the same velocity. During ramp is 1.2 m above the ground. Let the x axis be parallel to the
this four-second interval, cycle A has an average acceleration of 2.0 ground, the +y direction be vertically upward, and take as the origin
m/s2 due east, while cycle B has an average acceleration of 4.0 m/s2 the point on the ground directly below the top of the ramp. When
due east. By how much did the speeds differ at the beginning of the the skateboarder reaches the highest point, how far is this point
four-second interval, and which motorcycle was moving faster? horizontally from the end of the ramp?
a. 7 m/s b. 8 m/s c. 9 m/s d. 10 m/s a. 1 m b. 2 m c. 3 m d. 4 m
6. A jogger accelerates from rest to 3.0 m/s in 2.0 s. A car accelerates 12. A golfer hits a shot to a green that is elevated 3.0 m above the point
from 38.0 to 41.0 m/s also in 2.0 s. How much farther does the car where the ball is struck. The ball leaves the club at a speed of 14.0

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m/s at an angle of 40.0° above the horizontal. It rises to its east west west east
maximum height and then falls down to the green. Ignoring air 18. A person in a kayak starts paddling, and it accelerates from 0 to
resistance, find the speed of the ball just before it lands. 0.60 m/s in a distance of 0.41 m. If the combined mass of the person
a. 13.7 m/s b. 15.7 m/s c. 17.7 m/s d. 11.7 m/s and the kayak is 73 kg, what is the magnitude of the net force acting
13. A criminal is escaping across a rooftop and runs off the roof on the kayak?
horizontally at a speed of 5.3 m/s, hoping to land on the roof of an a. 23 N b. 32 N c. 30 N d. 20 N
adjacent building. Air resistance is negligible. The horizontal 19. Scientists are experimenting with a kind of gun that may eventually
distance between the two buildings is D, and the roof of the be used to fire payloads directly into orbit. In one test, this gun
adjacent building is 2.0 m below the jumping-off point. Find the accelerates a 5.0-kg projectile from rest to a speed of 4.0 x 103 m/s.
maximum value for D. The net force accelerating the projectile is 4.9 x 105 N. How much
a. 4.3 m b. 3.4 m c. 1.2 m d. 2.1 m time is required for the projectile to come up to speed?
14. A projectile is launched from ground level at an angle of 12.0° a. 0.031 s b. 0.021 s c. 0.051 s d. 0.041 s
above the horizontal. It returns to ground level. To what value 20. Mars has a mass of 6.46 x 1023 kg and a radius of 3.39 x 106 m.
should the launch angle be adjusted, without changing the launch What is the acceleration due to gravity on Mars?
speed, so that the range doubles? a. 5.37 m/s2 b. 3.75 m/s2 c. 7.35 m/s2 d. 5.73 m/s2
a. 22.7° b. 12.7° c. 27.2º d. 17.2° 21. A space traveler weighs 540.0 N on earth. What will the traveler
15. Two passenger trains are passing each other on adjacent tracks. weigh on another planet whose radius is twice that of earth and
Train A is moving east with a speed of 13 m/s, and train B is whose mass is three times that of earth?
traveling west with a speed of 28 m/s. What is the velocity a. 450 N b. 504 N c. 405 N d. 540 N
(magnitude and direction) of train A as seen by the passengers in 22. A spacecraft is on a journey to the moon. At what point, as
train B? Take (+) east and (-) west measured from the center of the earth, does the gravitational force
a. 41 m/s b. 31 m/s c. -41 m/s d. -31 m/s exerted on the spacecraft by the earth balance that exerted by the
16. Two passenger trains are passing each other on adjacent tracks. moon? This point lies on a line between the centers of the earth and
Train A is moving east with a speed of 13 m/s, and train B is the moon. The distance (meters) between the earth and the moon is
traveling west with a speed of 28 m/s. What is the velocity 3.85 x 108 m, and the mass of the earth is 81.4 times as great as that
(magnitude and direction) of train B as seen by the passengers in of the moon.
train A? a. 3.47x108 b. 4.37x108 c. 7.43x108 d. 5.37x108
a. 41 m/s b. 31 m/s c. -41 m/s d. -31 m/s 23. A woman stands on a scale in a moving elevator. Her mass is 60.0
17. A boat has a mass of 6800 kg. Its engines generate a drive force of kg, and the combined mass of the elevator and scale is an additional
4100 N due west, while the wind exerts a force of 800 N due east 815 kg. Starting from rest, the elevator accelerates upward. During
and the water exerts a resistive force of 1200 N due east. What are the acceleration, the hoisting cable applies a force of 9410 N. What
the magnitude and direction of the boat’s acceleration? does the scale read during the acceleration?
a. 0.31 due b. 0.31 due c. 0.13 due d. 0.13 due a. 456 N b. 546 N c. 645 N d. 564 N

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24. An 81-kg baseball player slides into second base. The coefficient of the maximum static frictional force to one-third of its dry-road
kinetic friction between the player and the ground is 0.49. If the value. If the car is to continue safely around the curve, to what
player comes to rest after 1.6 s, what was his initial velocity? speed must the driver slow the car?
a. 309 N b. 390 N c. 290 N d. 209 N a. 12 m/s b. 14 m/s c. 16 m/s d. 18 m/s
25. A car travels at a constant speed around a circular track whose 31. An 830-kg race car can drive around an unbanked turn at a
radius is 2.6 km. The car goes once around the track in 360 s. What maximum speed of 58 m/s without slipping. The turn has a radius of
is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the car? curvature of 160 m. Air flowing over the car’s wing exerts a
a. 0.89 m/s2 b. 0.69 m/s2 c. 0.99 m/s2 d. 0.79 m/s2 downward-pointing force (called the downforce) of 11 000 N on the
26. Speedboat A negotiates a curve whose radius is 120 m. Speedboat car. What is the coefficient of static friction between the track and
B negotiates a curve whose radius is 240 m. Each boat experiences the car’s tires?
the same centripetal acceleration. What is the ratio vA/vB of the a. 0.71 b. 0.61 c. 0.91 d. 0.81
speeds of the boats? 32. On a banked race track, the smallest circular path on which cars can
a. 0.61 b. 0.91 c. 0.81 d. 0.71 move has a radius of 112 m, while the largest has a radius of 165 m,
27. The blade of a windshield wiper moves through an angle of 90.0° in as the drawing illustrates. The height of the outer wall is 18 m. Find
0.40 s. The tip of the blade moves on the arc of a circle that has a the smallest speed at which cars can move on this track without
radius of 0.45 m. What is the magnitude of the centripetal relying on friction.
acceleration of the tip of the blade? a. 17 m/s b. 19 m/s c. 15 m/s d. 13 m/s
a. 9.6 m/s2 b. 8.7 m/s2 c. 6.9 m/s2 d. 7.8 m/s2 33. Two banked curves have the same radius. Curve A is banked at an
28. The earth rotates once per day about an axis passing through the angle of 13°, and curve B is banked at an angle of 19°. A car can
north and south poles, an axis that is perpendicular to the plane of travel around curve A without relying on friction at a speed of 18
the equator. Assuming the earth is a sphere with a radius of 6.38 x m/s. At what speed can this car travel around curve B without
106 m, determine centripetal acceleration (m/s2) of a person situated relying on friction?
at a latitude of 30.0º north of the equator. a. 25 m/s b. 27 m/s c. 22 m/s d. 29 m/s
a. 2.92x10-3 b. 2.92x10-2 c. 2.29x10-3 d. 2.29x10-2 34. A rocket is used to place a synchronous satellite in orbit about the
29. At an amusement park there is a ride in which cylindrically shaped earth. What is the speed of the satellite in orbit?
chambers spin around a central axis. People sit in seats facing the a. 3700 m/s b. 3070 m/s c. 3770 m/s d. 3007 m/s
axis, their backs against the outer wall. At one instant the outer wall 35. A satellite is in a circular orbit around an unknown planet. The
moves at a speed of 3.2 m/s, and an 83-kg person feels a 560-N satellite has a speed of 1.70 x 104 m/s, and the radius of the orbit is
force pressing against his back. What is the radius of the chamber? 5.25 x 106 m. A second satellite also has a circular orbit around this
a. 1.0 m b. 2.5 m c. 1.5 m d. 2.0 m same planet. The orbit of this second satellite has a radius of 8.60 x
30. A car is safely negotiating an unbanked circular turn at a speed of 106 m. What is the orbital speed (m/s) of the second satellite?
21 m/s. The road is dry, and the maximum static frictional force a. 1.33x104 b. 2.33x104 c. 3.33x104 d. 4.44x104
acts on the tires. Suddenly a long-wet patch in the road decreases 36. A satellite has a mass of 5850 kg and is in a circular orbit 4.1 x 105

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m above the surface of a planet. The period of the orbit is 2.00 distance of 22.0 m. She pushes in a direction 29.0° below the
hours. The radius of the planet is 4.15 x 106 m. What would be the horizontal. A 48.0-N frictional force opposes the motion of the cart.
true weight (N) of the satellite if it were at rest on the planet’s Determine the work done by the pushing force,
surface? a. 1600 J b. 1006 J c. 1060 J d. 1660 J
a. 2.54x104 b. 4.52x104 c. 2.45x104 d. 4.25x104 43. 2
A 1.00 x 10 -kg crate is being pushed across a horizontal floor by a
37. A 0.20-kg ball on a stick is whirled on a vertical circle at a constant force P that makes an angle of 30.0° below the horizontal. The
speed. When the ball is at the three o’clock position, the stick coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.200. What should be the
tension is 16 N. Find the tensions in the stick when the ball is at the magnitude of P so that the net work done by it and the kinetic
six o’clock positions. frictional force is zero?
a. 18 N b. 20 N c. 22 N d. 24 N a. 265 N b. 526 N c. 256 N d. 562 N
38. A stone is tied to a string (length = 1.10 m) and whirled in a circle 44. A golf club strikes a 0.045-kg golf ball in order to launch it from
at the same constant speed in two different ways. First, the circle is the tee. For simplicity, assume that the average net force applied to
horizontal and the string is nearly parallel to the ground. Next, the the ball acts parallel to the ball’s motion, has a magnitude of 6800
circle is vertical. In the vertical case the maximum tension in the N, and is in contact with the ball for a distance of 0.010 m. With
string is 15.0% larger than the tension that exists when the circle is what speed does the ball leave the club?
horizontal. Determine the speed of the stone. a. 55 m/s b. 44 m/s c. 66 m/s d. 33 m/s
a. 7.48 m/s b. 9.48 m/s c. 6.48 m/s d. 8.48 m/s 45. Starting from rest, a 1.9 x 10-4-kg flea springs straight upward.
39. A motorcycle is traveling up one side of a hill and down the other While the flea is pushing off from the ground, the ground exerts an
side. The crest of the hill is a circular arc with a radius of 45.0 m. average upward force of 0.38 N on it. This force does +2.4 x 10-4 J
Determine the maximum speed that the cycle can have while of work on the flea. What is the flea’s speed when it leaves the
moving over the crest without losing contact with the road. ground?
a. 17 m/s b. 19 m/s c. 21 m/s d. 23 m/s a. 2.6 m/s b. 1.6 m/s c. 4.6 m/s d. 3.6 m/s
40. The brakes of a truck cause it to slow down by applying a retarding 46. A 16-kg sled is being pulled along the horizontal snow-covered
force of 3.0 x 103 N to the truck over a distance of 850 m. What is ground by a horizontal force of 24 N. Starting from rest, the sled
the work done by this force on the truck? Is the work positive or attains a speed of 2.0 m/s in 8.0 m. Find the coefficient of kinetic
negative? friction between the runners of the sled and the snow.
a. -2.6x106 J b. -1.6x106 J c. -4.6x106 J d. -3.6x106 J a. 0.31 b. 0.13 c. 0.24 d. 0.42
41. A person pushes a 16.0-kg shopping cart at a constant velocity for a 47. An asteroid is moving along a straight line. A force acts along the
distance of 22.0 m. She pushes in a direction 29.0° below the displacement of the asteroid and slows it down. The asteroid has a
horizontal. A 48.0-N frictional force opposes the motion of the cart. mass of 4.5 x 104 kg, and the force causes its speed to change from
What is the magnitude of the force that the shopper exerts? 7100 to 5500 m/s. If the asteroid slows down over a distance of 1.8
a. 45.9 N b. 54.9 N c. 55.9 N d. 44.9 N x 106 m, determine the magnitude of the force.
42. A person pushes a 16.0-kg shopping cart at a constant velocity for a a. 2.5x105 N b. 3.5x105 N c. 1.5x105 N d. 4.5x105 N

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48. A 75.0-kg skier rides a 2830-m-long lift to the top of a mountain. the effects of gravity and air resistance.
The lift makes an angle of 14.6° with the horizontal. What is the a. 166 m/s b. 116 m/s c. 161 m/s d. 111 m/s
change in the skier’s gravitational potential energy? 55. A lumberjack (mass 98 kg) is standing at rest on one end of a
a. 5.24x105 J b. 4.25x105 J c. 4.24x104 J d. 4.25x104 J floating log (mass = 230 kg) that is also at rest. The lumberjack runs
49. A 35-kg girl is bouncing on a trampoline. During a certain interval to the other end of the log, attaining a velocity of 3.6 m/s relative to
after she leaves the surface of the trampoline, her kinetic energy the shore, and then hops onto an identical floating log that is
decreases to 210 J from 440 J. How high does she rise during this initially at rest. Neglect any friction and resistance between the logs
interval? Neglect air resistance. and the water. What is the velocity of the first log just before the
a. 0.76 m b. 0.89 m c. 0.67 m d. 0.98 m lumberjack jumps off?
50. A 47.0-g golf ball is driven from the tee with an initial speed of a. 2.5 m/s b. 0.5 m/s c. 1.5 m/s d. 3.5 m/s
52.0 m/s and rises to a height of 24.6 m. Neglect air resistance and 56. A hand exerciser utilizes a coiled spring. A force of 89.0 N is
determine the kinetic energy of the ball at its highest point. required to compress the spring by 0.0191 m. Determine the force
a. 55.2 J b. 25.5 J c. 22.5 J d. 52.2 J needed to compress the spring by 0.0508 m.
51. A person is making homemade ice cream. She exerts a force of a. 327 N b. 237 N c. 273 N d. 372 N
magnitude 22 N on the free end of the crank handle on the ice- 57. A 0.70-kg block is hung from and stretches a spring that is attached
cream maker, and this end moves on a circular path of radius 0.28 to the ceiling. A second block is attached to the first one, and the
m. The force is always applied parallel to the motion of the handle. amount that the spring stretches from its unstrained length triples.
If the handle is turned once every 1.3 s, what is the average power What is the mass of the second block?
being expended? a. 2.4 kg b. 3.4 kg c. 1.4 kg d. 4.4 kg
a. 10 W b. 30 W c. 20 W d. 40 W 58. A 0.015-kg bullet is fired straight up at a falling wooden block that
52. You are working out on a rowing machine. Each time you pull the has a mass of 1.8 kg. The bullet has a speed of 810 m/s when it
rowing bar (which simulates the oars) toward you, it moves a strikes the block. The block originally was dropped from rest from
distance of 1.2 m in a time of 1.5 s. The readout on the display the top of a building and has been falling for a time t when the
indicates that the average power you are producing is 82 W. What is collision with the bullet occurs. As a result of the collision, the
the magnitude of the force that you exert on the handle? block (with the bullet in it) reverses direction, rises, and comes to a
a. 150 N b. 100 N c. 125 N d. 175 N momentary halt at the top of the building. Find the time t.
53. A car accelerates uniformly from rest to 20.0 m/s in 5.6 s along a a. 0.34 s b. 0.12 s c. 0.34 s d. 0.21 s
level stretch of road. Ignoring friction, determine the average power 59. After sliding down a snow-covered hill on an inner tube, Ashley is
required to accelerate the car if the weight of the car is 9.0 x 103 N coasting across a level snowfield at a constant velocity of +2.7 m/s.
a. 44 hp b. 33 hp c. 22 hp d. 55 hp Miranda runs after her at a velocity of +4.5 m/s and hops on the
54. A model rocket is constructed with a motor that can provide a total inner tube. How fast do the two slide across the snow together on
impulse of 29.0 N s. The mass of the rocket is 0.175 kg. What is the the inner tube? Ashley’s mass is 71 kg and Miranda’s is 58 kg.
speed that this rocket achieves when launched from rest? Neglect Ignore the mass of the inner tube and any friction between the inner

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tube and the snow.

a. 2.5 m/s b. 3.5 m/s c. 1.5 m/s d. 4.5 m/s
60. Batman (mass = 91 kg) jumps straight down from a bridge into a
boat (mass = 510 kg) in which a criminal is fleeing. The velocity of
the boat is initially +11 m/s. What is the velocity of the boat after
Batman lands in it?
a. 8.3 m/s b. 10.3 m/s c. 9.3 m/s d. 7.3 m/s

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