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Shared goals- The team and family members need to know the goals for the patient so that

professionals can improve their plan and be open to the suggestions of other healthcare members to
learn more about what will effectively help the patient.

Clear roles- It is important to know our role so that we’ll know what particular task we will do and
another advantage is we can focus on our responsibilities and duties. We can attain our goals or
objectives more effectively if we understand your function.

Effective communication- Effective communication helps build a trusting relationship or rapport with
patients. Possessing good communication skills is very helpful in doing health teachings to the patients;
we need to communicate and interact with other healthcare professionals during decision-making and
planning to improve the quality of the care provided to the patients.

Measurable processes and outcomes- Measuring processes and outcomes help evaluate the
effectiveness of the care plan or interventions. It is also helpful in improving the care for patients.

Leadership- Leadership in healthcare is vital to educate and influence other members of the healthcare
team in developing their skills, autonomy, and assist them in continuous learning to deliver efficient
healthcare to patients.

Mutual Trust and Respect- We have to develop trusting relationship and show respect to our patients
and co-healthcare workers. When healthcare professionals trust and respect each other, there will be
more unity, and they can plan well how to help patients. And surely desired outcomes desired outcomes
will happen.

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