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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Las Piñas City

Learning Activity Worksheets (LAW)

Earth and Life Science
Grade 11
Name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Rating/Score_________



Directions: Read the statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, if
not, change the underlined word/s in order to make the sentence proper.

______1. Budding occurs when a new individual grows on the body of the parents
like hydra and yeast.
______2. The organism that split into two then separate into two or more organisms
undergo fission as the mode of reproduction.
______3. Flat worms (planarians) divides into two, leaving one piece headless and
the other tailless, each piece grows the missing parts in a fragmentation
type of reproduction.
______4. The development of embryos without fertilization is possible in
______ 5. Animals that undergo sexual reproduction produces offspring genetically
same to itself.

Activity 2: One Parent or Two!

Directions: Classify which animals reproduce sexually, asexually or both. Write S for
sexual, A for asexual and B for both type of reproduction on the space

1. 5.

dolphin squirrel
Image Source: Image Source:

Q2 Week 3 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 1 of 8

Target Competency: Describe the different ways of how representative animals reproduce.
2. 6.
Horse carabao
Image Source: Image Source:

3. 7.
cockroach deer
Image Source: Image Source:

4. _______8.
butterfly land snails
Image Source: Image Source:

Activity 3: Finding the Difference!

Directions: Fill up the table below with the appropriate description that best describe
the two types of fertilization. Choose your answer from the box below.

Inside fertilization of
Less number of gametes
Outside fertilization of egg cell
is released egg cell
Numerous gametes are Both male and femaleMale gametes are
released discharged in the
gametes are discharged
Cow, goat, horse, dolphin, cat, in the external female body.
bees, dragonfly, tortoise surrounding. More chances of
Offspring produced are higher Development occurs offspring survival
in number outside the body.
It occurs inside the
Few chances of survival, no body and of three
Requires high energy to
parental care, get preyed find a mate, larger types.
upon, many do not get contribution of
Frog, toad, newts, shark
fertilized. female parent only.

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Target Competency: Describe the different ways of how representative animals reproduce.



Activity 4: Knowing & Understanding Animals!

Directions: Complete the details needed by filling in a word or phrase that best
describe the given animals.

Example: Dolphin; Type of Animal: Mammal

Development of time: 12 months
No. of offspring:1
After Care: 4 to 18 months; 3 to 6 years
Fertilization: Internal
Development: Internal
Survival Rate: 97%

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Target Competency: Describe the different ways of how representative animals
Activity 5: Know Me More... How do I reproduce?
Directions: Name the type of internal development that takes place in the given
animals below. Write oviparous, viviparous, ovoviviparous on the blanks. Briefly
explain the development of the offspring inside the box.

Name of Animal Development of Offspring (young animal)

1. Diamondback rattle snake

2. Hen

3. Tarsier

Q2 Week 3 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 4 of 8

Target Competency: Describe the different ways of how representative animals reproduce.
Genetic Engineering and GMOs

Activity 1. Are you Genetically Engineered Animals?

Directions: Identify the animals whether genetically engineered or not. Choose the
animals given on the box below and write your answer on the space provided.

Sheep Cockroach Chicken Dogs Lion Fish Rats Cow Mice Goats

Genetically Engineered Animals Not Genetically Engineered Animals

Activity 2. Process of Generic Engineering

Directions: Arrange the process of genetic engineering. Use numbers 1 to 5, number 1
will serve as the first process and number 5 is the last process.

_____ 1. Introduction of cloning vector into host strain

_____ 2. Selection of recombinant progeny
_____ 3. Splicing and insertion of DNA into cloning vector
_____ 4. Extraction and purification of total cellular DNA
_____ 5. Replication and expression of recombinant DNA

Activity 3: Benefits and Risks of Genetic Engineering

Directions: Identify whether the following are benefits or risks of genetic engineering.
Put an (X) in the correct column.

Benefits Risks
1. Enhancing food production
2. Optimizing animal health and welfare
3. Risky pathogens, viruses and bacteria adapt to environment
4. Unfavorable diversity
5. Advancing human health
6. Reducing environmental impacts
7. Production of cutting-edge industrial applications
8. Less Nutritional value
9. Synthesizing human insulin
10. Resistance to antibiotics

Q2 Week 4 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 5 of 8

Target Competency: Describe the process of genetic engineering. (S11/12LT-1lej-17)
Activity 4: Facts on Genetic Engineering

Directions: Read and analyze each statement. Underline the correct answer in the

1. DNA segment or (chromosomes, gene, plasmid) is isolated from a source

organism by extracting and purifying the total cellular DNA.

2. Transformation (nonviral, viral, midviral) for bacteria and lower eukaryotes.

3. (Transduction, Conjugation, Transformation) cell-to-cell, for bacteria are all

commonly used method for gene delivery and DNA transfer.

4. DNA serves as a template for (replication, duplication, deletion) and gene

expression, and therefore, harnesses the genetic instruction required for the
functioning of all living organism.

5. In the latter part of the 20th century, the term genetic engineering refers more
specifically to methods of recombinant DNA technology or gene (transmission,
cloning, expression).

6. Genetic engineering refers to the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism’s

characteristic (phenotype, genotypes, genes) in a particular way.

7. Genetic engineering, sometimes called genetic modification, is the process of

altering the DNA in an organism’s (genes, cloning, genome).

8. Genetic engineering can be applied to any organism, from a (virus, bacteria,

microorganisms) to a sheep.

9. To help explain the process of genetic engineering we have taken the example of
(Protein, insulin, DNA) that helps regulate the level of sugar in our blood.

10. A small piece of circular DNA called a (genes, plasmid, RNA) is extracted from
the bacteria or yeast cell.

Activity 5: Current Trends of Genetic Engineering

Directions: Research at least 3 current trends of genetic engineering. Write your answer
on the space below.

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Target Competency: Describe the process of genetic engineering. (S11/12LT-1lej-17)
Activity 6. Multiple Choice Questions
Directions: Analyze the questions and write the letter of the best answer.

______1. What does GMO stand for?

A. Genetically Mutated Organism C. Genetics Modified Organism
B. Genetically Modified Organism D. Genetics Modified Organism

______2. Which of these animals have been genetically engineered to grow faster,
becoming the first animal to be modified specially for human consumption?
A. chicken B. pig C. milk fish D. salmon

______3. What causes the genetic alternations in Bt corn?

A. growth faster C. produces nutritional value
B. drought resistance D. produces a toxin that kills pests

______4. GM crops were created due to the following reasons, except?

A. Reduce food waste C. Good nutritional value
B. Disease resistance D. Insect resistance

______5. How long does it take to develop a new genetically modified crop?
A. Twenty years B. Ten years C. Five years D. One year

Activity 7: History of GMOs

Directions: Match Column A and Column B. Write the correct letter before each

_____ 1. The first GMOs in agriculture introduced in marketplace A. 2017

_____ 2. GM canola becomes commercial B. 2016
_____ 3. Human begin crop domestication using selective breeding C. 2006
_____ 4. GM apples become commercial D. 1999
_____ 5. GM papaya becomes commercial E. 1997
_____ 6. GM potatoes becomes commercial F. 1996
_____ 7. GM squash and soybeans becomes commercial G. 1995
_____ 8. GM alfalfa and sugar beets become commercial H. 1990
_____ 9. Farmers and scientist begin crossbreeding plants I. late 1800s
and species J. 1982
_____ 10. GM cotton and corn becomes commercial K. 10,000 years ago

Activity 8. Identifying GMOs

Directions: Identify the benefits and risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
Put (X) on the space provided.
Benefits Risks
1. Crops limit biodiversity of local environment
2. Solve the hunger issues in developing countries
3. Harmful to the environment
4. Modifying crops to have higher nutritional value
5. To be drought Resistant
6. Removal of traits could have unknown effects
7.Crops can produce herbicides to kill pests
8. Have a higher harvest yield
9. Cross pollination could lead to super weeds
10.Help to end the starvation

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Target Competency: Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMOs. (S11/12LT-1lej-19)
Activity 9: Explain Me
Directions: Explain the following questions and write your answer on space below.

1. Why are GM foods produced?


2. How GM foods differ from traditional foods?


3. Are GM foods safe? Yes or No. Why?


4. What are the potential risks of GM foods to human health?


Q2 Week 4 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 8 of 8

Target Competency: Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMOs. (S11/12LT-1lej-19)

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